Minecraft experience:I have been on alot of minecraft servers to do with pvp to survival type servers,I have been playing minecraft servers for a long time now and i would like to start getting into white-listed servers so i can extend my minecraft survival experience.
Small Summary of things you would want us to know:I very active with the gaming community,I would like to get on Ur white-listed server so i can start uploading videos of ur server and my survival experience to youtube My youtube link if u would like to check it out its in the making-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAzgkrrhH6zEjN4xsC6L-Sw, Im 16 im a very nice for my age im not a "Skweeker" I would love to talk to u on any live chat such as (Skype,Mumble,Or team speak) i dont mind downloading any other love speak software to talk to anyone of u, Im a very dedicated you-tuber i try to upload 2 videos a week but i have been out of it lately so i have not uploaded in a while,Im nice an polite i have been a helper on ever 4 different servers so i know commands if u ever need help with that, I would also like to know if there is any greifers on Ur server or any like kids under the age of 13, Im very into sports. So i hope u except my request to join Ur server and have a great day and hope to hear back from u soon. Thank u very much for Ur time and thanks for reading all i have to say.
As far as i know no one is under 13, though we have no restrictions on it. Theres also probability of greifers because its pure vanilla but so far we have nice people in our community. You're whitelisted and can join now. Enjoy!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Name: Micahia IGN: GamerGurlLucy Age: 16 Minecraft experience: 3 years Small Summary of things you would want us to know: When I play minecraft I usually provide things for everyone especially food, cause the first major thing I do is farm. Also when it comes to building stuff I'm a little O.C.D cause I hate when there's dirt and will stop doing what I am until all the dirt is gone! I also collect a lot of resources.
Name: Micahia IGN: GamerGurlLucy Age: 16 Minecraft experience: 3 years Small Summary of things you would want us to know: When I play minecraft I usually provide things for everyone especially food, cause the first major thing I do is farm. Also when it comes to building stuff I'm a little O.C.D cause I hate when there's dirt and will stop doing what I am until all the dirt is gone! I also collect a lot of resources.
Name: Xavier
IGN: Crodosthedemon
minecraft experience: I started playing minecraft on xbox then played on pc. I have a youtube channel me and my friend CoD_ReMiiX wanna make videos.
P.S. Cod is already on your server. Thank you for reviewing this.
Name: Xavier
IGN: Crodosthedemon
minecraft experience: I started playing minecraft on xbox then played on pc. I have a youtube channel me and my friend CoD_ReMiiX wanna make videos.
P.S. Cod is already on your server. Thank you for reviewing this.
Name: Gage
IGN: Mistercupkake
Age: 16
Minecraft Experience: Played since 1.2.5. I like to build simple but nice houses and farms. I also like to automate everything the best I can.I like pure vanilla servers because mods just annoy me. Even the "vanilla mods" that are on other servers. Thank You for reviewing me!
Also I live in Ohio so EST.
Name: Lewis May IGN: lmay04 Age: 17 Minecraft experience: been playing for over a year and i am decent at basically everything in minecraft Small Summary of things you would want us to know: i am a guy, live in ontario canada so eastern standard timezone, i was born in england. i will try and play about 2-3 hours a day, i get along with everyone. at first i will probably be a bit quiet and i usually like to do projects with 1 or 2 different people
Name: Gage
IGN: Mistercupkake
Age: 16
Minecraft Experience: Played since 1.2.5. I like to build simple but nice houses and farms. I also like to automate everything the best I can.I like pure vanilla servers because mods just annoy me. Even the "vanilla mods" that are on other servers. Thank You for reviewing me!
Also I live in Ohio so EST.
Name: Lewis May IGN: lmay04 Age: 17 Minecraft experience: been playing for over a year and i am decent at basically everything in minecraft Small Summary of things you would want us to know: i am a guy, live in ontario canada so eastern standard timezone, i was born in england. i will try and play about 2-3 hours a day, i get along with everyone. at first i will probably be a bit quiet and i usually like to do projects with 1 or 2 different people
Name: Derrick IGN: Iellawesirri Age: 30 Minecraft experience: About a month Small Summary of things you would want us to know: Bought the game to play with my boyfriend, whos played since early beta. The server we've been on is hosted by a small group of people that never log in, so it's kinda lonely. Was hoping to find a small comunity to hang out with a bit.
I've been having fun on our server building small things and playing around with redstone a little. My boyfriend and I joke that the only thing I'm really good at is digging, which I find enjoyable for some reason. Exploring caves is also fun. Not so fond of withers in the nether... lol
Question for you: I noticed the IP in your signature starts with 192. That usually means its hosted on a home machine. Is this the case? If so, is it a dedicated machine thats up 24/7 normally?
Name: Derrick IGN: Iellawesirri Age: 30 Minecraft experience: About a month Small Summary of things you would want us to know: Bought the game to play with my boyfriend, whos played since early beta. The server we've been on is hosted by a small group of people that never log in, so it's kinda lonely. Was hoping to find a small comunity to hang out with a bit.
I've been having fun on our server building small things and playing around with redstone a little. My boyfriend and I joke that the only thing I'm really good at is digging, which I find enjoyable for some reason. Exploring caves is also fun. Not so fond of withers in the nether... lol
Question for you: I noticed the IP in your signature starts with 192. That usually means its hosted on a home machine. Is this the case? If so, is it a dedicated machine thats up 24/7 normally?
I look forward to hearing from you.
- Iella
Accepted, and its hosted on a 3GB dedicated server so it will always be up. Enjoy!
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
Name: Jay
IGN: PBnJay_
Age: 24
Minecraft experience:
I've been playing for a couple of years now, started around the time 1.2.X was the newest version.
Small Summary of things you would want us to know:
I am a frequent player, and the best term to describe my playstyle is Mob Trap Builder, e.g. witch, iron golem, slime, wither skeletons, and normal mob traps, just to name a few. I also like to dabble with villager trading, but haven't tried out the newest mechanics in the snapshots.
Minecraft experience:
I've been playing for a couple of years now, started around the time 1.2.X was the newest version.
Small Summary of things you would want us to know:
I am a frequent player, and the best term to describe my playstyle is Mob Trap Builder, e.g. witch, iron golem, slime, wither skeletons, and normal mob traps, just to name a few. I also like to dabble with villager trading, but haven't tried out the newest mechanics in the snapshots.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Name: Ron IGN: Rontastic Age: 33 Minecraft experience: I've been playing since Alpha some time. It's been so long, I don't really remember. Small Summary of things you would want us to know: I'm a fairly quiet guy who doesn't mind helping out neighbours. I run my own server so I'm well aware of the "challenges" of accepting new players and making sure they're good people and all that. I'm not sure what else to add... so... *cheese sandwich*
Thank you for accepting me. I was also curious as to your griefing policies, as well as PvP or PvE.
Since its total vanilla pvp and pve is enabled and allowed, but it is not endorsed. Same goes with greifing, we dont like it but its vanilla so it happens. If you find out someone is hacking/cheating in some way you can report them and they will be banned.
Name: Ron IGN: Rontastic Age: 33 Minecraft experience: I've been playing since Alpha some time. It's been so long, I don't really remember. Small Summary of things you would want us to know: I'm a fairly quiet guy who doesn't mind helping out neighbours. I run my own server so I'm well aware of the "challenges" of accepting new players and making sure they're good people and all that. I'm not sure what else to add... so... *cheese sandwich*
I would be glad to have you part of the server. Welcome aboard!
Name: Callan (a male name in my case though it can sometimes be a female name)
Age: 20
Minecraft Experience: I have been playing minecraft on and off since early beta. I have played primarily single player with the occasional LAN game with friends. I never really liked the way most public servers are run with their general disregard for keeping the vanilla experience intact. I'm hoping this server will break that trend and be a server that I can play on for an extended period of time.
Self Summary: I'm a college student studying Philosophy at a highly regarded school in Pennsylvania (not saying which for now). My main obligation is to my studies, but minecraft is one of my favorite hobbies when I have free time (which is most weekends and at least a few weekday evenings). In minecraft I tend to be a building focused player. Making impressive looking structures without much regard for their function is what I usually do.
Name: Callan (a male name in my case though it can sometimes be a female name)
Age: 20
Minecraft Experience: I have been playing minecraft on and off since early beta. I have played primarily single player with the occasional LAN game with friends. I never really liked the way most public servers are run with their general disregard for keeping the vanilla experience intact. I'm hoping this server will break that trend and be a server that I can play on for an extended period of time.
Self Summary: I'm a college student studying Philosophy at a highly regarded school in Pennsylvania (not saying which for now). My main obligation is to my studies, but minecraft is one of my favorite hobbies when I have free time (which is most weekends and at least a few weekday evenings). In minecraft I tend to be a building focused player. Making impressive looking structures without much regard for their function is what I usually do.
Im curious to see these structures you're going to build, i bet they'll be pretty awesome. You've been added to the whitelist, enjoy!
Also, this server has no mods or plugins what so ever. It is pure vanilla
Name: Jack IGN: J4ckN1mble Age: 21 Minecraft experience: prob about 3-4 years Small Summary of things you would want us to know: im a cool cat, play every day, enjoy vanilla servers, i have experience running a server and i am always willing to help out server any way i can
As far as i know no one is under 13, though we have no restrictions on it. Theres also probability of greifers because its pure vanilla but so far we have nice people in our community. You're whitelisted and can join now. Enjoy!
IGN: GamerGurlLucy
Age: 16
Minecraft experience: 3 years
Small Summary of things you would want us to know: When I play minecraft I usually provide things for everyone especially food, cause the first major thing I do is farm. Also when it comes to building stuff I'm a little O.C.D cause I hate when there's dirt and will stop doing what I am until all the dirt is gone! I also collect a lot of resources.
You've been added to the whitelist. Enjoy!
IGN: Ice_Ghost
Age: 17
Minecraft experience: Been playing since beta 1.2
Summary: I like playing for fun and building.
Accepted! cant wait to see your builds
IGN: Crodosthedemon
minecraft experience: I started playing minecraft on xbox then played on pc. I have a youtube channel me and my friend CoD_ReMiiX wanna make videos.
P.S. Cod is already on your server. Thank you for reviewing this.
Ive added you to the whitelist. Enjoy!
IGN: Mistercupkake
Age: 16
Minecraft Experience: Played since 1.2.5. I like to build simple but nice houses and farms. I also like to automate everything the best I can.I like pure vanilla servers because mods just annoy me. Even the "vanilla mods" that are on other servers. Thank You for reviewing me!
Also I live in Ohio so EST.
IGN: lmay04
Age: 17
Minecraft experience: been playing for over a year and i am decent at basically everything in minecraft
Small Summary of things you would want us to know: i am a guy, live in ontario canada so eastern standard timezone, i was born in england. i will try and play about 2-3 hours a day, i get along with everyone. at first i will probably be a bit quiet and i usually like to do projects with 1 or 2 different people
also please contact me on skype, Lewismay4
Accepted. Enjoy!
Youve been added to the whitelist
IGN: Iellawesirri
Age: 30
Minecraft experience: About a month
Small Summary of things you would want us to know: Bought the game to play with my boyfriend, whos played since early beta. The server we've been on is hosted by a small group of people that never log in, so it's kinda lonely. Was hoping to find a small comunity to hang out with a bit.
I've been having fun on our server building small things and playing around with redstone a little. My boyfriend and I joke that the only thing I'm really good at is digging, which I find enjoyable for some reason. Exploring caves is also fun. Not so fond of withers in the nether... lol
Question for you: I noticed the IP in your signature starts with 192. That usually means its hosted on a home machine. Is this the case? If so, is it a dedicated machine thats up 24/7 normally?
I look forward to hearing from you.
- Iella
Accepted, and its hosted on a 3GB dedicated server so it will always be up. Enjoy!
IGN: PBnJay_
Age: 24
Minecraft experience:
I've been playing for a couple of years now, started around the time 1.2.X was the newest version.
Small Summary of things you would want us to know:
I am a frequent player, and the best term to describe my playstyle is Mob Trap Builder, e.g. witch, iron golem, slime, wither skeletons, and normal mob traps, just to name a few. I also like to dabble with villager trading, but haven't tried out the newest mechanics in the snapshots.
Im excited to see these traps, you're accepted!
IGN: Rontastic
Age: 33
Minecraft experience: I've been playing since Alpha some time. It's been so long, I don't really remember.
Small Summary of things you would want us to know: I'm a fairly quiet guy who doesn't mind helping out neighbours. I run my own server so I'm well aware of the "challenges" of accepting new players and making sure they're good people and all that. I'm not sure what else to add... so... *cheese sandwich*
Since its total vanilla pvp and pve is enabled and allowed, but it is not endorsed. Same goes with greifing, we dont like it but its vanilla so it happens. If you find out someone is hacking/cheating in some way you can report them and they will be banned.
I would be glad to have you part of the server. Welcome aboard!
Age: 20
Minecraft Experience: I have been playing minecraft on and off since early beta. I have played primarily single player with the occasional LAN game with friends. I never really liked the way most public servers are run with their general disregard for keeping the vanilla experience intact. I'm hoping this server will break that trend and be a server that I can play on for an extended period of time.
Self Summary: I'm a college student studying Philosophy at a highly regarded school in Pennsylvania (not saying which for now). My main obligation is to my studies, but minecraft is one of my favorite hobbies when I have free time (which is most weekends and at least a few weekday evenings). In minecraft I tend to be a building focused player. Making impressive looking structures without much regard for their function is what I usually do.
Im curious to see these structures you're going to build, i bet they'll be pretty awesome. You've been added to the whitelist, enjoy!
Also, this server has no mods or plugins what so ever. It is pure vanilla
IGN: J4ckN1mble
Age: 21
Minecraft experience: prob about 3-4 years
Small Summary of things you would want us to know: im a cool cat, play every day, enjoy vanilla servers, i have experience running a server and i am always willing to help out server any way i can