Hey guys! I am making a Mindcrack like Vanilla SMP server. It will be MCProhosted by Monday at the latest. The map has not yet been made so dont worry you havent missed anything. It will be in the latest snapshot. We already have 5 people so we would take in aroun 10-12 people
-No Griefing -Pranks are aloud as long as nothing is destroyed -Don't take items from others unless given permission -Have fun!
Application Form:
IGN: Skype: Age: Why you would like to join: What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Anything else you would like to add:
If you have any questions you can contact me on skype: max_7725. If you are chosen you will be told on here and on skype. You will also be added to a group in Skype. Have a great day and hope to see you on the server soon
IGN: FruitMangoooo Skype: ill make one if accepted Age: 22 Why you would like to join: just looking for a great to meet new people and build What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): whatever comes to mind Anything else you would like to add: im an awesome person lolgreat server***
IGN:Marcusterry Skype: Ill add you if accepted, or pm it. not putting it here. Age:18 Why you would like to join:Looking for a fun server What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):Anything, Im not too creative but i like playing the game. should be all that matters. Anything else you would like to add:Hope im accepted, looking for a nice vanilla server with friendly people.
IGN: J4ckN1mble Skype: J4ck_n1mble Age:21 Why you would like to join: I would like to put time into a server that isnt public What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): all Anything else you would like to add: i play almost everyday and i have experience in running a server if you need help
IGN: Zachmooo Skype: Szczykos1 Age: 20 Why you would like to join: Im sick of single player, and the server i played prior was shut down. What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): I like to explore and I like building. I have zero knowledge of redstone. Anything else you would like to add: Im bilingual (polish and english) Looking forward to playing with a mature group of people!
Age: 14
Why would you like to join?: Im getting bored of minigames and survival by myself so I think this SMP would be perfect.
What kind of player are you?: Im good with redstone and I love to explore.
Anything else?: Just that Im looking forward to playing with everyone if accepted.
IGN: xXBURGERXx ( this is my friend's account because I cannot afford one so yeah) Skype: pronetic132465 Age: 16, but I think I'm pretty mature, just saying. Why you would like to join: I love joining vanilla servers, especially ones with a small community. I hope to meet some new friendly people here and have fun with them. Other than that, I also like to help out and take part in server activities. This server looks like it suits me. What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Well, I like building wooden houses and automatic farms. I more of a builder I'll say. Anything else you would like to add: If I do get accepted, it would be great if you guys call me Prone and not by my IGN, because honestly, I don't really like my friend's IGN. So yeah, thanks for reading and I hope you guys will get back at me pretty soon
IGN: RobulusJr
Skype: robulusjr
Age: 17
Why you would like to join: Have played on many friendly vanilla servers before, and have had a break, and want to get back into it! I want to make some new friends too
What kind of player: builder mostly, ambitious projects that never quite get finished
Anything else you would like to add: Looking forward to your reply!
IGN: Ethansup2082 Skype: chickencraftowner Age: 13 Why you would like to join: I think i would have fun with others and i could build with others 2 and other stuff sorry had to write this fast What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Redstoner Anything else you would like to add: I hope i get accepted also is it 24/7 and I sent you a Friend Request
IGN: Pwaby
Skype: kiranhasskype
Why should I join?
I would really like to be a part of a tight community which has a various group of minecrafters. It would be really awesome and i think i have the ability to be helpful and fun on the server. I am also always coming up with new ways to play minecraft.
What kind of player: Worker, Survival, Kinda Redstone, gamemaker.
Anything to add?
STRAYAAAAA!!!!!!!! Cheers guys, I just want to play on a Vanilla SMP Because mods ruin the freedom of minecraft
Want another Minecraft twitch streamer to watch while you're bored? Check out TwinLashMC on twitch and even give a follow. He streams Mineplex Minigames/MCSG/factions/ UHC/ and other servers that you guys would recommend him playing. He has good quality with follow, subscribe, and donation animations coming soon. He hasn't set up his paypal up yet but he will soon. Thanks for reading and go follow TwinLashMC to get notified when he streams! Thanks!
Why you would like to join:I would like to join because I have always loved the idea of just plain old vanilla and love mindcrack
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):Im mostly a Builder But Always love expierementing With Redstone
Anything else you would like to add:Ive been on a few other servers but didnt feel welcome
IGN: DeekoPro
Skype: DeekoPro
Age: 25
Why you would like to join: To play minecraft w/ other players.
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Average, buildings w/ simple redstone.
Anything else you would like to add: Accept me!
Want another Minecraft twitch streamer to watch while you're bored? Check out TwinLashMC on twitch and even give a follow. He streams Mineplex Minigames/MCSG/factions/ UHC/ and other servers that you guys would recommend him playing. He has good quality with follow, subscribe, and donation animations coming soon. He hasn't set up his paypal up yet but he will soon. Thanks for reading and go follow TwinLashMC to get notified when he streams! Thanks!
IGN: coyster872000Skype: coylion
Age: 15
Why you would like to join: looking for a great server and to do community builds
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): builder and redstone
Anything else you would like to add: I hope u accept me I will do great builds and shops at spawn
What kind of Minecrafter are you? Builder, Farmer, Game Grinder, and continuing to learn new roles
Skype? JeiKu808
Why do want to join?/Addition Comments: I've watched Bdouble0 playing mindcrack. I've been looking for a vanillia server that was small community of new friends like Mianite and Crewcraft. I been inspired by seananners, and I've been driven to play minecraft since the beta. Due my money situation, I had to purchase the game at the 1.2.5 update. Since then, I'm been driving myself to try every new minigame and snapshot. I started to play singerplayer survival. The gamemode started to get boring and repetitive after I had done everything. After that, I started to play in big vanilla multiplayer servers. These were fun, but because of strong lag and the feeling of still being alone, I continued to search for a small vanilla community. Minecraft is more than a game of blocks. It's what you create from what given, slaying a dragon, or using your pure imagination. I hope to gain more than lose from this experience of just applying to the server. Every chance I get to join a community of people who have the same interest as me is a win. I hope to join the server and become an important and positive impact to the peers and gamers around me.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Why you would like to join: I want to join because i am looking for a small minecraft community that i could get along with and have fun with
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):I am a builder/miner but i can also do some redstone if i put enough time into it
Anything else you would like to add:There are some things i would like to ask ill contact you on skype
IGN: CuddlyComet9
Skype: I'll tell when i am added
Age: 14
Why you would like to join: because I am looking for a server like mindcrack to join with the snapshots
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): probs a redstoner
Anything else you would like to add: I hope I am added
-No Griefing
-Pranks are aloud as long as nothing is destroyed
-Don't take items from others unless given permission
-Have fun!
Application Form:
Why you would like to join:
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):
Anything else you would like to add:
If you have any questions you can contact me on skype: max_7725. If you are chosen you will be told on here and on skype. You will also be added to a group in Skype. Have a great day and hope to see you on the server soon
Skype: ill make one if accepted
Age: 22
Why you would like to join: just looking for a great to meet new people and build
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): whatever comes to mind
Anything else you would like to add: im an awesome person lolgreat server***
Skype: Ill add you if accepted, or pm it. not putting it here.
Why you would like to join:Looking for a fun server
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):Anything, Im not too creative but i like playing the game. should be all that matters.
Anything else you would like to add:Hope im accepted, looking for a nice vanilla server with friendly people.
If you could message me your skype name that would be great!
Skype: J4ck_n1mble
Why you would like to join: I would like to put time into a server that isnt public
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): all
Anything else you would like to add: i play almost everyday and i have experience in running a server if you need help
Skype: Szczykos1
Age: 20
Why you would like to join: Im sick of single player, and the server i played prior was shut down.
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): I like to explore and I like building. I have zero knowledge of redstone.
Anything else you would like to add: Im bilingual (polish and english) Looking forward to playing with a mature group of people!
Age: 14
Why would you like to join?: Im getting bored of minigames and survival by myself so I think this SMP would be perfect.
What kind of player are you?: Im good with redstone and I love to explore.
Anything else?: Just that Im looking forward to playing with everyone if accepted.
Skype: pronetic132465
Age: 16, but I think I'm pretty mature, just saying.
Why you would like to join: I love joining vanilla servers, especially ones with a small community. I hope to meet some new friendly people here and have fun with them. Other than that, I also like to help out and take part in server activities. This server looks like it suits me.
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Well, I like building wooden houses and automatic farms. I more of a builder I'll say.
Anything else you would like to add: If I do get accepted, it would be great if you guys call me Prone and not by my IGN, because honestly, I don't really like my friend's IGN.
So yeah, thanks for reading and I hope you guys will get back at me pretty soon
IGN: RobulusJr
Skype: robulusjr
Age: 17
Why you would like to join: Have played on many friendly vanilla servers before, and have had a break, and want to get back into it! I want to make some new friends too
What kind of player: builder mostly, ambitious projects that never quite get finished
Anything else you would like to add: Looking forward to your reply!
From RobulusJr
Skype: chickencraftowner
Age: 13
Why you would like to join: I think i would have fun with others and i could build with others 2 and other stuff sorry had to write this fast
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Redstoner
Anything else you would like to add: I hope i get accepted also is it 24/7 and I sent you a Friend Request
IGN: Pwaby
Skype: kiranhasskype
Why should I join?
I would really like to be a part of a tight community which has a various group of minecrafters. It would be really awesome and i think i have the ability to be helpful and fun on the server. I am also always coming up with new ways to play minecraft.
What kind of player: Worker, Survival, Kinda Redstone, gamemaker.
Anything to add?
STRAYAAAAA!!!!!!!! Cheers guys, I just want to play on a Vanilla SMP Because mods ruin the freedom of minecraft
Why you would like to join:I would like to join because I have always loved the idea of just plain old vanilla and love mindcrack
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):Im mostly a Builder But Always love expierementing With Redstone
Anything else you would like to add:Ive been on a few other servers but didnt feel welcome
Skype: DeekoPro
Age: 25
Why you would like to join: To play minecraft w/ other players.
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): Average, buildings w/ simple redstone.
Anything else you would like to add: Accept me!
Age: 15
Why you would like to join: looking for a great server and to do community builds
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): builder and redstone
Anything else you would like to add: I hope u accept me I will do great builds and shops at spawn
How old are you? 14
What kind of Minecrafter are you? Builder, Farmer, Game Grinder, and continuing to learn new roles
Skype? JeiKu808
Why do want to join?/Addition Comments: I've watched Bdouble0 playing mindcrack. I've been looking for a vanillia server that was small community of new friends like Mianite and Crewcraft. I been inspired by seananners, and I've been driven to play minecraft since the beta. Due my money situation, I had to purchase the game at the 1.2.5 update. Since then, I'm been driving myself to try every new minigame and snapshot. I started to play singerplayer survival. The gamemode started to get boring and repetitive after I had done everything. After that, I started to play in big vanilla multiplayer servers. These were fun, but because of strong lag and the feeling of still being alone, I continued to search for a small vanilla community. Minecraft is more than a game of blocks. It's what you create from what given, slaying a dragon, or using your pure imagination. I hope to gain more than lose from this experience of just applying to the server. Every chance I get to join a community of people who have the same interest as me is a win. I hope to join the server and become an important and positive impact to the peers and gamers around me.
Why you would like to join: I want to join because i am looking for a small minecraft community that i could get along with and have fun with
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.):I am a builder/miner but i can also do some redstone if i put enough time into it
Anything else you would like to add:There are some things i would like to ask ill contact you on skype
Skype: I'll tell when i am added
Age: 14
Why you would like to join: because I am looking for a server like mindcrack to join with the snapshots
What kind of player(builder,redstoner,etc.): probs a redstoner
Anything else you would like to add: I hope I am added