I would love to be guard because I absolutely wub this server and I would like to be apart of it and help it grow. I find the position of guard very enjoyable and I want to do the very best of my ability to help this server in any form or way.
2) How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 1 day)
I have been playing on this server for about 5 days now
3) Do you understand that abusing your powers as guard will lead to you being stripped of your status and maybe even banned?
I completely understand and I agree to never abuse my powers as guard. :3
4) Why are you a good choice for guard?
I believe that I'd be a good, suitable choice for guard because I am very experienced with guarding and I have guarded on several other prison servers, such as I-Prison V2, I-Prison V3, Deathrow, Deathrow v2 and I-Prison Reborn. I am aware of the rules and I always follow them. I mainly play on PVP servers - and by saying that I mean 99% of servers I go on are pvp - and I have a fair amount of experience with PVP and I strive to increase my PVP skills. I never hold grudges and I play fairly, which includes not abusing my powers. My time-zone is different to other guards - GMT+1000 - which means instead of having all guards online at a certain time, the activity of guards will be during separate times or close to which. Over all, I believe I would be a successful guard and I will always guard this server to the best of my ability. :3
I have a complaint about the HORRIBLE GUARDS on this server 2 to name are aschweitzer or whatever his name is, and PrimeSyndicate. First of all, all Prime does is sit up in the Wardens office and doesnt do anything at all just wanders around and a complete waste of a guard position. And aschweitzer is a horrible guard that jails for ridiculus reasons and is completely biased. He pretty much only jails my faction because he hated us before he was guard. He holds grudges and watches us waiting for us to do something. The asshole player "Brothels" which should be banned btw. Keeps camping at the bank in non pvp waiting for ppl to come and hits them. And while aschweitzer is sitting in the bank hiding he watches Brothels do that and doesnt even do anything about him. Also he hands out items to other prisoners. I suggest that you listen to everyone that is filing complaints about the guards because they are absolutely terrible. Ty :smile.gif: (Other than these two the other guards are fine but these 2 guards ruin the whole prison)
dude do you understand how long i was on convicted for yesterday? four hours! Talk about dedication... why can't i take a break huh?
Hah, quite the cocky attitude i'd like to see you guard for four hours straight, you will loose your mind lulz. Plus I have a life so i can't just sit on the computer all day and guard the server lmao.
This is my first trailer so if something doesn't seem right, then it probably isn't but I did put effort into making this :tongue.gif:
I kinda shot this when it happens to be the "downtime" (4-5 people online)
But when it's daytime here It's a bustling hive of fun :tongue.gif:
Hope to see you on the server.
I was mining some **** outside of the prison when suddenly retards started being retarded and saying stupid **** constantly.
After insulting them to get them to shut the **** up, prime thought it would be a good idea to jail someone outside of the prison for something that isn't against the rules, and now I am back in C-Block because of this idiot.
This is my first trailer so if something doesn't seem right, then it probably isn't but I did put effort into making this :tongue.gif:
I kinda shot this when it happens to be the "downtime" (4-5 people online)
But when it's daytime here It's a bustling hive of fun :tongue.gif:
Hope to see you on the server.
Wow that was an awesome trailer you made it look epic. Good job mate!
Bro you was trolling you sould be banned you insult everyone who says something bad to you and you semi rage and you camp too much and break the rules i dont see anything good with you so youre a waste of time just leave or get banned.......
Unless you actually think it's supposed to be they're (they are stupidity)
In which case, I just feel sad for you.
The minimap mod provides no advantage over anyone, it's just for convenience of having my coords there.
Of course, you would know that if you weren't retarded.
When did I acuse you of mispelling their?
I didn't, bro.
Get your facts right before making a rant.
Oh, and it does give an advantage over other players. Others players who actaully bothered to read the rules would not be supplied with a map, therefore you have an advantage over others. Relating to what Cry said, if it gives no advantage, why use it?
Anyways, even if it didn't have an advantages, no mods are permitted.
At all.
When did I acuse you of mispelling their?
I didn't, bro.
Get your facts right before making a rant.
Oh, and it does give an advantage over other players. Others players who actaully bothered to read the rules would not be supplied with a map, therefore you have an advantage over others.
Anyways, even if it didn't have an advantages, no mods are permitted.
At all.
Oh no I'll be able to see terrain on a map
That's about as helpful as my nuttsack on a server like this. Everything is so close together that the point of a minimap mod is almost obsolete if it weren't for the convenience of having my coordinates there instead of pressing F3.
The only advantage I get is not having to keep f3 blocking half my screen so I can see my coordinates.
I would love to be guard because I absolutely wub this server and I would like to be apart of it and help it grow. I find the position of guard very enjoyable and I want to do the very best of my ability to help this server in any form or way.
2) How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 1 day)
I have been playing on this server for about 5 days now
3) Do you understand that abusing your powers as guard will lead to you being stripped of your status and maybe even banned?
I completely understand and I agree to never abuse my powers as guard. :3
4) Why are you a good choice for guard?
I believe that I'd be a good, suitable choice for guard because I am very experienced with guarding and I have guarded on several other prison servers, such as I-Prison V2, I-Prison V3, Deathrow, Deathrow v2 and I-Prison Reborn. I am aware of the rules and I always follow them. I mainly play on PVP servers - and by saying that I mean 99% of servers I go on are pvp - and I have a fair amount of experience with PVP and I strive to increase my PVP skills. I never hold grudges and I play fairly, which includes not abusing my powers. My time-zone is different to other guards - GMT+1000 - which means instead of having all guards online at a certain time, the activity of guards will be during separate times or close to which. Over all, I believe I would be a successful guard and I will always guard this server to the best of my ability. :3
Thank you for reading. :biggrin.gif:
dude do you understand how long i was on convicted for yesterday? four hours! Talk about dedication... why can't i take a break huh?
Hey i just logged on that prison server and they banned me instantly, right when i logged on. I'm curious as to why they would do that.
Hah, quite the cocky attitude i'd like to see you guard for four hours straight, you will loose your mind lulz. Plus I have a life so i can't just sit on the computer all day and guard the server lmao.
Hiding? I spend more time on the court then you did abusing your power
You spelt wub wrong :tongue.gif:
Bee for guard!
thank you. :3
All fixed up now. :biggrin.gif:
Video Description:
I just spent the last 3 hours making this ._.
The song used is the theme for the show Prison Break:
The server I made this for is Convicted:
The texture pack I used (Sphax PureBDCraft):
This is my first trailer so if something doesn't seem right, then it probably isn't but I did put effort into making this :tongue.gif:
I kinda shot this when it happens to be the "downtime" (4-5 people online)
But when it's daytime here It's a bustling hive of fun :tongue.gif:
Hope to see you on the server.
After insulting them to get them to shut the **** up, prime thought it would be a good idea to jail someone outside of the prison for something that isn't against the rules, and now I am back in C-Block because of this idiot.
Him ****ing up:
Me after he jailed me:
This guy has been non-stop **** ever since he became guard doing stupid **** constantly and generally not knowing the rules, it's time to demote him.
Brothels is trollin'.
Wow that was an awesome trailer you made it look epic. Good job mate!
Actually I'd say they were trolling me alot harder with their stupidity, bro.
Very well thought out post
Haha just kidding, that was some stupid ****.
Their stupidity?
Well, aren't you the one to talk. ._.
btw, nice mods there bro. I'm guessing you didnt read the rules?
Another strike against you.
Gaaawd, the list is getting long, mate.
Their is correct, you ****ing idiot.
Unless you actually think it's supposed to be they're (they are stupidity)
In which case, I just feel sad for you.
The minimap mod provides no advantage over anyone, it's just for convenience of having my coords shown without keeping f3 on constantly.
Of course, you would know that if you weren't retarded.
When did I acuse you of mispelling their?
I didn't, bro.
Get your facts right before making a rant.
Oh, and it does give an advantage over other players. Others players who actaully bothered to read the rules would not be supplied with a map, therefore you have an advantage over others. Relating to what Cry said, if it gives no advantage, why use it?
Anyways, even if it didn't have an advantages, no mods are permitted.
At all.
I just assumed because otherwise you would have no reason to say that. I apologize for assuming for one second you weren't completely retarded.
Oh no I'll be able to see terrain on a map
That's about as helpful as my nuttsack on a server like this. Everything is so close together that the point of a minimap mod is almost obsolete if it weren't for the convenience of having my coordinates there instead of pressing F3.
The only advantage I get is not having to keep f3 blocking half my screen so I can see my coordinates.