Stasia has lost her Moderator-ship due to us needing new Moderators and she was the newest. So dont think she is in Trouble or anything.
And Best wishes from Lordran the Lost Souls to your Friend Stasia!
~Kevin and the entire server of Lordran the Lost Souls
Ok im saying this once,
CaveExplorer and _mr_pickles Stop with the "Sheep RPs" , it is trolling people and they dont like it, mob disguise is only for RP purposes not jokes.
Thank you
IGN: Deadify_U
Age: 18
Role-Play Exp.: I play D&D, and have played on several other role-play servers.
Why Us: It seems to me that this system of role-play would really be fun, and interesting.
Time You Can Dedicate: I can dedicate a large amount of time, but I can't specify the amount, because it fluctuates a lot.
Brief Description of Yourself: I am pretty un-interesting in real-life, but I seem to be cool in games and have many good ideas.
Explain Role-PlayInYourOwnWords: Role-play is the act of putting ones-self in another role. It usually happens in a game of some sort. Some people in society mistakenly believe that all people who role-play are geeky whimps who can't face reality, when, in fact, it is just another way to excercise our brilliant minds, and have fun while doing it.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming?Explainin your own words: Metagaming: The use of information that you know OOC, while IC. Powergaming: Powergaming is where people make their characters to be unbeatable, and making themselves able to do impossible things in role-play. Like, make a rope appear out of nowhere to tie someone up with, or, giving themselves a supernatural ability that would give them control, or superiority, over someone else, even though nothing warranted it. This makes role-playing with that person un-enjoyable.
Name: Richard (If last names are needed) Auldwemer
Race: (Assuming that this is all the races from Skyrim) Dark Elf
Gender: Male
Age: 42
Appearance: Usually in dark mage robes that cover most of his body. Only eyes, and the upper face show, which isn't much to look at... The way he walks tells everyone that he is narcissistic, and believes himself to be better than most.
Fears: Richard has only a few fears...One of them being rabbits... In fact, he came here because people have said that there are no rabbits here. I mean, who isn't scared of those furry, tiny, sharp-toothed rabbits?! They killed quite a number of King Arthur's men, after all! (Monty Python reference) Richard's other fears are something that he can, with some mental power, block out. (Trying to make room for some mystery, for role-play)
Personality: Richard, as was mentioned before, is narcissistic, and believes himself to be better than most. He is quite knowledgeable on many things, however. He prides himself on his vast knowledge, and utilizes it whenever he can. He also takes every possible opportunity to gain more.
Occupation: He previously spent his time working in a library, tending it, and reading many of it's books. However, now he's ready to start studying magic, and it's secrets. He seeks to become a member of the college, and tend it's books, occasionally giving a few a read...
Skills: Hopefully, he can be specializing in magic, and his intelligence. He can read exceptionally fast, and, as a result, has read many, many books. He also hopes to read many many more.[/left]
Nickname(Optional): Some have taken to calling him some profound names, but none are his nickname.
CanYourCharacterWield A Sword/Axe?: No.
CanYouCharacterFarm?: Yes.
CanYourCharacterMine?: No.
WhatOtherThingsCanYourCharacterDo?: Hopefully, he can cast spells, and read books exceptionally fast.
Backstory(1-2LONG paragraphs): Richard has spent most of his time reading book after book, occasionally writing a book for others to read. One day, he happened upon a mysterious book... It's cover was pitch-black, and was very thick. He started reading it, out of curiosity. By the 2nd page, he couldn't stop reading it! This book contained some introductory magics. Ones that would prove useful to achieve his narcissistic goals... Ever since, he's been on a hungry quest for more magic, and more knowledge!
A few months ago, he stumbled upon a book that told of a wonderful land, free of the dragons, that was filled to the brim with books, and magic! That land was Solsthiem. Now, after spending much gold on the trip to Solsthiem, he is finally at this land, ready to his brain with knowledge, and magic! (Not sure where to put the open response questions, so I'll just put 'em here. As you travel the coast starving, you spot a ship around two miles away. It could be full of pirates or slavers. Maybe something worse. In all this time, they are close to the shore, close enough to spot you. What do you do? I'm near the shore. I assess this situation logically. Assuming that I'm near a tree or two, I break off a slim branch, and salvage some vines, and make a fishing pole to fish for food. I'm not strong enough to fight off anyone.
While looking at wares in Dolorpagus, you spot two men distracting a merchant while another man steals a large bag of wheat and runs away. What do you do? I use a minor telekinesis spell, and over-exaggerate the motions of it (to attract attention), to trip him, and hopefully the bag of wheat falls, and everyone sees that I tripped him, and I do a favor for the merchant. One more favor that I can use to ask for something in return. More things in return make me more powerful, and it'll be easier to gain more knowledge if I'm more powerful...
While traversing the outskirts of a small village, you hear some faint screams. Feeling curious, you peer over a small hill and see two bandits robbing an Elf in a dense forest. Behind the Elf is a large shack. What do you do? I sneak to the house. In the commotion, I should be able to pull it off. Since it's a large shack, it should contain some books. Books are knowledge. The Elf doesn't matter. He's weak enough to get robbed, so he can't give me something in return for helping him. Besides, why would I call potential bodily harm to myself, by helping him?
IGN: redblackdragon3
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: i have rp exp but i have lets say rp exp with not much guys does i have a wierd taste of rp and i hope this server has atlest 2 to 3 guys who has the same
Why Us: reason above
Time You Can Dedicate: around 4 hours a day
Brief Description of Yourself: i am guy who likes to mine makes frend and punch off frends from cliffs and make traps
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: rp is in me words having fun with frends and be free to make u own story
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: powergaming is giving a other player no change to rp back and metagaming is stuff u dont supose to know like if an mod tells u where a player is
Name: dragon
Race: crazy wizard who studys and is obset with draongs
Gender: male
Age: 45
Appearance: looks like a red monik
Fears: do i realy have to tell this D: thunder and spiders
Personality: i like to play but most guys run away i dont know why its realy wierd im so lonley....
Occupation: trying to find out why he kind make frends
[left] building traps and making frends umm is it allowt to lie??? xD im so lonley....
Nickname (Optional): the most time call me HELP A CRAZY WIZARD... idk what they talk about its a wierd nickname...
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] um hello im a wizard i just use boom boom potions
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b] i tried 1 time but the farmer wasnt so happy with the crops idk whats wrong it was just some black mabay i needed to test out me spell before i did the big work
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b] ye of course but hes kinda crazy miner dont go near him he hits you
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b] umm mostly time searhing for frends.. D:
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): i was very young when i came after wied things happend im me house me mothe and dad know ti too we had to move we dont know what it is or who he is but its after me we stepped in the car drived away its was filling us a guy with no eyes only eye holes with pure evil in it with a big scar on his face and more knifes wounds he opended hes eyes there where beast comeing out of it i waket up suddenly in me bed i heart a big scream i found me parents dead i know that wasnt a dream but that was a warning something tried to protect me suddenly out of the darkness rises the nightmare of me dreams he tried to suck me soul out but a big white flesh came and the monster got scared away i heard me mom talking to me go go away far away from here there isnt much time to explain all you need is in a town called called she falls dead on the gruond a piece of paper out of here hand what a town name on it and some things to do but the number 1 thing i wanted to do was REVENCE......
Ok Multiple things wrong here.
1. Needs to be an Elderscrolls race
2. We dont mind some jokes in apps but your looks like a giant troll with all the "Frends" Stuff
3. How did your character get to Solsteim (Island north of Skyrim Legion boats"
So for now Denied
Staff, We need one more person from the UK to become a moderator, if your are interested please PM me and we can start testing you on making you a Trial mod
Now, The Legion has taken three cities, Bolteria, Solonir, and Merchant Citadel. All that stands in their way is Astora and Freedom's Point, will no one stand in their way?
Boogster, If you want to take another city you must have 10,000 Embers and 5 people that will live in the city
News: A new Town has been Accepted to be built from the two players are hard working and have the requirments.
The town of Labarynthia will be demo-ed if the owner does not Contact me Via PM within one week.
Troll-looking applications will be denied on the spot if they do not look perfessional (we dont mind a couple jokes in them but dont make the app about the stupidest of things.)
IGN: redblackdragon3
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: i have rp exp but i have lets say rp exp with not much guys does i have a wierd taste of rp and i hope this server has atlest 2 to 3 guys who has the same
Why Us: reason above
Time You Can Dedicate: around 4 hours a day
Brief Description of Yourself: i am guy who likes to mine makes frend and punch off frends from cliffs and make traps
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: rp is in me words having fun with frends and be free to make u own story
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: powergaming is giving a other player no change to rp back and metagaming is stuff u dont supose to know like if an mod tells u where a player is
Name: dragon
Race: novice mage
Gender: male
Age: 45
Appearance: looks like a red monik
Fears: do i realy have to tell this D: thunder and spiders
Personality: i like to play but most guys run away i dont know why its realy wierd im so lonley....
Occupation: trying to find out why he kind make frends
[left] building traps and brewing
Nickname (Optional): crazy wizard
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] um hello im a wizard i just use boom boom potions
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b] i tried 1 time but the farmer wasnt so happy with the crops idk whats wrong it was just some black mabay i needed to test out me spell before i did the big work
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b] ye of course but hes kinda crazy miner dont go near him he hits you
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b] i mostly time are brewing and trying to hel people
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): i was very young when i came after wied things happend im me house me mothe and dad know ti too we had to move we dont know what it is or who he is but its after me we stepped in the car drived away its was filling us a guy with no eyes only eye holes with pure evil in it with a big scar on his face and more knifes wounds he opended hes eyes there where beast comeing out of it i waket up suddenly in me bed i heart a big scream i found me parents dead i know that wasnt a dream but that was a warning something tried to protect me suddenly out of the darkness rises the nightmare of me dreams he tried to suck me soul out but a big white flesh came and the monster got scared away i heard me mom talking to me go go away far away from here there isnt much time to explain all you need is in a town called called she falls dead on the gruond a piece of paper out of here hand what a town name on it and some things to do but the number 1 thing i wanted to do was REVENCE...... (i dint sayaout a lisand i just sayt a ""town name")
Ok, it barely looks like you changed anything. Not only that but most of the damn thing I can even understand! Either this is a huge troll or you really need to work on it. Denied.
Role-Play Exp.:I have played on SavageRealms some and I helped make Crest of Absolution.I have also palyed many other RPG servers.
Why Us:You guys just seem like you have the thing every other good RPG minecraft server is missing.
Time You Can Dedicate:I can play almost every single day for 8-23 hours.
Brief Description of Yourself:Curious and adventures some times agressive but only if provoked.I have brown hair hazzel eyes and I am sort of built.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:RP is a process of liveing the life of a made of character threw its eyes and baseing everything you do off there thoughts.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Its when you make your self sound over power like I CAN KILL EVERYBUDY IN THE WORLD WITH MY PINKIE. Something along those lines.
Name:James Carter
Age:104(young for a elf)
Appearance:Most facial features of James are hidden by a dark green hood he wears. He wears a belt with a red gem in it. Has dark green gloves.
Fears:Some close to him getting killed.
Personality:He works alone most the time but if you can get him to open up to you he is the best companion you can find.
Occupation:He works as a payed assasin but he only will go after the ones worth killing(high pay or has done something wrong).
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b]Yes but he is not the best.
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b]He is very good with the bow also is great at parkour.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG paragraphs)
As I grew up I was lonely nobody to really talk to.Nobody understood me
until I met this young human girl of the age of 8( at this time I was 52) we would meet everyday
and talk to each other and we would always be there to help the other when they got in a jam.
We both where very adventurous at this age so we would go on adventure in some of the caverns near my house.It was alot of fun we felt industructible like nothing could stop us
till that day where james' life changed forever they where both in the wood one day looking for a cavern to explore. We noticed a light in one of them so we went inside then we noticed a campsite with two older humans. We went up to say hello but they
started to attack as children we had no real weapon except a fishing knife passed down from my father.
I pulled the knife out of its sheath then ran up to one that was beating the girl with a
large club. I swang that knife outragously at the human but he dodged most the blows and then knocked me
hard upside the head. I woke up the next day to my friend and the two humans all dead. One of the humans had a note on there chest with a dagger stabbed through it. I started to read the letter it was from a elf from the the old order of the assins known as The Stealz. He
told me to meet him at a tree with the initials T.S. I guesed it means The Stealz. I left right away into the forest looking for the tree I got to the tree and at the roots of this another letter and a belt. The letter red "This is the belt of capacity this belt will suck up items
into then you can pull them out on demand but there is a limit to how much you can hold at a given
time." After i red this letter I decided to to lvie a life of hate and killl all who deserve it.
P.S. the belt is just an explanation for having an invitory without a backpack.
Anyone else think the guy that keeps trying to be a "novice mage" is 5 years old, or just lives in a closet? I am being serious as the fact that my Little Pony gives me nightmares.
My app gonna be up in a few hours/days, hopefully I wont be a drifter anymore.
Time You Can Dedicate: Probably around 5-12 hours per week.
Brief description of yourself: A crazy person with anger management issues.
What is powergaming?: When a person uses abilities far beyond the regular margin.
EX: “Brynjar punches Super Mario so hard he flies to the moon.”
Metagaming?: When someone in RP uses information gained outside of RP
EX: “Brynjar walks up to a friend and tells him how to fix a broken toilet, when he (Brynjar) knows nothing about plumbing.”
Name: Brynjar Sorenson
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Appearance: Blind in one eye, has a beard. Heavily built.
Fears: Only having a sword in his hand.
Personality: Brynjar is slightly insane, enjoys fighting and consuming mead. He is reckless and stubborn, as well as having a neutral morality.
Occupation: Mercenary, Blacksmith
Skills: Two-handed, Smithing, Heavy Armor, Speechcraft
Nickname (Optional):
Can your character use a sword/axe?: yes
Can your character farm?: no
Can your character mine?: yes
What other things can your character do?: Forge an axe that smells of bacon, and predict what most younger man, mer and bestiary will do in a certain scenario.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Brynjar never knew who his real parents were. For as long as he could remember, his parents were Bjorn and Arnbjorg Sorenson. His father was a blacksmith in Windhelm, and his mother worked as a stall-keeper in the market square. They were renowned as the best partner-business in most of the town. Bjorn taught his son the trade of the blacksmith, and Brynjar was an excellent student to his father. He was also taught by his mother, who knew all kinds of sales techniques. One day, Jarl Ulfric pitched a battle against the Imperials. Brynjar’s father was drafted to be a war-smith, and Bjorn taught Brynjar how to use two handed weapons, like claymores and battle-axes. On one of these days, as Brynjar and Bjorn were out in the camp smelting ores, word came that the city had been raided by Imperials. Grievened by the loss of his wife, Bjorn slit his throat with an unfinished shard of a glass sword. Brynjar then fell into shock due to the fact that his father always told him “I will die a warrior’s death, and a few years later, we will meet in Sovngarde.”
Brynjar woke up in darkness. Then his face felt like it had been jabbed with thousands of needles filled with poison. His eyes opened to a room full of death and darkness, dripping with sorrow and oozing from the cracks with terror. Bodies lay strewn apart along the floor. He was alone and scared, like a sheep when a wolf is near. That’s when he heard a voice. “This is a strong one,” it said. “I hope he can actually tell me something.” This is when Brynjar realized, that an elf talking to him. Suddenly, he was filled with anger. A type of anger he had never felt before, an anger you would get if you were talking to the person responsible for the killing your mother and father, which, he sort of was. Some form of strength overcame him, it is sort of hard to describe what he did, but I will to the best of my abilities. Brynjar ripped out of the chair he was bound to, tore out the elf’s intestines, then strangled said elf with them. He searched the elf for a weapon, but all he found was a dagger. He took this, as it is better than nothing. This gave him enough killing power to make his way to the armory and grab a battleaxe. It was a brutal day, and after he escaped he passed out from hunger and exhaustion. Eventually, he woke up in the Winking Skeever of Solitude. He had a copy of the latest Black Horse Courier, so he began reading. He read that, not only had Farkas of the companions won the title, but everyone had to high-tail it on outta Skyrim, or risk being roasted and served with a side of fries. He did whatever it took to get on the boat and get the fudge outta there.
IGN: redblackdragon3
Age: 14
Role-Play Exp.: i have rp exp but i have lets say rp exp with not much guys does i have a wierd taste of rp and i hope this server has atlest 2 to 3 guys who has the same
Why Us: reason above
Time You Can Dedicate: around 4 hours a day
Brief Description of Yourself: i am guy who likes to mine makes frend and punch off frends from cliffs and make traps
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: rp is in me words having fun with frends and be free to make u own story
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: powergaming is giving a other player no change to rp back and metagaming is stuff u dont supose to know like if an mod tells u where a player is
Name: galso
Race: novice mage
Gender: male
Age: 45
Appearance: looks like a red monik and has wings on his back the dont surve purposse just a failed spell
Fears: do i realy have to tell this D: thunder and spiders
Personality: i like to play but most guys run away i dont know why its realy wierd im so lonley.... and i realy like to train and be the best i still are kinda new
Occupation: learning learning enchating learning and trying to find out who he night mare is
[left] building traps and brewing
Nickname (Optional): solko
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] yes he can but he is kinda a fraid to go in a mineshaft dam spiders
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b] he can indeed but his kinda old for it
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b] ye of course but hes kinda crazy miner dont go near him he hits you he dont like thiefs
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b] well hes a pretty dam good miner
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): i was very young when i came after wierd things happend im me house me mothe and dad know ti too we had to move we dont know what it is or who he is but its after me we stepped in the car drived away its was follwing us a guy with no eyes only eye holes with pure evil in it with a big scar on his face and more knifes wounds he opended hes mounth there where beast comeing out of it i waket up suddenly in me bed i heart a big scream i found me parents dead i know that wasnt a dream but that was a warning something tried to protect me and woke me up suddenly out of the darkness rises the nightmare of me dreams he tried to suck me soul out but a big white flesh came and the monster got scared away i heard me mom talking to me go go away far away from here there isnt much time to explain all you need is in a town called called she falls dead on the gruond a piece of paper rolls out of here hand what a town name on it and some things to do but the number 1 thing i wanted to do was REVENCE so i started me journy wit ha boatand after a long time i came tosolsteim......
..... No.... Just.... *sigh* What ever your doing, trolling or not, your doing it wrong....
Role-Play Exp.:I have played on SavageRealms some and I helped make Crest of Absolution.I have also palyed many other RPG servers.
Why Us:You guys just seem like you have the thing every other good RPG minecraft server is missing.
Time You Can Dedicate:I can play almost every single day for 8-23 hours.
Brief Description of Yourself:Curious and adventures some times agressive but only if provoked.I have brown hair hazzel eyes and I am sort of built.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:RP is a process of liveing the life of a made of character threw its eyes and baseing everything you do off there thoughts.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Its when you make your self sound over power like I CAN KILL EVERYBUDY IN THE WORLD WITH MY PINKIE. Something along those lines.
Name:James Carter
Age:104(young for a elf)
Appearance:Most facial features of James are hidden by a dark green hood he wears. He wears a belt with a red gem in it. Has dark green gloves.
Fears:Some close to him getting killed.
Personality:He works alone most the time but if you can get him to open up to you he is the best companion you can find.
Occupation:He works as a payed assasin but he only will go after the ones worth killing(high pay or has done something wrong).
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b]Yes but he is not the best.
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b]He is very good with the bow also is great at parkour.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG paragraphs)
As I grew up I was lonely nobody to really talk to.Nobody understood me
until I met this young human girl of the age of 8( at this time I was 52) we would meet everyday
and talk to each other and we would always be there to help the other when they got in a jam.
We both where very adventurous at this age so we would go on adventure in some of the caverns near my house.It was alot of fun we felt industructible like nothing could stop us
till that day where james' life changed forever they where both in the wood one day looking for a cavern to explore. We noticed a light in one of them so we went inside then we noticed a campsite with two older humans. We went up to say hello but they
started to attack as children we had no real weapon except a fishing knife passed down from my father.
I pulled the knife out of its sheath then ran up to one that was beating the girl with a
large club. I swang that knife outragously at the human but he dodged most the blows and then knocked me
hard upside the head. I woke up the next day to my friend and the two humans all dead. One of the humans had a note on there chest with a dagger stabbed through it. I started to read the letter it was from a elf from the the old order of the assins known as The Stealz. He
told me to meet him at a tree with the initials T.S. I guesed it means The Stealz. I left right away into the forest looking for the tree I got to the tree and at the roots of this another letter and a belt. The letter red "This is the belt of capacity this belt will suck up items
into then you can pull them out on demand but there is a limit to how much you can hold at a given
time." After i red this letter I decided to to lvie a life of hate and killl all who deserve it.
P.S. the belt is just an explanation for having an invitory without a backpack.
Fus Ro Dah
Ok, a lot better than the guy above. But it has a few problems.
1. I havn't played the Elder Scrolls that much to know of the ages of elfs. But 104? Damn.
2. Could use a spell/grammar check.
3. From what I have heard, there are multiple forms of the elf race. Choose one.
Just fix these, repost it, and you'll be good to go. Denied.
Time You Can Dedicate: Probably around 5-12 hours per week.
Brief description of yourself: A crazy person with anger management issues.
What is powergaming?: When a person uses abilities far beyond the regular margin.
EX: “Brynjar punches Super Mario so hard he flies to the moon.”
Metagaming?: When someone in RP uses information gained outside of RP
EX: “Brynjar walks up to a friend and tells him how to fix a broken toilet, when he (Brynjar) knows nothing about plumbing.”
Name: Brynjar Sorenson
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Appearance: Blind in one eye, has a beard. Heavily built.
Fears: Only having a sword in his hand.
Personality: Brynjar is slightly insane, enjoys fighting and consuming mead. He is reckless and stubborn, as well as having a neutral morality.
Occupation: Mercenary, Blacksmith
Skills: Two-handed, Smithing, Heavy Armor, Speechcraft
Nickname (Optional):
Can your character use a sword/axe?: yes
Can your character farm?: no
Can your character mine?: yes
What other things can your character do?: Forge an axe that smells of bacon, and predict what most younger man, mer and bestiary will do in a certain scenario.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Brynjar never knew who his real parents were. For as long as he could remember, his parents were Bjorn and Arnbjorg Sorenson. His father was a blacksmith in Windhelm, and his mother worked as a stall-keeper in the market square. They were renowned as the best partner-business in most of the town. Bjorn taught his son the trade of the blacksmith, and Brynjar was an excellent student to his father. He was also taught by his mother, who knew all kinds of sales techniques. One day, Jarl Ulfric pitched a battle against the Imperials. Brynjar’s father was drafted to be a war-smith, and Bjorn taught Brynjar how to use two handed weapons, like claymores and battle-axes. On one of these days, as Brynjar and Bjorn were out in the camp smelting ores, word came that the city had been raided by Imperials. Grievened by the loss of his wife, Bjorn slit his throat with an unfinished shard of a glass sword. Brynjar then fell into shock due to the fact that his father always told him “I will die a warrior’s death, and a few years later, we will meet in Sovngarde.”
Brynjar woke up in darkness. Then his face felt like it had been jabbed with thousands of needles filled with poison. His eyes opened to a room full of death and darkness, dripping with sorrow and oozing from the cracks with terror. Bodies lay strewn apart along the floor. He was alone and scared, like a sheep when a wolf is near. That’s when he heard a voice. “This is a strong one,” it said. “I hope he can actually tell me something.” This is when Brynjar realized, that an elf talking to him. Suddenly, he was filled with anger. A type of anger he had never felt before, an anger you would get if you were talking to the person responsible for the killing your mother and father, which, he sort of was. Some form of strength overcame him, it is sort of hard to describe what he did, but I will to the best of my abilities. Brynjar ripped out of the chair he was bound to, tore out the elf’s intestines, then strangled said elf with them. He searched the elf for a weapon, but all he found was a dagger. He took this, as it is better than nothing. This gave him enough killing power to make his way to the armory and grab a battleaxe. It was a brutal day, and after he escaped he passed out from hunger and exhaustion. Eventually, he woke up in the Winking Skeever of Solitude. He had a copy of the latest Black Horse Courier, so he began reading. He read that, not only had Farkas of the companions won the title, but everyone had to high-tail it on outta Skyrim, or risk being roasted and served with a side of fries. He did whatever it took to get on the boat and get the fudge outta there.
Nice app, it would be accepted but the back-story is filled with some power-gaming eliments. E.G. How the hell can you rip out of a chair and then rip out someone's guts without any tools? This is just an idea: You can write it so that the elf forgot to disarm you or something. Just give it that slight fix and you'll be good to go. Denied.
Staff, We need one more person from the UK to become a moderator, if your are interested please PM me and we can start testing you on making you a Trial mod
Now, The Legion has taken three cities, Bolteria, Solonir, and Merchant Citadel. All that stands in their way is Astora and Freedom's Point, will no one stand in their way?
Boogster, If you want to take another city you must have 10,000 Embers and 5 people that will live in the city
Ok, a lot better than the guy above. But it has a few problems.
1. I havn't played the Elder Scrolls that much to know of the ages of elfs. But 104? Damn.
2. Could use a spell/grammar check.
3. From what I have heard, there are multiple forms of the elf race. Choose one.
Just fix these, repost it, and you'll be good to go. Denied.
elves live up to 1000 years old.
i know this cause I'm about 400 now.
Role-Play Exp.:I have played on SavageRealms some and I helped make Crest of Absolution.I have also palyed many other RPG servers.
Why Us:You guys just seem like you have the thing every other good RPG minecraft server is missing.
Time You Can Dedicate:I can play almost every single day for 8-23 hours.
Brief Description of Yourself:Curious and adventures some times agressive but only if provoked.I have brown hair hazzel eyes and I am sort of built.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:RP is a process of liveing the life of a made of character threw its eyes and baseing everything you do off there thoughts.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Its when you make your self sound over power like I CAN KILL EVERYBUDY IN THE WORLD WITH MY PINKIE. Something along those lines.
Name:James Carter
Age:337(28 if human years)
Appearance:Most facial features of James are hidden by a dark green hood he wears. He wears a belt with a red gem in it. Has dark green gloves.
Fears:Some close to him getting killed.
Personality:He works alone most the time but if you can get him to open up to you he is the best companion you can find.
Occupation:He works as a payed assasin but he only will go after the ones worth killing(high pay or has done something wrong).
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b]Yes but he is not the best.
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b]He is very good with the bow also is great at parkour.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG paragraphs)
As I grew up I was lonely nobody to really talk to.Nobody understood me
until I met this young human girl of the age of 8( at this time I was 14) we would meet everyday
and talk to each other and we would always be there to help the other when they got in a jam.
We both where very adventurous at this age so we would go on adventure in some of the caverns near my house.It was alot of fun, we felt industructible like nothing could stop us
till that day where james' life changed forever they where both in the wood one day looking for a cavern to explore. We noticed a light in one of them so we went inside then we noticed a campsite with two older humans. We went up to say hello but they
started to attack as children we had no real weapon except a fishing knife passed down from my father.
I pulled the knife out of its sheath then ran up to one that was beating the girl with a
large club. I swang that knife outragously at the human but he dodged most the blows and then knocked me
hard upside the head. I woke up the next day to my friend and the two humans all dead. One of the humans had a note on there chest with a dagger stabbed through it. I started to read the letter it was from a elf from the the old order of the assins known as The Stealz. He
told me to meet him at a tree with the initials T.S. I guesed it means The Stealz. I left right away into the forest looking for the tree I got to the tree and at the roots of this another letter and a belt. The letter red "This is the belt of capacity this belt will suck up items
into then you can pull them out on demand but there is a limit to how much you can hold at a given
time." After i red this letter I decided to to live a life of hate and killl all who deserve it.
P.S. the belt is just an explanation for having an invitory without a backpack.
Time You Can Dedicate: Probably around 5-12 hours per week.
Brief description of yourself: A crazy person with anger management issues.
What is powergaming?: When a person uses abilities far beyond the regular margin.
EX: “Brynjar punches Super Mario so hard he flies to the moon.”
Metagaming?: When someone in RP uses information gained outside of RP
EX: “Brynjar walks up to a friend and tells him how to fix a broken toilet, when he (Brynjar) knows nothing about plumbing.”
Name: Brynjar Sorenson
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Appearance: Blind in one eye, has a beard. Heavily built.
Fears: Only having a sword in his hand.
Personality: Brynjar is slightly insane, enjoys fighting and consuming mead. He is reckless and stubborn, as well as having a neutral morality.
Occupation: Mercenary, Blacksmith
Skills: Two-handed, Smithing, Heavy Armor, Speechcraft
Nickname (Optional):
Can your character use a sword/axe?: yes
Can your character farm?: no
Can your character mine?: yes
What other things can your character do?: Forge an axe that smells of bacon, and forge unscented weapons and armor.
Backstory (1-2 LONG paragraphs):
Brynjar never knew who his real parents were. For as long as he could remember, his parents were Bjorn and Arnbjorg Sorenson. His father was a blacksmith in Windhelm, and his mother worked as a stall-keeper in the market square. They were renowned as the best partner-business in most of the town. Bjorn taught his son the trade of the blacksmith, and Brynjar was an excellent student to his father. He was also taught by his mother, who knew all kinds of sales techniques. One day, Jarl Ulfric pitched a battle against the Imperials. Brynjar’s father was drafted to be a war-smith, and Bjorn taught Brynjar how to use two handed weapons, like claymores and battle-axes. On one of these days, as Brynjar and Bjorn were out in the camp smelting ores, word came that the city had been raided by Imperials. Grievened by the loss of his wife, Bjorn slit his throat with an unfinished shard of a glass sword. Brynjar then fell into shock due to the fact that his father always told him “I will die a warrior’s death, and a few years later, we will meet in Sovngarde.”
Brynjar woke up in darkness. Then his face felt like it had been jabbed with thousands of needles filled with poison. His eyes opened to a room full of death and darkness, dripping with sorrow and oozing from the cracks with terror. Bodies lay strewn apart along the floor. He was alone and scared, like a sheep when a wolf is near. That’s when he heard a voice. “This is a strong one,” it said. “I hope he can actually tell me something.” This is when Brynjar realized, that an elf talking to him. Suddenly, he was filled with anger. The elf did remember to disarm him, but not his sidearm. He keeps such a weapon in a disgusting place, between his buttcheeks, not in the rectum, but right outside of it. Somehow, Brynjar managed to pull his weapon from the gates of his anus, unsheathed it, then used it to cut himself out of the chair of which he was bound to. He then stabbed the elf in the stomach, pulled it out, then he repeated that as many times as it took for the elf to stop breathing. He searched the elf for a weapon, but all he found was another dagger. He took this, as two is better than one. This gave him enough killing power to make his way to the armory and grab a battleaxe. It was a brutal day, and after he escaped he passed out from hunger and exhaustion. Eventually, he woke up in the Winking Skeever of Solitude. He had a copy of the latest Black Horse Courier, so he began reading. He read that everyone had to high-tail it on outta Skyrim, or risk being roasted and served with a side of fries. He did whatever it took to get on the boat and get the fudge outta there.
IGN: eddymondd
Age: 15
Role-Play Exp.: I played on a couple of RP servers, well one of the clans that I used to PvP with turned into a strictly RP clan but it kind of died off. It was the Knights of Amnesia.
Why Us: I read the positive feedback spoiler on the OP, which sealed the deal. You guys seem to be a popular server with all the replies and views, and usually popular servers are popular for a reason so I decided to check it out. And I liked what I saw, so here I am.
Time You Can Dedicate: 3 - 5 hours depending on the day and what is planned for the day. My schedule is wierd sometimes but I will try to put time into the server.
Brief Description of Yourself: I am a 15 year old that will be going into Junior year next year. I am a 2nd degree black belt at Pallen's Martial Arts San Leandro, and I assist in teaching a class there, I also swim for a summer league team, (thats kind of why my schedule is wierd sometimes depending on the day). I love doing RP, it provides variety to Minecraft and the war aspect, well it has been a part of my life for a long time. I played warcraft 3 and the starcraft games.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Role Play is like where we all assume to be characters with specific roles, kinda pretending to be somebody else, putting yourself into the game.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Power Gaming: I think it is something along the lines of ignoring the RP aspect of the game and just playing to get as strong as possible and to dominate. Metagaming is, uhh, going outside of the logical bounds that you can achieve as a character, like knowing information prior to it being presented to you.
Name: Ronald Cavallone
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Appearance: Rugged, tall, he has some scars from past battles. Somewhat of an innocent looking character to those that don't know who he really is.
Fears: Loneliness. Failure
Personality: He is a man who loves to be in the company of others. He is one who would take a bullet (well an arrow in this case but figuratively speaking), for his friends. When he is enraged though, he is, very scary. He tries to keep a calm demeanor on most of the time. It takes very long for him to snap, the problem is just when he does.
Occupation: A Mercenary/ Professional Hitman (Merc is just incase Hitman is not allowed), that tries to help people.
Skills:[/left] Adept at swordsmanship. He knows how to cook and knows the basics of survival. Was taught how to wield a bow early in his life by his father, who was a Captain in the military.
Nickname (Optional): Shifter
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] Sword.
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b] No
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b] No
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b] He can use many weapons. He can also be stealthy.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): In his early life, Ronald did not have much of a father figure except for when his father was off leave. He was raised by his elder siblings and his mother. He was the middle child in a family of 7. He went to school like every normal child. When he finished, he wanted to join the military, and his father (now retired) was all for it. He then joins the military and is denied. He picks up drinking and gambling. One night there was a brawl in one of the pubs that Ronald was in. He was exceedingly drunk and attempted to join the brawl, only for one of the participants to pull a knife, stabbing Ronald in the stomach. The fight is broken up and Ronald is thrown into the alleyway, for the pub wants no responsibility. The underground mafia had a healer come by to heal Ronald. Ronald wakes up in the hideout and pledges his life to them. He rises through the ranks and becomes one of their main hitmen. It so happens that one of the targets is an opposing leader of the underground world. Ronald "sets up shop" on the roof and is waiting for his target, bow in hand. He sees the target's transport, and lets about 3 arrows fly into the carriage box. He then gets down from the roof and changes into his regular clothes. He passes by the crime scene and to his horror he accidentally shot his own boss and his boss' wife + children. Horrified, skips town, but not before he places blame on the rival group. He runs to this new place he heard the boss talking of so much in their old conversations, Lordran. It's was a hefty fee but now he is looking for answers, something else for the reasons of life and hopefully his journey here can help him, and hopefully get in touch with any other groups in here that are in need of his services. (I know its not 2 paragraphs, sorry I didn't know where to cut it.) Open Response Questions - Answer them as detailed or briefly as you need No powergaming,no metagaming, no rule breaking in these scenarios. They were made to test your character's personality and how you would ultimately role-play him/her.
As you travel the coast starving, you spot a ship around two miles away. It could be full of pirates or slavers. Maybe something worse. In all this time, they are close to the shore, close enough to spot you. What do you do?
Follow from far away, get my bow and sword ready. I hide in the brush to see if they have any foul intent, or any foul cargo. If there is, I hop on board during the night, and since they are close to the shore, take their food and run.
While looking at wares in Dolorpagus, you spot two men distracting a merchant while another man steals a large bag of wheat and runs away. What do you do?
Chase the man that is stealing the wheat, hoping that he will tire out and I can bring back the wheat to the merchant. While traversing the outskirts of a small village, you hear some faint screams. Feeling curious, you peer over a small hill and see two bandits robbing an Elf in a dense forest. Behind the Elf is a large shack.
Wait for the elf to get knocked out, then I start to attack the two bandits. I check the large shack to see if there is anything I need and leave some money if I take anything.
Hi there, I've been playing since June 18, 2012.
Want the best company for Minecraft Server Hosting? Click here!
Are you serious?
That was some legit rp.
This may seem awkward but i'm a mod.
Head Whitelister and Average Moderator to Era of the Vanguard
Just put the page of your Accepted app lol
Wonderful! Accepted
You are one of two that complained to me...
Re-Post the fixed application
Oh i didnt know lol.
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
Ok Multiple things wrong here.
1. Needs to be an Elderscrolls race
2. We dont mind some jokes in apps but your looks like a giant troll with all the "Frends" Stuff
3. How did your character get to Solsteim (Island north of Skyrim Legion boats"
So for now Denied
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
Players! We have multiple Guilds you could apply for on the Official Forums! Join now
Staff, We need one more person from the UK to become a moderator, if your are interested please PM me and we can start testing you on making you a Trial mod
Now, The Legion has taken three cities, Bolteria, Solonir, and Merchant Citadel. All that stands in their way is Astora and Freedom's Point, will no one stand in their way?
Boogster, If you want to take another city you must have 10,000 Embers and 5 people that will live in the city
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
A new Town has been Accepted to be built from the two players are hard working and have the requirments.
The town of Labarynthia will be demo-ed if the owner does not Contact me Via PM within one week.
Troll-looking applications will be denied on the spot if they do not look perfessional (we dont mind a couple jokes in them but dont make the app about the stupidest of things.)
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
Ok, it barely looks like you changed anything. Not only that but most of the damn thing I can even understand! Either this is a huge troll or you really need to work on it. Denied.
"If at first you don't succeed, reload."
Role-Play Exp.:I have played on SavageRealms some and I helped make Crest of Absolution.I have also palyed many other RPG servers.
Why Us:You guys just seem like you have the thing every other good RPG minecraft server is missing.
Time You Can Dedicate:I can play almost every single day for 8-23 hours.
Brief Description of Yourself:Curious and adventures some times agressive but only if provoked.I have brown hair hazzel eyes and I am sort of built.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:RP is a process of liveing the life of a made of character threw its eyes and baseing everything you do off there thoughts.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Its when you make your self sound over power like I CAN KILL EVERYBUDY IN THE WORLD WITH MY PINKIE. Something along those lines.
Name:James Carter
Age:104(young for a elf)
Appearance:Most facial features of James are hidden by a dark green hood he wears. He wears a belt with a red gem in it. Has dark green gloves.
Fears:Some close to him getting killed.
Personality:He works alone most the time but if you can get him to open up to you he is the best companion you can find.
Occupation:He works as a payed assasin but he only will go after the ones worth killing(high pay or has done something wrong).
Nickname (Optional):The Hood
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b]Yes
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b]no
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b]Yes but he is not the best.
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b]He is very good with the bow also is great at parkour.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG paragraphs)
As I grew up I was lonely nobody to really talk to.Nobody understood me
until I met this young human girl of the age of 8( at this time I was 52) we would meet everyday
and talk to each other and we would always be there to help the other when they got in a jam.
We both where very adventurous at this age so we would go on adventure in some of the caverns near my house.It was alot of fun we felt industructible like nothing could stop us
till that day where james' life changed forever they where both in the wood one day looking for a cavern to explore. We noticed a light in one of them so we went inside then we noticed a campsite with two older humans. We went up to say hello but they
started to attack as children we had no real weapon except a fishing knife passed down from my father.
I pulled the knife out of its sheath then ran up to one that was beating the girl with a
large club. I swang that knife outragously at the human but he dodged most the blows and then knocked me
hard upside the head. I woke up the next day to my friend and the two humans all dead. One of the humans had a note on there chest with a dagger stabbed through it. I started to read the letter it was from a elf from the the old order of the assins known as The Stealz. He
told me to meet him at a tree with the initials T.S. I guesed it means The Stealz. I left right away into the forest looking for the tree I got to the tree and at the roots of this another letter and a belt. The letter red "This is the belt of capacity this belt will suck up items
into then you can pull them out on demand but there is a limit to how much you can hold at a given
time." After i red this letter I decided to to lvie a life of hate and killl all who deserve it.
P.S. the belt is just an explanation for having an invitory without a backpack.
Fus Ro Dah
My app gonna be up in a few hours/days, hopefully I wont be a drifter anymore.
..... No.... Just.... *sigh* What ever your doing, trolling or not, your doing it wrong....
"If at first you don't succeed, reload."
Ok, a lot better than the guy above. But it has a few problems.
1. I havn't played the Elder Scrolls that much to know of the ages of elfs. But 104? Damn.
2. Could use a spell/grammar check.
3. From what I have heard, there are multiple forms of the elf race. Choose one.
Just fix these, repost it, and you'll be good to go. Denied.
"If at first you don't succeed, reload."
Nice app, it would be accepted but the back-story is filled with some power-gaming eliments. E.G. How the hell can you rip out of a chair and then rip out someone's guts without any tools? This is just an idea: You can write it so that the elf forgot to disarm you or something. Just give it that slight fix and you'll be good to go. Denied.
"If at first you don't succeed, reload."
Scratch Bolteria it is actually Anti-Legion
Play Supremacy 1914, the free real-time strategy online games and the Browsergame of the Year 2009!
I never complained.
elves live up to 1000 years old.
i know this cause I'm about 400 now.
Role-Play Exp.:I have played on SavageRealms some and I helped make Crest of Absolution.I have also palyed many other RPG servers.
Why Us:You guys just seem like you have the thing every other good RPG minecraft server is missing.
Time You Can Dedicate:I can play almost every single day for 8-23 hours.
Brief Description of Yourself:Curious and adventures some times agressive but only if provoked.I have brown hair hazzel eyes and I am sort of built.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words:RP is a process of liveing the life of a made of character threw its eyes and baseing everything you do off there thoughts.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words:Its when you make your self sound over power like I CAN KILL EVERYBUDY IN THE WORLD WITH MY PINKIE. Something along those lines.
Name:James Carter
Age:337(28 if human years)
Appearance:Most facial features of James are hidden by a dark green hood he wears. He wears a belt with a red gem in it. Has dark green gloves.
Fears:Some close to him getting killed.
Personality:He works alone most the time but if you can get him to open up to you he is the best companion you can find.
Occupation:He works as a payed assasin but he only will go after the ones worth killing(high pay or has done something wrong).
Nickname (Optional):The Hood
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b]Yes
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b]no
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b]Yes but he is not the best.
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b]He is very good with the bow also is great at parkour.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG paragraphs)
As I grew up I was lonely nobody to really talk to.Nobody understood me
until I met this young human girl of the age of 8( at this time I was 14) we would meet everyday
and talk to each other and we would always be there to help the other when they got in a jam.
We both where very adventurous at this age so we would go on adventure in some of the caverns near my house.It was alot of fun, we felt industructible like nothing could stop us
till that day where james' life changed forever they where both in the wood one day looking for a cavern to explore. We noticed a light in one of them so we went inside then we noticed a campsite with two older humans. We went up to say hello but they
started to attack as children we had no real weapon except a fishing knife passed down from my father.
I pulled the knife out of its sheath then ran up to one that was beating the girl with a
large club. I swang that knife outragously at the human but he dodged most the blows and then knocked me
hard upside the head. I woke up the next day to my friend and the two humans all dead. One of the humans had a note on there chest with a dagger stabbed through it. I started to read the letter it was from a elf from the the old order of the assins known as The Stealz. He
told me to meet him at a tree with the initials T.S. I guesed it means The Stealz. I left right away into the forest looking for the tree I got to the tree and at the roots of this another letter and a belt. The letter red "This is the belt of capacity this belt will suck up items
into then you can pull them out on demand but there is a limit to how much you can hold at a given
time." After i red this letter I decided to to live a life of hate and killl all who deserve it.
P.S. the belt is just an explanation for having an invitory without a backpack.
Fus Ro Dah
Here is a link so you can see how the ages are for each tribe.
IGN: eddymondd
Age: 15
Role-Play Exp.: I played on a couple of RP servers, well one of the clans that I used to PvP with turned into a strictly RP clan but it kind of died off. It was the Knights of Amnesia.
Why Us: I read the positive feedback spoiler on the OP, which sealed the deal. You guys seem to be a popular server with all the replies and views, and usually popular servers are popular for a reason so I decided to check it out. And I liked what I saw, so here I am.
Time You Can Dedicate: 3 - 5 hours depending on the day and what is planned for the day. My schedule is wierd sometimes but I will try to put time into the server.
Brief Description of Yourself: I am a 15 year old that will be going into Junior year next year. I am a 2nd degree black belt at Pallen's Martial Arts San Leandro, and I assist in teaching a class there, I also swim for a summer league team, (thats kind of why my schedule is wierd sometimes depending on the day). I love doing RP, it provides variety to Minecraft and the war aspect, well it has been a part of my life for a long time. I played warcraft 3 and the starcraft games.
Explain Role-Play In Your Own Words: Role Play is like where we all assume to be characters with specific roles, kinda pretending to be somebody else, putting yourself into the game.
What Is Powergaming and Metagaming? Explain in your own words: Power Gaming: I think it is something along the lines of ignoring the RP aspect of the game and just playing to get as strong as possible and to dominate. Metagaming is, uhh, going outside of the logical bounds that you can achieve as a character, like knowing information prior to it being presented to you.
Name: Ronald Cavallone
Race: Nord
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Appearance: Rugged, tall, he has some scars from past battles. Somewhat of an innocent looking character to those that don't know who he really is.
Fears: Loneliness. Failure
Personality: He is a man who loves to be in the company of others. He is one who would take a bullet (well an arrow in this case but figuratively speaking), for his friends. When he is enraged though, he is, very scary. He tries to keep a calm demeanor on most of the time. It takes very long for him to snap, the problem is just when he does.
Occupation: A Mercenary/ Professional Hitman (Merc is just incase Hitman is not allowed), that tries to help people.
Skills:[/left] Adept at swordsmanship. He knows how to cook and knows the basics of survival. Was taught how to wield a bow early in his life by his father, who was a Captain in the military.
Nickname (Optional): Shifter
[b]Can Your Character Wield A Sword/Axe?:[/b] Sword.
[b]Can You Character Farm?:[/b] No
[b]Can Your Character Mine?:[/b] No
[b]What Other Things Can Your Character Do?:[/b] He can use many weapons. He can also be stealthy.
Backstory (1-2 [b]LONG[/b] paragraphs): In his early life, Ronald did not have much of a father figure except for when his father was off leave. He was raised by his elder siblings and his mother. He was the middle child in a family of 7. He went to school like every normal child. When he finished, he wanted to join the military, and his father (now retired) was all for it. He then joins the military and is denied. He picks up drinking and gambling. One night there was a brawl in one of the pubs that Ronald was in. He was exceedingly drunk and attempted to join the brawl, only for one of the participants to pull a knife, stabbing Ronald in the stomach. The fight is broken up and Ronald is thrown into the alleyway, for the pub wants no responsibility. The underground mafia had a healer come by to heal Ronald. Ronald wakes up in the hideout and pledges his life to them. He rises through the ranks and becomes one of their main hitmen. It so happens that one of the targets is an opposing leader of the underground world. Ronald "sets up shop" on the roof and is waiting for his target, bow in hand. He sees the target's transport, and lets about 3 arrows fly into the carriage box. He then gets down from the roof and changes into his regular clothes. He passes by the crime scene and to his horror he accidentally shot his own boss and his boss' wife + children. Horrified, skips town, but not before he places blame on the rival group. He runs to this new place he heard the boss talking of so much in their old conversations, Lordran. It's was a hefty fee but now he is looking for answers, something else for the reasons of life and hopefully his journey here can help him, and hopefully get in touch with any other groups in here that are in need of his services. (I know its not 2 paragraphs, sorry I didn't know where to cut it.)
Open Response Questions - Answer them as detailed or briefly as you need No powergaming,no metagaming, no rule breaking in these scenarios. They were made to test your character's personality and how you would ultimately role-play him/her.
As you travel the coast starving, you spot a ship around two miles away. It could be full of pirates or slavers. Maybe something worse. In all this time, they are close to the shore, close enough to spot you. What do you do?
Follow from far away, get my bow and sword ready. I hide in the brush to see if they have any foul intent, or any foul cargo. If there is, I hop on board during the night, and since they are close to the shore, take their food and run.
While looking at wares in Dolorpagus, you spot two men distracting a merchant while another man steals a large bag of wheat and runs away. What do you do?
Chase the man that is stealing the wheat, hoping that he will tire out and I can bring back the wheat to the merchant.
While traversing the outskirts of a small village, you hear some faint screams. Feeling curious, you peer over a small hill and see two bandits robbing an Elf in a dense forest. Behind the Elf is a large shack.
Wait for the elf to get knocked out, then I start to attack the two bandits. I check the large shack to see if there is anything I need and leave some money if I take anything.
Fus Ro Dah