Before you can partake in our large group projects, you must pass the test and become a resident. All you need to do is simply build something in your plot that proves you have some building talent.
Note: Our whitelist is turned off during the day (when staff are on) and turned on at night (when staff are off). We like to call this the "nightlist". Simply reply to this thread with your in game name and you will be added to the whitelist.
We could disguise our words with friendly cheery sentences about how much we want you to play with us, but we won't. We also want your money, not just your company. Why? Dedicated servers cost money. We must survive off donations. Your companionship does not feed the money monster that is our server. So, while your company is important, we also need funds.
Umm kinda dont wanna try this server after those comments... however id like to give you the benefit of the doubt. However as i tried to log on it seems I am in a differnent time zone And becuase of this "nighlist" i cannot get on unless i stay up to a ridiculous hour. Im not usre where to go grom here. Can you add me to the nightlist? or if you cant trust me ill just seek another server
OH MAI GAWD. I like this server. Hey just to let anyone else joining know, they're going through some rough times, please don't believe the negative comments they're getting. Thats what you call an "internet rage."
Umm kinda dont wanna try this server after those comments... however id like to give you the benefit of the doubt. However as i tried to log on it seems I am in a differnent time zone And becuase of this "nighlist" i cannot get on unless i stay up to a ridiculous hour. Im not usre where to go grom here. Can you add me to the nightlist? or if you cant trust me ill just seek another server
powered_by_redme: powered_by_red and my friend: emily_nbd would like to be added to the nightlist, we really enjoy the server and staff and would like to spend as much time as possible on the server.
Both added. Sorry, need to turn whitelisting off by default.
Not a problem. I trust you guys and I hope that your server does well.
I would like to be added. I already have built a few things, very fun server
Sorry for the wait. You have been added.
EPIC SERVER of all of them
I like To be Nightlisted
I'd like to be added. Seems like a fun community.
Would like to be added.