REPOST. My app was denied back on page 3 (yeah, awhile ago). Because it had one minor flaw, and I forgot to repost it (I edited it instead :s) BTW, yes this APP may seem to have parents being avenged in it, but this was before you said it was not allowed.
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: A dark grey Argonian, purple eyes.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom had lived in a poor lifestyle, Khal spent most of his time at home with his mother, father, and his 2 brethren. Every once a month or so in time, Khal and his brothers sometimes went into shops, snuck past the shopkeeper, and stole things like gold and food. They would then bring them back to their poor family. They were required to do this at the age of 16 since their family was poor, and just didn't have the coin to pay for the family. What made it even worse was that the majority of people in his town, were Nords, and thus treated Khal and his family lesser then others because they were argonians.. While Khal was living in this harsh and depressing environment, he learned from his elders how to be stealthy, use a sword, and he was trained to be highly skillful with a bow. When Khal turned 20, he left his home and set off on his own journey across Skyrim, and met many new companions.
During his travels, he met a female argonian by the name of Dema Rivera, the two became great friends, and would fight in combat together, and travel with each other. During his adventure's he had spotted 4 dragons, and since his first encounter with a blood dragon he has feared them ever since.
Name: Bagamul Ghorka
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: Tall, even for an orc, wearing an iron chest plate, arm bands and steel greaves. He has a rough, scarred face, which bears a sturdy nose.
Fears: Thieves(Kind of a hate), Dark Brotherhood
Personality: A heavy adventurer, enjoys a good mug of mead. Enjoys singing and playing Lute.
Occupation: Bard/Warrior
Skills: Speechcraft(Singing), Playing Lute, Two Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Alchemy
Nickname (Optional):Baga
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Baga was born in Cyrodil, to a small middle-class family. His father owned an inn, and his mother worked their. He grew up in his house, to the side of the inn, spending much of his time with friends, pretneding they were adventurers. Sometimes, they would pretend the inn was full of bandits, and would barge in with their wooden swords and rescue all the patrons.
Once he grew old enough to drink, he became a bar tender and his father allowed him to have 1 mug, for every 50 he served. For several monthes, he experimented with the drinks, trying to find which one he liked most. After 3 monthes, he found a Nord Mead in the back of the liquor cupboard, which he enjoyed the taste of. He continued to drink this, as it became his favourite drink.
One day while in the bar, the alchemist that ran the shop across the street barged in. They said, they needed some plants from his mother's garden immediately. His mother's garden was small, but contained several flowers, mushrooms and even a lavender plant. Bagamul ran upstairs, signalling for the alchemist to follow, and allowed him to pick a few flowers and mushrooms from the garden. The alchemist then rushed away, Bagamul, curious followed the alchemist, to his shop. Here, he found a local boy, sick-clearly with ataxia- on the ground of the shop. Bagamul watched the alchemist brew a potion for the boy, and cure his disease. Bagamul asked the alchemist about his trade, and became curious about it. The alchemist offered to teach Bagamul alchemy and he accepted. Bagamul learned quickly, with his knowledge of mixing drinks already, his became very good at brewing potions.
On a dark evening, a Nord man walked into the bar. It was getting late, and Bagamul was considering going to bed. The man held a strange instrument in his hand. The man asked for a mug of mead, and upon getting it, slurped it down. He then stood up, hold the instrument and started a song, called "Ragnar the Red." Bagamul was interested and asked where he learned to play such a song. The man replied, "The Bard's College in Solitude of Skyrim." Bagamul rememebered when he was young, hearing of this place "Skyrim" and it's civil war. This intrigued Bagamul, and lead him to make the biggest decision of his life.
It was a sunny afternoon, Bagamul grabbed his father's old Orcish Greatsword, put on his armor and headed off. He was heading for Solitude, to learn to be a bard, and drink some more of that Nord Mead. It was a long journey, in which he was ambushed by many thieves, and even an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood. Bagamul first arrived in Markath after the long journey, and stayed a few nights to rest. He then continued his journey to Solitude, and arrived a few days later. He found his way to the bards college, found the owner and enrolled.
He enjoyed his life in Solitude, he would hunt every now-and-then, and occasionally do mercenary-work when he was off school for longer periods of time. He was living a good life now, and enjoyed his adventures and his school-work. However, after several years, he heard about a town called Bristol Bay, which was developing. He saw an oppurtunity, and headed off. It took him several days to get there, but when he arrived he was happy.
He bought a medium sized house and got a job as a bard in "The Winking Skeever." This is where he now lives, and works, in his happy life, still occasionally doing mercenary work, or helping out the guards.
REPOST. My app was denied back on page 3 (yeah, awhile ago). Because it had one minor flaw, and I forgot to repost it (I edited it instead :s) BTW, yes this APP may seem to have parents being avenged in it, but this was before you said it was not allowed.
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: A dark grey Argonian, purple eyes.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where the hell did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom was working with his parents when he was just 7. Out of nowhere, a loud bang, and cracking of wood is heard, followed by loud, deep footsteps. Young Khal fled with his mother,father, and 2 brothers as 3 orc bandits armed with war axes charged at his family. One of the orcs buried it's axe into the head of Khal's mother, her body plummeted to the ground. Khal just kept running, a tear rolling down his face. His father attempted to kill the orcs with his iron dagger, but it was no use, he was soon killed as well. Khal's brothers fled out of the home, and were nowhere to be seen, Khal reached for an iron dagger and hurled an iron dagger into the orc's shoulder. He then fled out into the forest, and later lived with his uncle, and cousins, though his 2 older brothers, were nowhere to be found. From this point forward Khal trained from his young age until now to become an expert archer. When Khal was 17, he met a female argonian
during training by the name of Dema Rivera, Him and Dema became good friends, and quickly fell in love. The two worked together in combat and were both adequate archers. Throughout Khal's life he had spotted 4 dragons, but was never brave enough to face one alone. Ever since Khal's first encounter with a dragon, a blood dragon at that, he has been terrified of them ever since.
Still not allowed, even if this was written before it was against the rules, as it's always been a rule with the whitelisters.
Role-Play Exp.:
Time You Can Dedicate: almost every day
( I know I should not ask but i would wish to be a builder (not staff sence you dont know me yet) i would love to help create the world i love so much (whiterun :smile.gif: if its avaliable. I may be able to donate and i know tones of server commands have admin'ed on a ton of servers and ran my own for a year 80 slot. If you need tech help i can help but back to building i know im late on it ha ha but i hope i can help build i would love to help make the world please get back to me and i can wright a storyline if you want... read mine and give me feedback plz
Gender: male
Age: 18
Appearance:dark black with white spots, scar running down left eye from fight with Vuljotnaak the dragon.
Fears: Falmer,Chaurus, drowning, cripts
Personality: cautious but not afraid.
Occupation: wanderer / leader
Skills: bow-onehand-dragonslaying-
Nickname (Optional):Tristan
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs)----( not avenging parents but his people didnt know if that was allowed if not ill re wright it)
Born in one of the wandering caravans he was raised as a thief. His mother would distract a customer and he would steal from them without them knowing. One day he tried his luck on what he thought was a rich traveler but turned out to be a imperial general. Outraged when he found out he had been robed he sent his men to slaughter the caravan. Through a desprate fight in the morning only one survived a young boy. He picked up a sword from a dead imperial and walked twards their camp. They were drinking and getting fat off of the caravans riches and had no idea what was to come. It was in this night that Tristan the lone survivor of the massacure avenged his people and gained the name The nightdemon.he then set off to help the week and destroy those who used their power for crulty and greed. Over time he Gained reputation as a wandering hero after defeating a giant raid on Whiterun where the jarl made him Thane.He Wandered From place to place killing the things that go bump in the night. Moving from one place to the next never safe from his old enemies the Imperials. He met many men. He had heard of a horor that stalked the people of Ivarstead a beast with 3 eyes that no arrow could kill and swords broke to his skin. When he reached Ivarstead the people told him to climb the 7000 stairs to High Hrothgar and their he would find the beast. Reaching the top he came acrose a sigh to see the place of the graybeards but out front stood the beast with a broken ram in his arms he turned and charged. Tristan emedently crowched and launched arrow after arrow at the beast no good. With superior agility he managed to evade the beast and run past where he drew his wepions 2 long slender elvin one handed blades in each hand. as the beast charged again he slashed and slashed at it managing to draw blood but the cost was to great as the beast reared up and swatted Tristan as if he was a bug. Limp and bloody laying in the snow he knew his time had come. Out of all the beasts the dragons the giants the falmor or the elvin this one had bested him he slowly turned his head to looked up to see 5 old men walk outside the beast turned and charged Tristan knowing there was no hope for them felt pity but there was nothing he could do he slowly closed his eyes ready for death when "FUS RO DAH" he opened his eyes to see the beast flying past him he turuend to see the old me aproaching him "Arngeir he is alive! we must take him in and heal him" the one called Arngeir turned "Borri i am quite aware that he lives.... Einarth, Arngeir take him in and heal him we shall see that he lives" so they took the noble warior into their relm and made him hole. Their he learned with them and learned the voice. Once he was ready to go he was about to open the door when it suddenly flew open and a man walked by tall, built, and shrowded with a large icebear pelt he turned and looked down revealing ice blue eyes that glow with power. Tristan turned to see the all the graybeards on their knees. "my lord' Arngeir said "We will have your room ready in the hour" as arngeir turned to head to the room the hooded figure grabbed his sholder "Their is no need i come to speak to Paarthurnax. Through the elder scroll nothing more i must go soon for the remaining Imperial still oppress the land. Arngeir hastenly waved at a chest in the middle of the room "ofcourse we will be here if you need us" The hooded figure was about to leave when he noteced Tristan standing in aw at the 7 foot figure He was a giant in size towering over most men which made it easer for him to go head to head with the giants when needed or ideal to fight a dragon. His arms where like barles his chest like a stone. He was a idea that most men could not contemplate he was the dragonborn. Twenty years ago he fought Alduin and defeated him making him the most powerful living thing in skyrim known as lord of the dragons he stoped and pulled something out of his enchanted bag ["because thats how he holds 300+ pounds of stuff :wink.gif: not part of storyline just comic releif"] it was like nothing he had seen a bow made out of black metal with red glowing symbols. Young warior i give you my blessing cary this dadaric wepion with honor and pride use it for good not evil i trust any student of the graybeards to do so. You where gifted with a gift a voice able to use words of power maby not at the power and speed of a dragonborn but none the less use your power for good I have spent my life creating skyrim i give it to you now fight for her and defend her now and until you die". With that he opened the doors and the snow hurtled in and dissapered into the world. Tristan stood shaking with nerves "what will you do" Arngeir" said while looking out at the snow storm. Tristan looked over "I will use this power I have been gifted and will fight for rightiousnes i will destroy evil in all forms and except the shuning of the world i will become an assasin and a hero I will be a follower of the light and the dark of the Dragonborn.
All rights reserved Tristan, Robinson
Role-Play Exp.:
Time You Can Dedicate: almost every day
( I know I should not ask but i would wish to be a builder (not staff sence you dont know me yet) i would love to help create the world i love so much (whiterun :smile.gif: if its avaliable. I may be able to donate and i know tones of server commands have admin'ed on a ton of servers and ran my own for a year 80 slot. If you need tech help i can help but back to building i know im late on it ha ha but i hope i can help build i would love to help make the world please get back to me and i can wright a storyline if you want... read mine and give me feedback plz
Gender: male
Age: 18
Appearance:dark black with white spots, scar running down left eye from fight with Vuljotnaak the dragon.
Fears: Falmer,Chaurus, drowning, cripts
Personality: cautious but not afraid.
Occupation: wanderer / leader
Skills: bow-onehand-dragonslaying-
Nickname (Optional):Tristan
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs)----( not avenging parents but his people didnt know if that was allowed if not ill re wright it)
Born in one of the wandering caravans he was raised as a thief. His mother would distract a customer and he would steal from them without them knowing. One day he tried his luck on what he thought was a rich traveler but turned out to be a imperial general. Outraged when he found out he had been robed he sent his men to slaughter the caravan. Through a desprate fight in the morning only one survived a young boy. He picked up a sword from a dead imperial and walked twards their camp. They were drinking and getting fat off of the caravans riches and had no idea what was to come. It was in this night that Tristan the lone survivor of the massacure avenged his people and gained the name The nightdemon.he then set off to help the week and destroy those who used their power for crulty and greed. Over time he Gained reputation as a wandering hero after defeating a giant raid on Whiterun where the jarl made him Thane.He Wandered From place to place killing the things that go bump in the night. Moving from one place to the next never safe from his old enemies the Imperials. He met many men. He had heard of a horor that stalked the people of Ivarstead a beast with 3 eyes that no arrow could kill and swords broke to his skin. When he reached Ivarstead the people told him to climb the 7000 stairs to High Hrothgar and their he would find the beast. Reaching the top he came acrose a sigh to see the place of the graybeards but out front stood the beast with a broken ram in his arms he turned and charged. Tristan emedently crowched and launched arrow after arrow at the beast no good. With superior agility he managed to evade the beast and run past where he drew his wepions 2 long slender elvin one handed blades in each hand. as the beast charged again he slashed and slashed at it managing to draw blood but the cost was to great as the beast reared up and swatted Tristan as if he was a bug. Limp and bloody laying in the snow he knew his time had come. Out of all the beasts the dragons the giants the falmor or the elvin this one had bested him he slowly turned his head to looked up to see 5 old men walk outside the beast turned and charged Tristan knowing there was no hope for them felt pity but there was nothing he could do he slowly closed his eyes ready for death when "FUS RO DAH" he opened his eyes to see the beast flying past him he turuend to see the old me aproaching him "Arngeir he is alive! we must take him in and heal him" the one called Arngeir turned "Borri i am quite aware that he lives.... Einarth, Arngeir take him in and heal him we shall see that he lives" so they took the noble warior into their relm and made him hole. Their he learned with them and learned the voice. Once he was ready to go he was about to open the door when it suddenly flew open and a man walked by tall, built, and shrowded with a large icebear pelt he turned and looked down revealing ice blue eyes that glow with power. Tristan turned to see the all the graybeards on their knees. "my lord' Arngeir said "We will have your room ready in the hour" as arngeir turned to head to the room the hooded figure grabbed his sholder "Their is no need i come to speak to Paarthurnax. Through the elder scroll nothing more i must go soon for the remaining Imperial still oppress the land. Arngeir hastenly waved at a chest in the middle of the room "ofcourse we will be here if you need us" The hooded figure was about to leave when he noteced Tristan standing in aw at the 7 foot figure He was a giant in size towering over most men which made it easer for him to go head to head with the giants when needed or ideal to fight a dragon. His arms where like barles his chest like a stone. He was a idea that most men could not contemplate he was the dragonborn. Twenty years ago he fought Alduin and defeated him making him the most powerful living thing in skyrim known as lord of the dragons he stoped and pulled something out of his enchanted bag ["because thats how he holds 300+ pounds of stuff :wink.gif: not part of storyline just comic releif"] it was like nothing he had seen a bow made out of black metal with red glowing symbols. Young warior i give you my blessing cary this dadaric wepion with honor and pride use it for good not evil i trust any student of the graybeards to do so. You where gifted with a gift a voice able to use words of power maby not at the power and speed of a dragonborn but none the less use your power for good I have spent my life creating skyrim i give it to you now fight for her and defend her now and until you die". With that he opened the doors and the snow hurtled in and dissapered into the world. Tristan stood shaking with nerves "what will you do" Arngeir" said while looking out at the snow storm. Tristan looked over "I will use this power I have been gifted and will fight for rightiousnes i will destroy evil in all forms and except the shuning of the world i will become an assasin and a hero I will be a follower of the light and the dark of the Dragonborn.
All rights reserved Tristan, Robinson
You didn't fully fill out OOC, you need a full name, "Kejik" isn't a race, the defeat of Alduin was 20 years ago, you can't be dragonborn, THE DRAGONBORN is dead. You should really learn something about Elder Scrolls and our server.
I didn't say he left Skyrim, I said he left whiterun. The guard that moved some of Whiteruns people was his friend. The person who tended to him only bandaged the head and removed all the thread. I never said he fought a dragon or it wasn't after the war of Alduin. My BIO/Backstory is larger then other peoples. If in total shock I guess I will create a new character.
PS. Rycana is now renamed Bristol Bay
WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? D; Why'd they rename it again? Rycana was amazing! (For those wondering, I came up with it)
You didn't fully fill out OOC, you need a full name, "Kejik" isn't a race, the defeat of Alduin was 20 years ago, you can't be dragonborn, THE DRAGONBORN is dead. You should really learn something about Elder Scrolls and our server.
Hello i read your response and am sorry for not putting my full name and spelling Khajiit wrong I was worried about the dialog ha ha and where you said i cant be a dragonborn they died i never said i was in no way am i trying to be disrespectful but like the gray beards and many bosses in skyrim you can learn the voice just not at the speed and ability of a dragonborn now about in my story i put the dragonborn for like 5 lines sorry about that forgot they all died off lol ill be sure to deleate it as to filling out the format the dialog is in the background as for the rest i cant find anything im missing please read over i realy want to play on this server sorry about mentioning dragonborn again wont happen again
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: Dark grey Argonian, fire-orange eyes, sharp horns on back of head, and feathers.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom had lived in a poor lifestyle, Khal spent most of his time at home with his mother, father, and his 2 brethren. Every once a month or so in time, Khal and his brothers sometimes went into shops, snuck past the shopkeeper, and stole things like gold and food. They would then bring them back to their poor family. They were required to do this at the age of 16 since their family was poor, and just didn't have the coin to pay for the family. What made it even worse was that the majority of people in his town, were Nords, and thus treated Khal and his family lesser then others because they were argonians.. While Khal was living in this harsh and depressing environment, he learned from his elders how to be stealthy, use a sword, and he was trained to be highly skillful with a bow. When Khal turned 20, he left his home and set off on his own journey across Skyrim, and met many new companions.
During his travels, he met a female argonian by the name of Dema Rivera, the two became great friends, and would fight in combat together, and travel with each other. During his adventure's he had spotted 4 dragons, and since his first encounter with a blood dragon he has feared them ever since.
Role-Play Exp.:skyrim, oblivion, fallout NV
Why Us I tried another RP server and it sucked, your's seems much more organized and entertaining
Time You Can Dedicate:2-6 hrs on weekdays maybe up to ten on weekends
Name:Joseph Strong-Beard
Appearance:Bearded, Long blonde hair, Gray colored armor
Fears: Necromancers, Daedra
Personality:Likes to take the Leeroy Jenkins approach
Skills:One Handed, Two Handed, Blocking, Heavy Armor
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue):Need a companion? Or some armor? If not then go away, I have armor and weapons to create.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):He was a young boy from a poor family in Riften, his father used to force him to go into the market and steal things that he could fence to the thieves' guild and used the money to buy shipments, as he grew older, he was recruited by the thieves' guild but wanted to earn an honest living, so he travelled to Markarth to learn the history of the dwemer and how to create their powerful armor. he explores caves that he's heard of to find dwemer artifacts and scrap metal to make armor. He was attacked in his home by Foresworn and killed them but the guards searched their bodies and did not find any evidence that they were Foresworn, so he had to go into hiding and flee the city. He travelled the lands and searched for new and exotic armors to smith, he explored many caves and had some run ins with Daedra at the depths of the earth. During one run in with Boteiah he was forced to kill his young apprentice or be killed himself. He fears Daedra and avoids them at all costs. He was somewhat sick of being under the ground for most of his life and decided to settle down a bit, but continue his adventuring lifestyle He moved to Windhelm and works as a blacksmith and an adventurer for hire He is revered by the locals for killing a dragon that was attacking the city.
Hello i read your response and am sorry for not putting my full name and spelling Khajiit wrong I was worried about the dialog ha ha and where you said i cant be a dragonborn they died i never said i was in no way am i trying to be disrespectful but like the gray beards and many bosses in skyrim you can learn the voice just not at the speed and ability of a dragonborn now about in my story i put the dragonborn for like 5 lines sorry about that forgot they all died off lol ill be sure to deleate it as to filling out the format the dialog is in the background as for the rest i cant find anything im missing please read over i realy want to play on this server sorry about mentioning dragonborn again wont happen again
Continue typing like that^ and you'll never be accepted. Learn the english language, and that above was 1 sentence, that never ended.
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: Dark grey Argonian, fire-orange eyes, sharp horns on back of head, and feathers.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom had lived in a poor lifestyle, Khal spent most of his time at home with his mother, father, and his 2 brethren. Every once a month or so in time, Khal and his brothers sometimes went into shops, snuck past the shopkeeper, and stole things like gold and food. They would then bring them back to their poor family. They were required to do this at the age of 16 since their family was poor, and just didn't have the coin to pay for the family. What made it even worse was that the majority of people in his town, were Nords, and thus treated Khal and his family lesser then others because they were argonians.. While Khal was living in this harsh and depressing environment, he learned from his elders how to be stealthy, use a sword, and he was trained to be highly skillful with a bow. When Khal turned 20, he left his home and set off on his own journey across Skyrim, and met many new companions.
During his travels, he met a female argonian by the name of Dema Rivera, the two became great friends, and would fight in combat together, and travel with each other. During his adventure's he had spotted 4 dragons, and since his first encounter with a blood dragon he has feared them ever since.
REPOST. FIXED :biggrin.gif:
This wasn't detailed enough for an aggressive character. Go passive, or go bigger.
SpitfFir3Tornado or some other whitelister please check out my repost i know i didn't do a lot but i gave it more periods and changed it a little to make sense hopefully to you
Role-Play Exp.:skyrim, oblivion, fallout NV
Why Us I tried another RP server and it sucked, your's seems much more organized and entertaining
Time You Can Dedicate:2-6 hrs on weekdays maybe up to ten on weekends
Name:Joseph Strong-Beard
Appearance:Bearded, Long blonde hair, Gray colored armor
Fears: Necromancers, Daedra
Personality:Likes to take the Leeroy Jenkins approach
Skills:One Handed, Two Handed, Blocking, Heavy Armor
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue):Need a companion? Or some armor? If not then go away, I have armor and weapons to create.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):He was a young boy from a poor family in Riften, his father used to force him to go into the market and steal things that he could fence to the thieves' guild and used the money to buy shipments, as he grew older, he was recruited by the thieves' guild but wanted to earn an honest living, so he travelled to Markarth to learn the history of the dwemer and how to create their powerful armor. he explores caves that he's heard of to find dwemer artifacts and scrap metal to make armor. He was attacked in his home by Foresworn and killed them but the guards searched their bodies and did not find any evidence that they were Foresworn, so he had to go into hiding and flee the city. He travelled the lands and searched for new and exotic armors to smith, he explored many caves and had some run ins with Daedra at the depths of the earth. During one run in with Boteiah he was forced to kill his young apprentice or be killed himself. He fears Daedra and avoids them at all costs. He was somewhat sick of being under the ground for most of his life and decided to settle down a bit, but continue his adventuring lifestyle He moved to Windhelm and works as a blacksmith and an adventurer for hire He is revered by the locals for killing a dragon that was attacking the city.
RPG Games aren't Roleplay Expierenced. Also, not a good enough RP Example. Dragon Crisis has been over for 20 years...
SpitfFir3Tornado or some other whitelister please check out my repost i know i didn't do a lot but i gave it more periods and changed it a little to make sense hopefully to you
Saying "check my app" isn't going to help. At least give us page number and where it is on the page approx.
IGN: Wetoos.
Age: 16.
Role-Play Exp.:I've been on some other servers, War never changes too, but i took a break from Minecraft to play other games.
Why Us: I love Skyrm and the elder scrolls universe in general, this server looks like it's the only one who has(Is going to.) a large player base and is serious enough.
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-3 hours a day. (Probably more on weekends.)
Name: Gaius Callidus.
Appearance:Dark short hair and blue eyes, of course you'll never see his face , because he wears the standard closed helmet of the 6th legion. He wears a unique set of Imperial Heavy armor,the vulnerable parts and the joints has been reinforced by Imperial Steel.
Fears: Mudcrabs and ghosts.
Personality: Kind, caring, loyal to the Empire. Willim to sacrifice his life for the greater good.
Occupation:Captain in the Imperial Legion.
Skills: He's great with a sword and shield, has used heavy armor for the last 10 years.
Nickname (Optional): Captain.
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Gaius walks into the armory in the Prison district of the Imperial City.
Armorer: Sir! -salutes Gaius.-
Gaius: At ease smith. -gives him a quick salute.- I've come to have my sword checked, it took quite a beating against some marauders!
Armorer: Yes sir! 'lemme see. -Inspects the sword- Hmmmmm. Damn! What did you attack this time? This is no ordinary swords you've been slashing at!
Gaius:-lies- It was a marauder warlord,bugger had an enchanted claymore! Was glowing like one of those ayleid stones...
Armorer: Sure, sure. It'll take at least...Hmmmm...Three days? I know you value that sword of yours, here: you choose between a Gladius or a silver longsword?
Gaius: I'll take the longsword. -grunts- I don't understand how those Legionaires in Skyrim prefer the toothpick they call a gladius....
Armorer: Your offending my craftsmanship!
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Gaius Callidius was born in the town of Cheydinhal his family had been in the legion for generations, but his father tried his luck as an adventurer. Alas, his occupation was not long-lived. When dungeon crawling he ran into a bunch of angry skeletons, the fight was short and when he emerged from the dungeon, he had taken an arrow to the knee. He joined the Legion and taught little Gaius all he needed to know to become a great legionaire.
When Gaius was 16 he joined up with the legion. The legion was sorely lacking manpower since the great war and he was quickly accepted into the ranks of Tamriel's finest. During the military academy he was one of the top graduates and got the rank of sergeant. After ten years of service figting bandit's, goblins and the occasional stray mudcrab, he got promoted to the rank of captain. The rank of captain was not an exciting one though, he had to endure tiring patrols through the streets of the Imperial City. Breaking up brawls and arresting thieves was everyday business and he developed a keen eye for detecting criminal scum.
One day he had gotten a call from his superior. The general gave him a letter sealed with the seal of the emperor himself! He polished his armor and ran as fast as he could to the White gold tower. Running through the corridors(To the palace guard's annoyance.) he quickly arrived outside the Emperors quarter. The emperor told him about an exciting opportunity to serve the Empire. He talked about how important this mission was and how this could make the Empire stronger. Gaius was very eager. Ten minutes later he stood outside the Emperors quarter, his mission.....Deliver a letter to Skyrim. He was very disappointed.
He crossed the border to Skyrim to begin his new adventure....
I should make a skin now for my argonian; Khal
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: A dark grey Argonian, purple eyes.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom had lived in a poor lifestyle, Khal spent most of his time at home with his mother, father, and his 2 brethren. Every once a month or so in time, Khal and his brothers sometimes went into shops, snuck past the shopkeeper, and stole things like gold and food. They would then bring them back to their poor family. They were required to do this at the age of 16 since their family was poor, and just didn't have the coin to pay for the family. What made it even worse was that the majority of people in his town, were Nords, and thus treated Khal and his family lesser then others because they were argonians.. While Khal was living in this harsh and depressing environment, he learned from his elders how to be stealthy, use a sword, and he was trained to be highly skillful with a bow. When Khal turned 20, he left his home and set off on his own journey across Skyrim, and met many new companions.
During his travels, he met a female argonian by the name of Dema Rivera, the two became great friends, and would fight in combat together, and travel with each other. During his adventure's he had spotted 4 dragons, and since his first encounter with a blood dragon he has feared them ever since.
Name: Bagamul Ghorka
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: Tall, even for an orc, wearing an iron chest plate, arm bands and steel greaves. He has a rough, scarred face, which bears a sturdy nose.
Fears: Thieves(Kind of a hate), Dark Brotherhood
Personality: A heavy adventurer, enjoys a good mug of mead. Enjoys singing and playing Lute.
Occupation: Bard/Warrior
Skills: Speechcraft(Singing), Playing Lute, Two Handed Weapons, Heavy Armor, Alchemy
Nickname (Optional):Baga
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): Baga was born in Cyrodil, to a small middle-class family. His father owned an inn, and his mother worked their. He grew up in his house, to the side of the inn, spending much of his time with friends, pretneding they were adventurers. Sometimes, they would pretend the inn was full of bandits, and would barge in with their wooden swords and rescue all the patrons.
Once he grew old enough to drink, he became a bar tender and his father allowed him to have 1 mug, for every 50 he served. For several monthes, he experimented with the drinks, trying to find which one he liked most. After 3 monthes, he found a Nord Mead in the back of the liquor cupboard, which he enjoyed the taste of. He continued to drink this, as it became his favourite drink.
One day while in the bar, the alchemist that ran the shop across the street barged in. They said, they needed some plants from his mother's garden immediately. His mother's garden was small, but contained several flowers, mushrooms and even a lavender plant. Bagamul ran upstairs, signalling for the alchemist to follow, and allowed him to pick a few flowers and mushrooms from the garden. The alchemist then rushed away, Bagamul, curious followed the alchemist, to his shop. Here, he found a local boy, sick-clearly with ataxia- on the ground of the shop. Bagamul watched the alchemist brew a potion for the boy, and cure his disease. Bagamul asked the alchemist about his trade, and became curious about it. The alchemist offered to teach Bagamul alchemy and he accepted. Bagamul learned quickly, with his knowledge of mixing drinks already, his became very good at brewing potions.
On a dark evening, a Nord man walked into the bar. It was getting late, and Bagamul was considering going to bed. The man held a strange instrument in his hand. The man asked for a mug of mead, and upon getting it, slurped it down. He then stood up, hold the instrument and started a song, called "Ragnar the Red." Bagamul was interested and asked where he learned to play such a song. The man replied, "The Bard's College in Solitude of Skyrim." Bagamul rememebered when he was young, hearing of this place "Skyrim" and it's civil war. This intrigued Bagamul, and lead him to make the biggest decision of his life.
It was a sunny afternoon, Bagamul grabbed his father's old Orcish Greatsword, put on his armor and headed off. He was heading for Solitude, to learn to be a bard, and drink some more of that Nord Mead. It was a long journey, in which he was ambushed by many thieves, and even an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood. Bagamul first arrived in Markath after the long journey, and stayed a few nights to rest. He then continued his journey to Solitude, and arrived a few days later. He found his way to the bards college, found the owner and enrolled.
He enjoyed his life in Solitude, he would hunt every now-and-then, and occasionally do mercenary-work when he was off school for longer periods of time. He was living a good life now, and enjoyed his adventures and his school-work. However, after several years, he heard about a town called Bristol Bay, which was developing. He saw an oppurtunity, and headed off. It took him several days to get there, but when he arrived he was happy.
He bought a medium sized house and got a job as a bard in "The Winking Skeever." This is where he now lives, and works, in his happy life, still occasionally doing mercenary work, or helping out the guards.
Still not allowed, even if this was written before it was against the rules, as it's always been a rule with the whitelisters.
Role-Play Exp.:
Time You Can Dedicate: almost every day
( I know I should not ask but i would wish to be a builder (not staff sence you dont know me yet) i would love to help create the world i love so much (whiterun :smile.gif: if its avaliable. I may be able to donate and i know tones of server commands have admin'ed on a ton of servers and ran my own for a year 80 slot. If you need tech help i can help but back to building i know im late on it ha ha but i hope i can help build i would love to help make the world please get back to me and i can wright a storyline if you want... read mine and give me feedback plz
Gender: male
Age: 18
Appearance:dark black with white spots, scar running down left eye from fight with Vuljotnaak the dragon.
Fears: Falmer,Chaurus, drowning, cripts
Personality: cautious but not afraid.
Occupation: wanderer / leader
Skills: bow-onehand-dragonslaying-
Nickname (Optional):Tristan
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs)----( not avenging parents but his people didnt know if that was allowed if not ill re wright it)
Born in one of the wandering caravans he was raised as a thief. His mother would distract a customer and he would steal from them without them knowing. One day he tried his luck on what he thought was a rich traveler but turned out to be a imperial general. Outraged when he found out he had been robed he sent his men to slaughter the caravan. Through a desprate fight in the morning only one survived a young boy. He picked up a sword from a dead imperial and walked twards their camp. They were drinking and getting fat off of the caravans riches and had no idea what was to come. It was in this night that Tristan the lone survivor of the massacure avenged his people and gained the name The nightdemon.he then set off to help the week and destroy those who used their power for crulty and greed. Over time he Gained reputation as a wandering hero after defeating a giant raid on Whiterun where the jarl made him Thane.He Wandered From place to place killing the things that go bump in the night. Moving from one place to the next never safe from his old enemies the Imperials. He met many men. He had heard of a horor that stalked the people of Ivarstead a beast with 3 eyes that no arrow could kill and swords broke to his skin. When he reached Ivarstead the people told him to climb the 7000 stairs to High Hrothgar and their he would find the beast. Reaching the top he came acrose a sigh to see the place of the graybeards but out front stood the beast with a broken ram in his arms he turned and charged. Tristan emedently crowched and launched arrow after arrow at the beast no good. With superior agility he managed to evade the beast and run past where he drew his wepions 2 long slender elvin one handed blades in each hand. as the beast charged again he slashed and slashed at it managing to draw blood but the cost was to great as the beast reared up and swatted Tristan as if he was a bug. Limp and bloody laying in the snow he knew his time had come. Out of all the beasts the dragons the giants the falmor or the elvin this one had bested him he slowly turned his head to looked up to see 5 old men walk outside the beast turned and charged Tristan knowing there was no hope for them felt pity but there was nothing he could do he slowly closed his eyes ready for death when "FUS RO DAH" he opened his eyes to see the beast flying past him he turuend to see the old me aproaching him "Arngeir he is alive! we must take him in and heal him" the one called Arngeir turned "Borri i am quite aware that he lives.... Einarth, Arngeir take him in and heal him we shall see that he lives" so they took the noble warior into their relm and made him hole. Their he learned with them and learned the voice. Once he was ready to go he was about to open the door when it suddenly flew open and a man walked by tall, built, and shrowded with a large icebear pelt he turned and looked down revealing ice blue eyes that glow with power. Tristan turned to see the all the graybeards on their knees. "my lord' Arngeir said "We will have your room ready in the hour" as arngeir turned to head to the room the hooded figure grabbed his sholder "Their is no need i come to speak to Paarthurnax. Through the elder scroll nothing more i must go soon for the remaining Imperial still oppress the land. Arngeir hastenly waved at a chest in the middle of the room "ofcourse we will be here if you need us" The hooded figure was about to leave when he noteced Tristan standing in aw at the 7 foot figure He was a giant in size towering over most men which made it easer for him to go head to head with the giants when needed or ideal to fight a dragon. His arms where like barles his chest like a stone. He was a idea that most men could not contemplate he was the dragonborn. Twenty years ago he fought Alduin and defeated him making him the most powerful living thing in skyrim known as lord of the dragons he stoped and pulled something out of his enchanted bag ["because thats how he holds 300+ pounds of stuff :wink.gif: not part of storyline just comic releif"] it was like nothing he had seen a bow made out of black metal with red glowing symbols. Young warior i give you my blessing cary this dadaric wepion with honor and pride use it for good not evil i trust any student of the graybeards to do so. You where gifted with a gift a voice able to use words of power maby not at the power and speed of a dragonborn but none the less use your power for good I have spent my life creating skyrim i give it to you now fight for her and defend her now and until you die". With that he opened the doors and the snow hurtled in and dissapered into the world. Tristan stood shaking with nerves "what will you do" Arngeir" said while looking out at the snow storm. Tristan looked over "I will use this power I have been gifted and will fight for rightiousnes i will destroy evil in all forms and except the shuning of the world i will become an assasin and a hero I will be a follower of the light and the dark of the Dragonborn.
All rights reserved Tristan, Robinson
You didn't fully fill out OOC, you need a full name, "Kejik" isn't a race, the defeat of Alduin was 20 years ago, you can't be dragonborn, THE DRAGONBORN is dead. You should really learn something about Elder Scrolls and our server.
I know you might be busy, but you skipped my apo. No rush, just wanted to let you know
WHAAAAAAAAAAT??? D; Why'd they rename it again? Rycana was amazing! (For those wondering, I came up with it)
I'm pretty sure that it says if the theme fit.
Hello i read your response and am sorry for not putting my full name and spelling Khajiit wrong I was worried about the dialog ha ha and where you said i cant be a dragonborn they died i never said i was in no way am i trying to be disrespectful but like the gray beards and many bosses in skyrim you can learn the voice just not at the speed and ability of a dragonborn now about in my story i put the dragonborn for like 5 lines sorry about that forgot they all died off lol ill be sure to deleate it as to filling out the format the dialog is in the background as for the rest i cant find anything im missing please read over i realy want to play on this server sorry about mentioning dragonborn again wont happen again
IGN: CommanderUltra
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: I have rped with my friends on DA and such.
Why Us: Skyrim is an amazing game, and a Minecraft server based off it is just, awesome..
Time You Can Dedicate: 2-4 hours a day.
Name: Khal KanChov'e
Gender: Male
Race: Argonian
Age: 25
Appearance: Dark grey Argonian, fire-orange eyes, sharp horns on back of head, and feathers.
Fears: Hagravens, dragons, vampires.
Personality: Talkitive, sometimes quiet, likes to be around his friends. Enjoys sweet roles and Ale.
Occupation: Warrior, archer.
Skills: Archery, swords, stealth, smithing, alchemy.
Nickname (Optional): Khal
RP Example (Add Dialogue): Me: *rolls to the side avoiding the flare of the dragon* "Damn"! Where did this beast come from?" *wipes sweat off forehead*
Backstory: A young male Argonian whom had lived in a poor lifestyle, Khal spent most of his time at home with his mother, father, and his 2 brethren. Every once a month or so in time, Khal and his brothers sometimes went into shops, snuck past the shopkeeper, and stole things like gold and food. They would then bring them back to their poor family. They were required to do this at the age of 16 since their family was poor, and just didn't have the coin to pay for the family. What made it even worse was that the majority of people in his town, were Nords, and thus treated Khal and his family lesser then others because they were argonians.. While Khal was living in this harsh and depressing environment, he learned from his elders how to be stealthy, use a sword, and he was trained to be highly skillful with a bow. When Khal turned 20, he left his home and set off on his own journey across Skyrim, and met many new companions.
During his travels, he met a female argonian by the name of Dema Rivera, the two became great friends, and would fight in combat together, and travel with each other. During his adventure's he had spotted 4 dragons, and since his first encounter with a blood dragon he has feared them ever since.
REPOST. FIXED :biggrin.gif:
Role-Play Exp.:skyrim, oblivion, fallout NV
Why Us I tried another RP server and it sucked, your's seems much more organized and entertaining
Time You Can Dedicate:2-6 hrs on weekdays maybe up to ten on weekends
Name:Joseph Strong-Beard
Appearance:Bearded, Long blonde hair, Gray colored armor
Fears: Necromancers, Daedra
Personality:Likes to take the Leeroy Jenkins approach
Skills:One Handed, Two Handed, Blocking, Heavy Armor
Nickname (Optional):
RP Example (Add Dialogue):Need a companion? Or some armor? If not then go away, I have armor and weapons to create.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):He was a young boy from a poor family in Riften, his father used to force him to go into the market and steal things that he could fence to the thieves' guild and used the money to buy shipments, as he grew older, he was recruited by the thieves' guild but wanted to earn an honest living, so he travelled to Markarth to learn the history of the dwemer and how to create their powerful armor. he explores caves that he's heard of to find dwemer artifacts and scrap metal to make armor. He was attacked in his home by Foresworn and killed them but the guards searched their bodies and did not find any evidence that they were Foresworn, so he had to go into hiding and flee the city. He travelled the lands and searched for new and exotic armors to smith, he explored many caves and had some run ins with Daedra at the depths of the earth. During one run in with Boteiah he was forced to kill his young apprentice or be killed himself. He fears Daedra and avoids them at all costs. He was somewhat sick of being under the ground for most of his life and decided to settle down a bit, but continue his adventuring lifestyle He moved to Windhelm and works as a blacksmith and an adventurer for hire He is revered by the locals for killing a dragon that was attacking the city.
Continue typing like that^ and you'll never be accepted. Learn the english language, and that above was 1 sentence, that never ended.
This wasn't detailed enough for an aggressive character. Go passive, or go bigger.
RPG Games aren't Roleplay Expierenced. Also, not a good enough RP Example. Dragon Crisis has been over for 20 years...
Saying "check my app" isn't going to help. At least give us page number and where it is on the page approx.
My app is on page 94. Not trying to push you or anything. I just want to know if there's anything wrong with the app so that I can fix it. Thanks
I should look through some apps...
IGN: Wetoos.
Age: 16.
Role-Play Exp.:I've been on some other servers, War never changes too, but i took a break from Minecraft to play other games.
Why Us: I love Skyrm and the elder scrolls universe in general, this server looks like it's the only one who has(Is going to.) a large player base and is serious enough.
Time You Can Dedicate: 1-3 hours a day. (Probably more on weekends.)
Name: Gaius Callidus.
Appearance:Dark short hair and blue eyes, of course you'll never see his face , because he wears the standard closed helmet of the 6th legion. He wears a unique set of Imperial Heavy armor,the vulnerable parts and the joints has been reinforced by Imperial Steel.
Fears: Mudcrabs and ghosts.
Personality: Kind, caring, loyal to the Empire. Willim to sacrifice his life for the greater good.
Occupation:Captain in the Imperial Legion.
Skills: He's great with a sword and shield, has used heavy armor for the last 10 years.
Nickname (Optional): Captain.
RP Example (Add Dialogue):
Gaius walks into the armory in the Prison district of the Imperial City.
Armorer: Sir! -salutes Gaius.-
Gaius: At ease smith. -gives him a quick salute.- I've come to have my sword checked, it took quite a beating against some marauders!
Armorer: Yes sir! 'lemme see. -Inspects the sword- Hmmmmm. Damn! What did you attack this time? This is no ordinary swords you've been slashing at!
Gaius:-lies- It was a marauder warlord,bugger had an enchanted claymore! Was glowing like one of those ayleid stones...
Armorer: Sure, sure. It'll take at least...Hmmmm...Three days? I know you value that sword of yours, here: you choose between a Gladius or a silver longsword?
Gaius: I'll take the longsword. -grunts- I don't understand how those Legionaires in Skyrim prefer the toothpick they call a gladius....
Armorer: Your offending my craftsmanship!
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Gaius Callidius was born in the town of Cheydinhal his family had been in the legion for generations, but his father tried his luck as an adventurer. Alas, his occupation was not long-lived. When dungeon crawling he ran into a bunch of angry skeletons, the fight was short and when he emerged from the dungeon, he had taken an arrow to the knee. He joined the Legion and taught little Gaius all he needed to know to become a great legionaire.
When Gaius was 16 he joined up with the legion. The legion was sorely lacking manpower since the great war and he was quickly accepted into the ranks of Tamriel's finest. During the military academy he was one of the top graduates and got the rank of sergeant. After ten years of service figting bandit's, goblins and the occasional stray mudcrab, he got promoted to the rank of captain. The rank of captain was not an exciting one though, he had to endure tiring patrols through the streets of the Imperial City. Breaking up brawls and arresting thieves was everyday business and he developed a keen eye for detecting criminal scum.
One day he had gotten a call from his superior. The general gave him a letter sealed with the seal of the emperor himself! He polished his armor and ran as fast as he could to the White gold tower. Running through the corridors(To the palace guard's annoyance.) he quickly arrived outside the Emperors quarter. The emperor told him about an exciting opportunity to serve the Empire. He talked about how important this mission was and how this could make the Empire stronger. Gaius was very eager. Ten minutes later he stood outside the Emperors quarter, his mission.....Deliver a letter to Skyrim. He was very disappointed.
He crossed the border to Skyrim to begin his new adventure....