1.name=lukejames99 2.power lvl=202 current rank=jedi accrentace
hello I dont remeber if i repplied to you but you can now be promoted in game dont have to post anymore and remember you can only rank up once per day also type /stats
1.User Name=stickers4321
2.Power level=106
3.Current Rank=Jediapprentice
Light Jedi app
Ps.power level won't be that accurate but it's either 105 or 106
2.Past administrative experience or close to= in the past few servers i've been made a moderator (like twice)
3.Power Lvl= my power level is 273. :sad.gif: hella lame but hey i'm working on it guys!
4.Current Rank= Dark Apprentice
5.explain why do you want to be a staff member= i am one of the few girls on minecraft and i'm on every day, i'm also 19 years old and know how to deal with situations properly. And another reason is whenever i'm online there is normally one or no mod on and when one is i feel like they're overwhelmed and i just want to help but of course i'm just a dark apprentice that cant really do anything. I love building, i'm actually in college attempting to be an architect, so building stuff in minecraft is so much fun for me and i would love to help build this amazing community.
6.Name Something you like about the server= YOU HAVE FREAKIN LIGHTSABERS!!! I'm a Star Wars geek thanks to my parents and when i found this server i was so excited. Minecraft + Star Wars = Nerd Heaven <3 And the current Staff has been sooooo helpful, (especially Vinilly :wink.gif:) haha plus this is the only minecraft server i've liked enough to Donate to. Granted it was only $5 but i'm a broke college student. But when i get my next allowance i will donate a little more :wink.gif:
ALRIGHTY GUYS!! i hope you consider my application i would love to be come a mod or staff and help you guys out. Feel free to email me @ [email protected] (dont laugh i made it 10 years ago) lol
1.User Name= Yuji_Sama
2.Past administrative experience or close to. I've been admin on a couple of servers, but Ive also been mod on some servers before.
3.Power Lvl= 720
4.Current Rank= Wookie
5.explain why do you want to be a staff member. I really like to play minecraft and I love Darknesscraft and I am glad that i have been able to serve as one of the lower staff members and I am really happy to help people, but I am stern when it comes to people breaking the rules. I think that the time I have spent on this server ranking myself up to be who I want to be on this server has been 5 months, and I want to be able to spend more time helping people more and getting to know all of the admins better, and I really just love to be a part of this amazing server that keeps growing. I try my hardest to help out, but I admit that I do get sidetracked, but I really love how friendly everybody is and I think that while playing this have matured a lot by playing minecraft on this server (I know how sad that sounds, but it is true) and I really would enjoy to get to know would like to get to know everyone better than I already do.
6.Name Something you like about the server. I just love everything about the server, from the people to the land to the admins, and I wish that I could be a part of this ever growing server more than I already am, and thank you admins for taking the time to read this, Sincerely ~Yuji
power level-995
Power Level 1001
Current Rank Jediapprentice
hey peoples nice server.fun want to be a jedi apprentice
ok splat you no longer have to post on the forums you can ask an admin in game for promotion and you can only get promoted once aday!
hello I dont remeber if i repplied to you but you can now be promoted in game dont have to post anymore and remember you can only rank up once per day also type /stats
2.Power level=106
3.Current Rank=Jediapprentice
Light Jedi app
Ps.power level won't be that accurate but it's either 105 or 106
Power level:1088
current rank: JediApprentice
QuazzR you know longer have to post tio rank all be done in game.
Power Level: 300
Current rank: JediApprentice
Can i please Rank upto lightjedi?
BTW! Whats good about being a light jedi? :smile.gif:
replaying to this post you have been rank to jediapprentice good luck!
I aprove. congrats tabz
2.Past administrative experience or close to. I've been admin on a couple of servers, but Ive also been mod on some servers before.
3.Power Lvl= 720
4.Current Rank= Wookie
5.explain why do you want to be a staff member. I really like to play minecraft and I love Darknesscraft and I am glad that i have been able to serve as one of the lower staff members and I am really happy to help people, but I am stern when it comes to people breaking the rules. I think that the time I have spent on this server ranking myself up to be who I want to be on this server has been 5 months, and I want to be able to spend more time helping people more and getting to know all of the admins better, and I really just love to be a part of this amazing server that keeps growing. I try my hardest to help out, but I admit that I do get sidetracked, but I really love how friendly everybody is and I think that while playing this have matured a lot by playing minecraft on this server (I know how sad that sounds, but it is true) and I really would enjoy to get to know would like to get to know everyone better than I already do.
6.Name Something you like about the server. I just love everything about the server, from the people to the land to the admins, and I wish that I could be a part of this ever growing server more than I already am, and thank you admins for taking the time to read this, Sincerely ~Yuji
Deadman, what rank are you applying for exactly?
iv bine Admin
Power level 1268
current rank light jedi
Accepted :biggrin.gif: Good luck!!
What exactly are you applying for?
hey peoples nice server.fun want to be a jedi apprentice
I Accept Your Request To Become A Jedi Apprentice So Have Fun Buddy :smile.gif:
Im sorry but you need to be the level 150