Step by step I shall clarify this.
"The Quality of your OOC application is okay, but I sense that you are not a native English speaker so I will give some leniency"
This is clarification in case someone questions my judgement later if he/she was to be accepted.
"Honestly I see your application is in development and if i'm correct and you are not a native English speaker I strongly suggest using more comfortable language, some words seemed forced and to go through it with a fine tooth comb."
In no way did i say (in greeno's words) "you should go onto a server that speaks a different language" No, I never remotely said any of that. What I said was to use more comfortable language example: using other words than "poignant". So yes. Today I was banned for voicing my outrage at said allegations (without using inappropriate language and without caps locking) whether it was Greeno or Insane I thank you for finally freeing me from Lordran and its former and better; The Age of War.
Then i will say this A proud Head Admin to a Ex- non Proud Head Admin
When i see people that just blatantly say things like that it is just wrong. And you think i did the "Alligations" on my own voice, I asked almost all my staff to look at what you wrote and each one thought you were an a**. You came back when we got more players like a leach, and Solstheim is Glad to be rid of you! You and Solomon Crossed every line in the book insulting OUR players, as if it was your right! You did not stick around and try to make it better, you both gave up on this server. You told me that my job would consist of "Whiny Staff" Well you know what, I did have to deal with a immature staff member, and i am writing this message to him now. Though you are no longer staff, both you and Solomon are never allowed on the server, this forum, or Any Future Dragon Realm server. In my eyes you are no better than that Greifer Alter. Now get the heck off my forum.
A Hard Working Head Admin on a wonderful server.
Step by step I shall clarify this.
"The Quality of your OOC application is okay, but I sense that you are not a native English speaker so I will give some leniency"
This is clarification in case someone questions my judgement later if he/she was to be accepted.
"Honestly I see your application is in development and if i'm correct and you are not a native English speaker I strongly suggest using more comfortable language, some words seemed forced and to go through it with a fine tooth comb."
In no way did i say (in greeno's words) "you should go onto a server that speaks a different language" No, I never remotely said any of that. What I said was to use more comfortable language example: using other words than "poignant". So yes. Today I was banned for voicing my outrage at said allegations (without using inappropriate language and without caps locking) whether it was Greeno or Insane I thank you for finally freeing me from Lordran and its former and better; The Age of War.
Went off with a bang you did. But don't think anyone agreed with you. I mean insulted the players, the life and point of Minecraft server making. If I ever had the audacity to tell my players ,or people that play a server I am staff on, that their RP skills were terrible I would might as well shut down. I justify why I ban you because you insulted my players and I can't have a staff member that would even agree to that. My players may not be as experienced as most but at least they can get better.
I am sorry I had to ban you, you were/are a great whitelister, but you were to cocky and didn't respect the people that got you the job.
IGN: Tearfalas
Age: 13 - 14
Role-Play Exp: I played Skyrim, oblivion, Kingdom of Aeonis (Minecraft Server), currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur.(Not a MC server)
Why Us: I’ve been looking for a RPG server for a long time and failed to find one.
Time You Can Dedicate: Since its summer i probably won’t be online much but i will probably be online a lot after summer.
Brief Description of Yourself: I’m a/an 13.5 years old male living in Turkey. Im a calm person, im mature i think. I usually become leader in some stuff, but i don’t know if I’m good at being one.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplaying is taking the role of your character and acting throughout the game as if you were him.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming means you character having no flaws and being perfect in every way, like having no fears. It also means not giving an opponent chance to talk and kill them from behind (But i dont know which one you asked). Metagaming is using OOC information that your character wouldn’t normally know. EX: You heard from OOC channel that there was gonna be an attack and used it to warn you village.
Name: Antien Elanessë
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 361 (24 human age)
Appearance: He wears a brown shirt and black pants. He wears a green cloak above it all. The cloak has shoulder pads with blue accessories. He has brown hair and green eyes. Wears brown boots. http://www.planetmin...n-druid-904385/
Fears: High places, the darkness.
Personality: I dont really know how to decide this and even if i did it would be a pain for me to act like it. So i’ll be myself.
Occupation: Alchemy and (if there is a plugin) Basic Magic
Skills: Alchemy, Basic Magic, Enchanting,
Nickname (Optional): None
Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Wood Sword/ No axe
Can You Character Farm?: Yes
Can Your Character Mine?: No
What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can use Brewing Stands and Enchanting Tables.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): He was born in a wood elf village inside a carved birch tree. He was the only child his parents had because her mother was sick. When he was 7 he met Decaon, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. When he was about 12 his parents got problems and divorced. He was left with his father, whom was the reason they got divorced. His father couldn’t take care of him so he wanted to run away, but he knew the dangers of the forest. His friend Decaon’s parents were executed because they did things illegal. Nobody wanted to take care of him so Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys. Antien started reading about magic and alchemy. There was a mage here who knew alchemy and (if there is a plugin) magic. He learned alchemy and basic magic. He wasn’t talented for magic so he decided to master alchemy. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life.
Fus Ro Dah
Extra Information: I posted an application long ago but nobody even saw it, but i made this new character with my friend below. Also since my character is an alchemist is it possible for me to start with an alchemy table? Because making an alchemy table is too hard and it would take me too long to start roleplaying. If its sold in stores that's okay too.
IGN: delitedi Age:13 Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one. Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time. Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more. Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think. Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character. What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 363 Appearance: He wears a Green cloak and Black - White pants, He has brown eyes and hair. Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood. Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf. Occupation: Farmer / Explorer Skills: He can use a bow. Nickname (Optional): Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can. Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t. What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else. Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life. (Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.) Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah)"
IGN:Silentstealth Age:16 Role-PlayExp.:Lord Of The Craft,Runescape, Skyrim. WhyUs:I jut need a new Rp experience. TimeYouCanDedicate:At least 20 hours a week. BriefDescription of Yourself: I am a energetic, hard working, teen. I don't let too much stuff bother me. ExplainRole-PlayInYourOwnWords:Role-playing is when you basically act as a completely different person in a completely different setting. It could be any time period and you can be anyone you want. WhatIsPowergamingandMetagaming?Explainin your own words:Power gaming is when you basically take complete control of another character and don't even give them a chance for action. Meta-gaming is when you use something you personally know and your character does not know to your characters advantage.
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Short golden blonde hair as soft as wool worn in a messy manner. Heavenly brown eyes. He is about 6 feet tall with eyes so pure when you look into them you see nothing but pure innocence. He has no facial hair as he shaves often and a pretty good muscle build. From the looks of him you would think he is pretty wealthy.
Fears: Spiders, snakes, ghost, death, and trusting people.
Personality: He tends to be pretty quite around other people,however he does enjoy chatting with females. He doesn't share much of his past for he wants to keep it secret. He can be arrogant/ignorant when he talks so he is either easily loved or easily hated.
[b]CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] Yes [b]CanYouCharacterFarm?:[/b] No [b]CanYourCharacterMine?:[/b] No [b]WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?:[/b] Swim and climb.
Backstory(1-2[b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):
Born into a poor family of assassin's and thieveshe learned how to fight armed(swords and bows) and unarmed at an early age. They lived in a small village and did not really socialize with the other villagers. Since he is good with bows his father often took him out to hunt for the families dinner. One day he came back to his village, all the villagers had gathered in front of his house and locked his family inside. A few of the villagers with torches burned his house down and he had to watch as his family members and former house was burned down. He can still remember the cry of his mother. As soon as he got a chance he broke free from the villagers grasp and fled for the jungle nearby. He came across a rather large town and met a nice huntress who took him in as her apprentice, now he spends most of his days conversing with the town women and spending time alone with nature. He doesn't plan on avenging his family because they did not really mean much to him.
1. Its an Elder Scrolls server so choose a valid race
2. How did you arrive to Solsthiem
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Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
IGN: delitedi Age:13 Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one. Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time. Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more. Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think. Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character. What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 363 Appearance: Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood. Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf, Occupation: Farmer / Explorer Skills: He can use a bow. Nickname (Optional): Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can. Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t. What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else. Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go to the “The Main Spawn City”-- (This is how i start in the server) (Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.) Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah) Minecraft Forums would not let me quote 1. Overall app is good but you have describe your characters appearance.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
IGN: delitedi Age:13 Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one. Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time. Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more. Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think. Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character. What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 363 Appearance: He wears a Green cloak and Black - White pants, He has brown eyes and hair. Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood. Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf, Occupation: Farmer / Explorer Skills: He can use a bow. Nickname (Optional): Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can. Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t. What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else. Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go to the “The Main Spawn City”-- (This is how i start in the server) (Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.) Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah) Minecraft Forums would not let me quote
IGN: delitedi Age:13 Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one. Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time. Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more. Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think. Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character. What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur Race: Wood Elf Gender: Male Age: 363 Appearance: He wears a Green cloak and Black - White pants, He has brown eyes and hair. Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood. Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf. Occupation: Farmer / Explorer Skills: He can use a bow. Nickname (Optional): Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can. Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t. What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else. Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life. (Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.) Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah)"
IGN: Tearfalas
Age: 13 - 14
Role-Play Exp: I played Skyrim, oblivion, Kingdom of Aeonis (Minecraft Server), currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur.(Not a MC server)
Why Us: I’ve been looking for a RPG server for a long time and failed to find one.
Time You Can Dedicate: Since its summer i probably won’t be online much but i will probably be online a lot after summer.
Brief Description of Yourself: I’m a/an 13.5 years old male living in Turkey. Im a calm person, im mature i think. I usually become leader in some stuff, but i don’t know if I’m good at being one.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplaying is taking the role of your character and acting throughout the game as if you were him.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming means you character having no flaws and being perfect in every way, like having no fears. It also means not giving an opponent chance to talk and kill them from behind (But i dont know which one you asked). Metagaming is using OOC information that your character wouldn’t normally know. EX: You heard from OOC channel that there was gonna be an attack and used it to warn you village.
Name: Antien Elanessë
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 331 (24 human age)
Appearance: He wears a brown shirt and black pants. He wears a green cloak above it all. The cloak has shoulder pads with blue accessories. He has brown hair and green eyes. Wears brown boots. http://www.planetmin...n-druid-904385/
Fears: High places, the darkness.
Personality: I dont really know how to decide this and even if i did it would be a pain for me to act like it. So i’ll be myself.
Occupation: Alchemy and (if there is a plugin) Basic Magic
Skills: Alchemy, Basic Magic, Enchanting,
Nickname (Optional): None
Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Wood Sword/ No axe
Can You Character Farm?: Yes
Can Your Character Mine?: No
What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can use Brewing Stands and Enchanting Tables.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): He was born in a wood elf village inside a carved birch tree. He was the only child his parents had because her mother was sick. When he was 7 he met Decaon, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. When he was about 12 his parents got problems and divorced. He was left with his father, whom was the reason they got divorced. His father couldn’t take care of him so he wanted to run away, but he knew the dangers of the forest. His friend Decaon’s parents were executed because they did things illegal. Nobody wanted to take care of him so Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys. Antien started reading about magic and alchemy. There was a mage here who knew alchemy and (if there is a plugin) magic. He learned alchemy and basic magic. He wasn’t talented for magic so he decided to master alchemy. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life.
Fus Ro Dah
Extra Information: I posted an application long ago but nobody even saw it, but i made this new character with my friend below. Also since my character is an alchemist is it possible for me to start with an alchemy table? Because making an alchemy table is too hard and it would take me too long to start roleplaying. If its sold in stores that's okay too.
Both of you are being accepted but as for the Alchemy Table, i will do a short rp with you and we will go acquire one
Someone else will have to whitelist the two of you (minecraft wont log me in)
Both of you are being accepted but as for the Alchemy Table, i will do a short rp with you and we will go acquire one
Someone else will have to whitelist the two of you (minecraft wont log me in)
Okay then, also by alchemy table i mean brewing stand (I keep confusing it) (It requires blaze rod, from nether)
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN:Zyrokene Age:14 Role-PlayExp.:I have roleplayed on a few other server before and have roleplayed in starcraft 2. WhyUs:This seems like a good server with and Im always looking to rp plus the elder scrolls universe is awesome. TimeYouCanDedicate:around 1-2 hours a day most of the time. BriefDescription of Yourself:I`m a 14 year old from New Zealand, I`m also a pretty nice and mature guy. ExplainRole-PlayInYourOwnWords:Roleplaying is when you pretend to be your character or life through a character. WhatIsPowergamingandMetagaming?Explainin your own words:Powergaming and Metagaming are when you take information your character isnt supposed to have and use it to make him more powerful or help him and when you force an action onto another character/player.
Name: Achton
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Light brown hair. Wears a cloth covering his lower face. Has a backpack on constantly.
Personality:Curious and hard working.
Skills: Potion brewing, basic sword fighting and mining. Nickname(Optional):
[b]CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?:A sword.
[b]WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?: He can use brewing stands.
Backstory(1-2[b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):Achton was born in a small mining settlement. His mother died of childbirth shortly after. As his father was almost always mining Achton was left to his own devices. He would explore the town and then one day he found the library. The books fascinated him and he would always read there. One day he stumbled onto numerous books on potions. They intrigued him even more than the books on adventurers so he devoured the words eager to learn about this mystical art. Slowly the boy developed into a man, he gained muscles from having to work shifts in the mines, he gained knowledge and skill in the art of potion making. Then one day his father passed away, he had already been fading the dust in the mines destroying his lungs. Achton had no desire to end up like him and left soon after the funeral. He had sold his father house and now carried everything he owned in his backpack. He then began travelling his urge to explore the world too great to ignore. He went from town to town selling potions and scavenging ingredients never staying more than a few nights. This continued on for a long time until Achtons life started crumbling down around him. He was robbed and lost all his tools for potion making and then heard of the evacuation. So he made his way to Solitude ready to start a new life and make a name for himself.
Fus Ro Dah
Also is there any way to gain a basic potion making kit?
IGN:Silentstealth Age:16 Role-PlayExp.:Lord Of The Craft,Runescape, Skyrim. WhyUs:I jut need a new Rp experience. TimeYouCanDedicate:At least 20 hours a week. BriefDescription of Yourself: I am a energetic, hard working, teen. I don't let too much stuff bother me. ExplainRole-PlayInYourOwnWords:Role-playing is when you basically act as a completely different person in a completely different setting. It could be any time period and you can be anyone you want. WhatIsPowergamingandMetagaming?Explainin your own words:Power gaming is when you basically take complete control of another character and don't even give them a chance for action. Meta-gaming is when you use something you personally know and your character does not know to your characters advantage.
Name:Jax Windomere
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Short golden blonde hair as soft as wool worn in a messy manner. Heavenly brown eyes. He is about 6 feet tall with eyes so pure when you look into them you see nothing but pure innocence. He has no facial hair as he shaves often and a pretty good muscle build. From the looks of him you would think he is pretty wealthy.
Fears: Spiders, snakes, ghost, death, and trusting people.
Personality: He tends to be pretty quite around other people,however he does enjoy chatting with females. He doesn't share much of his past for he wants to keep it secret. He can be arrogant/ignorant when he talks so he is either easily loved or easily hated.
[b]CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] Yes [b]CanYouCharacterFarm?:[/b] No [b]CanYourCharacterMine?:[/b] No [b]WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?:[/b] Swim and climb.
Backstory(1-2[b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):
Born into a poor family of assassin's and thieveshe learned how to fight armed(swords and bows) and unarmed at an early age. They lived in a small village and did not really socialize with the other villagers. Since he is good with bows his father often took him out to hunt for the families dinner. One day he came back to his village, all the villagers had gathered in front of his house and locked his family inside. A few of the villagers with torches burned his house down and he had to watch as his family members and former house was burned down. He can still remember the cry of his mother. The villagers forcefully grabbed him and put him on a boat to Solsthiem.They finally arrived and as soon as he got a chance he broke free from the villagers grasp and fled for the jungle nearby. He came across a rather large town and met a nice huntress who took him in as her apprentice, now he spends most of his days conversing with the town women and spending time alone with nature. He doesn't plan on avenging his family because they did not really mean much to him.
IGN:Zyrokene Age:14 Role-PlayExp.:I have roleplayed on a few other server before and have roleplayed in starcraft 2. WhyUs:This seems like a good server with and Im always looking to rp plus the elder scrolls universe is awesome. TimeYouCanDedicate:around 1-2 hours a day most of the time. BriefDescription of Yourself:I`m a 14 year old from New Zealand, I`m also a pretty nice and mature guy. ExplainRole-PlayInYourOwnWords:Roleplaying is when you pretend to be your character or life through a character. WhatIsPowergamingandMetagaming?Explainin your own words:Powergaming and Metagaming are when you take information your character isnt supposed to have and use it to make him more powerful or help him and when you force an action onto another character/player.
Name: Achton
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Light brown hair. Wears a cloth covering his lower face. Has a backpack on constantly.
Personality:Curious and hard working.
Skills: Potion brewing, basic sword fighting and mining.
[b]CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?:A sword.
[b]WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?: He can use brewing stands.
Backstory(1-2[b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):Achton was born in a small mining settlement. His mother died of childbirth shortly after. As his father was almost always mining Achton was left to his own devices. He would explore the town and then one day he found the library. The books fascinated him and he would always read there. One day he stumbled onto numerous books on potions. They intrigued him even more than the books on adventurers so he devoured the words eager to learn about this mystical art. Slowly the boy developed into a man, he gained muscles from having to work shifts in the mines, he gained knowledge and skill in the art of potion making. Then one day his father passed away, he had already been fading the dust in the mines destroying his lungs. Achton had no desire to end up like him and left soon after the funeral. He had sold his father house and now carried everything he owned in his backpack. He then began travelling his urge to explore the world too great to ignore. He went from town to town selling potions and scavenging ingredients never staying more than a few nights. This continued on for a long time until Achtons life started crumbling down around him. He was robbed and lost all his tools for potion making and then heard of the evacuation. So he made his way to Solitude ready to start a new life and make a name for himself.
Fus Ro Dah
Also is there any way to gain a basic potion making kit?
Awesome, exept for a few problems.
1. Could you seperate the power-gaming and meta-gaming definitions by any chance?
2. How do you come to know of or hear about the island? (I really need to try and remember the name of it -.-)
Just fix these and you'll be good to go. But for now: Denied. Also no, there isn't a way to get a basic kit. But thanks to a plugin you can get the required stuff for it by killing zombies/ skellies/ ext.
xLgxRaven has been banned for advertising a different server, putting a link to their server, annoying players when asked to stop, and knowing of secret places without explaining any of these problems to staff. he is banned without the chance to appeal because this is the third time he has been banned from Lordran the Lost Souls
xLgxRaven has been banned for advertising a different server, putting a link to their server, annoying players when asked to stop, and knowing of secret places without explaining any of these problems to staff. he is banned without the chance to appeal because this is the third time he has been banned from Lordran the Lost Souls
What? It is the first time! AND look... http://i107.photobuc...bargo/map04.jpg
I wasn't asked to stop, and I didnt mean to advertise, I was pointing out facts...
If you want to know the secret places... It is the islands of Earth Water Fire and Air... Non opped players do not bother, they are far away, opped players, Fly Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast, there is also a bedrock border, with lava filled in the middle...
Oh and under the skull, there should be a huge obsidian plaza...ish thing.
What? It is the first time! AND look... http://i107.photobuc...bargo/map04.jpg
I wasn't asked to stop, and I didnt mean to advertise, I was pointing out facts...
If you want to know the secret places... It is the islands of Earth Water Fire and Air... Non opped players do not bother, they are far away, opped players, Fly Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast, there is also a bedrock border, with lava filled in the middle...
Colb banned you twice when he was owner, and only two of those things are even on the map! All i see is the tree and the damn Skull, which FYI i planned on Demo-ing since it is annoying. So again, banned with no appeal, PM me or Insane for any chance.
Colb banned you twice when he was owner, and only two of those things are even on the map! All i see is the tree and the damn Skull, which FYI i planned on Demo-ing since it is annoying. So again, banned with no appeal, PM me or Insane for any chance.
Search for them, there is the hand, the Leviathan, the Keep, the Sapling, pretty much everything...
And I actually have been banned twice, this being the second time, the first, I cannot remember, the second now, and the supposed 3rd one, I was wrongly banned, I was even told that by Denivire.
Can someone please whitelist me? My application was accepted on page 547 for confirmation. I understand that white wing can't do it as minecraft won't let him get on so can someone else do it? Also, I had that problem for a while, for me it went away just before my brother suggested that I reinstall it. you could wait or try reinstalling it but I don't know if it will deleate your data or not so be careful if you try this.
Same for me and delitedi (Forum name Inglor), he said someone else will whitelist us altough no admin saw my messages -.-
IGN:Silentstealth Age:16 Role-PlayExp.:Lord Of The Craft,Runescape, Skyrim. WhyUs:I jut need a new Rp experience. TimeYouCanDedicate:At least 20 hours a week. BriefDescription of Yourself: I am a energetic, hard working, teen. I don't let too much stuff bother me. ExplainRole-PlayInYourOwnWords:Role-playing is when you basically act as a completely different person in a completely different setting. It could be any time period and you can be anyone you want. WhatIsPowergamingandMetagaming?Explainin your own words:Power gaming is when you basically take complete control of another character and don't even give them a chance for action. Meta-gaming is when you use something you personally know and your character does not know to your characters advantage.
Name:Jax Windomere
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: Short golden blonde hair as soft as wool worn in a messy manner. Heavenly brown eyes. He is about 6 feet tall with eyes so pure when you look into them you see nothing but pure innocence. He has no facial hair as he shaves often and a pretty good muscle build. From the looks of him you would think he is pretty wealthy.
Fears: Spiders, snakes, ghost, death, and trusting people.
Personality: He tends to be pretty quite around other people,however he does enjoy chatting with females. He doesn't share much of his past for he wants to keep it secret. He can be arrogant/ignorant when he talks so he is either easily loved or easily hated.
[b]CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] Yes [b]CanYouCharacterFarm?:[/b] No [b]CanYourCharacterMine?:[/b] No [b]WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?:[/b] Swim and climb.
Backstory(1-2[b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):
Born into a poor family of assassin's and thieveshe learned how to fight armed(swords and bows) and unarmed at an early age. They lived in a small village and did not really socialize with the other villagers. Since he is good with bows his father often took him out to hunt for the families dinner. One day he came back to his village, all the villagers had gathered in front of his house and locked his family inside. A few of the villagers with torches burned his house down and he had to watch as his family members and former house was burned down. He can still remember the cry of his mother. The villagers forcefully grabbed him and put him on a boat to Solsthiem.They finally arrived and as soon as he got a chance he broke free from the villagers grasp and fled for the jungle nearby. He came across a rather large town and met a nice huntress who took him in as her apprentice, now he spends most of his days conversing with the town women and spending time alone with nature. He doesn't plan on avenging his family because they did not really mean much to him.
An Earthquake in Solstheim! How it happened is no one's guess. But it hit a city and it has now been reduced to rubble, is solstheim as safe as some predicted?
Search for them, there is the hand, the Leviathan, the Keep, the Sapling, pretty much everything...
And I actually have been banned twice, this being the second time, the first, I cannot remember, the second now, and the supposed 3rd one, I was wrongly banned, I was even told that by Denivire.
Again, We did tell you, you gave us half a**ed answers. And when Cave asked if you like the map so much why not join them (Which you said you were on their server and will go there soon) So it made their Forum page on our Server Even More of an Advertisment. Also, this would still be the second ban (Three in my Book still, because Colb did not tell me off when i banned you) So again, No normal Appeal, PM now Only Insane since i will not be fair if you PM me.
Then i will say this A proud Head Admin to a Ex- non Proud Head Admin
When i see people that just blatantly say things like that it is just wrong. And you think i did the "Alligations" on my own voice, I asked almost all my staff to look at what you wrote and each one thought you were an a**. You came back when we got more players like a leach, and Solstheim is Glad to be rid of you! You and Solomon Crossed every line in the book insulting OUR players, as if it was your right! You did not stick around and try to make it better, you both gave up on this server. You told me that my job would consist of "Whiny Staff" Well you know what, I did have to deal with a immature staff member, and i am writing this message to him now. Though you are no longer staff, both you and Solomon are never allowed on the server, this forum, or Any Future Dragon Realm server. In my eyes you are no better than that Greifer Alter. Now get the heck off my forum.
A Hard Working Head Admin on a wonderful server.
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
Went off with a bang you did. But don't think anyone agreed with you. I mean insulted the players, the life and point of Minecraft server making. If I ever had the audacity to tell my players ,or people that play a server I am staff on, that their RP skills were terrible I would might as well shut down. I justify why I ban you because you insulted my players and I can't have a staff member that would even agree to that. My players may not be as experienced as most but at least they can get better.
I am sorry I had to ban you, you were/are a great whitelister, but you were to cocky and didn't respect the people that got you the job.
IGN: Tearfalas
Age: 13 - 14
Role-Play Exp: I played Skyrim, oblivion, Kingdom of Aeonis (Minecraft Server), currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur.(Not a MC server)
Why Us: I’ve been looking for a RPG server for a long time and failed to find one.
Time You Can Dedicate: Since its summer i probably won’t be online much but i will probably be online a lot after summer.
Brief Description of Yourself: I’m a/an 13.5 years old male living in Turkey. Im a calm person, im mature i think. I usually become leader in some stuff, but i don’t know if I’m good at being one.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplaying is taking the role of your character and acting throughout the game as if you were him.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming means you character having no flaws and being perfect in every way, like having no fears. It also means not giving an opponent chance to talk and kill them from behind (But i dont know which one you asked). Metagaming is using OOC information that your character wouldn’t normally know. EX: You heard from OOC channel that there was gonna be an attack and used it to warn you village.
Name: Antien Elanessë
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 361 (24 human age)
Appearance: He wears a brown shirt and black pants. He wears a green cloak above it all. The cloak has shoulder pads with blue accessories. He has brown hair and green eyes. Wears brown boots. http://www.planetmin...n-druid-904385/
Fears: High places, the darkness.
Personality: I dont really know how to decide this and even if i did it would be a pain for me to act like it. So i’ll be myself.
Occupation: Alchemy and (if there is a plugin) Basic Magic
Skills: Alchemy, Basic Magic, Enchanting,
Nickname (Optional): None
Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Wood Sword/ No axe
Can You Character Farm?: Yes
Can Your Character Mine?: No
What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can use Brewing Stands and Enchanting Tables.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs): He was born in a wood elf village inside a carved birch tree. He was the only child his parents had because her mother was sick. When he was 7 he met Decaon, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. When he was about 12 his parents got problems and divorced. He was left with his father, whom was the reason they got divorced. His father couldn’t take care of him so he wanted to run away, but he knew the dangers of the forest. His friend Decaon’s parents were executed because they did things illegal. Nobody wanted to take care of him so Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys. Antien started reading about magic and alchemy. There was a mage here who knew alchemy and (if there is a plugin) magic. He learned alchemy and basic magic. He wasn’t talented for magic so he decided to master alchemy. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life.
Fus Ro Dah
Extra Information: I posted an application long ago but nobody even saw it, but i made this new character with my friend below. Also since my character is an alchemist is it possible for me to start with an alchemy table? Because making an alchemy table is too hard and it would take me too long to start roleplaying. If its sold in stores that's okay too.
IGN: delitedi
Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one.
Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time.
Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more.
Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 363
Appearance: He wears a Green cloak and Black - White pants, He has brown eyes and hair.
Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood.
Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf.
Occupation: Farmer / Explorer
Skills: He can use a bow.
Nickname (Optional):
Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe
Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can.
Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t.
What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else.
Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go from Valenwood to Cyrodiil, and from Cyrodiil to Skyrim. They were running out of money to buy supplies so they started living in Ivarstead for a few years to gather money. They heard the news about the dragonborn and wished they could go with him and see dragons. Some time later the big news got over about the death of the dragonborn and they had to leave Skyrim. It was an opportunity for them to leave Tamriel. They went to Solitude and got into the ship. Days later they opened their eyes in Solstheim, they knew they could never go back now. So they unboarded from the ship for a new life.
(Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.)
Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah)"
1. Its an Elder Scrolls server so choose a valid race
2. How did you arrive to Solsthiem
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
Posted Today, 11:25 AM
IGN: delitedi
Role-Play Exp.: I have played Skyrim, a few MC adventure maps. I haven’t been in a RPG server before but my friend told me to join one.
Why Us: Because i like Skyrim and Minecraft. I want to play both of them at the same time.
Time You Can Dedicate: 3 or 4 hours a day or more.
Brief Description of Yourself: I live in Turkey , I’m 13 years old, I’m a Funny person. That’s all i think.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Roleplay means acting like your character.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Powergaming is your character bring good in a lot of ways and having no fear or flaws. Like wielding arrow, bow and a staff at the same time. I can’t really explain Metagaming but i can give an Example : You heard From OOC channel something about your rivals plans and you told them to your king, etc.
Name: Decaon Glandur
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 363
Fears: He fears from Spiders and Blood.
Personality: He’s a quiet and calm elf,
Occupation: Farmer / Explorer
Skills: He can use a bow.
Nickname (Optional):
Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?: Stone Sword/ No axe
Can You Character Farm?: Yes he can.
Can Your Character Mine?: No he can’t.
What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can’t do anything else.
Backstory : He was born in a wood elf village. When he was 7 he met Antien, whom he spent his childhood and more with him. His family was poor and his parents did everything to feed him. But they were executed because of the illegal things they did.. Nobody wanted to take care of him, and then Antien asked him to run away from the village together. They snuck inside a delivery cart and hoped they could go somewhere nice and safe. Suddenly the cart stopped and the two went out silently to see what it is. It was nothing, the driver and the horses was gone without any sign. They decided to walk, they took some daggers from the delivery cart for protection. They stumbled across a tower. When they entered the tower, it was filled with weapons. They found about 10 people when they were expecting at least 50. They never wanted to ask why. The people living here decided to took care of the two boys.He met a archer named Galdur at the tower. Decaon wanted Galdur to train him because he tough bows were fascinating. He asked Galdur if he would train him and he did. Years later the two decided to leave. Because if they didn’t leave, how would they used the things they learned. They decided to go to the “The Main Spawn City”-- (This is how i start in the server)
(Sorry i can’t really explain things like my friend.)
Yol Toor Shul (Fus Ro Dah)
Minecraft Forums would not let me quote
1. Overall app is good but you have describe your characters appearance.
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
I think you forgot to check mine or answered both of us.
Here i fixed it.
Both of you are being accepted but as for the Alchemy Table, i will do a short rp with you and we will go acquire one
Someone else will have to whitelist the two of you (minecraft wont log me in)
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
Okay then, also by alchemy table i mean brewing stand (I keep confusing it) (It requires blaze rod, from nether)
Role-Play Exp.:I have roleplayed on a few other server before and have roleplayed in starcraft 2.
Why Us:This seems like a good server with and Im always looking to rp plus the elder scrolls universe is awesome.
Time You Can Dedicate:around 1-2 hours a day most of the time.
Brief Description of Yourself:I`m a 14 year old from New Zealand, I`m also a pretty nice and mature guy.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:Roleplaying is when you pretend to be your character or life through a character.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Powergaming and Metagaming are when you take information your character isnt supposed to have and use it to make him more powerful or help him and when you force an action onto another character/player.
Name: Achton
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Light brown hair. Wears a cloth covering his lower face. Has a backpack on constantly.
Personality:Curious and hard working.
Skills: Potion brewing, basic sword fighting and mining.
Nickname (Optional):
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:A sword.
[b]Can You Character Farm?:No
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:Yes
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?: He can use brewing stands.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs):Achton was born in a small mining settlement. His mother died of childbirth shortly after. As his father was almost always mining Achton was left to his own devices. He would explore the town and then one day he found the library. The books fascinated him and he would always read there. One day he stumbled onto numerous books on potions. They intrigued him even more than the books on adventurers so he devoured the words eager to learn about this mystical art. Slowly the boy developed into a man, he gained muscles from having to work shifts in the mines, he gained knowledge and skill in the art of potion making. Then one day his father passed away, he had already been fading the dust in the mines destroying his lungs. Achton had no desire to end up like him and left soon after the funeral. He had sold his father house and now carried everything he owned in his backpack. He then began travelling his urge to explore the world too great to ignore. He went from town to town selling potions and scavenging ingredients never staying more than a few nights. This continued on for a long time until Achtons life started crumbling down around him. He was robbed and lost all his tools for potion making and then heard of the evacuation. So he made his way to Solitude ready to start a new life and make a name for himself.
Fus Ro Dah
Also is there any way to gain a basic potion making kit?
It is fixed,
Awesome, exept for a few problems.
1. Could you seperate the power-gaming and meta-gaming definitions by any chance?
2. How do you come to know of or hear about the island? (I really need to try and remember the name of it -.-)
Just fix these and you'll be good to go. But for now: Denied. Also no, there isn't a way to get a basic kit. But thanks to a plugin you can get the required stuff for it by killing zombies/ skellies/ ext.
Read the rules. Denied again, sorry.
"If at first you don't succeed, reload."
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
What? It is the first time! AND look...
I wasn't asked to stop, and I didnt mean to advertise, I was pointing out facts...
If you want to know the secret places... It is the islands of Earth Water Fire and Air... Non opped players do not bother, they are far away, opped players, Fly Northwest Northeast Southwest Southeast, there is also a bedrock border, with lava filled in the middle...
Oh and under the skull, there should be a huge obsidian plaza...ish thing.
Colb banned you twice when he was owner, and only two of those things are even on the map! All i see is the tree and the damn Skull, which FYI i planned on Demo-ing since it is annoying. So again, banned with no appeal, PM me or Insane for any chance.
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
Search for them, there is the hand, the Leviathan, the Keep, the Sapling, pretty much everything...
And I actually have been banned twice, this being the second time, the first, I cannot remember, the second now, and the supposed 3rd one, I was wrongly banned, I was even told that by Denivire.
Same for me and delitedi (Forum name Inglor), he said someone else will whitelist us altough no admin saw my messages -.-
How did i forget that lol.
Again, We did tell you, you gave us half a**ed answers. And when Cave asked if you like the map so much why not join them (Which you said you were on their server and will go there soon) So it made their Forum page on our Server Even More of an Advertisment. Also, this would still be the second ban (Three in my Book still, because Colb did not tell me off when i banned you) So again, No normal Appeal, PM now Only Insane since i will not be fair if you PM me.
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!