Hello Minecrafters. My name is ArrianAether. I'm so happy today that i'm releasing this server! Well it's basicly named VeidisMC. I really wanted a player to come to this server. This server is inspired by MindCrack and HermitCraft. It's whitelist like MindCrack and HermitCraft for some of you don't know. The current amount of player that have registered before: ( 24 / 50 ).For griefers and raiders... You would not allowed to join my server. You will be UNWHITELISTED!!!!. So we'ill do alot of activitiessuch as Feed the Beast, Ultimate Hardcore, Prank War, Death Games. ( Suggest more below! =3 )
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Real Name: Abdullah(not a Terorist tough )
Minecraft Name: KingOfAbdullah
Where you live?: Australia but I am Turkish.
Age: 15
Skype Name: altuncanak
What you good at?: Mining for hours without complaning and I am alright with redstone, building structures, Minigames.
Why you wanted to join our server?: I really LOVE Sethbling and Etho so I watch every series of their MindCrack server adventures. I personally play 3 hours in a single player world but it's not the same. I wanna play with friends.
What you good at?: I built myself a massive cathedral based on the floor design of the Notre Dame cathedral in paris, so I'm pretty good at designing and building large structures.
Why you wanted to join our server?: My cathedral was beautiful, but no one ever came to visit me in it.
Where you live?: Toronto, Ontario (and hour from the border)
Age: 13 (but mature)
Skype Name: AJD2002
What you good at?: Redstone, and being a boss
Why you wanted to join our server? I've been looking for a server like this forever, and I can't find a good one. The last 2 were shut down from bankruptcy, and the one before that was a terrible community. I have a feeling you won't be like that.
Where you live?: France, But I was born in England.
Age: 15
Skype Name: Laykos23
What you good at?: In Minecraft, i'd say Building,but i'm no Bdoubleo ^^, otherwise, i love exploring, but you can't really be good at that i guess.
Why you wanted to join our server?:Because i'm a big fan of Mindcrack and Hermitcraft, Now that 1.7 has been released, i really want to be part of a community , and i want to settle down in a nice survival server, because I feel lonely in singleplayer !
What you good at?: Mining for hours without complaning and I am alright with redstone, building structures, Minigames.
Why you wanted to join our server?: I really LOVE Sethbling and Etho so I watch every series of their MindCrack server adventures. I personally play 3 hours in a single player world but it's not the same. I wanna play with friends.
What you good at?:I really enjoy events as pvp and such, I also enjoy building sometimes,except from that I am quite experienced with this game since I have been playing for more than 2 years.
Why you wanted to join our server?:Because I really want to be part of a permanent community that's friendly.
What I'm Good at: Redstone, i'm ok at PVP I also decent at building thing and cool structures.
Why I want to join the Server: Because I am bored of all the big servers where you never get to know anyone and like to just play Minecraft with friends.
IGN: iChalk Real Name: Maarten Skype: ouwestinksokken(i'm dutch) Location: Belgium Age: 18 Why i want to join the server: I'm looking for a small community to be part of from the start. Been playing minecraft for almost 4 years now and i really want to dedicate myself again. I had a break from it because i lost interest. But now i want to pick up my pickaxe and start mining again! Type of player: I'm mostly the builder type, i've done quite a few big build over my years of experience, sadly all of them were on servers that got shut down. I'm calm of nature, and love to make fun and have a laugh. I like to fiddle around with redstone, and i'm not bad, not good with it. Minecraft Experience: I have quite some experience since i've been playing the game for almost 4 years. I've played on quite a lot of servers. I've noticed that i like a small active community, and that is what i hope to find with this server. Mods don't interest me that much anymore because the content minecraft offers is more than enough for me to tag along with.
What you good at?: good at building and parkour but i'm not the best at redstone however okay with command blocks
Why you wanted to join our server?: because all survival servers i go on either there is no unclaimed land or no one online!! i just want a smallish survival server that i can settle into without obnoxious griefers and people i can get to know better!!
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Added =D
Sorry, I can't find your skype. Add me arrianaether