In-game Name:p41
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to be guard so i can help out the server
Time Zone:Central Time
How often do you play:Often
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
In-game Name: Peanut530
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly.
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
In-game Name: willreid
Why do you want to be a guard: First off, I love your sever. My first application was rather crappy, so I'm applying again. I'm getting kinda annoyed that half the time when I log on, there's no guards, so theres always a huge riot going on in block three. For the interest of all the players who seem to be on when I am and not many other guards are, I would like to become one.
Time Zone: EST
How often do you play: Again, depends on homework, commitments, etc., but if I could I'd spend all night on this server. Usually I only have about 45 minutes to an hour.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yup, and I'm gonna go do it again.
In-game Name:ritthalert
Why do you want to be a guard:to keep the server fun
Time Zone:us Mid
How often do you play: 5-6 days a wk
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:yes
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to experience a new point of view from this prison. As a prisoner there isn't
much PvP most of the time but I still like to solve their problems. I have been recommended more then once for guard on a server but I never made it too far. But well aware I know how to deal with fights and cheaters. I hope to be helping around the prison and be a loyal member of prison staff.I hope this application shows I really am wanting to be a new guard to do my duties around the prison.
Time Zone:WST
How often do you play:I play a lot on the weekends and for about 5 maybe 6 hours on week days
In-game Name: Bubba_Josh
Why do you want to be a guard: I would like to be a gaurd to help enforce the rules of the game and make sure the community stays safe. And sense i play a lot it will keep the server safe all day around!
Time Zone: Pacific
How often do you play: 7-12 hours a day
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes sir!
In-game Name: Peanut530
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly. ps I LOVE YOUR SERVER<3 if i had money i would donate!
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
In-game Name: killaapple
Why do you want to be a guard: I feel we need more guards at night and i stay up all night
Time Zone: Central
How often do you play: All day EveryDay
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: a long time ago
In Game Name: ritthalert
Daily Play time: 1-2hrs
Time Zone: Us Mid
How long have you played on the server?: 2 days
What makes you best choice for chief?: I want to be able to make this server better
How long have you played on the server?: The 4th day it was up
What makes you best choice for chief?: I can follow orders well, I can code (permissions, configure plugins, etc), I'm on all the time, and I get things done
How long have you played on the server?: Awhile now not sure on exact time
What makes you best choice for chief?: I'm extremely kind to everyone on the server and i'm also asking to see if i can be a coder so i was thinking maybe this could help me possibly get the job to be a coder? Well i've mad alot of friends on the server and i think id be a rather nice admin of the server like the rest of all you guys. And since i play all the time i think that could help you guys for people who lost money or need any help. Also, i'm taking coding for the 3rd year in college, first year in college 2 years in highschool so i also know how to code very well along with that i've coded another minecraft server and a warcraft 3 map. Well I hope you guys pick me :happy.gif:
In Game Name: Peanut530
Daily Play time: 6+ Hours
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (-4 GMT)
How long have you played on the server?: I have played on the server for over a week.
What makes you best choice for chief?: Why am i best choice for chief? I OBEY the RULES. I have seen time and time again with Guards abusing their powers, and jailing/killing players for absolutely no reason. Its like Really? Why do you ask for higher ranks when you will abuse your powers? I also wish to help new players and Guards with the ropes of the server, assisting them and letting them know what they can and cannot do. I love this server, and the people on it do too. I hope you read this application with the best intentions to choose a new Chief. If you do not choose me, I will keep trying, and i wish the best of luck to anyone else applying for Guard/Chief. Have a great day <3
In Game Name:cdss5
Daily Play time:allot 3 hrs
Time Zone:central us
How long have you played on the server?:about a month
What makes you best choice for chief?:i was sr guard untill kelly went apeshit and demoted me and then everyone hated me but i think there should be more cheifs and i thing a guard would be a good one
In-game Name: Peanut530
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly. ps I LOVE YOUR SERVER<3 if i had money i would donate!
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
In-game Name:Danboe295
Why do you want to be a guard:Too many people with swords.
Time Zone:EST
How often do you play:1+ hours
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
But I dont want to be guard until I become free I will edit this when I do Thanks :biggrin.gif:
In-game Name:gutZslayer
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to be apart of this server awesome staff
Time Zone:Central Time
How often do you play:A lot
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:I didnt get the chance
because my brother already voted but as soon as i can i will
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to be guard so i can help out the server
Time Zone:Central Time
How often do you play:Often
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly.
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
Why do you want to be a guard: First off, I love your sever. My first application was rather crappy, so I'm applying again. I'm getting kinda annoyed that half the time when I log on, there's no guards, so theres always a huge riot going on in block three. For the interest of all the players who seem to be on when I am and not many other guards are, I would like to become one.
Time Zone: EST
How often do you play: Again, depends on homework, commitments, etc., but if I could I'd spend all night on this server. Usually I only have about 45 minutes to an hour.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yup, and I'm gonna go do it again.
Why do you want to be a guard:to keep the server fun
Time Zone:us Mid
How often do you play: 5-6 days a wk
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:yes
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to experience a new point of view from this prison. As a prisoner there isn't
much PvP most of the time but I still like to solve their problems. I have been recommended more then once for guard on a server but I never made it too far. But well aware I know how to deal with fights and cheaters. I hope to be helping around the prison and be a loyal member of prison staff.I hope this application shows I really am wanting to be a new guard to do my duties around the prison.
Time Zone:WST
How often do you play:I play a lot on the weekends and for about 5 maybe 6 hours on week days
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
Why do you want to be a guard: I would like to be a gaurd to help enforce the rules of the game and make sure the community stays safe. And sense i play a lot it will keep the server safe all day around!
Time Zone: Pacific
How often do you play: 7-12 hours a day
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes sir!
Sorry, dont mean to complain, but I can log onto other servers with no problem. Did you try tping me?
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly. ps I LOVE YOUR SERVER<3 if i had money i would donate!
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
Why do you want to be a guard: I feel we need more guards at night and i stay up all night
Time Zone: Central
How often do you play: All day EveryDay
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: a long time ago
Cyan you'll never know now >: D
Why I want to be a guard: TO many peoples!!!
Time Zone: CST
How often do you play: all teh timez!!!
Vote On MineStatus: YES u are epicnessess
Daily Play time: 1-2hrs
Time Zone: Us Mid
How long have you played on the server?: 2 days
What makes you best choice for chief?: I want to be able to make this server better
In Game Name: bluelight51
Daily Play time: Around 5-6 hours
Time Zone: UTC−05
How long have you played on the server?: The 4th day it was up
What makes you best choice for chief?: I can follow orders well, I can code (permissions, configure plugins, etc), I'm on all the time, and I get things done
In Game Name: Tylerfinn3
Daily Play time: 6-7 hours
Time Zone: Us central
How long have you played on the server?: Awhile now not sure on exact time
What makes you best choice for chief?: I'm extremely kind to everyone on the server and i'm also asking to see if i can be a coder so i was thinking maybe this could help me possibly get the job to be a coder? Well i've mad alot of friends on the server and i think id be a rather nice admin of the server like the rest of all you guys. And since i play all the time i think that could help you guys for people who lost money or need any help. Also, i'm taking coding for the 3rd year in college, first year in college 2 years in highschool so i also know how to code very well along with that i've coded another minecraft server and a warcraft 3 map. Well I hope you guys pick me :happy.gif:
Daily Play time: 6+ Hours
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (-4 GMT)
How long have you played on the server?: I have played on the server for over a week.
What makes you best choice for chief?: Why am i best choice for chief? I OBEY the RULES. I have seen time and time again with Guards abusing their powers, and jailing/killing players for absolutely no reason. Its like Really? Why do you ask for higher ranks when you will abuse your powers? I also wish to help new players and Guards with the ropes of the server, assisting them and letting them know what they can and cannot do. I love this server, and the people on it do too. I hope you read this application with the best intentions to choose a new Chief. If you do not choose me, I will keep trying, and i wish the best of luck to anyone else applying for Guard/Chief. Have a great day <3
In Game Name:cdss5
Daily Play time:allot 3 hrs
Time Zone:central us
How long have you played on the server?:about a month
What makes you best choice for chief?:i was sr guard untill kelly went apeshit and demoted me and then everyone hated me but i think there should be more cheifs and i thing a guard would be a good one
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to stop people from breaking the rules on the server and protect the world to keep things running smoothly. ps I LOVE YOUR SERVER<3 if i had money i would donate!
Time Zone: Standard Eastern Time (-4 GMT)
How often do you play: I play around 6+ hours a day.
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes!
Why do you want to be a guard:Too many people with swords.
Time Zone:EST
How often do you play:1+ hours
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
But I dont want to be guard until I become free I will edit this when I do Thanks :biggrin.gif:
Why do you want to be a guard:I want to be apart of this server awesome staff
Time Zone:Central Time
How often do you play:A lot
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:I didnt get the chance
because my brother already voted but as soon as i can i will