Our 24 hour charity event is coming up! We're looking for people who will be interested in both watching AND streaming for us, you can sign up for it here.
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Join our awesome community today at: BxBServers.com
In-game name: bagellllllleetr (that's 7 L's, long winded I know)
Age: 18
What got you interested in the server: The community and vanilla gameplay. I haven't played with a community in forever.
Questions or comments about server: Looks great! Hope I can join in!
Solo/Group: It depends. If I don't have any friends who join with me I will eventually make some!
PvP/Non-PvP: Non-Pvp
Leader/Follower: Situational.
Giving/Reciving: generally both at the same time :P.
About me: Been playing Minecraft since the end of Alpha. Love winter and anything related (especially skiing and snow-mobiling) I can't stand hot weather or tropical themes :P. I generally help anyone who needs it!
What got you interested in the server: I had a ton of fun playing on the Hexxit server a while back and really enjoyed playing with all those awesome people there. Sadly, that server is no longer in existence to my knowledge, but i would love to still be among the community of BxB.
Questions or comments about server:
I would love to know if any of the other regular players of the original Hexxit server are still around, I had a fantastic time there.
Solo/Group: Depends on my mood, I'm a bit antisocial IRL but i love playing with others online.
PvP/Non-PvP: Non-PvP, it frustrates me to lose all my hard-earned gear to someone who snuck up on me D:
Leader/Follower: I like to help with builds, but that doesn't mean I don't like being in the leadership role.
Giving/Reciving: Giving for sure, although usually only my less than amazing stuff to new player lol
About me:
I have played Minecraft since i was 13, since then getting nearly all of my friends into it as well. I have bounced around from various server, but by far sticking to the BxB Hexxit server the longest of all of them. I play console games as well as PC, trying to avoid the whole console v console v pc dealio but always ending up trying to persuade people they all have their strong and weak points. Also, hi again Euthorix
We're livestreaming RIGHT NOW and will be the whole day! If anyone wants to join in on the fun go to and feel free to watch/donate to charity! This is for the childs play charity and we hope to raise $250! Also, be sure to join our website at pvreloaded.com!
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Join our awesome community today at: BxBServers.com
What got you interested in the server: well my privies server got shut down and the server i tyde to whitlist for preveasly is taking WAY to long to respond but then a friend recommended this server to me.
Questions or comments about server: the server seam pretty good except for the world boundary thing.
Solo/Group: group mostly
PvP/Non-PvP: non PvP for me for the most part
Leader/Follower: Hmmmm leader
Giving/Reciving: mostly reciving but some times giving (hey it rimes)
Everyone ready for Christmas? Charity Events, Secret Santa, and all kinds of fun come and past! Hope everyone has a wonderful week, and hope to see you around!
Hey there! Coralee! I am sure that you will find many friends on this server, it's full of wonderful people! See you soon!
My IGN: RainnyDashy
I've already posted my application in page 13.
Age: 18
What got you interested in the server: The community and vanilla gameplay. I haven't played with a community in forever.
Questions or comments about server: Looks great! Hope I can join in!
Solo/Group: It depends. If I don't have any friends who join with me I will eventually make some!
PvP/Non-PvP: Non-Pvp
Leader/Follower: Situational.
Giving/Reciving: generally both at the same time :P.
About me: Been playing Minecraft since the end of Alpha. Love winter and anything related (especially skiing and snow-mobiling) I can't stand hot weather or tropical themes :P. I generally help anyone who needs it!
So sorry about that! Fixed now!
I am sure you will make tons of friends here! Welcome to the server! And I'm pretty much opposite, I live for the heat.
Glad to have you here! Welcome to PV Reloaded, and I hope you have a good time.
Welcome back tower! I remember you! Glad you found us!
And I've fixed it time, sorry for the delay!
Haha, I guess they are pretty nice looking stars, huh.. Well, welcome to the server!
Yup! You're good to go!
Welcome can't wait to see some builds!
"sans-serif">Age: 16
"sans-serif">What got you interested in the server: Because the server is run by the community.
"sans-serif">Questions or comments about server: None
"sans-serif">Solo/Group: Group
"sans-serif">PvP/Non-PvP: I’d play pvp once in a while.
"sans-serif">Leader/Follower: Follower most of the time.
"sans-serif">Giving/Reciving: Giving
"sans-serif">About me: I broke a guy’s leg in a soccer match..
"sans-serif">I wont do it to any of you, don’t worry J"sans-serif">
Welcome to the server! Hope you have fun, and don't break too many legs.