It is 2012. You are a person captured by Abstergo. They lead you to a machine as you struggle to escape. They force you in and hit a few buttons and it leads you to another world.
It is the late 15th century. Life is simple and pleasant for most. The templars, however, under the ruling of King Benton Partonnie, are trying to silence the assassins from further doing any tampering with their lead in the war. With Italy in distress amongst eachother, war has broken out within it's own lands.
Choose your side, and choose your role in this epic adventure.
It is time for Italy to make history.
The Assassin kills political leaders if they are making bad decisions. If the leaders are doing well, the assassin shouldn't kill them or it could screw up the many things... (No one left to make decisions, economy crashes because plan wasn't finished, etc.)
The Templar will make the world a perfect world. Kill all assassins and everyone who gets in the way of this goal. Try to stop free will in order to prevent setbacks in your plans.
A Citizen can run a shop, own a home, etc. Just do jobs in the cities.
Political figures make good decisions to keep your city running well and to avoid becoming a target of assassins or templars.
Guards are hired by political figures to keep them alive. Must be paid by the one being guarded.
Religious figures are similar to Political Figures except usually targeted by templars and their actions (other than religion and possible undercover work [as in acting as a preacher when not really one for whatever reason]) usually don't cause them to change being a target or not.
The Mercenary will attack as commanded by the employer. Stationed around the city. Cannot climb buildings.
The Courtesan will try to hide and courtesan their employer to avoid getting in trouble with guards, templars, etc. Stationed around the city. Cannot climb buildings.
The Thief will pickpocket as told to and will do their best to fight. Stationed around the city. Can climb buildings.
Safe Creeper
1. Do not meta-game. If you do not know what this is, look it up.
2. Do not power-game. As the same with rule number one.
3. When speaking, talk (/ch l), yell (/ch y), or whisper (/ch w)
4. Never assume someone elses name. You must MEET that person first.
The three primary channels are /ch l, /ch g, and /ch h. Talk, OOC, and HelpMe. Talk is for roleplay, never OOC unless you use the bracket system. HelpMe is for when you need assistance from moderation or other players.
1. No griefing.
2. No metagaming.
3. No unapproved hacks/mods.
4. No disrespecting admins or moderators.
5. If you die a public death (assassination, hanging, etc), you need to make a new character (no need to reapply, just rename yourself), and start as a civilian.
6. You may NOT start out in any base faction (Assassins, Templars, Thieves, Political Figures, Priests). You may be a lone thief, a civilian, a guard, etc.
7. No combat logging.
8. Your character cannot know of Assassins, Templars, or the Thieves' Guild in the application.
IP Address:
Staff List:
Head Admin:
Trial Mods:
Trial Whitelisters:
Role-Play Exp.:
Why Us:
Time You Can Dedicate:
Have you played Assassin's Creed?
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Skin (Link, picture, description):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
What is Roleplay?
What is Metagaming?
What is Powergaming?
What is Assassin's Creed?
OOC - The bolded words are categories. OOC means "Out of Character"
IGN: Write your in game name here.
Age: Self explanatory.
Role-Play Exp.: Write what experience you have roleplaying here.
Why Us: Self explanatory.
Time You Can Dedicate: Self explanatory.
Have you played Assassin's Creed? Self explanatory.
IC - "In Character"
Name: Self explanatory.
Gender: Self explanatory.
Age: Self explanatory.
Fears: Describe what your character's fears are
Personality: Describe your character's personality.
Skills: Describe your character's skills.
Nickname (Optional): Self explanatory.
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Give an example of a roleplay that relates to your character using dialogue.
Skin (Link, picture, description): Either describe your skin or post a link or picture. Easy enough.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Describe your character's life. This is the most important part of the application, so be sure to write a lot. It can be as long as you like, as long as it is ATLEAST 1-2 LONG (and we mean long) paragraphs. It cannot include assassins or Templars and you shouldn't have a parents dying when young cliche.
Other -Self explanatory.
What is Roleplay? Explain what "roleplay" is. Do not copy other applicants' definitions or internet definitions word for word.
What is Metagaming?
Explain what "metagaming" is. Do not copy other applicants' definitions or internet definitions word for word.
What is Powergaming?
Explain what "powergaming" is. Do not copy other applicants' definitions or internet definitions word for word.
What is Assassin's Creed?
Explain what the game Assassin's Creed is about. Do not copy other applicants' definitions or internet definitions word for word.
-Starter Kit - limit 1 per day (stone sword, leather armor set, 4 x apples)
(Type /kit starter to activate)
- 500 Florins
-Starter Kit - limit 1 per day (stone sword, leather armor set, 4 x apples)
(Type /kit starter to activate)
-Reserved Slot
- 1000 Florins
-Upgraded kit - limit 1 per day (1 stone sword, leather armor set, 8 x apples, 1 x bow, 20 x arrows)
-(Type /kit upgraded to activate)
-Weekly supply crate - limit one per week (1 x diamond, 4 x iron, 20 x random food items)
(Type /kit supplies to activate)
-1 Bodyguard NPC
-One free home
-Reserved Slot
-2,500 Florins
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers
-Upgraded kit
(Type /kit upgraded to activate)
-Weekly supply crate
(Type /kit supplies to activate)
-Reserved Slot
-2 Bodyguard NPC's
-Invitation to help build (and rule) new cities
-One free home
-Druid's Package - available once per week (12 x sapling, 48 x seeds, 60 x dirt, 18 x torches, 30 bones, 20 reeds)
(Items are for creating farms and taming wolves)
(Type /kit druid to activate)
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers
-5,000 Florins
-Upgraded Starter Kit - upgraded to 6hr cooldown (Type /kit uupgraded to activate)
-Supply Crate - upgraded to 48hr cooldown(Type /kit usupplies to activate)
-Druid Package - upgraded to 48hr cooldown (Type /kit udruid to activate)
-Reserved Slot
-Royal Blood
(You are next in line for king)
-4 Bodyguard NPC's
-Invitation to help build (and rule) new cities
-One free home in every city
-Longer benefits duration
-Special benefits apply to other servers hosted under Sbruler
-All custom weapons.
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers.
Role-Play Exp.:a bunch
Why Us:my peeps in other server gotta hate
Time You Can Dedicate:ussaly 2-9
Appearance:white,blue eyes,long hair,
Occupation:school student 5th grade
Nickname (Optional):None
RP Example (Add Dialogue):IDK
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. :biggrin.gif: nice server notches for you
Role-Play Exp.:a bunch
Why Us:my peeps in other server gotta hate
Time You Can Dedicate:ussaly 2-9
Occupation:Assain undercover
Nickname (Optional):Dr.Dre
RP Example (Add Dialogue):IDK
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. :biggrin.gif: nice server notches for you
Obvious troll is obvious. Denied.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me;
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
role-playing experience: Not that much but can learn easily
why us?:I've been looking for a small or medium server that has an actual good role play worth playing
time you can dedicate: 4-5 hours during week abd 9 during weekend(my time)
appearance:cool and ginger
personality:annoying (sometimes),happy, fun, random, awesome.
rp example:"You can find the secrets of the king in his journal entries at the castle",said King Issac III
backstory:as a young lad off the mountains of Sparta, I had to choose to fight or to die. I chose to fight with my father, Zander, and his town to keep away the dreaded virus that started "The New Age". When the time came I stood up for honor!
I'd like to play so I can get some RPG server experience in :biggrin.gif: .
Really good grammar, good personality, and good knowledge of the subject are all that's required. It takes a decent backstory and stuff, but that's easy if you know what you're writing about.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me;
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: Party_rocka
Age: 18
Role-Play Exp.: In need of more
Why Us: Sounds like an amazing server
Time You Can Dedicate: 4hours a day
Name: Charles
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Sexy?
Fears: Being raped
Personality: Skater
Occupation: Assistant manager
Skills: Ninja
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Unsure
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): I started playing minecraft 1 year ago at school while skipping class. I longboard and surf. i'm a big time gamer but i still get the ladies.
I quote "WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. "
Also "Dr. Dre"... Obvious troll... Not gonna respond anymore unless you put in a decent effort into your application, proving you aren't a troll.
IGN: Party_rocka
Age: 18
Role-Play Exp.: In need of more
Why Us: Sounds like an amazing server
Time You Can Dedicate: 4hours a day
Name: Charles
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Sexy?
Fears: Being raped
Personality: Skater
Occupation: Assistant manager
Skills: Ninja
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Unsure
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): I started playing minecraft 1 year ago at school while skipping class. I longboard and surf. i'm a big time gamer but i still get the ladies.
Either you don't know what you are doing or you are a genuine troll. Denied.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me;
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
I quote "WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. "
Also "Dr. Dre"... Obvious troll... Not gonna respond anymore unless you put in a decent effort into your application, proving you aren't a troll.
Either you don't know what you are doing or you are a genuine troll. Denied.
Really good grammar, good personality, and good knowledge of the subject are all that's required. It takes a decent backstory and stuff, but that's easy if you know what you're writing about.
Really good you spelled assassin wrong. -__-
IGN: iamJ3eastly Age: 13 Role-Play Exp.: Several medeival rp servers. Why Us: I love assassins creed and parkour. Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours a day.
Name: Michael Gender: Male. Age: 24 Appearance: Small but well built and muscular. Fears: Drowning. Personality: Nice and helpful but mean to those who deserve it. Occupation: Assassin. Skills: Stealth and grace under pressure. Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): "What if we miss?" John says, "We won't" I reply. I take a step back and leap off the building. John follows Screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" his screamending as we land in the water. Skin (Link, picture, description): http://www.mediafire...qz36cfu9wwep1n8 Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): I was a son of a merchant traveling across the lands with my father my mother leaving us a few days ago. I was sad, depressed with no one to talk to but myself. It was one day when bandits, about 5 of them, attacked us. I pulled out my knife, my dad telling me to run. I didn't until they struck him down. I ran the remaining two bandits following me. I ran into the forest and climbed a tree. From their I could see they weren't bandits... they were Templars. I jumped from tree to tree and escaped. On that day I vowed to avenge my fathers death and become an assassin.
IGN: zooqooo
Age: 16
Role-Play Exp.: A lot
Why Us: Looking for good server
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours; evening EST time
Name: zooqooo (if that is ok, will change if needed)
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Appearance: Middle aged man, although he looks young for his age. Wears a red robe and boasts a beard
Fears: creepers, assassins
Personality: Calculating, wise, conservative (for a Templar)
Occupation: Duke of the City
Skills: Politics, sword fighting, mining
RP Example: [speech to the people of the city] We live in fear. Our Utopian city is threatened by those who would rather live in chaos then live in peace with their neighbors. As Duke it is my job to protect you, and that I will do.
Back Story: My father was a templar. I grew up with anti-assassin propaganda. My mother died when I was 5 and my father was killed by assassins when I was 16. I moved in with my uncle, who was also a templar and also duke of the city. When he died I was 32 and I became Duke.
At my uncles funeral the assassins made an attempt at my life and I barely escaped. I was contacted by the templars shortly after and have been there strong ally ever since. Assassins haven't made many attacks since my uncle's funeral, but to be safe I have trained my self in combat and fortified my parliament building.
IGN: iamJ3eastly Age: 13 Role-Play Exp.: Several medeival rp servers. Why Us: I love assassins creed and parkour. Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours a day.
Name: Michael Gender: Male. Age: 24 Appearance: Small but well built and muscular. Fears: Drowning. Personality: Nice and helpful but mean to those who deserve it. Occupation: Assassin. Skills: Stealth and grace under pressure.Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): "What if we miss?" John says, "We won't" I reply. I take a step back and leap off the building. John follows Screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" his screamending as we land in the water. Skin (Link, picture, description): http://www.mediafire...qz36cfu9wwep1n8 Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): I was a son of a merchant traveling across the lands with my father my mother leaving us a few days ago. I was sad, depressed with no one to talk to but myself. It was one day when bandits, about 5 of them, attacked us. I pulled out my knife, my dad telling me to run. I didn't until they struck him down. I ran the remaining two bandits following me. I ran into the forest and climbed a tree. From their I could see they weren't bandits... they were Templars. I jumped from tree to tree and escaped. On that day I vowed to avenge my fathers death and become an assassin.
That's pretty good. After the server gets started it will take more than that because more people will be on, but you are accepted, my friend. Also, for those reading this, usually you need an application to get in the clans, but since the applications haven't been made yet, he is in.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me;
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
That's pretty good. After the server gets started it will take more than that because more people will be on, but you are accepted, my friend. Also, for those reading this, usually you need an application to get in the clans, but since the applications haven't been made yet, he is in.
IGN: zooqooo
Age: 16
Role-Play Exp.: A lot
Why Us: Looking for good server
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours; evening EST time
Name: zooqooo (if that is ok, will change if needed)
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Appearance: Middle aged man, although he looks young for his age. Wears a red robe and boasts a beard
Fears: creepers, assassins
Personality: Calculating, wise, conservative (for a Templar)
Occupation: Duke of the City
Skills: Politics, sword fighting, mining
RP Example: [speech to the people of the city] We live in fear. Our Utopian city is threatened by those who would rather live in chaos then live in peace with their neighbors. As Duke it is my job to protect you, and that I will do.
Back Story: My father was a templar. I grew up with anti-assassin propaganda. My mother died when I was 5 and my father was killed by assassins when I was 16. I moved in with my uncle, who was also a templar and also duke of the city. When he died I was 32 and I became Duke.
At my uncles funeral the assassins made an attempt at my life and I barely escaped. I was contacted by the templars shortly after and have been there strong ally ever since. Assassins haven't made many attacks since my uncle's funeral, but to be safe I have trained my self in combat and fortified my parliament building.
Unless you create your own templar city, you cannot be duke of the city. =P But other than that, accepted.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me;
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
The Assassin kills political leaders if they are making bad decisions. If the leaders are doing well, the assassin shouldn't kill them or it could screw up the many things... (No one left to make decisions, economy crashes because plan wasn't finished, etc.)
The Templar will make the world a perfect world. Kill all assassins and everyone who gets in the way of this goal. Try to stop free will in order to prevent setbacks in your plans.
A Citizen can run a shop, own a home, etc. Just do jobs in the cities.
Builders Build homes and cities.
Political figures make good decisions to keep your city running well and to avoid becoming a target of assassins or templars.
Guards are hired by political figures to keep them alive. Must be paid by the one being guarded.
Religious figures are similar to Political Figures except usually targeted by templars and their actions (other than religion and possible undercover work [as in acting as a preacher when not really one for whatever reason]) usually don't cause them to change being a target or not.
The Mercenary will attack as commanded by the employer. Stationed around the city. Cannot climb buildings.
The Courtesan will try to hide and courtesan their employer to avoid getting in trouble with guards, templars, etc. Stationed around the city. Cannot climb buildings.
The Thief will pickpocket as told to and will do their best to fight. Stationed around the city. Can climb buildings.
(Type /kit starter to activate)
- 500 Florins
-Starter Kit - limit 1 per day (stone sword, leather armor set, 4 x apples)
(Type /kit starter to activate)
-Reserved Slot
- 1000 Florins
-Upgraded kit - limit 1 per day (1 stone sword, leather armor set, 8 x apples, 1 x bow, 20 x arrows)
-(Type /kit upgraded to activate)
-Weekly supply crate - limit one per week (1 x diamond, 4 x iron, 20 x random food items)
(Type /kit supplies to activate)
-1 Bodyguard NPC
-Reserved Slot
-2,500 Florins
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers
-Upgraded kit
(Type /kit upgraded to activate)
-Weekly supply crate
(Type /kit supplies to activate)
-Reserved Slot
-2 Bodyguard NPC's
-Invitation to help build (and rule) new cities
-One free home
-Druid's Package - available once per week (12 x sapling, 48 x seeds, 60 x dirt, 18 x torches, 30 bones, 20 reeds)
(Items are for creating farms and taming wolves)
(Type /kit druid to activate)
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers
-5,000 Florins
-Supply Crate - upgraded to 48hr cooldown(Type /kit usupplies to activate)
-Druid Package - upgraded to 48hr cooldown (Type /kit udruid to activate)
-Reserved Slot
-Royal Blood
-4 Bodyguard NPC's
-Longer benefits duration
-Special benefits apply to other servers hosted under Sbruler
-All custom weapons.
-Invite to all private server events (beta events) and new servers.
I'm open to custom donor benefits.
Spoutcraft- The required MC Launcher
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
Role-Play Exp.:a bunch
Why Us:my peeps in other server gotta hate
Time You Can Dedicate:ussaly 2-9
Appearance:white,blue eyes,long hair,
Occupation:school student 5th grade
Nickname (Optional):None
RP Example (Add Dialogue):IDK
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. :biggrin.gif: nice server notches for you
Obvious troll is obvious. Denied.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
role-playing experience: Not that much but can learn easily
why us?:I've been looking for a small or medium server that has an actual good role play worth playing
time you can dedicate: 4-5 hours during week abd 9 during weekend(my time)
appearance:cool and ginger
personality:annoying (sometimes),happy, fun, random, awesome.
rp example:"You can find the secrets of the king in his journal entries at the castle",said King Issac III
backstory:as a young lad off the mountains of Sparta, I had to choose to fight or to die. I chose to fight with my father, Zander, and his town to keep away the dreaded virus that started "The New Age". When the time came I stood up for honor!
Really good grammar, good personality, and good knowledge of the subject are all that's required. It takes a decent backstory and stuff, but that's easy if you know what you're writing about.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
IGN: Party_rocka
Age: 18
Role-Play Exp.: In need of more
Why Us: Sounds like an amazing server
Time You Can Dedicate: 4hours a day
Name: Charles
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Appearance: Sexy?
Fears: Being raped
Personality: Skater
Occupation: Assistant manager
Skills: Ninja
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Unsure
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): I started playing minecraft 1 year ago at school while skipping class. I longboard and surf. i'm a big time gamer but i still get the ladies.
I quote "WHen i was a small penguin i had a great life until templars took over the artic and i wanted revenge.I got some people and want to help the assaians cause they destroyed the templars in the Artic. and i want to help them. "
Also "Dr. Dre"... Obvious troll... Not gonna respond anymore unless you put in a decent effort into your application, proving you aren't a troll.
Either you don't know what you are doing or you are a genuine troll. Denied.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
-[sexually intercoursing bumhole]-
Really good you spelled assassin wrong. -__-
Edit: You corrected it.
I didn't in the thread, but in the title I did. =P Corrected.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
What really bothered me was the backstory, which remains unchanged...
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
I did that cause my skin is a penguin :tongue.gif:
My skin is a pinguin but its a nazi XD
Uh... That's creepy...
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
why I like penguins they are my favorite animal
IGN: iamJ3eastly
Age: 13
Role-Play Exp.: Several medeival rp servers.
Why Us: I love assassins creed and parkour.
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours a day.
Name: Michael
Gender: Male.
Age: 24
Appearance: Small but well built and muscular.
Fears: Drowning.
Personality: Nice and helpful but mean to those who deserve it.
Occupation: Assassin.
Skills: Stealth and grace under pressure.
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue): "What if we miss?" John says, "We won't" I reply. I take a step back and leap off the building. John follows Screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" his screamending as we land in the water.
Skin (Link, picture, description): http://www.mediafire...qz36cfu9wwep1n8
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): I was a son of a merchant traveling across the lands with my father my mother leaving us a few days ago. I was sad, depressed with no one to talk to but myself. It was one day when bandits, about 5 of them, attacked us. I pulled out my knife, my dad telling me to run. I didn't until they struck him down. I ran the remaining two bandits following me. I ran into the forest and climbed a tree. From their I could see they weren't bandits... they were Templars. I jumped from tree to tree and escaped. On that day I vowed to avenge my fathers death and become an assassin.
Please click on it. Thanks!
IGN: zooqooo
Age: 16
Role-Play Exp.: A lot
Why Us: Looking for good server
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-4 hours; evening EST time
Name: zooqooo (if that is ok, will change if needed)
Gender: Male
Age: 48
Appearance: Middle aged man, although he looks young for his age. Wears a red robe and boasts a beard
Fears: creepers, assassins
Personality: Calculating, wise, conservative (for a Templar)
Occupation: Duke of the City
Skills: Politics, sword fighting, mining
RP Example: [speech to the people of the city] We live in fear. Our Utopian city is threatened by those who would rather live in chaos then live in peace with their neighbors. As Duke it is my job to protect you, and that I will do.
Back Story: My father was a templar. I grew up with anti-assassin propaganda. My mother died when I was 5 and my father was killed by assassins when I was 16. I moved in with my uncle, who was also a templar and also duke of the city. When he died I was 32 and I became Duke.
At my uncles funeral the assassins made an attempt at my life and I barely escaped. I was contacted by the templars shortly after and have been there strong ally ever since. Assassins haven't made many attacks since my uncle's funeral, but to be safe I have trained my self in combat and fortified my parliament building.
That's pretty good. After the server gets started it will take more than that because more people will be on, but you are accepted, my friend. Also, for those reading this, usually you need an application to get in the clans, but since the applications haven't been made yet, he is in.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."
When the clan apps are made can you pm me please.
EDIT: If you need help building I can help.
Please click on it. Thanks!
Unless you create your own templar city, you cannot be duke of the city. =P But other than that, accepted.
The cube had food and maybe ammo. And immortality."