I have already been whitelisted as coolstuff206 for Gorrin Oldersson however i still apear to spawn in the spawnbox under coolstuff206. How come i am not out of the spawnbox? No one will tp me because they think i am already not whitelisted.
Our Royal Wedding Roleplay event will happen sometime this weekend, check the
forums often for updates. This is your chance to get invovled! We will be handing out free
Cake, Flowers and gold ingots.
We will post the date soon! Check back often!
so just for clairification, i am the pastor (pastor_james) that wed the couple. but if not today then tomorrow?
fail to connect it never goes and says loging in for me
if my sis cuased this i'm gonna kick her shity devil ass
and yes she literly treats everyone like a piece of ****
u wana know how mean she is
lets just put it this way
sis vs devil=devil does suiside
yhah that mean
she hogs the computar all ****ing day and now this wow best day of the week has become shity for me
"Words start and stop wars; create and destroy relationships; encourage and shatter dreams; calm and excite emotions; free and enslave minds." -L. Hall
Minecraft Username: randalldalal94
Roleplay Name: The Shadow
Roleplay Story: I am a strange and mysterious man with not much to say. Nobody knows where i have come from and nobody knows the truth about me. I have come to live and work. Will i reveal my past? Nobody knows.
Reason to Join: I am tired of griefers and annoying players. I want to play with serious players and i want to try out the whole role-play scene. I need more than just build, build, build, get randomly killed. I want to have fun.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: 100 Percent completely agree.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy.
What will you Contribute to the server?: Good clean personality, no swearing, keeping up with the role-play, im a good builder, i dont grief.
Special Code: @*$
Tomorrow, May the 1st will be our ROYAL WEDDING EVENT!EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!
There will be Free Gold, And Gift Baskets!
It will be TOMORROW! Around 1, 1:30 PM Central Standard Time!
If you are in the west coast, the time will be around 11 AM!!
If you are in the east coast, the time will be around 3PM!!
(Make sure to check your timezone times again, I may have calculated the exact
times wrong!)
It will be held at SYREN CITY! If you neeed a Teleport, just let us know!
We Hope to see you there!
where in syren so i can be there early. i am the pastor. (calza)
Minecraft Username: TheCreeperSlayer
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Shy'del Qorag
Roleplay Story: Right at the start of Shy'del's life, he was orphanized by his parents. He had lived at a small village's boys home throughout his childhood. As a child, he would torture mice he found in the basement of their boys home, kill small animals and harass the children. Once he got into his teens and early adulthood, he became hated by the town for theft and eventually murder. As Shy'del left the small, pathetic village he became aware of the Cult of Herobrine. Curious about the cult, he's been searching for acceptance by them. From city to city he traveled to find them. He recently has come into contact with a few of it's members.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] I've been roleplaying for years, now. I roleplayed in WoW for 2 years, LARPed for awhile and have been RPing in Minecraft. I'm really wanting to get back into fantasy roleplay and this server seems like the server to do it on.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: I do agree with the rules
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I like to think I am
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will be able to coach some of the newbies on roleplaying (not in an arrogant way), I'd love to "lead" the Cult of Herobrine and I'd just be another friendly player.
Special Code: [@*$]
Minecraft Username: littlebunse57
Roleplay Name: Kal Arbor
Roleplay Story: Kal's parents died when he was 7 by the cult of Herobrine. He vowed by the age of 8 to avenge their bloody deaths, and quickly realized he couldn't do it on his own. He joined the church of Notch, hoping that Notches holy power would help him. He managed to kill the murderer of his family, but he was a man of very powerful dark magic. His face was distorted and greened, and the dark scars around his eyes and mouth are forever indented into a sinister frown, despite all the various emotions he may feel. He has since then declared that every Herobrine worshiper is evil, and must be killed.
Reason to Join: I was recently banned from a server for killing a guy who I didn't know was an admin. I'm really bored now, and I think this server would be really fun, and I have never experienced a roleplay server before, so I'd be very happy if you decide to let me in.
Do you agree with the Server Rules? Of course. The replanting trees might get a bit annoying, but I swear to you I will follow it all the time. Even if I am under attack I will come back and replant. Its so irritating when you're at spawn and theres no trees for miles.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy? Only to the good hearted. I am an avenger after all.
What will you Contribute to the server? I will contribute to the church of notch, I am a very experienced miner, and I can fight like a boss. I once killed 2 spiders by making 2 skeletons hit them at the same time, making 3 of them die and letting me escape with 1/2 left.
Special Code: @*$
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
So sing a lonely song/Of a deep blue dream/Seven horses seem to be on the mark/Yeah, don't you love her/Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door.
Minecraft Username:
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Korali Lyruil
Roleplay Story: Korali was born a Drow in an underground city of Elves. The elders were fascinated by his birth as no Drows have been born into their city. Afraid of the influences he might have onto others the elders banished him and his family out into the cruel world that was outside. Angry at the elders Korali has planned revenge, he went into learning the dark arts of Necromancy. When the time was right, he went to the entrance of the underground city and started to chant his evil spell. As soon as he finished a nether portal erected from the ground in front of him. Evil things started to pour out and he ran for he did not know what he has done. He left his parents in the forest, they were torn apart by the things that left the portal. He never felt a power so strong to run through him. He was afraid of the things but, he liked the way it felt. He continued with his Dark Arts and went to a gathering of The Cultists of Herobrine. He erected a portal in fron of their eyes and they were amazed with what they saw.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] Minecraft has been starting to get boring lately and I need to RP. I did it with a few of my friends and we had a great time, we found that it wasn't at it's full potential because it wasn't legit. My friend found this thread and pointed us to it's direction. It has a good story and lots of potential.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: Yes
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: Very
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will bring another type of experience into it. Personally I believe my character is unique, he has many powers, yet he doesn't always use them. I am also a very good builder as I am Obsessively Compulsive in this game.
Special Code: [@*$]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Years from now they'll ask what "Where were you when they destroyed vampires and music?" and we'll say "We let them do it, we were at home, laughing at pictures of cats on the internet."
Server Application
Minecraft Username: kmanZAG
Roleplay Name: Faze Valtera
Roleplay Story: Faze's best friend, Killster Firethrower, had died 5 years ago. His very intelligent pet weasel found the murderer, and quickly informed Killster's brother, Willster Firethrower. And so Willster set out for revenge. He fought harder than ever to locate Killster's murderer, and finally kill him. However, he died tragically and immediately after taking revenge. Faze is later informed by the weasel that his own father is the leader of the clan that killed his best friend, and was the one who personally murdered Willster. Revenge. That is all Faze has wanted since hearing this news, 10 years ago. Since then, he has been training. His training is now over. All that is left is the mission.
Reason to Join: I like D&D a lot, and I like minecraft a lot, so I figured I would enjoy these roleplay type servers, because they're kind of like both combined. If you accepted me I would be very glad.
Do you agree with the Server Rules? Yeah, course.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy? Yes, I believe that I can be trusted to follow all of these rules.
What will you Contribute to the server? I am good at fighting (mainly creepers, and spiders, and I can handle skeletons, but not as easily), and I'm good at tactical moves, so I know when to fight and when not to, and I can do mining fairly well.
Special Code: @*$
Minecraft Username:GreenEyedLyon
Roleplay Name: Xanas Exile
Roleplay Story:Xanas story started when he was an infant. When he was a baby a dark wizard had destroyd his town and killed his parents as well as everyone else in it. Shortly after a Portal to the Neather appeared infront of his once beautiful home and a member of the Cult of Herobrine named Sperantus appeared out of the portal, apparently the Cult member was trapped inside the Nether and had to reopen the portal that had closed on him, but for some reason the portal didnt open at the same location. it had oppened above ground and a short distance away from where the original portal was. So when the Cult member comes out of the Portal he ends up inside a destroyed house and trys to figure out where he came out at, all the sudden he hears a baby cry and gets a very strange feeling, so he starts looking around for him and discovers a baby in a semi-burnt chest with 2 skelitons laying next to it. He knows that he shouldnt be woried about an outsider and knows that sutch thing is forbidden but he feels like he was sent here for a reason, and he is starting to belive this reason is this infant, when he looks at the infant he notices a very strange neclace one wit a glow he had never seen before. Being this he breaks the rules and carys the baby to the secret entrence of the Sanctuary. When he gets there all the Cult members are looking at him with discust, and then the cult leader works his way throught the crowed of people and says "HOW DARE YOU BRING SUCH AN ANIMAL INTO OUR SANCTUARY' then Sperantus says "But it was a sign, my portal sent me inside of a destroyed house where this baby was laying with his parents protecting him, he had this amulet i have never seen before. it seems to glow with this mysterious light source". the Cult leader asks to see this amulet. when he sees the amulet his face goes into complete shock to see such a rare item, it was the Neclace of Souls, and the leader starts to lift off the neclace and instantly it gets darker as if it loses power, so the leader says "so its true, This Infant is to be of great power in the future" and with those words. the boy was to live with the Cult and be apart of the family, they give him the name Xanas Exile. as the years pass, Xanas Exile trains under Sperantus. Now Xanas has reached an age where he is mature and can understand the world better. On Xanas 19 birthday he wonders why he has no parents, or better yet where he came from, so he goes and asks Sperantus why he has no family. Xanas is furious from what Sperantus says and wants revenge on the Dark Wizard and prays to Herobrine to help him end the life of this wizard. witch brings us up to date with his life to now.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] i have always wanted to join a Roleplay that takes things very serious but i never could find one and when i saw your application to get on i thought whow this could be the place for me! a hardcore roleplay with a awsome backstory to it. and it even has different Factions inside of it. comon what could be better than this..
Do you agree with the Server Rules?:Absolutley i do
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?:I would like to think so
What will you Contribute to the server?:More than i could imagine i am a great builder and designer (atleast i would like to think so) i always have great ideas runing through my mind and i could be a very inergetic person to be around
Minecraft Username: kirisuto
Roleplay Name: Aylivar Vanthe
Roleplay Story: Aylivar has a simple past, he grew up in a small mining/blacksmithing town who's luck had run dry with the mine, being eighteen, young and with everything he wants waiting at his fingertips (or so he thinks) he has moved out to make his fortune.
Reason to Join: I'm tired of servers where all there is to do is build over and over until someone kills you for no reason or you're griefed. I'd like to play where there's more to do in the world and more ways to rp and interact with other players.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: I agree completely.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I wouldn't trust anyone else more.
What will you Contribute to the server?: I'm a helpful player willing to grant my knowledge to newer players, I love joining in rp plots and always try to contribute what I can to the server as a whole.
Special Code: @*$
Tomorrow, May the 1st will be our ROYAL WEDDING EVENT!EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!
There will be Free Gold, And Gift Baskets!
It will be TOMORROW! Around 1, 1:30 PM Central Standard Time!
If you are in the west coast, the time will be around 11 AM!!
If you are in the east coast, the time will be around 3PM!!
(Make sure to check your timezone times again, I may have calculated the exact
times wrong!)
It will be held at SYREN CITY! If you neeed a Teleport, just let us know!
We Hope to see you there!
where in syren so i can be there early. i am the pastor. (calza)
Minecraft Username: TheCreeperSlayer
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Shy'del Qorag
Roleplay Story: Right at the start of Shy'del's life, he was orphanized by his parents. He had lived at a small village's boys home throughout his childhood. As a child, he would torture mice he found in the basement of their boys home, kill small animals and harass the children. Once he got into his teens and early adulthood, he became hated by the town for theft and eventually murder. As Shy'del left the small, pathetic village he became aware of the Cult of Herobrine. Curious about the cult, he's been searching for acceptance by them. From city to city he traveled to find them. He recently has come into contact with a few of it's members.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] I've been roleplaying for years, now. I roleplayed in WoW for 2 years, LARPed for awhile and have been RPing in Minecraft. I'm really wanting to get back into fantasy roleplay and this server seems like the server to do it on.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: I do agree with the rules
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I like to think I am
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will be able to coach some of the newbies on roleplaying (not in an arrogant way), I'd love to "lead" the Cult of Herobrine and I'd just be another friendly player.
Special Code: [@*$]
Minecraft Username: littlebunse57
Roleplay Name: Kal Arbor
Roleplay Story: Kal's parents died when he was 7 by the cult of Herobrine. He vowed by the age of 8 to avenge their bloody deaths, and quickly realized he couldn't do it on his own. He joined the church of Notch, hoping that Notches holy power would help him. He managed to kill the murderer of his family, but he was a man of very powerful dark magic. His face was distorted and greened, and the dark scars around his eyes and mouth are forever indented into a sinister frown, despite all the various emotions he may feel. He has since then declared that every Herobrine worshiper is evil, and must be killed.
Reason to Join: I was recently banned from a server for killing a guy who I didn't know was an admin. I'm really bored now, and I think this server would be really fun, and I have never experienced a roleplay server before, so I'd be very happy if you decide to let me in.
Do you agree with the Server Rules? Of course. The replanting trees might get a bit annoying, but I swear to you I will follow it all the time. Even if I am under attack I will come back and replant. Its so irritating when you're at spawn and theres no trees for miles.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy? Only to the good hearted. I am an avenger after all.
What will you Contribute to the server? I will contribute to the church of notch, I am a very experienced miner, and I can fight like a boss. I once killed 2 spiders by making 2 skeletons hit them at the same time, making 3 of them die and letting me escape with 1/2 left.
Special Code: @*$
Minecraft Username:
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Korali Lyruil
Roleplay Story: Korali was born a Drow in an underground city of Elves. The elders were fascinated by his birth as no Drows have been born into their city. Afraid of the influences he might have onto others the elders banished him and his family out into the cruel world that was outside. Angry at the elders Korali has planned revenge, he went into learning the dark arts of Necromancy. When the time was right, he went to the entrance of the underground city and started to chant his evil spell. As soon as he finished a nether portal erected from the ground in front of him. Evil things started to pour out and he ran for he did not know what he has done. He left his parents in the forest, they were torn apart by the things that left the portal. He never felt a power so strong to run through him. He was afraid of the things but, he liked the way it felt. He continued with his Dark Arts and went to a gathering of The Cultists of Herobrine. He erected a portal in fron of their eyes and they were amazed with what they saw.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] Minecraft has been starting to get boring lately and I need to RP. I did it with a few of my friends and we had a great time, we found that it wasn't at it's full potential because it wasn't legit. My friend found this thread and pointed us to it's direction. It has a good story and lots of potential.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: Yes
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: Very
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will bring another type of experience into it. Personally I believe my character is unique, he has many powers, yet he doesn't always use them. I am also a very good builder as I am Obsessively Compulsive in this game.
Special Code: [@*$]
Denied, What is it with you people that think you can get in with this, when everyone else has to make a decent application? Read the first post, the application format, and the rules, and try again.
If you have made an application then quote it and this response.
Minecraft Username:GreenEyedLyon
Roleplay Name: Xanas Exile
Roleplay Story:Xanas story started when he was an infant. When he was a baby a dark wizard had destroyd his town and killed his parents as well as everyone else in it. Shortly after a Portal to the Neather appeared infront of his once beautiful home and a member of the Cult of Herobrine named Sperantus appeared out of the portal, apparently the Cult member was trapped inside the Nether and had to reopen the portal that had closed on him, but for some reason the portal didnt open at the same location. it had oppened above ground and a short distance away from where the original portal was. So when the Cult member comes out of the Portal he ends up inside a destroyed house and trys to figure out where he came out at, all the sudden he hears a baby cry and gets a very strange feeling, so he starts looking around for him and discovers a baby in a semi-burnt chest with 2 skelitons laying next to it. He knows that he shouldnt be woried about an outsider and knows that sutch thing is forbidden but he feels like he was sent here for a reason, and he is starting to belive this reason is this infant, when he looks at the infant he notices a very strange neclace one wit a glow he had never seen before. Being this he breaks the rules and carys the baby to the secret entrence of the Sanctuary. When he gets there all the Cult members are looking at him with discust, and then the cult leader works his way throught the crowed of people and says "HOW DARE YOU BRING SUCH AN ANIMAL INTO OUR SANCTUARY' then Sperantus says "But it was a sign, my portal sent me inside of a destroyed house where this baby was laying with his parents protecting him, he had this amulet i have never seen before. it seems to glow with this mysterious light source". the Cult leader asks to see this amulet. when he sees the amulet his face goes into complete shock to see such a rare item, it was the Neclace of Souls, and the leader starts to lift off the neclace and instantly it gets darker as if it loses power, so the leader says "so its true, This Infant is to be of great power in the future" and with those words. the boy was to live with the Cult and be apart of the family, they give him the name Xanas Exile. as the years pass, Xanas Exile trains under Sperantus. Now Xanas has reached an age where he is mature and can understand the world better. On Xanas 19 birthday he wonders why he has no parents, or better yet where he came from, so he goes and asks Sperantus why he has no family. Xanas is furious from what Sperantus says and wants revenge on the Dark Wizard and prays to Herobrine to help him end the life of this wizard. witch brings us up to date with his life to now.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] i have always wanted to join a Roleplay that takes things very serious but i never could find one and when i saw your application to get on i thought whow this could be the place for me! a hardcore roleplay with a awsome backstory to it. and it even has different Factions inside of it. comon what could be better than this..
Do you agree with the Server Rules?:Absolutley i do
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?:I would like to think so
What will you Contribute to the server?:More than i could imagine i am a great builder and designer (atleast i would like to think so) i always have great ideas runing through my mind and i could be a very inergetic person to be around
Special Code:@*%
Accepted, very nice roleplay story! I wish everyone's was as complete as yours.
It happens the same thing to me, PifMeister.
so just for clairification, i am the pastor (pastor_james) that wed the couple. but if not today then tomorrow?
http://roleplayrevolution.freeforums.or ... ft-f4.html
if my sis cuased this i'm gonna kick her shity devil ass
and yes she literly treats everyone like a piece of ****
u wana know how mean she is
lets just put it this way
sis vs devil=devil does suiside
yhah that mean
she hogs the computar all ****ing day and now this wow best day of the week has become shity for me
plz don't discriminate about my spelling i know it sucks but i try my best
Roleplay Name: The Shadow
Roleplay Story: I am a strange and mysterious man with not much to say. Nobody knows where i have come from and nobody knows the truth about me. I have come to live and work. Will i reveal my past? Nobody knows.
Reason to Join: I am tired of griefers and annoying players. I want to play with serious players and i want to try out the whole role-play scene. I need more than just build, build, build, get randomly killed. I want to have fun.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: 100 Percent completely agree.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I am very trustworthy.
What will you Contribute to the server?: Good clean personality, no swearing, keeping up with the role-play, im a good builder, i dont grief.
Special Code: @*$
where in syren so i can be there early. i am the pastor. (calza)
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Shy'del Qorag
Roleplay Story: Right at the start of Shy'del's life, he was orphanized by his parents. He had lived at a small village's boys home throughout his childhood. As a child, he would torture mice he found in the basement of their boys home, kill small animals and harass the children. Once he got into his teens and early adulthood, he became hated by the town for theft and eventually murder. As Shy'del left the small, pathetic village he became aware of the Cult of Herobrine. Curious about the cult, he's been searching for acceptance by them. From city to city he traveled to find them. He recently has come into contact with a few of it's members.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] I've been roleplaying for years, now. I roleplayed in WoW for 2 years, LARPed for awhile and have been RPing in Minecraft. I'm really wanting to get back into fantasy roleplay and this server seems like the server to do it on.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: I do agree with the rules
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I like to think I am
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will be able to coach some of the newbies on roleplaying (not in an arrogant way), I'd love to "lead" the Cult of Herobrine and I'd just be another friendly player.
Special Code: [@*$]
Roleplay Name: Kal Arbor
Roleplay Story: Kal's parents died when he was 7 by the cult of Herobrine. He vowed by the age of 8 to avenge their bloody deaths, and quickly realized he couldn't do it on his own. He joined the church of Notch, hoping that Notches holy power would help him. He managed to kill the murderer of his family, but he was a man of very powerful dark magic. His face was distorted and greened, and the dark scars around his eyes and mouth are forever indented into a sinister frown, despite all the various emotions he may feel. He has since then declared that every Herobrine worshiper is evil, and must be killed.
Reason to Join: I was recently banned from a server for killing a guy who I didn't know was an admin. I'm really bored now, and I think this server would be really fun, and I have never experienced a roleplay server before, so I'd be very happy if you decide to let me in.
Do you agree with the Server Rules? Of course. The replanting trees might get a bit annoying, but I swear to you I will follow it all the time. Even if I am under attack I will come back and replant. Its so irritating when you're at spawn and theres no trees for miles.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy? Only to the good hearted. I am an avenger after all.
What will you Contribute to the server? I will contribute to the church of notch, I am a very experienced miner, and I can fight like a boss. I once killed 2 spiders by making 2 skeletons hit them at the same time, making 3 of them die and letting me escape with 1/2 left.
Special Code: @*$
So sing a lonely song/Of a deep blue dream/Seven horses seem to be on the mark/Yeah, don't you love her/Don't you love her as she's walkin' out the door.
Roleplay Name: [First/Last] or [Title/First] Korali Lyruil
Roleplay Story: Korali was born a Drow in an underground city of Elves. The elders were fascinated by his birth as no Drows have been born into their city. Afraid of the influences he might have onto others the elders banished him and his family out into the cruel world that was outside. Angry at the elders Korali has planned revenge, he went into learning the dark arts of Necromancy. When the time was right, he went to the entrance of the underground city and started to chant his evil spell. As soon as he finished a nether portal erected from the ground in front of him. Evil things started to pour out and he ran for he did not know what he has done. He left his parents in the forest, they were torn apart by the things that left the portal. He never felt a power so strong to run through him. He was afraid of the things but, he liked the way it felt. He continued with his Dark Arts and went to a gathering of The Cultists of Herobrine. He erected a portal in fron of their eyes and they were amazed with what they saw.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] Minecraft has been starting to get boring lately and I need to RP. I did it with a few of my friends and we had a great time, we found that it wasn't at it's full potential because it wasn't legit. My friend found this thread and pointed us to it's direction. It has a good story and lots of potential.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: Yes
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: Very
What will you Contribute to the server?: I will bring another type of experience into it. Personally I believe my character is unique, he has many powers, yet he doesn't always use them. I am also a very good builder as I am Obsessively Compulsive in this game.
Special Code: [@*$]
Minecraft Username: kmanZAG
Roleplay Name: Faze Valtera
Roleplay Story: Faze's best friend, Killster Firethrower, had died 5 years ago. His very intelligent pet weasel found the murderer, and quickly informed Killster's brother, Willster Firethrower. And so Willster set out for revenge. He fought harder than ever to locate Killster's murderer, and finally kill him. However, he died tragically and immediately after taking revenge. Faze is later informed by the weasel that his own father is the leader of the clan that killed his best friend, and was the one who personally murdered Willster. Revenge. That is all Faze has wanted since hearing this news, 10 years ago. Since then, he has been training. His training is now over. All that is left is the mission.
Reason to Join: I like D&D a lot, and I like minecraft a lot, so I figured I would enjoy these roleplay type servers, because they're kind of like both combined. If you accepted me I would be very glad.
Do you agree with the Server Rules? Yeah, course.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy? Yes, I believe that I can be trusted to follow all of these rules.
What will you Contribute to the server? I am good at fighting (mainly creepers, and spiders, and I can handle skeletons, but not as easily), and I'm good at tactical moves, so I know when to fight and when not to, and I can do mining fairly well.
Special Code: @*$
Roleplay Name: Xanas Exile
Roleplay Story:Xanas story started when he was an infant. When he was a baby a dark wizard had destroyd his town and killed his parents as well as everyone else in it. Shortly after a Portal to the Neather appeared infront of his once beautiful home and a member of the Cult of Herobrine named Sperantus appeared out of the portal, apparently the Cult member was trapped inside the Nether and had to reopen the portal that had closed on him, but for some reason the portal didnt open at the same location. it had oppened above ground and a short distance away from where the original portal was. So when the Cult member comes out of the Portal he ends up inside a destroyed house and trys to figure out where he came out at, all the sudden he hears a baby cry and gets a very strange feeling, so he starts looking around for him and discovers a baby in a semi-burnt chest with 2 skelitons laying next to it. He knows that he shouldnt be woried about an outsider and knows that sutch thing is forbidden but he feels like he was sent here for a reason, and he is starting to belive this reason is this infant, when he looks at the infant he notices a very strange neclace one wit a glow he had never seen before. Being this he breaks the rules and carys the baby to the secret entrence of the Sanctuary. When he gets there all the Cult members are looking at him with discust, and then the cult leader works his way throught the crowed of people and says "HOW DARE YOU BRING SUCH AN ANIMAL INTO OUR SANCTUARY' then Sperantus says "But it was a sign, my portal sent me inside of a destroyed house where this baby was laying with his parents protecting him, he had this amulet i have never seen before. it seems to glow with this mysterious light source". the Cult leader asks to see this amulet. when he sees the amulet his face goes into complete shock to see such a rare item, it was the Neclace of Souls, and the leader starts to lift off the neclace and instantly it gets darker as if it loses power, so the leader says "so its true, This Infant is to be of great power in the future" and with those words. the boy was to live with the Cult and be apart of the family, they give him the name Xanas Exile. as the years pass, Xanas Exile trains under Sperantus. Now Xanas has reached an age where he is mature and can understand the world better. On Xanas 19 birthday he wonders why he has no parents, or better yet where he came from, so he goes and asks Sperantus why he has no family. Xanas is furious from what Sperantus says and wants revenge on the Dark Wizard and prays to Herobrine to help him end the life of this wizard. witch brings us up to date with his life to now.
Reason to Join: [1-2 Paragraphs] i have always wanted to join a Roleplay that takes things very serious but i never could find one and when i saw your application to get on i thought whow this could be the place for me! a hardcore roleplay with a awsome backstory to it. and it even has different Factions inside of it. comon what could be better than this..
Do you agree with the Server Rules?:Absolutley i do
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?:I would like to think so
What will you Contribute to the server?:More than i could imagine i am a great builder and designer (atleast i would like to think so) i always have great ideas runing through my mind and i could be a very inergetic person to be around
Special Code:@*%
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1HoTWBT ... r_embedded
Roleplay Name: Aylivar Vanthe
Roleplay Story: Aylivar has a simple past, he grew up in a small mining/blacksmithing town who's luck had run dry with the mine, being eighteen, young and with everything he wants waiting at his fingertips (or so he thinks) he has moved out to make his fortune.
Reason to Join: I'm tired of servers where all there is to do is build over and over until someone kills you for no reason or you're griefed. I'd like to play where there's more to do in the world and more ways to rp and interact with other players.
Do you agree with the Server Rules?: I agree completely.
Do you believe that you are trustworthy?: I wouldn't trust anyone else more.
What will you Contribute to the server?: I'm a helpful player willing to grant my knowledge to newer players, I love joining in rp plots and always try to contribute what I can to the server as a whole.
Special Code: @*$
The church of notch, inside the keep at syren.
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine
Denied, What is it with you people that think you can get in with this, when everyone else has to make a decent application? Read the first post, the application format, and the rules, and try again.
If you have made an application then quote it and this response.
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine
Accepted, very nice roleplay story! I wish everyone's was as complete as yours.
Head Administrator of Lupine Network - https://lupinenetwork.com/
"Ignorance is not stupidity, refusing to correct it is. Stupidity should be a crime punishable by death." A soon to be famous quote by: Ryladine