OOC: Out of Character
IGN: Qeyrh
Sources: Saw it, liked it.
Why do you want to join: I love roleplaying. I like RPs where you can have an impact on the story.
IC (In Character)
Name: Veria Red
IC Age: 273
Race: Dark Elf
Profession: Kael Novitiate
Background: An odd dark elf that others seem to regard "Too calm". while studying to gain the powers of the covenant she seems awfully secretive about why she wishes to do it.
she is very loyal to the dread king
and will do what he says even if it violates her own moral code.
She Has a hatred for humans most of all races.
the reason why is unknown.
She has half pale skin and wears a black and white half robe with a large red diamond near her neck she wears a white cap with similar red gem she has black leather gloves and boots with some silver on them her eyes are large and red and have odd white pupils
She wishes to use the arcane because standard combat is "boring" less freeform
hack and slash
pull and shoot
light and burn
they get old after a while
she wishes to use the arcane so when in combat she can be ore "creative"
Considering the fact that there is no power-grazed god-among-men who is capable of completely corrupting your mind leading the humans, your point is irrelevant.
It's like saying Orcs can be small, have beards, drink beer, have pink skin, and believe in Elf values because anything else is unrealistic.
The guidelines for a Dark Elf's appearance are there to instruct you on culture and appearance that sets you APART from other elves.
This is also like saying a baby born to two 100% African parents will be white with blue eyes and blond hair. The bounds on which you take your 'creative judgment' are what determines whether your decision is BS or not.
Read the end part of my post. There IS a style to aim for, but there should be no enforced cookie cutter appearance that a race has to cater too. I wonder how you got all that from my post, cause you clearly missed the point. Hopefully you understand me now. The key word in "creative judgement" is "judgment". Remember that.
The suspense is killing me, so I'll post my app here as well just to calm myself down.
OOC: Out of Character
Sources. Did anyone recommend this server to you? If so, who?:
Why do you want to join:
I love minecraft. I am an amateur writer, so roleplaying really appeals to me because it help get those creative juices flowing. This seems to be a server/RP with a lot of potential and I want to take part in it.
IC (In Character)
Ras'hitlhak-Demon Tongue
Rannepear- Elven/Human Tongue
IC Age:
Nearly 200
Race: Demon/Elf (Bandit)
(will have to discuss with current bandit leader for RP purposes.)
Background: Ras'hitlhak, or Rannepear (Ranne, those close to him called him) is a half-ling. All demons could tell of his heritage, and so could all elves, thanks to his eyes. He was born without colored irises, a rare half-ling mutation. So, marked for life since his beginning, he had no choice but to accept his fate.
Though already shunned from birth, he was formally outcast from his home when he was of the age to capably fend for himself, 13. It was inevitable. A demon could simply not live amongst the elves forever, even if he did share their blood. After his exile, his mother was beheaded for consorting with a demon.
It seemed his fate had been sealed, and there was no changing that. He would be shunned by the other races and looked down upon by his own because of his ancestry. So, with the rage of a demon, and the heart of an elf, he decided he must play the game with the cards he was dealt, and picked up the life of crime. With his two different and conflicting bloodlines, he initially had a very hard time with this. However, in his 200 or so years (quite young for a demon), he has learned how to deal with it. However, still ashamed of his background, he wears reflective goggles to hide his eyes from strangers.
For many years, he worked solo, working to simply survive day to day at the expense of others, but recently he decided to join the company of others like himself. Outcasts, they too had no choice. He would later find himself brothers and sisters amongst them.
IGN: kirisuto
Sources: minecraftforum.net
Why do you want to join: I'm a huge role-playing fanatic who has been seeking a heavy rp server since I first discovered minecraft. I've read the lores and love the backstories and depth placed into this server so I'm hoping that this is the one I've been searching for and will be able to make it my permanent home.
IC (In Character)
Name: Ambroas Ventrue
IC Age: 24 when turned, 250 total
Race: Vampire
Profession: Trueblood
Background: Our story begins twenty four years ago in the land of Rheydin, specifical the capital city Miruvhor. The city was separated by a great wall, the rich and prosperous sat peacefully upon one side while the slums were on the other. Perhaps it was by fate that he was rescued, though even with an eternal life he didn't see how he could decide if it was ill or good. Momma Seiluna, as everyone called her, was the owner of a small orphanage in the south side of the slums and she was quite used to finding a child on her doorstep, sometimes with a note and sometimes without but she would always take them into her arms and heart. This night seemed no different nor did the child, the dabs of blood on his wrappings worried her but after checking she sighed when seeing that none was his. She named him Aylivar and took him to his new bed, the bed he slept in for nine years. She was a kind but stern womanwho taught all of her children to read and write, to do simple arithmetic and was very passionate about behaviour and manners. They all called her momma but as orphans do wondered about their real parents, were they rich, prosperous, or even noble?
When Aylivar was nine Momma Seiluna died peacefully in her sleep and the children were thrown into the streets. There were eighteen of them in total but the numbers quickly began to drop as children who'd never had to sleep in gutters or survive a night dodging cutthroats or perverts died. Within three weeks there were eight left and they'd all pushed aside guilt or remorse as they stole food to survive. While returning to their hiding spot one morning they were jumped by a group of larger kids who said they were recruiting. Their minds began to spin at the thought, less danger from being attacked and maybe even more food! The leader of the gang Renav grinned at their smiles and waited for them all to begin walking forward before he told them the initiation. They would all have to fight each other, the last one left standing would be taken in and the others were to be sold to a bending house where boys and girls were forced to work the sheets in return for food and board.
It began instantly, ones who didn't want to fight were tackled and hit, bit, kicked in the pit of violence that erupted. He saw Isabel, who'd been quiet and shy at mommas hit Makey in the head with a rock she'd found. But just as quickly as it'd started it was over, Aylivar stood over his only friends with blood staining his ruined clothing. He went with them that day and delivered his family to the bending house, all except Makey who'd died during the brawl. For ten years he stayed with the gang, as boys died or were caught he moved up in the ranks until he was one of the main boys. It was hard at first, being beaten or taking the least food but now with authority his life had become easier and he had pride in his standings but still regret in what he'd had to do to get there and to survive. It was that year that the vampire came to their town and everything changed. For almost a year after he came veryone talked about it, the rumors that something was in the shadows... killing and draining those on the streets. The guards didn't care, why should they? But to survive they still had to go out every night to steal and mug what they could manage.
The night his idea of the world was changed a second time was like any other, his gang was hiding in an alley waiting for a drunkard or someone who was stupid enough to be coming home alone to pass by. They watched as the figure turned into the alley and prepared as it got close, on que they all jumped out to surround it but the unexpected happened. With inhuman speed it backhanded Aylivar who was behind and he was thrown through the air to the sound of breaking ribs, he hit the pavement and rolled to a stop in time to see the man... no creature... tearing apart the other members of his gang. He stood in pain and as quickly as possible limped off, praying to any god who could hear that he wouldn't be followed. For the next five years he was alone, hunting for food alone and hiding from others. He marked the spots where the creature had attacked anyone and paid money or food for any tips on where it was. It terrified and fasinated him, the power that whoever it was had... could he have the same? He could get revenge for everything that was done to him, he could force the scribe office to release momma's papers on him. She'd said for years she'd found his parents, he'd given up any idea of themt aking him back but he could take revenge for them not keeping him.
He was twenty four when he knew he had the right area of the creature which he'd discovered was a vampire. He waited until night when he knew it'd be hunting before sneaking into it's home where he found the coffin and books. He quickly looked through them and found what he was looking for, first was information on a large vampire city in another area but also he read on how to become one. There was information on how to build an altar, and areas with known altars already built. He took all of his meager supplies and left for the closest one where he knelt and became immortal. With the new him he also took a new name, that of Ambroas Ventrue. Ambroas never approached his parents, instead he decided with his new name he would begin a completely new existance. He wandered the lands at night in search of other secrets as well as discovering his abilities for over two hundred years before he decided to go to the area the book had described, the city of his kind.
Note: This is also on the website, wasn't sure which is checked more often.
IGN: TheSupremeGrunt Sources: None Why do you want to join: All of the rp servers I have tried to join have been all scams... when I read the half page of lore I knew that this server was 'legit' IC Name: Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male) IC Age: 172 Race: The Forgotten Ones Profession: Plain-Walker (can we upgrade in the future?) Background: It all started with a group of Forgotten Ones known as the Prophets were looking for a cure to a plague that killed 25% of the population of Forgotten Ones within the age of Creation. Soviathes Desala (Male) (one of the head Prophets) had been disusing experiments to create a antigen to this virus by creating a airborne virus that kills all of the plague cells, as a sort of one time vaccination. But this plan might have endangered the Children of Light, as then natural carry this virus with them. So Notch, amused with there attempts of self preservation, created a testing world known as 'Lorem Ipsum'
When Soviathes and 33 other Prophets arrived in Lorem Ipsum, they noticed it lifeless and grey. When Soviathes asked, he obtained no answer... they were on their own. A liquid based version of this antigen was created into two Prophets, who had later died that day. Days went by and Soviathes had noticed his veins turning green, he and all of the other Prophets were infected, they rushed and attempted to create a stable antigen, but it was too late.
They all died within a month, but somehow Notch added life to Lorem Ipsum, and all 34 Prophets were reborn, without any memories of being One of the Forgotten Ones and only noticed that they lived longer than the rest of the lowly life forms. The reincarnation of Soviathes Desala, who was Malum Desala (Female), noticed that they had a gene running into their veins, that was different, they possessed an antigen to an ancient plague.
Confused on why there were not more of the forgotten and unknowing of the Kingdom of Aeonis, the Prophets lashed out against Notch for destroying their race (Which he did not, they just didn't have all of the facts) and headed out to destroy the many worlds that Notch held dear. But for some reason Malum died from the plague and was reborn yet again as Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male) in the Kingdom of Aeonis. Unknowing of the power which he may or may not have Moros rejoined with The Forgotten Ones.
As a plain walker Moros feels some relief knowing that somehow he is more calm than he has been in the past (even though he does not remember the past.) It is hard to say if Moros will ever realize that he is a Prophet, but his destiny is not in his own hands...
Well that was my first rp story, tell me if it is not good, I never really was good in English class anyways. Well I hope that I am not to late to join it would be a bloody shame to miss all of this.
IGN: TheSupremeGrunt Sources: None Why do you want to join: All of the rp servers I have tried to join have been all scams... when I read the half page of lore I knew that this server was 'legit' IC Name: Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male) IC Age: 172 Race: The Forgotten Ones Profession: Plain-Walker (can we upgrade in the future?) Background: It all started with a group of Forgotten Ones known as the Prophets were looking for a cure to a plague that killed 25% of the population of Forgotten Ones within the age of Creation. Soviathes Desala (Male) (one of the head Prophets) had been disusing experiments to create a antigen to this virus by creating a airborne virus that kills all of the plague cells, as a sort of one time vaccination. But this plan might have endangered the Children of Light, as then natural carry this virus with them. So Notch, amused with there attempts of self preservation, created a testing world known as 'Lorem Ipsum'
When Soviathes and 33 other Prophets arrived in Lorem Ipsum, they noticed it lifeless and grey. When Soviathes asked, he obtained no answer... they were on their own. A liquid based version of this antigen was created into two Prophets, who had later died that day. Days went by and Soviathes had noticed his veins turning green, he and all of the other Prophets were infected, they rushed and attempted to create a stable antigen, but it was too late.
They all died within a month, but somehow Notch added life to Lorem Ipsum, and all 34 Prophets were reborn, without any memories of being One of the Forgotten Ones and only noticed that they lived longer than the rest of the lowly life forms. The reincarnation of Soviathes Desala, who was Malum Desala (Female), noticed that they had a gene running into their veins, that was different, they possessed an antigen to an ancient plague.
Confused on why there were not more of the forgotten and unknowing of the Kingdom of Aeonis, the Prophets lashed out against Notch for destroying their race (Which he did not, they just didn't have all of the facts) and headed out to destroy the many worlds that Notch held dear. But for some reason Malum died from the plague and was reborn yet again as Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male) in the Kingdom of Aeonis. Unknowing of the power which he may or may not have Moros rejoined with The Forgotten Ones.
As a plain walker Moros feels some relief knowing that somehow he is more calm than he has been in the past (even though he does not remember the past.) It is hard to say if Moros will ever realize that he is a Prophet, but his destiny is not in his own hands...
Well that was my first rp story, tell me if it is not good, I never really was good in English class anyways. Well I hope that I am not to late to join it would be a bloody shame to miss all of this.
I believe we are getting rid of the forgotten ones from what I heard.
We all spawn. We all look at each other. We all spit at each other.
We head out into the wild
IGN: Qeyrh
Sources: Saw it, liked it.
Why do you want to join: I love roleplaying. I like RPs where you can have an impact on the story.
IC (In Character)
Name: Veria Red
IC Age: 273
Race: Dark Elf
Profession: Kael Novitiate
Background: An odd dark elf that others seem to regard "Too calm". while studying to gain the powers of the covenant she seems awfully secretive about why she wishes to do it.
she is very loyal to the dread king
and will do what he says even if it violates her own moral code.
She Has a hatred for humans most of all races.
the reason why is unknown.
She has half pale skin and wears a black and white half robe with a large red diamond near her neck she wears a white cap with similar red gem she has black leather gloves and boots with some silver on them her eyes are large and red and have odd white pupils
She wishes to use the arcane because standard combat is "boring" less freeform
hack and slash
pull and shoot
light and burn
they get old after a while
she wishes to use the arcane so when in combat she can be ore "creative"
Read the end part of my post. There IS a style to aim for, but there should be no enforced cookie cutter appearance that a race has to cater too. I wonder how you got all that from my post, cause you clearly missed the point. Hopefully you understand me now. The key word in "creative judgement" is "judgment". Remember that.
Guys please head here and Vote show your opinion on the return of the Forgotten
You are now muted for 24 hours from this thread. ANY posts will be considered a break in the mute and you will be banned from the server.
All my life I thought air was free, until I bought a bag of chips...
OOC: Out of Character
Sources. Did anyone recommend this server to you? If so, who?:
Why do you want to join:
I love minecraft. I am an amateur writer, so roleplaying really appeals to me because it help get those creative juices flowing. This seems to be a server/RP with a lot of potential and I want to take part in it.
IC (In Character)
Ras'hitlhak-Demon Tongue
Rannepear- Elven/Human Tongue
IC Age:
Nearly 200
Race: Demon/Elf (Bandit)
(will have to discuss with current bandit leader for RP purposes.)
Background: Ras'hitlhak, or Rannepear (Ranne, those close to him called him) is a half-ling. All demons could tell of his heritage, and so could all elves, thanks to his eyes. He was born without colored irises, a rare half-ling mutation. So, marked for life since his beginning, he had no choice but to accept his fate.
Though already shunned from birth, he was formally outcast from his home when he was of the age to capably fend for himself, 13. It was inevitable. A demon could simply not live amongst the elves forever, even if he did share their blood. After his exile, his mother was beheaded for consorting with a demon.
It seemed his fate had been sealed, and there was no changing that. He would be shunned by the other races and looked down upon by his own because of his ancestry. So, with the rage of a demon, and the heart of an elf, he decided he must play the game with the cards he was dealt, and picked up the life of crime. With his two different and conflicting bloodlines, he initially had a very hard time with this. However, in his 200 or so years (quite young for a demon), he has learned how to deal with it. However, still ashamed of his background, he wears reflective goggles to hide his eyes from strangers.
For many years, he worked solo, working to simply survive day to day at the expense of others, but recently he decided to join the company of others like himself. Outcasts, they too had no choice. He would later find himself brothers and sisters amongst them.
Thought you could hide it from us? :tongue.gif:
IGN: kirisuto
Sources: minecraftforum.net
Why do you want to join: I'm a huge role-playing fanatic who has been seeking a heavy rp server since I first discovered minecraft. I've read the lores and love the backstories and depth placed into this server so I'm hoping that this is the one I've been searching for and will be able to make it my permanent home.
IC (In Character)
Name: Ambroas Ventrue
IC Age: 24 when turned, 250 total
Race: Vampire
Profession: Trueblood
Background: Our story begins twenty four years ago in the land of Rheydin, specifical the capital city Miruvhor. The city was separated by a great wall, the rich and prosperous sat peacefully upon one side while the slums were on the other. Perhaps it was by fate that he was rescued, though even with an eternal life he didn't see how he could decide if it was ill or good. Momma Seiluna, as everyone called her, was the owner of a small orphanage in the south side of the slums and she was quite used to finding a child on her doorstep, sometimes with a note and sometimes without but she would always take them into her arms and heart. This night seemed no different nor did the child, the dabs of blood on his wrappings worried her but after checking she sighed when seeing that none was his. She named him Aylivar and took him to his new bed, the bed he slept in for nine years. She was a kind but stern womanwho taught all of her children to read and write, to do simple arithmetic and was very passionate about behaviour and manners. They all called her momma but as orphans do wondered about their real parents, were they rich, prosperous, or even noble?
When Aylivar was nine Momma Seiluna died peacefully in her sleep and the children were thrown into the streets. There were eighteen of them in total but the numbers quickly began to drop as children who'd never had to sleep in gutters or survive a night dodging cutthroats or perverts died. Within three weeks there were eight left and they'd all pushed aside guilt or remorse as they stole food to survive. While returning to their hiding spot one morning they were jumped by a group of larger kids who said they were recruiting. Their minds began to spin at the thought, less danger from being attacked and maybe even more food! The leader of the gang Renav grinned at their smiles and waited for them all to begin walking forward before he told them the initiation. They would all have to fight each other, the last one left standing would be taken in and the others were to be sold to a bending house where boys and girls were forced to work the sheets in return for food and board.
It began instantly, ones who didn't want to fight were tackled and hit, bit, kicked in the pit of violence that erupted. He saw Isabel, who'd been quiet and shy at mommas hit Makey in the head with a rock she'd found. But just as quickly as it'd started it was over, Aylivar stood over his only friends with blood staining his ruined clothing. He went with them that day and delivered his family to the bending house, all except Makey who'd died during the brawl. For ten years he stayed with the gang, as boys died or were caught he moved up in the ranks until he was one of the main boys. It was hard at first, being beaten or taking the least food but now with authority his life had become easier and he had pride in his standings but still regret in what he'd had to do to get there and to survive. It was that year that the vampire came to their town and everything changed. For almost a year after he came veryone talked about it, the rumors that something was in the shadows... killing and draining those on the streets. The guards didn't care, why should they? But to survive they still had to go out every night to steal and mug what they could manage.
The night his idea of the world was changed a second time was like any other, his gang was hiding in an alley waiting for a drunkard or someone who was stupid enough to be coming home alone to pass by. They watched as the figure turned into the alley and prepared as it got close, on que they all jumped out to surround it but the unexpected happened. With inhuman speed it backhanded Aylivar who was behind and he was thrown through the air to the sound of breaking ribs, he hit the pavement and rolled to a stop in time to see the man... no creature... tearing apart the other members of his gang. He stood in pain and as quickly as possible limped off, praying to any god who could hear that he wouldn't be followed. For the next five years he was alone, hunting for food alone and hiding from others. He marked the spots where the creature had attacked anyone and paid money or food for any tips on where it was. It terrified and fasinated him, the power that whoever it was had... could he have the same? He could get revenge for everything that was done to him, he could force the scribe office to release momma's papers on him. She'd said for years she'd found his parents, he'd given up any idea of themt aking him back but he could take revenge for them not keeping him.
He was twenty four when he knew he had the right area of the creature which he'd discovered was a vampire. He waited until night when he knew it'd be hunting before sneaking into it's home where he found the coffin and books. He quickly looked through them and found what he was looking for, first was information on a large vampire city in another area but also he read on how to become one. There was information on how to build an altar, and areas with known altars already built. He took all of his meager supplies and left for the closest one where he knelt and became immortal. With the new him he also took a new name, that of Ambroas Ventrue. Ambroas never approached his parents, instead he decided with his new name he would begin a completely new existance. He wandered the lands at night in search of other secrets as well as discovering his abilities for over two hundred years before he decided to go to the area the book had described, the city of his kind.
Note: This is also on the website, wasn't sure which is checked more often.
3072MB (3GB) Dedicated Memory
Recommended for up to 40 slots
$59.99 monthly
Are we stepping down the slots from 60 to 40? Or did we get a special offer? Heheh..
As this server expands, seems odd that they would lower the slots available.
However, if our server was crashing due to the amount of people, could be for the best.
might as well get a waiting strategy
It's good enough. I feel you're missing a lot of background information...like history and such, but that's kind of what you want I think you said.
We got the $90 Deal. Not posted on the site.
All my life I thought air was free, until I bought a bag of chips...
I thought I saw his name but nvm
Sources: None
Why do you want to join: All of the rp servers I have tried to join have been all scams... when I read the half page of lore I knew that this server was 'legit'
IC Name: Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male)
IC Age: 172
Race: The Forgotten Ones
Profession: Plain-Walker (can we upgrade in the future?)
Background: It all started with a group of Forgotten Ones known as the Prophets were looking for a cure to a plague that killed 25% of the population of Forgotten Ones within the age of Creation. Soviathes Desala (Male) (one of the head Prophets) had been disusing experiments to create a antigen to this virus by creating a airborne virus that kills all of the plague cells, as a sort of one time vaccination. But this plan might have endangered the Children of Light, as then natural carry this virus with them. So Notch, amused with there attempts of self preservation, created a testing world known as 'Lorem Ipsum'
When Soviathes and 33 other Prophets arrived in Lorem Ipsum, they noticed it lifeless and grey. When Soviathes asked, he obtained no answer... they were on their own. A liquid based version of this antigen was created into two Prophets, who had later died that day. Days went by and Soviathes had noticed his veins turning green, he and all of the other Prophets were infected, they rushed and attempted to create a stable antigen, but it was too late.
They all died within a month, but somehow Notch added life to Lorem Ipsum, and all 34 Prophets were reborn, without any memories of being One of the Forgotten Ones and only noticed that they lived longer than the rest of the lowly life forms. The reincarnation of Soviathes Desala, who was Malum Desala (Female), noticed that they had a gene running into their veins, that was different, they possessed an antigen to an ancient plague.
Confused on why there were not more of the forgotten and unknowing of the Kingdom of Aeonis, the Prophets lashed out against Notch for destroying their race (Which he did not, they just didn't have all of the facts) and headed out to destroy the many worlds that Notch held dear. But for some reason Malum died from the plague and was reborn yet again as Moros 'Xain' Desala (Male) in the Kingdom of Aeonis. Unknowing of the power which he may or may not have Moros rejoined with The Forgotten Ones.
As a plain walker Moros feels some relief knowing that somehow he is more calm than he has been in the past (even though he does not remember the past.) It is hard to say if Moros will ever realize that he is a Prophet, but his destiny is not in his own hands...
Well that was my first rp story, tell me if it is not good, I never really was good in English class anyways. Well I hope that I am not to late to join it would be a bloody shame to miss all of this.
737 Bloody pages, oh god am I late?!
I believe we are getting rid of the forgotten ones from what I heard.