Yes I plan to have Atmora go ablaze during Christmas. (Joking) Actually I plan to have a cheerful holiday that leads on from Christmas day to the end of new year. I am not sure what it will be called but I will let everyone know once the staff decides what to do.
Also Server is now 1.4.6, however there might be some plug-in hiccups and glitches. I recommend that ANYONE WHO EXPERIENCES A GLITCH OR ERROR POST A PICTURE AND TELL US WHAT HAPPENED. The reason behind this is because 1.4.6 has generated a responsible amount of errors with plug-ins.
Role-Play Exp.: Extensive
Why Us: Love TeS
Time You Can Dedicate: A good amount of hours of weekends and a couple hours every few weekdays.
Brief Description of Yourself: Can have a laugh, but if I need to be serious, I am capable.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Where people use fictional characters in situations where they take control of them.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: One is where you use OOC information to your character's advantage and the other is where you basically take control of the RP and act as if all the characters are yours. Both are wrong.
Name: Zaheii
Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Zaheii is a red Argonian with many black horns. He is decorated with traditional green warpaint that his family dons as if it were their flag. He is often found in light practical clothing that allows him to work without being impaired. Skin link.
Fears: The world has been in Turmoil for the past years, and he is yet to experience it first hand. He fears that soon, it is inevitable.
Personality: Zaheii is a very friendly man. Despite the fact he has encountered racism in the past, he sees no race in a bad light, merely individuals. People say that he is easy to get on with, which often helps him sell items by making friends. He was often found in local taverns in Skyrim quite often, so he hopes to find some lively inns on this side of the sea.
Occupation: Blacksmith, though could also be considered a Miner, as he collects all his own materials.
Skills: Zaheii is not a man of combat, in fact he is all but a pacifist. If he must engage in violence, so be it, but in day to day life, he tries to avoid situations that would cause this. He does not like to harm wild animals, and only ever ends up warding away wild creatures that have strayed in to the caves that he mines.[/left]
CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?: Barely. He prefers to let the soldiers do the fighting.
CanYouCharacterFarm?: No, and he doesn't care, either.
CanYourCharacterMine?: Yes. He is most experienced in the mines, and has proved to be efficient in them,
WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?: As a multi-skilled craftsman, he can take the ore he has mined to the surface and use it to craft metal gear. His experience in smithing has made him one of the few who have traveled out of Tamriel recently.
Backstory(1-2 LONG paragraphs): Zaheii was born in the dark forest of Murkwood, deep in the Black Marsh where his family had remained dormant for as long as it he knows. He had a simple life, learning from his father and elder brother of their Blacksmiths skills and aspiring to take after them.
At the age of 19, Zaheii left the Black Marsh to seek his fortune and set out in to Tamriel, eventually ending up in Skyrim, where he made his home in a shack not far from Solitude, where he spent the remainder of his money on a forge.
He made his pay from mining in a quarry by his hut and then forging it in to weaponry and Armour which he sold on the market in Solitude. He continued his business and soon became successful enough to attract customers out of the city to his home. He often traveled to the inn in Solitude, where he made many a friend, despite being younger than most of the regulars, though business started to become scarce, as even here, the world had been shaken and it looked almost as if the city was a ruin.
Zaheii experienced racism on him from some patrons occasionally, where he would be mocked for his cultures and appearance, this made him tougher in all, but to this day he says he holds no prejudice on the races that mocked him, knowing not all are the same.
Zaheii, two years later, after making a decent amount of money, sold off his cottage and decided to move on to bigger things. He took a ship to the new world in hopes of a thriving city, and when he arrived, his hopes were high. He soon began the search for a place to live, mine and sell his wares.
I'm sorry. I misread. I thought it was all-but destroyed. Is Black Marsh destroyed at this point?
This will be corrected at some point, probably by tomorrow afternoon.
No, Blackmarsh is fine. I accepted your app, you just forgot to put you IGN.
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Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
...Huh...they've got 11 posts...uh...try posting the topic again, Insane.
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Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...
Oh, and for the 50th time, it's pronounced MAHZ-AE-KEY-AHL, not Mah-zee-key-al, not Maze-key-al. Supposed to be spelled Mazékial.
Wonderful....I have to wait 10 days to post the new topic again....@#$@$#$%#$@##%#%*&$@#%$&. That is all.
Don't you just love our luck? Anyways, I suggest in the meantime to get yourself an avatar. Like maybe crop the banner?
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Behind this sucky post count, a writer and hardcore RPer lies in wait of a reason to post...
Oh, and for the 50th time, it's pronounced MAHZ-AE-KEY-AHL, not Mah-zee-key-al, not Maze-key-al. Supposed to be spelled Mazékial.
Who are you?
InsaneArtist on the new "staff" account. Also @Maz I think we will do that.
Come on Insane, Just one more.
Oh PS: 400 posts for me
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
Great app, just one thing. Skyrim was destroyed over 50 years ago. Oh and you forgot your IGN.
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
No, Blackmarsh is fine. I accepted your app, you just forgot to put you IGN.
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
Oh, and for the 50th time, it's pronounced MAHZ-AE-KEY-AHL, not Mah-zee-key-al, not Maze-key-al. Supposed to be spelled Mazékial.
Wonderful....I have to wait 10 days to post the new topic again....@#$@$#$%#$@##%#%*&$@#%$&. That is all.
Don't you just love our luck? Anyways, I suggest in the meantime to get yourself an avatar. Like maybe crop the banner?
Oh, and for the 50th time, it's pronounced MAHZ-AE-KEY-AHL, not Mah-zee-key-al, not Maze-key-al. Supposed to be spelled Mazékial.