I just want to let everyone know that was in darklight that I am so sorry, and I feel terrible for disbanding it.
thanks for that yeah i was talking to pure loser and he was wondering what happen to his faction he really enjoied it and also said he lost everything might want to ask hi about that or tell him why..
1.User Name={Your in Game name}:Loandry412
2.Power Lvl={Your Lvl on /stats}152
3.Current Rank={Your Title}Padawan
4.Questions or comments.:Rank up?
oops caps again thank you for choosing Darknesscraft.tk as your official host!
1.User Name=2225marci
2.Past administrative experience or close to.I have been a admin on many servers and i have helped people out a lot!
3.Power Lvl=about 1700
4.Current Rank=padawan
5.explain why do you want to be a staff member.I want to help the server grow and i want to help others in the game
6.Name Something you like about the server.I like that it is star wars themed cause i am a fan of Star Wars and i have watched all the movies
marco you havent been on the server mush you sure you arent a troller anyway keep us updated if you change your mine about mod if not continue to progress and we will continue to monitor your progess on our server again I would like to thank you for choosing darknesscraft as your official minecraft host!
Scavenger is broken, i died and lost 23 diamonds a full diamond set, sword, 3 almost dead diamond pcikaxes, (and a bunch of other stuff i don't care as much about) i was wondering if anything can be returned if not i'll live with it but it would be appreciated if i could get some back... thanks
Scavenger is broken, i died and lost 23 diamonds a full diamond set, sword, 3 almost dead diamond pcikaxes, (and a bunch of other stuff i don't care as much about) i was wondering if anything can be returned if not i'll live with it but it would be appreciated if i could get some back... thanks
we arent using that plugin any longer kk we have adopted a new one that just broke also so we are using a different one that has been working fine now...
Scavenger is broken, i died and lost 23 diamonds a full diamond set, sword, 3 almost dead diamond pcikaxes, (and a bunch of other stuff i don't care as much about) i was wondering if anything can be returned if not i'll live with it but it would be appreciated if i could get some back... thanks
we arent using that plugin any longer kk we have adopted a new one that just broke also so we are using a different one that has been working fine now...
quazz you have the right requirments but you have to post with the correct staff application on the front of the thread there is the original post. copy and place the application on to you comment and answer the questions.
quazz you have the right requirments but you have to post with the correct staff application on the front of the thread there is the original post. copy and place the application on to you comment and answer the questions.
Hope to hear back from you shortly.
I saw you changed the IP why vin people arent going to know how to get back here so iam going to leave this on the forums DarknessCraft and Darkness Craft also
darknesscraft.tk and darknesscraft maybe it will come on the search bar that all ok thank you for informing us about it well thats all..
thanks for that yeah i was talking to pure loser and he was wondering what happen to his faction he really enjoied it and also said he lost everything might want to ask hi about that or tell him why..
you should try and applying for moderator.
adin11b votes yes to you!
adin11b voted yes!
oops caps again thank you for choosing Darknesscraft.tk as your official host!
marco you havent been on the server mush you sure you arent a troller anyway keep us updated if you change your mine about mod if not continue to progress and we will continue to monitor your progess on our server again I would like to thank you for choosing darknesscraft as your official minecraft host!
did it ever work?
Well you have done everything an admin should be doing. So I am saying yes and all you need is 1 more vote!
You can talk to me or any of the staff that is online at the time.
U have to have 150 power to be promoted. Re apply once u have enough power
Same thing. You have to have 150 power to get promoted
You can talk to me or any of the staff that is online at the time.
aidanSB the can wither post in the forusm or the can get tp 150 so trank them all up!
ok you will be moved up a rank thank you for choosing darknesscraft as you official host!
youve been promoted sorry about thta and thank you for choosing darknesscraft as your official host!
Scavenger is broken, i died and lost 23 diamonds a full diamond set, sword, 3 almost dead diamond pcikaxes, (and a bunch of other stuff i don't care as much about) i was wondering if anything can be returned if not i'll live with it but it would be appreciated if i could get some back... thanks
You can talk to me or any of the staff that is online at the time.
we arent using that plugin any longer kk we have adopted a new one that just broke also so we are using a different one that has been working fine now...
we arent using that plugin any longer kk we have adopted a new one that just broke also so we are using a different one that has been working fine now...
it might be a problem but if anything i'll try and pm people on the forums..
quazz you have the right requirments but you have to post with the correct staff application on the front of the thread there is the original post. copy and place the application on to you comment and answer the questions.
Hope to hear back from you shortly.
I would say yes QuazzR but you havent applied furmaly try again and maybe Ill say yes another time.
Thank you for taking a special intrest in becoming staff and helping this server out.
I saw you changed the IP why vin people arent going to know how to get back here so iam going to leave this on the forums DarknessCraft and Darkness Craft also
darknesscraft.tk and darknesscraft maybe it will come on the search bar that all ok thank you for informing us about it well thats all..
Alright the newspawn has been set this should make it alittle bit more intresting shouldint it :/ hmm experiment # 1
I see thaks for letting me know.