Hey, I was banned, and it wont let me post a ban appeal on your website, so I will post it here;
Ban Appeal;
Why was I banned?: I was banned for being disrespectful, especially after Miss Kamikaze was being very nice to me. I know I wasn't liked as soon as I joined the server, but Miss Kamikaze still treated me fairly, and I'm grateful for that.
Why should this be accepted?: I'd like to come back on and redeem myself.
I understand if you deny my ban appeal, because of my association with "that server", but hopefully we can put our differences aside! Thanks for taking your time into reading this!
The website is up now. And if you are going to post here please use the propper format.
In game name: Merajur
When were you banned?: Not exactly sure, but a little before Christmas
Who issued your ban?: Bearyne or Miss Kamikaze
Rank on the server when banned: Lowest, just started
What was the reason you were banned?: For being disrespectful, which was quite out of order, considering Miss Kamikaze was being nice to me and showing me around
Was the banning justified?: Yes
Have you removed all illegals mods?: lol don't use them anyway
How do we know you wont offend again?: Well, I felt kinda bad for being mean when Kamikaze was being really nice.
Any addition info?: When I joined, I said I was a staff member from Lockdown Prison, and Bearnye said "then leave", not sure whether he was joking or not, but that's when I got mad and got abusive. I was kinda lost on the server, and Miss Kamikaze was nice enough to show me around, even knowing from "where I came from". So thank you Miss Kamikaze ^.^
I know the chances of you accepting this is slim, but thanks for taking your time into reading this!
May I say something?
Just because someone is a Warden on an "enemy" server just because the Owner betrayed DDTS doesn't mean they shouldn't get a chance to play. I realize that was MsVerita did was very dire, but just because a member from their comes on doesn't mean they should be told to get off. Bearnye, at least give the kid a chance. Telling them to get off is the reason why they are banned now. I vote to unban the fella, and for Wardens to be nicer to the kid, even if he is from Lockdown.
In game name:brandonfish9999
What is your timezone?:
[center]What times can you guard?:9:00pm to 10:00 pm
[center]Do you have experience with prison themed servers?:yes
Do you have any experience guarding?:yes
What makes you the best selection for guard?:beacause i can help the server to and people
Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?:yes
[center]What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?:block 3 sadly i cant put photo but i swar that im in block 3
Any additional info:no
ummm you might want to revise your guard application
In game name: Merajur
When were you banned?: Not exactly sure, but a little before Christmas
Who issued your ban?: Bearyne or Miss Kamikaze
Rank on the server when banned: Lowest, just started
What was the reason you were banned?: For being disrespectful, which was quite out of order, considering Miss Kamikaze was being nice to me and showing me around
Was the banning justified?: Yes
Have you removed all illegals mods?: lol don't use them anyway
How do we know you wont offend again?: Well, I felt kinda bad for being mean when Kamikaze was being really nice.
Any addition info?: When I joined, I said I was a staff member from Lockdown Prison, and Bearnye said "then leave", not sure whether he was joking or not, but that's when I got mad and got abusive. I was kinda lost on the server, and Miss Kamikaze was nice enough to show me around, even knowing from "where I came from". So thank you Miss Kamikaze ^.^
I know the chances of you accepting this is slim, but thanks for taking your time into reading this!
Please post all ban appeals on our server website.
Congratulations to Nickorator, our newest TrGuard!
Contact me or another Warden in-game to be promoted.
In game name: Merajur
When were you banned?: Not exactly sure, but a little before Christmas
Who issued your ban?: Bearyne or Miss Kamikaze
Rank on the server when banned: Lowest, just started
What was the reason you were banned?: For being disrespectful, which was quite out of order, considering Miss Kamikaze was being nice to me and showing me around
Was the banning justified?: Yes
Have you removed all illegals mods?: lol don't use them anyway
How do we know you wont offend again?: Well, I felt kinda bad for being mean when Kamikaze was being really nice.
Any addition info?: When I joined, I said I was a staff member from Lockdown Prison, and Bearnye said "then leave", not sure whether he was joking or not, but that's when I got mad and got abusive. I was kinda lost on the server, and Miss Kamikaze was nice enough to show me around, even knowing from "where I came from". So thank you Miss Kamikaze ^.^
I know the chances of you accepting this is slim, but thanks for taking your time into reading this!
... I am a guard and I had just gotten killed so I respawned and hit the Tr Guard kit sign. Then it said, "Don't spam command." or something and kicked me. Now I get this if I try and join back. What the heck happened?
It kicks you for spam, even if you are guard. It stinks that if you click on a command sign more than twice, you can't get in for like 2 mins
Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes
Do you have any experience guarding?: I would say I do but it depends on what you guys consider Guarding
What makes you the best selection for guard?:I am an honors student and I sing and i play alto sax in the marching band and concert band at my school. I will make sure the rules are followed and enforced. and i will also not abuse my position.
Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?:
Yes multiple times and i read them everyday to refresh myself of them.
[center]What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?:yes Here is proof of my rank:http://assets-cloud....nal/1448026.jpg and plz do not go anywhere else on this link it is for rank proof only and the right pic is the one whee my rank is block 2.
Any additional info: I will be a honest and loyal guard to DDTS. I will not abuse my power as a higher rank and i think i am a good choice for guard because this will be a great learning experience. If i don't make guard then i understand but honestly people have recommended me for many op positions on other servers. I was banned from one server because my stupid friend got butt hurt when i accidentally destroyed his monster spawner. Cyan is AFK
In game name: MIA_Rambo Current Rank:Free/Donor What is your timezone?: EST Age: 19 How long have you been playing the server?: 7 months Have you ever been banned/muted?: I was muted all of one time and temp banned once. If so, why? I was having issues with my caps lock button and it got me muted. I was temp banned for making a one by one tower and forgetting to take it down. What makes you the best choice for moderator?: I am very active in the chat. I notice when people do thing they aren't supposed to be doing in the chat. I can also be on at times when no other chat mod is on. For Example, the middle of weekdays when most people are at school. I am a kind person, being friendly to everyone. I'm well known and trusted by many on the server. I have a great reputation among the server. I can do this job effectively and help maintain order among the server chat. I am very dedicated to this server. Any additional info:Cyan is AFK I can be on everyday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 AM-2:30 PM and 8:30 PM to Midnight EST. Tuesday and Thursday 10 AM-12:15 PM and 3 PM- Midnight EST. The Weekend times vary.
In game name:trfrace
What is your timezone?:Est
What times can you guard?: 17:00/5:00pm - 21:00/9:00 pm
Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes
Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes
What makes you the best selection for guard?: I have a flexible schedule for the most part and I can be very helpful to players
Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?:Yes
What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free and yes I understand
Any additional info: Cyan is AFK.
How long have you been playing the server?: October 11, 2012
Have you ever been banned/muted?: No I have not.
If so, why?: Have not been banned or muted.
What makes you the best choice for moderator?: I will be a great chat moderator for DDTS. I am already a staff on my alt (Beanzanator) so I know almost all the staff. I know how to respect players and other staff members. I am available on weekdays after school which is about 2:30 and through the night. On weekends I can be on for most of the days but I do have one or two sporting events over the weekend and usually two over the weekdays. I have been on this server for quite a while and know how chat mods work and do their thing. I know commands like mute and ban and I know all offenses for chat. I can type pretty quickly so I can respond to situations quickly. I have experience with commands, not the same with guard. I won't abuse any of my commands and ask any questions to wardens or other chat mods if I need help. I know pretty much all curse words so I will know when to respond. I also am very strong in the english language.
Any additional info: I will really love being in the staff but being able to roam the world and do my own things with my friends and clan members. I really do hope i get accepted and I would really love taking my time to keep DDTS chat clean.
[center]In game name: Bikerat
Current Rank: Free, UberDonor, Elder
What is your timezone?: EST
Age: 19
How long have you been playing the server?: I think a year and half now maybe a little more I took a 3 month break
Have you ever been banned/muted?: Muted a few times, Never banned.
If so, why?: Caps mainly.
What makes you the best choice for moderator?:I'm active (now), I actually care about the server (Enough to donate 100$) I have a very strong command of the English language also getting a Microphone tomorrow (Applying as of 2/12/13), and I'm quite famous on the server, most people reconginze and respect me for my rank and play time. I've know every admin, and I think I'm "decently" liked among the staff, I complain a little too much but other then that I'm a pretty good choice for mod.
Any additional info: This is my solem swear to be a active and not overly obsessive mod, If theres a extended period of time I'm not on, My grandmother developed cancer and I do assit her on weekends when her nurse takes time off. That would possibly be the only time I'm not on. Thanks for reading
Experience Guarding: Yes, I have extensive experience. I am willing and able to aid any in need.
Have You Read All The Rules: Yes, of course
Current Rank: Free
What makes you the best selection for guard: I have made my presence known to staff and users alike. I have come up with rank and build ideas passed along to Wardens. I am good at PvP and am willing to aid any in need. I find myself very personable and am prepared to enforce any and all rules with diligence.
Extra Info: I have suggested a variety of ideas to Wardens such as a new rank known as "Merchant" which has received positive reviews thus far. From almost the beginning of a server until it closed, I worked my way up from Default to Co-Owner and provided extensive care and compassion to all those on the server. I provided more than sufficient build and administrative support to the server. I hope to be at the side of the greats like s0cc3r and others.
Just because someone is a Warden on an "enemy" server just because the Owner betrayed DDTS doesn't mean they shouldn't get a chance to play. I realize that was MsVerita did was very dire, but just because a member from their comes on doesn't mean they should be told to get off. Bearnye, at least give the kid a chance. Telling them to get off is the reason why they are banned now. I vote to unban the fella, and for Wardens to be nicer to the kid, even if he is from Lockdown.
Please post all ban appeals on our server website.
GRATZ Nickorator you will make a Great Guard
Congrats to our newest guard!
Gratz Nick! Have fun =)
What is your timezone?:
Do you have any experience guarding?: I would say I do but it depends on what you guys consider Guarding
What makes you the best selection for guard?:I am an honors student and I sing and i play alto sax in the marching band and concert band at my school. I will make sure the rules are followed and enforced. and i will also not abuse my position.
Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?:
[center]What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?:yes Here is proof of my rank:http://assets-cloud....nal/1448026.jpg and plz do not go anywhere else on this link it is for rank proof only and the right pic is the one whee my rank is block 2.
Any additional info: I will be a honest and loyal guard to DDTS. I will not abuse my power as a higher rank and i think i am a good choice for guard because this will be a great learning experience. If i don't make guard then i understand but honestly people have recommended me for many op positions on other servers. I was banned from one server because my stupid friend got butt hurt when i accidentally destroyed his monster spawner.
Cyan is AFK
Current Rank:Free/Donor
What is your timezone?: EST
Age: 19
How long have you been playing the server?: 7 months
Have you ever been banned/muted?: I was muted all of one time and temp banned once. If so, why? I was having issues with my caps lock button and it got me muted. I was temp banned for making a one by one tower and forgetting to take it down.
What makes you the best choice for moderator?: I am very active in the chat. I notice when people do thing they aren't supposed to be doing in the chat. I can also be on at times when no other chat mod is on. For Example, the middle of weekdays when most people are at school. I am a kind person, being friendly to everyone. I'm well known and trusted by many on the server. I have a great reputation among the server. I can do this job effectively and help maintain order among the server chat. I am very dedicated to this server.
Any additional info: Cyan is AFK
I can be on everyday. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8 AM-2:30 PM and 8:30 PM to Midnight EST. Tuesday and Thursday 10 AM-12:15 PM and 3 PM- Midnight EST. The Weekend times vary.
In game name:trfrace
What is your timezone?:Est
What times can you guard?: 17:00/5:00pm - 21:00/9:00 pm
Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes
Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes
What makes you the best selection for guard?: I have a flexible schedule for the most part and I can be very helpful to players
Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?:Yes
What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free and yes I understand
Any additional info: Cyan is AFK.
Congrats! Welcome to the Tr Guard $\/\/@G Club.
We're not that far behind 1,000 now! <3
Its insane how fast the pages have gone by... when I joined we were only around Page 230 O.o
In game name: coolbeanz123
Current Rank: Free
What is your timezone?: USA EST
Age: 12
How long have you been playing the server?: October 11, 2012
Have you ever been banned/muted?: No I have not.
If so, why?: Have not been banned or muted.
What makes you the best choice for moderator?: I will be a great chat moderator for DDTS. I am already a staff on my alt (Beanzanator) so I know almost all the staff. I know how to respect players and other staff members. I am available on weekdays after school which is about 2:30 and through the night. On weekends I can be on for most of the days but I do have one or two sporting events over the weekend and usually two over the weekdays. I have been on this server for quite a while and know how chat mods work and do their thing. I know commands like mute and ban and I know all offenses for chat. I can type pretty quickly so I can respond to situations quickly. I have experience with commands, not the same with guard. I won't abuse any of my commands and ask any questions to wardens or other chat mods if I need help. I know pretty much all curse words so I will know when to respond. I also am very strong in the english language.
Any additional info: I will really love being in the staff but being able to roam the world and do my own things with my friends and clan members. I really do hope i get accepted and I would really love taking my time to keep DDTS chat clean.
[center]In game name: Bikerat
Current Rank: Free, UberDonor, Elder
What is your timezone?: EST
Age: 19
How long have you been playing the server?: I think a year and half now maybe a little more I took a 3 month break
Have you ever been banned/muted?: Muted a few times, Never banned.
If so, why?: Caps mainly.
What makes you the best choice for moderator?:I'm active (now), I actually care about the server (Enough to donate 100$) I have a very strong command of the English language also getting a Microphone tomorrow (Applying as of 2/12/13), and I'm quite famous on the server, most people reconginze and respect me for my rank and play time. I've know every admin, and I think I'm "decently" liked among the staff, I complain a little too much but other then that I'm a pretty good choice for mod.
Any additional info: This is my solem swear to be a active and not overly obsessive mod, If theres a extended period of time I'm not on, My grandmother developed cancer and I do assit her on weekends when her nurse takes time off. That would possibly be the only time I'm not on. Thanks for reading
Have You Read All The Rules: Yes, of course
Current Rank: Free
What makes you the best selection for guard: I have made my presence known to staff and users alike. I have come up with rank and build ideas passed along to Wardens. I am good at PvP and am willing to aid any in need. I find myself very personable and am prepared to enforce any and all rules with diligence.
Extra Info: I have suggested a variety of ideas to Wardens such as a new rank known as "Merchant" which has received positive reviews thus far. From almost the beginning of a server until it closed, I worked my way up from Default to Co-Owner and provided extensive care and compassion to all those on the server. I provided more than sufficient build and administrative support to the server. I hope to be at the side of the greats like s0cc3r and others.
'Til we mine again,