I EXTREMELY recomend Luke7778 for being a guard he is very good at PvP and always follows the rules.
In-game Name: Luke7778
Why do you want to be a guard: Because I want enforce the rules and stop the people who don't work and just kill other people for stuff and well just help the other guards (Also I'm not becoming guard for advanteges or revenge)
Time Zone:Um.. Idk but I live in Bc, Canada so I think its pacific time?
How often do you play: Around like 1-3 hours everyday
Did you vote for us on Minestatus at Link Removed: Everyday since I started playing this server
Note:I am fairly good at pvp and I follw rules well and have experience in jail servers
I am already a guard on your server at present.
I have seen that there are a lot of normal guards.
Especially as i have seen that Netami is now a admin i could be a great help
If you are ever looking for a few Sr. Guards.
I can definitively help!!
I play around 4 hours a day.
IGN: frietman3
PS. This is not to be whining, just offering
Yes, we are looking for Senior Guard(s). But Normally, we choose them based of recommendations from Sr guards and Wardens. But you will still be considered as will all of the other guards.
To all the people that vote everyday thank you so much, I was on the server when we reached 400 Votes. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to vote and for all your support :biggrin.gif:
To all the people that vote everyday thank you so much, I was on the server when we reached 400 Votes. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to vote and for all your support :biggrin.gif:
To all the people that vote everyday thank you so much, I was on the server when we reached 400 Votes. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to vote and for all your support :biggrin.gif:
There has been chat about people dying from fire and some saying it was Bugsy. I have proof that it was him:
The guy on the left.
[EDIT] Apparently he fell down in mine 2 and died so i gathered his stuff and disposed of what was prohibited. (The lava bucket and his diamond sword) However, he may still have spares.
Yes i do use a minimap but i dont use it for cheating. (I even asked if it was ok)
There has been chat about people dying from fire and some saying it was Bugsy. I have proof that it was him:
The guy on the left.
[EDIT] Apparently he fell down in mine 2 and died so i gathered his stuff and disposed of what was prohibited. (The lava bucket and his diamond sword) However, he may still have spares.
Yes i do use a minimap but i dont use it for cheating. (I even asked if it was ok)
Like Kelly said, please take a picture of you saying something, not just the door at block A :smile.gif:
What exactly are you trying to show here?
What he is means is
That person on the "left side" on the screen is holding a lava bucket..
He using it to kill players in the safe zones
As i know from one of the "wardens" lava buckets is insant ban?
EDIT ohh yeah , he was doing it in all mine(he is rank 0?) , he even used it on me but lucky i log out.
EDIT#2 i found another trap set in block1(I destroyed the furnace then the lava came out , crafting table was there too).
That person on the "left side" on the screen is holding a lava bucket..
He using it to kill players in the safe zones
As i know from one of the "wardens" lava buckets is insant ban?
EDIT ohh yeah , he was doing it in all mine(he is rank 0?) , he even used it on me but lucky i log out.
EDIT#2 i found another trap set in block1(I destroyed the furnace then the lava came out , crafting table was there too).
I am already a guard on your server at present.
I have seen that there are a lot of normal guards.
Especially as i have seen that Netami is now a admin i could be a great help
If you are ever looking for a few Sr. Guards.
I can definitively help!!
I play around 4 hours a day.
IGN: frietman3
PS. This is not to be whining, just offering
In-game Name: Luke7778
Why do you want to be a guard: Because I want enforce the rules and stop the people who don't work and just kill other people for stuff and well just help the other guards (Also I'm not becoming guard for advanteges or revenge)
Time Zone:Um.. Idk but I live in Bc, Canada so I think its pacific time?
How often do you play: Around like 1-3 hours everyday
Did you vote for us on Minestatus at Link Removed: Everyday since I started playing this server
Note:I am fairly good at pvp and I follw rules well and have experience in jail servers
Click or it will die!
Yes, we are looking for Senior Guard(s). But Normally, we choose them based of recommendations from Sr guards and Wardens. But you will still be considered as will all of the other guards.
please stop spamming this section of the forums sadly we can't mute you here
Click or it will die!
I have already reported one of your posts and got it deleted. Must i report all of them? >_>
To block 2 please
We have to see you typing something and your tag representing your block status, we also dont know your IGN.. :unsure.gif:
Lol I'm the piggy :biggrin.gif:
LOOK I'm the guy in the back!
There has been chat about people dying from fire and some saying it was Bugsy. I have proof that it was him:
The guy on the left.
[EDIT] Apparently he fell down in mine 2 and died so i gathered his stuff and disposed of what was prohibited. (The lava bucket and his diamond sword) However, he may still have spares.
Yes i do use a minimap but i dont use it for cheating. (I even asked if it was ok)
Like Kelly said, please take a picture of you saying something, not just the door at block A :smile.gif:
What exactly are you trying to show here?
What he is means is
That person on the "left side" on the screen is holding a lava bucket..
He using it to kill players in the safe zones
As i know from one of the "wardens" lava buckets is insant ban?
EDIT ohh yeah , he was doing it in all mine(he is rank 0?) , he even used it on me but lucky i log out.
EDIT#2 i found another trap set in block1(I destroyed the furnace then the lava came out , crafting table was there too).
did you say before that you needed a new logo?
lol, thanks
Ah, now i see the lava bucket.
No worries, he was banned anyway for different reasons.
I believe AYF is making us a new logo, if not i will contact you.
Also Bugsybugsy has been banned.