Public IRC channel (server: #keymc
Basic Rules/Info
- No griefing is allowed whatsoever, will result in a ban from the server.
- Absolutely no hacked clients, this includes fly mods and x-ray texturepacks.
- Please do not swear, spam, or use caps in Keystone chat.
- Be respectful of other's areas (No building on their doorstep)
- Full set of rules at
- We also have a Teamspeak 3 server at!
Please consider donating to Keystone! It's only $5 USD for one month of donor status, and you will receive in-game premium benefits such as:
- SuperPickAxe, Instant block break! (/spa)
- The ability to fly limitless! (/flight on and /flight off)
- Jump to any block you are looking at from any distance! (/jumpto)
- Ghost through any walls or materials! (/thru)
- Hundreds of premium kits with helpful combinations of items! (/kit)
- The ability to create colored signs! (Add &0-f prior to your text)
Basic Commands
/kit - shows the kits available to you (Member+)
/kit <kit> - Spawns the specified kit (Member+) /call <name> - sends a teleport request (Member+) /warp <name> - teleports you to a specified warp (Member+)
/warp create <warp> - Create a new warp (Trusted+) /sethome - sets your home (Member+) /home - takes you to your home after setting it (Member+) /spawn - takes you to spawn (Member+) /clear -a - clears your whole inventory (Member+) /compass - shows your direction (Member+)
- You will have this rank upon joining. Build, have access to basic commands, and limited kits.
[Trusted] - This rank is earned after 30 hours of playtime. Spawn items, create warps, place fire.
[Mod] - Send items to Members, do placements for Members and Trusted, moderate chat.
[Admin] - Protect your land, ward off griefers, generally run the show.
(Do not ask for a promotion, ranks above mod are not handed out like candy)
I am so excited for this amazing server to finally be up. A couple of us have been hard at work for a while preparing this server for the general public. I am happy to say that this WILL be the most popular creative server on this forum.
Basic Rules/Info
- No griefing is allowed whatsoever, will result in a ban from the server.
- Absolutely no hacked clients, this includes fly mods and x-ray texturepacks.
- Please do not swear, spam, or use caps in Keystone chat.
- Be respectful of other's areas (No building on their doorstep)
- Full set of rules at
- We also have a Teamspeak 3 server at!
Basic Commands
/kit - shows the kits available to you (Member+)
/call <name> - sends a teleport request (Member+)
/warp <name> - teleports you to a specified warp (Member+)
/sethome - sets your home (Member+)
/home - takes you to your home after setting it (Member+)
/spawn - takes you to spawn (Member+)
/clear -a - clears your whole inventory (Member+)
/compass - shows your direction (Member+)
- You will have this rank upon joining. Build, have access to basic commands, and limited kits.
Use /kit <name> to get the kit
Members have:
Trusted have all kits that Members have, plus:
/i <item> <amount> - Trusted have the ability to spawn any item, with the exception of banned items.
Cheers to Keystone!
Just want to say, a massive thanks to ben for putting this together he has been working hard the past few days.
Thought I would post some pictures of our spawn a few of us have been working on
here is a view of our spawn spleef arena made by araa123, and in the left you can see Kingphilips jumping "temple of pain"
Just please read the rules, and have fun :3
So yea, this is gonna be epic.
Staffa always try to help as well :biggrin.gif:
Btw, if you're bored be sure to /warp templeofpain
>.> wart?
I love the server!
Finally i can get back to Minecrafting!
lol, I'll fix that...
you're so hipster, it kills me.
but in all honesty, it probably attracts more attention.