This thread was marked as Locked by Death_Rider21.
Spartacus Evolved : Fight for GLORY, Fight for Freedom [1.4.6][Prison Style][No Whitelist][Events][Factions]
Poll: What should we reset the map to?
Ended May 15, 2014
This thread was marked as Locked by Death_Rider21.
Ended May 15, 2014
I am just going to say, that's embarrassing .
Edit: I am finding a few posts illegible from poor spelling and typing mystakes.
"I've at least reported you to does 5 times"
It took me a while to figure out what he meant to say there.
Oh really, turns out you AND connorz couldn't calm your tits, so you had to double jail me, once for a hnr, understandable, then I create a faction, and disband it before his 3 gets to jail, it reached before he even said 3, so there waiting by the fountain right?, ok?, odd?, withen the first 3 seconds, no joke he jails me again for 5 minutes for ''Creating a faction?'' thinking to myself right now?, if he causes this many problems should he not be banned?
Just a little thing I call unfair, is it right for a guard if you have a faction to not give you any countdown and then rapidly unjail then jail me technically giving me 2 extra minutes, he made it up to 20 minutes, that isn't fair, please emperor, I've written several awful things about these guards, we need guards who take things seriously not 6 year old mario fans...
Why am I on auto deny? I've never been banned, exiled, tempbanned or anything.
I passed the guard test under kryssx then a few minutes later he said i was on auto deny,
I haven't been a guard in the past.
Pls help emps?
Why am I on auto deny? I've never been banned, exiled, tempbanned or anything.
I passed the guard test under kryssx then a few minutes later he said i was on auto deny,
I haven't been a guard in the past.
Pls help emps?
The imperials don't have to accept you. If they let anyone become a guard who made a good application and had no criminal record, there would be many corrupt guards. You must be patient, and impress the imperials by not being a pain in the ass, like a constant trouble maker who spends more time fighting then doing productive things. And I am not necessarily saying you're a pain in the ass, just stating what changes you would have to make if you were.
You must show you are more mature then the other players who have applied.
And after all that, they still are allowed to deny you.
seth just leave it alone drop it and let tony rage talking about it anymore is useless.
Tony, FYI i wasnt on for the past 2 days because i was visiting my aunt, so how do you suppose that i "couldn't Calm my tits"? I never heard about the sword thing til this morning when i got back. So please Tony, do not lie. Also most guards are 14 not "6 year old mario fans".
Now tony, maybe just maybe, if you were to respect the guards they would respect you more then they do now.
my gosh you are so stupid... it says ur banned if ur banned. The server was under maintenance, so only lanista or above can get on
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. Then i realize its not nice to laugh... then i laugh
Hey, don't mean to be a bother, but i didn't get ANY response on this and would just like to make sure someone sees it. And by the way, i would like to note the reason ive been fighting alot is because im bored, and being a guard would fill that time. Thanks
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. Then i realize its not nice to laugh... then i laugh
Rank Legendary Slave?, I hope that's at least warrior?
Location: Currently British Columbia, Canada.
How did you find this server: I needed a fun server, I joined back in the first map actually.
Why do you want to be a guard: We seriously need to get are boots on and fix the problems, when a guards on ok?, theres like 2 people with armour on bad enough right?, When I leave there are 7 people on, with armour attacking me!
Why should I choose you: We need more guard's seriously we truly do, plus i'm friendly with the imperials, not so much regular guards, but hey, I don't need to quit anytime soon.
Thanks for reading :D, Tonymangtana.
I think I'm meant to say the word mumble here?
Dods said diamond swords aren't allowed, and I saw some people camping with them, so I decided to post it here.
Rank (Must be at least Warrior):legendaryapprentice
How did you find this server:my friend combokenx
Why do you want to be a guard:i feel that i would do a very nice job of ceeping thins in order, and i believe being a guard is a great award
Why should I choose you:i am fairly good at pvp and i will not abuse the guards powers, i want to stop the mindless killing that acurs in spartacus, i used to be killed all the time when i was a slave andy hated it,i would greatly appreciate and acception thank you, noxeh