Why should we include you? I have played on several servers in the past and would like to join yours to improve my Minecraft experience
Why should we include you? I have played on several servers in the past and would like to join yours to improve my Minecraft experience
P.S. Auto-whitelist doesn't seem to be working so for the moment I will whitelist all new applications until the auto-whitelist is fixed (probably broke with 1.1 patch).
Why should we include you? I am a great player i play minecraft almost every day im a good friend plus i dont greif unless its part of a war or something
IGN: sheepster100
Why should we include you?i love these kinds of servers!Age:13
IGN: Darkbeastbob
Why should we include you?I love MMO style servers, and love exploring dungeons with friends.
this is sheeps friend. noah.
IGN: kaos1559
Why should we include you? because I have had experience on multiple server's were I have always been a trusted player. And I love the idea
IGN: Blizzard62297
Age: 15
Why should we include you? I like MMORPGs, playing various ones and playing end-game in many such as WoW. I'm all for exploring new areas, whether it be because of the mysterious or beautiful architecture or the landscape. Minecraft is probably one of my favorite games, and to combine it with an MMO with dungeons is just golden.
IGN: CutToTheChase
Why should we include you?: Because I am a nice person who gets along with everyone, I don't like to do things that would cause problems for the server, and I think this will be an awesome server to be a part of.
Why should we include you?: ... because i'm awesome?
but really i am one of the more mature people of my age group i wouldn't be caught dead griefing on a server that actually has a purpose like this one (i only grief on friends servers that we make to goof off)and i will probably be the only one who reads and pays attention to the rules XD
Why should we include you? I play a lot of MMOS and this looks like it could be fun!
Why should we include you? I have played on several servers in the past and would like to join yours to improve my Minecraft experience
Server: Mumble:
P.S. Auto-whitelist doesn't seem to be working so for the moment I will whitelist all new applications until the auto-whitelist is fixed (probably broke with 1.1 patch).
Why should we include you? I am a great player i play minecraft almost every day im a good friend plus i dont greif unless its part of a war or something
IGN: sheepster100
Why should we include you?i love these kinds of servers!Age:13
IGN: Darkbeastbob
Why should we include you?I love MMO style servers, and love exploring dungeons with friends.
this is sheeps friend. noah.
IGN: kaos1559
Why should we include you? because I have had experience on multiple server's were I have always been a trusted player. And I love the idea
Age: 15
Why should we include you? I like MMORPGs, playing various ones and playing end-game in many such as WoW. I'm all for exploring new areas, whether it be because of the mysterious or beautiful architecture or the landscape. Minecraft is probably one of my favorite games, and to combine it with an MMO with dungeons is just golden.
Why should we include you? Because i like Playing MMORPG's. This server looks cool and fun and i would like to play on this serve. :smile.gif:
IGN: anoadragon453
Why should we include you?
For the simple joy that I can bring to your server.
IGN: scotchbomb
Why should we include you? I've had plenty of experience on pvp servers
IGN: CutToTheChase
Why should we include you?: Because I am a nice person who gets along with everyone, I don't like to do things that would cause problems for the server, and I think this will be an awesome server to be a part of.
Let us know if you aren't whitelisted within 1min.
IGN: dogburn
Why should we include you?this seems fun, i love the concept of magic, and its supposedly friends told me.
Why should we include you?: ... because i'm awesome?
but really i am one of the more mature people of my age group i wouldn't be caught dead griefing on a server that actually has a purpose like this one (i only grief on friends servers that we make to goof off)and i will probably be the only one who reads and pays attention to the rules XD