I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave forever. Thanks to MikeySchaum and rouing. I lent all my money to KellyRoma and she will keep all of it. To anyone who will miss me just give mikey a short mad note.
I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave forever. Thanks to MikeySchaum and rouing. I lent all my money to KellyRoma and she will keep all of it. To anyone who will miss me just give mikey a short mad note.
Uh not sure what you expected us to do. You gave your money to someone who's not an admin, and she doesn't pay it back. There's no way we could possibly solve that situation, next time be more careful with your money. Also, are you angry at the admins because they did not refund your money? We had no idea of any of it, so clearly we couldn't refund it.
I just wanted to say goodbye before I leave forever. Thanks to MikeySchaum and rouing. I lent all my money to KellyRoma and she will keep all of it. To anyone who will miss me just give mikey a short mad note.
Thanks, we really appreciate the feedback. We hope you're enjoying yourselves as much as we are.
Uh not sure what you expected us to do. You gave your money to someone who's not an admin, and she doesn't pay it back. There's no way we could possibly solve that situation, next time be more careful with your money. Also, are you angry at the admins because they did not refund your money? We had no idea of any of it, so clearly we couldn't refund it.
Ok cyan ur getting the story ALL wrong. Mikey is messing with kellys stuff and I play jokesa about it. He gets annoyed and he says stop. I stop, so then he mutes me smites me and then bans me. I gave kelly 30k before I left so i wouldnt waste it. Oh and btw srry I didnt explain enough in the first post...
In-game Name:SalmonBoy32
Why do you want to be a guard:I love to enforce the rules and great at following the rules!
Time Zone:Western Washington
How often do you play:Lots
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
In-game Name: kingjammy
Why do you want to be a guard: cause i really wanted to be one but the others said no
Time Zone: eastern
How often do you play: a lot
Did you vote for us on Minestatus yes
In-game Name: emitch
Why do you want to be a guard: Because i am very responsible and i would love to keep the prsion at peace.
Time Zone: Pacific standard
How often do you play: Every day for at least and hour
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Probably
In-game Name: GoHumpAMoose
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to protect people from pvpers and I want to keep order in the server.
Time Zone: CST
How often do you play: 2 hours on weekdays and way more on weekends
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes
In-game Name:Jsnick
Why do you want to be a guard:to help jail bad players with swords and help any way i can on server to make it better
Time Zone:United States, Oregon
How often do you play:About 4-9 hours a day
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:No, i tried to but i couldnt find it, after i find link ill be happy to vote it seems like a pretty fun server
Sorry I forgot u o.o The only people online that were Senior-Chief was cyan and Mike. I fixed it
It's looking good, also, we're gonna upgrade soon if we can get a little more in donations.
More player slots, less lag, more fun for all :biggrin.gif:
trololol :3
Keep up the good work Admins!!
Hopefully I can donate soon but being an Adolescent and getting money is difficult.
Anyways, again I love this server. I've been playing nonstop.
If only school didn't exist~
You really helped me out!
Thanks, we really appreciate the feedback. We hope you're enjoying yourselves as much as we are.
Uh not sure what you expected us to do. You gave your money to someone who's not an admin, and she doesn't pay it back. There's no way we could possibly solve that situation, next time be more careful with your money. Also, are you angry at the admins because they did not refund your money? We had no idea of any of it, so clearly we couldn't refund it.
Ok cyan ur getting the story ALL wrong. Mikey is messing with kellys stuff and I play jokesa about it. He gets annoyed and he says stop. I stop, so then he mutes me smites me and then bans me. I gave kelly 30k before I left so i wouldnt waste it. Oh and btw srry I didnt explain enough in the first post...
Why do you want to be a guard:I love to enforce the rules and great at following the rules!
Time Zone:Western Washington
How often do you play:Lots
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:Yes
Why do you want to be a guard: cause i really wanted to be one but the others said no
Time Zone: eastern
How often do you play: a lot
Did you vote for us on Minestatus yes
Why do you want to be a guard: Because i am very responsible and i would love to keep the prsion at peace.
Time Zone: Pacific standard
How often do you play: Every day for at least and hour
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Probably
Also, we should upgrade at the latest Saturday. Most likely tomorrow evening. If we get more donations today then we'll do it tonight.
Why do you want to be a guard: I want to protect people from pvpers and I want to keep order in the server.
Time Zone: CST
How often do you play: 2 hours on weekdays and way more on weekends
Did you vote for us on Minestatus: Yes
Why do you want to be a guard:to help jail bad players with swords and help any way i can on server to make it better
Time Zone:United States, Oregon
How often do you play:About 4-9 hours a day
Did you vote for us on Minestatus:No, i tried to but i couldnt find it, after i find link ill be happy to vote it seems like a pretty fun server