Gender - male (why is this important in fact why is it hear at all )
Skype - zapper990
Country - USA
Tell a bit about yourself - um i am 14 years old love minecraft and total war games. (cant think of anything to put hear)
How long have you been playing minecraft? - I have been playing MC sines the minecraft update 1.3.2 (i was such a noob back then )
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - i dont think i was
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - i have been playing on been playing on beancraft creamy vanilla sines i started MC however it shut down last year so did super insomnia party the serve i was playing on after bean craft shut down.
Why would you like to join the server? -i would like to join this server because it seams to have a small but friendly community
What is your forte in minecraft? - BUILDING AWESOME THINGS!!!
How often will you be online? - well when i beginne playing on it (if i beginne) i should be on every day.
Any questions? - um would it be considered pranking or greafing if i fill some once base with leaves like Keralise did with Mumbo Jumbo on hermit craft?
Additional info - My facorite food of all time is pizza (maybe il prank some one by biding a giant pizza) and favorite color is blue. also please excuse my bad grammar and spelling i am Russian.
Tell a bit about yourself - Married, work from home, baby on the way, love gaming.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since Alpha (bought it for a measly $12).
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - Nope
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yes, a couple different ones. I stopped usually because the server either wasn't really vanilla, didn't update regularly, had immature leadership, or personalities that conflicted with my more mellow play style.
Why would you like to join the server? - I'm just looking for somewhere to spend time and have fun. I love minecraft, but playing single player just isn't interesting anymore.
What is your forte in minecraft? - I don't know if I have anything specific so to say, but I do enjoy artistic natural looking designs.
How often will you be online? - On on off through the day most days. Honestly, it all depends on the community. The more I get along with other players the more I want to play.
Any questions? - Nothing really comes to mind.
Additional info - I just want to play minecraft with others. Viewing their creations and creating ones of my own.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN - chl98
Age - 16
Gender - male
Skype - imdomo_og
Country - United States
Tell a bit about yourself - I'm Cade, a 16 year old sophomore that loved to play minecraft in his spare time, I've been playing minecraft since 1.3.1 and loved every minute of it, around 1.4.7 I started getting into YouTube minecraft and watching youtubers such as, JL, the hermit craft server, and the mindcrack gang. I plan to start recording minecraft once I can find a SMP that I like enough to start recording on. ( hopefully this server ) I am a very active player and average about 4-5 hours a day on the weekdays and about 6-7 on the weekends. I am very mature but if I feel comfortable around the members, I can crack a joke every now and then.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - 1.3.1
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - nope!
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - blockheart - didn't like the members because they weren't active, and they didn't do community stuff, like shops, or even build a spawn town or village. Also had plugins, witch took away from vanilla.
Why would you like to join the server? - I want to join the server because, I've been looking for a active,
Fun and community based server. WITHOUT plugins! And this seems like the one. Close to mindcrack I'm looking for
What is your forte in minecraft? - building. Modern building, cave building ( digging into a mountain or clearing put a area underground ) villages, and shops in spawn
How often will you be online? - 4-5 hours on the weekdays, 6-7 on the weekdays!
Any questions? - nope!
Additional info - my favorite color is blue. And my favorite food is beef stew!
Extra: thanks for taking the time to read my application!
Skype - Don't have one, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't use it much anyway. The best way to contact me would be through a forum page set up by the server (if there is one). If there isn't, I can set one up, or you can just PM me. I realize this is kind of breaking the rules, but I am trying to be realistic here.
Country - USA. Timezone: GMT - 6
Tell a bit about yourself - I am a fairly normal teen. I like to ride a dirt bike, be outstide, hunt, and of course play minecraft. I may not be the most creative of people, meaning I can't built really cool stuff, but I like practical, and odd, buildings in minecraft. I like cave homes, tree homes, etc.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - I have been playing the PC version about 5 months. However, I don't think this is a very good judge of skill for three reasons: 1. My friend has been playing 4x as long and is still a door+button=open door, and diamond-armor-is-MLGPro 2. If you have played since beta, you might be burned out on minecraft. Therefore, not as active. 3. I have been playing block games over a year, and Minecraft PE for about 10 months.
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No I have not.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yeah. I am currently whitelisted on another server, but am probably going to stop simply because it has fallen victim to io.netty.handler and the owner is never online to restart. Besides, it has kind of a pathetic community and the whitelist application isn't as rigorous as yours.
Why would you like to join the server? - I would like to join the server for a cool place to build and show off my builds. I have some really cool stuff planned for another server, but since that one is dead, I can't do that. I want a server that is running most of the time, and if not, the owner is online fairly often. I also want to join a server where people work together on stuff, and don't just focus on their house/mine/enchants/own little business.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Personally, as I said, im not a Pro builder. I like building useful, functional, and odd stuff, such as spawn shops inside a tree, or a massive cavern base, or an enderman XP farm (hint hint). I mostly work with midevil stuff, such as cobble and mossy cobble, but do like any sort of logs and planks. Occasionally, I build modern buildings.
How often will you be online? - Can't say for definite sure. But hopefully at least 10 hours a week. Will be more or less, depending on three factors: a) internet access, time on hands, and c) if the server is up and running most of the time.
Any questions? - Four Questions: One, where are you in progress, meaning what kind of spawn is set up, is the nether 'conquered", have you beat the enderdragon, and is there a decent map/layout of the world. Two, are you going to be online to restart/service/play on the server as necessary. Three, are there exploration limits. Four, do you have any plans for future seasons?
Additional info - Even if I get whitelisted, I won't be playing until Friday. I get a new computer then, and should be on quite often.
As as Side note, if I am not whitelisted, do me a favor and let me know why. Just a pet peeve of mine.Edit: My favorite mindcrackers are Etho and Sethbling. They seem to be a fairly large part of the community, and actually build cool/functional stuff, rather than just playing minecraft. I used to watch Captainsparklez, but don't anymore, simply because he isn't really good at the game, and appeals to a younger community of fanboys. I would rather watch youtube videos of minecraft to learn something, such as how to build an ice tray or how to set up the death games.
Gender - male (why is this important in fact why is it hear at all )
Skype - zapper990
Country - USA
Tell a bit about yourself - um i am 14 years old love minecraft and total war games. (cant think of anything to put hear)
How long have you been playing minecraft? - I have been playing MC sines the minecraft update 1.3.2 (i was such a noob back then )
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - i dont think i was
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - i have been playing on been playing on beancraft creamy vanilla sines i started MC however it shut down last year so did super insomnia party the serve i was playing on after bean craft shut down.
Why would you like to join the server? -i would like to join this server because it seams to have a small but friendly community
What is your forte in minecraft? - BUILDING AWESOME THINGS!!!
How often will you be online? - well when i beginne playing on it (if i beginne) i should be on every day.
Any questions? - um would it be considered pranking or greafing if i fill some once base with leaves like Keralise did with Mumbo Jumbo on hermit craft?
Additional info - My facorite food of all time is pizza (maybe il prank some one by biding a giant pizza) and favorite color is blue. also please excuse my bad grammar and spelling i am Russian.
I'd like to help point out that zapper has played with me and my group before, he's really a nice guy and I'd recommend him, the only reason he has trouble typing and spelling is because he is Russian and is still learning American english. I assure you he is a mature candidate and should not be denied simply because of his spelling (at times it is difficult to understand him, but it was a LOT worse a while ago).
I'm gonna go ahead and give up on this server. You guys don't seem to be responding to any applications and it's been 5 days since you said you were gonna start responding. Sorry
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"With great power comes absolutely no responsibility" -Eminem
Apologies. We are having problems contacting Distaster2k (the owner), its possible that he has lost internet/power due to the current severe weather in the US. Therefore we can't whitelist anyone at present. All I can say is to remain patient and we will keep people up to date. Sorry for the trouble anyone who has been waiting for app reviews
Tell a bit about yourself -full time student i play most of the time at night sometime i come and go but i play around 4 hours a day
How long have you been playing minecraft? -almost a year started on xbox
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it -no
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? -i played on 2 first one the owner stop the server still friend whit him and the second ended the server because of lag
Why would you like to join the server? -love mature communities and i want to be part of a vanilla server agian
What is your forte in minecraft? -i love building i can say im a decent builder
How often will you be online? -4 hours a day maybe more
Any questions? -
Additional info even if the server gets full add me on skype in case u have problems whit anyone on the server so i can join later i really have a good feeling about this server
Apologies. We are having problems contacting Distaster2k (the owner), its possible that he has lost internet/power due to the current severe weather in the US. Therefore we can't whitelist anyone at present. All I can say is to remain patient and we will keep people up to date. Sorry for the trouble anyone who has been waiting for app reviews
Thanks for the update! I was starting to get worried. I hope I get picked! Good luck everyone! Exclamation!
Heya I'm Jnkwarior a 22 year old male from the U S of A.
My skype name is also Jnkwarrior.
(but this one has two Rs)
About Me:
I'm currently in my third year of college and I'm majoring in Theatre Arts. My hobbies include gaming, (whoda thunk) water polo, and acting. I'm a fun loving guy and my friends recognize me as the energetic clown of the group. I get along really easily with folks online and when playing multiplayer online games I often find myself in the roll of mediator as I can easily solve issues or disputes. I very rarely get mad at anything and usually laugh off insults or fighting words. I love organizing events both in minecraft and IRL so I love tight knit communities with close friends. I've been going out with my girlfriend for over 3 years and she is constantly exasperated by antics and wit but she knows I'm a creative and loving guy. She is majoring in graphic design so we both have artistic sparks and we met through cosplaying at a convention. I should mention now that I'm also a fan of anime along with lots of other things in "nerd culture" I play yugioh, league of legends etc. Despite being a passionate gamer and anime fan I keep myself in shape and healthy playing water polo for my college and I have only 2% body fat! (don't worry I'm not just skin and bones I can bench 180) I have a deviant art account if you wanna see some of my cosplays or other things I'm interested in I have a youtube too
Minecraft History:
I've been playing minecraft for waaaaay too long, I got into it right as it entered beta about 3 years ago when my friend introduced me to it and I have been playing it ever since. I think this is the longest I've ever stuck with a video game probably because it is such a creative outlet for me. I've never been banned from a server before. I was a member of a whitelisted vanilla server called rosepine for about 6 months and it had a fantastic tight knit community that I absolutely adored and spent all of my free time on but unfortunately the server closed and I haven't found a decent server since. I've applied and been accepted to a ton of servers but none of them have had very good communities, mainly inexperienced players that would get on very rarely.
Reason for Joining:
As I've stated I really really reallllllly want a good community like the one I used to have that has left a gaping hole in my life and your server just sounds like the perfect place. You have all the right attitudes it seems towards how a vanilla server should be (I too hate plugin junk with a passion) and the rigorous screening process will ensure that all the members are friendly, mature and interactive.
Skillz: Being a master veteran at minecraft I am proficient at all the basics of survival minecraft. I excel however in monumental builds that require lots and lots of intensive resource gathering artistic design and block selection and redstone. Oh redstone you wonderful mistress, my father is a computer programer and really wanted me to get into the field since I have such a passion for gaming but I had other interests but after discovering redstone and doing extensive builds and mastering the tricks behind it my dad has told me that it is surprisingly similar to actual code and that I've basically taught myself most of the basics required for programming just with minecraft. My past redstone builds include automated shops, casinos, automated farms/grinders, redstone powered pvp arenas, digital analog clocks, and minigames. On my previous server I played quite a lot and now that I'm off school I'll devote approximately 2-3 hours a day to the server if I am accepted.
Questions: Seems like your peeps had trouble contacting you and suggested it might be due to your internet being down from bad weather. Does that mean the server would be down or is it hosted remotely? Hope you're okay and I'd love to hear from you soon.
Secret Info: A lot of my wardrobe contains the color teal. People hate me for being in such good shape despite the fact that I eat whatever I want, I love fast food specifically Del Taco and In-n-Out
Skype: delocuromc, I think. I've changed it once or twice, and Skype does not make it easy to tell what the actual account name is.
Country: America. (F*ck Yeah. )
Tell a bit About Yourself: I'm a relatively average gamer, and I probably play a bit (a lot) too much Minecraft for my own good. I'm currently going to college to major in graphic design, and I also co-maintain the recently released mod, Minestrappolation (clicking my signature will take you to the forum page for it). I just got off for my month-long winter break, and the survival server I was playing on just shut down, so I need to find a solid vanilla survival server soon or I'll have to settle for some jenk Bukkit server full of five-year-olds. Those servers are gross. I was on one for seven minutes once. The caps. So many caps...
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since around Beta 1.2. Not long enough to be considered an Alpha-age Minecraft war vet, but long enough ago that I feel old whenever I realize that it was back in 2010. O_o
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it: Yes, unfortunately. Back in Beta I was playing on this really nice survival server. It used Bukkit, but only for world guard, and the community was massive and fantastic. Unfortunately, the server's one downfall was its moderators. They pretty much constantly acted like power-mongering deushes, and would ban people for so much as breaking on piece of grass on another person's property. At one point on the server, I decided to go exploring through the desert behind my base. While walking, I happened to run across a dirt crap-shack with a chest in it. The place appeared to be heavily griefed already, and there weren't any signs that anyone had been anywhere nearby recently, so I took a look inside. The dirt hole was empty, and all that was in the chest was like 45 dirt. Being low on dirt myself, I decided to take it, figuring that, even if someone lived in the sad hobo-shelter, they probably wouldn't even care. Apparently I was wrong. The next day, I logged onto the server, only to find that I was banned for "Stealing items out of another person's chest". Whoever lived in the sad excuse for a building apparently coveted that dirt like a child, and cried to one of the admins about it, who, taking their duties as a moderator more seriously than the motherf*cking FBI, permabanned me for taking some dirt out of a chest that I could easily have just given back.
Anyways, my apologies for the rant. The TLDR here is that yes, I was banned, but no, it was not for anything legitimate, unless you consider taking dirt from an abandoned-looking house a hate crime.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop: Yes, I've played on quite a lot of servers, but unfortunately, none of them have stayed open long enough. The first major server I joined banned me (see above) and then went dead later on, my friend's private server has been down since he moved out to WMU, all but one of the countless anarchy servers that I've played on have gone dead, and the one remaining has so much block lag that it's unplayable. XGen studios' small survival server has been dead since 1.3, the numerous survival servers started by other people I know have all gone down, I've found dozens of small survival servers , but all but one is dead, and the one remaining one now runs Bukkit with a billion terrible rpg pluggins. The only truly good survival server I've played on recently was Insomnia, and, as you may have heard from other applicants, it just went down a few weeks ago, so I need to find a decent survival server soon or I'll go into withdrawal. O_o
Why would you like to join the server: As mentioned before, I, like several of the recent applicants, am an Insomnia vet. That server was by far one of the best organized and run that I've ever seen, and I cannot seem to find any other servers that come close to replacing it. However, this one seems very promising, and from the looks of it, a lot of the ex-Insomnia community seems to think so too, so I'd love to be able to play on a server with the same tight-knit community and well-organized feel that Insomnia had before it went offline.
What is your forte in Minecraft: I build things. I may not be an expert at Redstone or mob grinders or automation, and I may not do ridiculous megabuilds like some people, but whatever I do build is guaranteed to look super classy. Being a graphic designer, I have a ludicrous attention to detail, to the extent of borderline OCD. So if I build a house, no detail of interior design will be spared. If I build a garden, every dirt block has been thoughtfully arranged. And if I build a city, it will take hours, it will take days, and I will probably waste hours of my life on it, but god DAMN will it look nice. Not to sound egotistical or anything though.
How often will you be online: Fairly often. My schedule fluctuates quite a lot when I'm in school, but given that I have a month-long winter break ahead of me, I'll probably be spending a ludicrous amount of time on the server until the break ends.
Any questions: Not really. The server seems pretty nice, and I'm definitely looking forward to possibly joining you guys on it!
Additional info: Between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed 436 people in India. Now you know.
Tell a bit about yourself - Hi I'm Reelzerz and I try to increase encouragement and stop the bulling. I used to be a server owner myself and i do understand the difficulty. I Stopped because its now a private server with my personal friends and family. I'm a lazy bum some people tell me but i try not to be. I'm also really nice and friendly.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since midway through alpha.
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No. And plan to never be banned
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - yes but they weren't good so i left
Why would you like to join the server? - To meet other new people. And like the title says its mature.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Mining, farming, just the stuff no one else likes to do like grind for cobble. I never liked the aspect of redstone, building, pvp battles, but PVE is exceptionable because its not fighting other people but AI. If i have to i will PVP otherwise no.
How often will you be online? - Depends if this is a good server.
Any questions? - Nope.
Additional info - Do not Prank me please but if you do don't make it complicated to pick up
It's been fourteen days now since ive been stranded on the cold mountain known only as Stand By Mountain. Unbeknowing to me, i would be stranded far longer than i ever could have imagined. With the temperatures dropping, it's a mystery as to how much longer i will have to wait. All i can do now is lie low and hope that a savior will appear to free me of this prison. My fingers are numb with the cold and i may be unable to scrawl again in my journal. I bid thee farewell -Aries
Tell a bit about yourself -I'm an avid gamer who also enjoy doing sports, namely wrestling and Track. I love playing minecraft but i fell as if there is something missing unless you are playing with others.I enjoy surfing during the summers and having parties!On Wednesdays i enjoy building large suspension bridges in my back yard. During breaks i like to remodel train stations to make them more efficient in the area of heat retention! I can bake 30 minute brownies in 29 minutes
How long have you been playing minecraft? -Around 3 years
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - I do not believe so.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? -Yes, They just kinda died. I played on a lot of prison servers and they aren't that popular now.
Why would you like to join the server? - Seems like you got your **** together and i really like the 16+ rule especially if you're going to be using skype.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Building towns and helping others have a blast with the game by making them feel welcome
How often will you be online? -I'll usually be on a little bit every day.However with wrestling and academics i am never fully sure of my schedule.
Any questions? -At the time no.
Additional info - A lot of people think i'm Barry White when they hear me.
Sorry guys for the long wait. For the last few weeks we've been having some problems with a few things, so by a chain of events our server has a new map, server host and owner. Everything else is pretty much the same. We'll have a new thread posted in the next few days with a link here to it.
IGN - shade117pro Age - 16 Gender - M Skype - (not for public) Country - Australia Tell a bit about yourself - I used to be part of a community server known as latenightcraft which was shutdown then later I joined growthisserver which was comprised of old members of LNC. That sever also went down and now I've not really had a server to stick to. Ever since then I've been playing survival games mainly and hardcore survival by myself. How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since Beta 1.0 Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - Hardcore servers because of dying lol. Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - I play on survival game servers sometimes when I'm bored but the only real servers I was playing a lot on was LNC, GTS and Shadowraze which I played PVP with my friends for a while, but it has been a year since. I've stopped playing because of server shutdowns and basically shadowraze changed into a buy-to-win, voting type server and became very crap. Why would you like to join the server? - Looking for a community with UHC events. Survival games is the closest I get to it but that isn't what I'm looking for. I like the vanilla experience of MC. What is your forte in minecraft? - I can do just about anything like redstone, building and pvp. How often will you be online? - I tend to log on daily but not do too much nowadays. I've been looking for a reason to play MC more often and well, I'm hoping this may be it. Any questions? - None at all. Additional info - I like a good community. That's about it.
I'm sorry for the delay, but the new thread will not be created for a little while. I'm waiting on a few of the senior members to return from their vacations.
IGN - Thehawkman666 Age - 17 Gender - Male Skype - the51stDoctor Country - United States of Murica Tell a bit about yourself - I'm a genuine Alaskan, and a Youtuber, and would like to be on a more age appropriate server, where the admin won't yell at me for cussing and things of that nature. I am 17, and a freshman in college, and would like something to fill up my spare time. How long have you been playing minecraft? - 5-6 years Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No, I have never been banned from a server. Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yes, and i stopped because they were not age appropriate, and the admin weren't to my liking. Why would you like to join the server? - I would like to have something to fill up some time while working. What is your forte in minecraft? - Mining mostly, and i can be a good builder if i have inspiration. I helped build castle Harrenhal, The Eyrie, and numerous other small castles. How often will you be online? - 5-7 days a week, 5-9 hours a day Any questions? - Nope, not that i can think of. Additional info- ....
Age - 31
Gender - male
Skype - thefinalrune
Country - USA, TX
Tell a bit about yourself - Married, work from home, baby on the way, love gaming.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since Alpha (bought it for a measly $12).
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - Nope
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yes, a couple different ones. I stopped usually because the server either wasn't really vanilla, didn't update regularly, had immature leadership, or personalities that conflicted with my more mellow play style.
Why would you like to join the server? - I'm just looking for somewhere to spend time and have fun. I love minecraft, but playing single player just isn't interesting anymore.
What is your forte in minecraft? - I don't know if I have anything specific so to say, but I do enjoy artistic natural looking designs.
How often will you be online? - On on off through the day most days. Honestly, it all depends on the community. The more I get along with other players the more I want to play.
Any questions? - Nothing really comes to mind.
Additional info - I just want to play minecraft with others. Viewing their creations and creating ones of my own.
Age - 16
Gender - male
Skype - imdomo_og
Country - United States
Tell a bit about yourself - I'm Cade, a 16 year old sophomore that loved to play minecraft in his spare time, I've been playing minecraft since 1.3.1 and loved every minute of it, around 1.4.7 I started getting into YouTube minecraft and watching youtubers such as, JL, the hermit craft server, and the mindcrack gang. I plan to start recording minecraft once I can find a SMP that I like enough to start recording on. ( hopefully this server
How long have you been playing minecraft? - 1.3.1
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - nope!
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - blockheart - didn't like the members because they weren't active, and they didn't do community stuff, like shops, or even build a spawn town or village. Also had plugins, witch took away from vanilla.
Why would you like to join the server? - I want to join the server because, I've been looking for a active,
Fun and community based server. WITHOUT plugins! And this seems like the one. Close to mindcrack I'm looking for
What is your forte in minecraft? - building. Modern building, cave building ( digging into a mountain or clearing put a area underground ) villages, and shops in spawn
How often will you be online? - 4-5 hours on the weekdays, 6-7 on the weekdays!
Any questions? - nope!
Additional info - my favorite color is blue. And my favorite food is beef stew!
Extra: thanks for taking the time to read my application!
Age - 15, will be 16 in a month
Gender - Male
Skype - Don't have one, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't use it much anyway. The best way to contact me would be through a forum page set up by the server (if there is one). If there isn't, I can set one up, or you can just PM me. I realize this is kind of breaking the rules, but I am trying to be realistic here.
Country - USA.
Timezone: GMT - 6
Tell a bit about yourself - I am a fairly normal teen. I like to ride a dirt bike, be outstide, hunt, and of course play minecraft. I may not be the most creative of people, meaning I can't built really cool stuff, but I like practical, and odd, buildings in minecraft. I like cave homes, tree homes, etc.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - I have been playing the PC version about 5 months. However, I don't think this is a very good judge of skill for three reasons:
1. My friend has been playing 4x as long and is still a door+button=open door, and diamond-armor-is-MLGPro
2. If you have played since beta, you might be burned out on minecraft. Therefore, not as active.
3. I have been playing block games over a year, and Minecraft PE for about 10 months.
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No I have not.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yeah. I am currently whitelisted on another server, but am probably going to stop simply because it has fallen victim to io.netty.handler and the owner is never online to restart. Besides, it has kind of a pathetic community and the whitelist application isn't as rigorous as yours.
Why would you like to join the server? - I would like to join the server for a cool place to build and show off my builds. I have some really cool stuff planned for another server, but since that one is dead, I can't do that. I want a server that is running most of the time, and if not, the owner is online fairly often. I also want to join a server where people work together on stuff, and don't just focus on their house/mine/enchants/own little business.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Personally, as I said, im not a Pro builder. I like building useful, functional, and odd stuff, such as spawn shops inside a tree, or a massive cavern base, or an enderman XP farm (hint hint). I mostly work with midevil stuff, such as cobble and mossy cobble, but do like any sort of logs and planks. Occasionally, I build modern buildings.
How often will you be online? - Can't say for definite sure. But hopefully at least 10 hours a week. Will be more or less, depending on three factors: a) internet access,
Any questions? - Four Questions: One, where are you in progress, meaning what kind of spawn is set up, is the nether 'conquered", have you beat the enderdragon, and is there a decent map/layout of the world. Two, are you going to be online to restart/service/play on the server as necessary. Three, are there exploration limits. Four, do you have any plans for future seasons?
Additional info - Even if I get whitelisted, I won't be playing until Friday. I get a new computer then, and should be on quite often.
As as Side note, if I am not whitelisted, do me a favor and let me know why. Just a pet peeve of mine.Edit: My favorite mindcrackers are Etho and Sethbling. They seem to be a fairly large part of the community, and actually build cool/functional stuff, rather than just playing minecraft. I used to watch Captainsparklez, but don't anymore, simply because he isn't really good at the game, and appeals to a younger community of fanboys. I would rather watch youtube videos of minecraft to learn something, such as how to build an ice tray or how to set up the death games.
I'd like to help point out that zapper has played with me and my group before, he's really a nice guy and I'd recommend him, the only reason he has trouble typing and spelling is because he is Russian and is still learning American english. I assure you he is a mature candidate and should not be denied simply because of his spelling (at times it is difficult to understand him, but it was a LOT worse a while ago).
um no
"With great power comes absolutely no responsibility" -Eminem
Thanks for the update!
Heya I'm Jnkwarior a 22 year old male from the U S of A.
My skype name is also Jnkwarrior.
(but this one has two Rs)
About Me:
I'm currently in my third year of college and I'm majoring in Theatre Arts. My hobbies include gaming, (whoda thunk) water polo, and acting. I'm a fun loving guy and my friends recognize me as the energetic clown of the group. I get along really easily with folks online and when playing multiplayer online games I often find myself in the roll of mediator as I can easily solve issues or disputes. I very rarely get mad at anything and usually laugh off insults or fighting words. I love organizing events both in minecraft and IRL so I love tight knit communities with close friends. I've been going out with my girlfriend for over 3 years and she is constantly exasperated by antics and wit but she knows I'm a creative and loving guy. She is majoring in graphic design so we both have artistic sparks and we met through cosplaying at a convention. I should mention now that I'm also a fan of anime along with lots of other things in "nerd culture" I play yugioh, league of legends etc. Despite being a passionate gamer and anime fan I keep myself in shape and healthy playing water polo for my college and I have only 2% body fat! (don't worry I'm not just skin and bones I can bench 180)
I have a deviant art account if you wanna see some of my cosplays or other things I'm interested in
I have a youtube too
Minecraft History:
I've been playing minecraft for waaaaay too long, I got into it right as it entered beta about 3 years ago when my friend introduced me to it and I have been playing it ever since. I think this is the longest I've ever stuck with a video game probably because it is such a creative outlet for me. I've never been banned from a server before. I was a member of a whitelisted vanilla server called rosepine for about 6 months and it had a fantastic tight knit community that I absolutely adored and spent all of my free time on but unfortunately the server closed and I haven't found a decent server since. I've applied and been accepted to a ton of servers but none of them have had very good communities, mainly inexperienced players that would get on very rarely.
Reason for Joining:
As I've stated I really really reallllllly want a good community like the one I used to have that has left a gaping hole in my life and your server just sounds like the perfect place. You have all the right attitudes it seems towards how a vanilla server should be (I too hate plugin junk with a passion) and the rigorous screening process will ensure that all the members are friendly, mature and interactive.
Being a master veteran at minecraft I am proficient at all the basics of survival minecraft. I excel however in monumental builds that require lots and lots of intensive resource gathering artistic design and block selection and redstone. Oh redstone you wonderful mistress, my father is a computer programer and really wanted me to get into the field since I have such a passion for gaming but I had other interests but after discovering redstone and doing extensive builds and mastering the tricks behind it my dad has told me that it is surprisingly similar to actual code and that I've basically taught myself most of the basics required for programming just with minecraft. My past redstone builds include automated shops, casinos, automated farms/grinders, redstone powered pvp arenas, digital analog clocks, and minigames. On my previous server I played quite a lot and now that I'm off school I'll devote approximately 2-3 hours a day to the server if I am accepted.
Seems like your peeps had trouble contacting you and suggested it might be due to your internet being down from bad weather. Does that mean the server would be down or is it hosted remotely? Hope you're okay and I'd love to hear from you soon.
Secret Info:
A lot of my wardrobe contains the color teal. People hate me for being in such good shape despite the fact that I eat whatever I want, I love fast food specifically Del Taco and In-n-Out
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Skype: delocuromc, I think. I've changed it once or twice, and Skype does not make it easy to tell what the actual account name is.
Country: America. (F*ck Yeah.
Tell a bit About Yourself: I'm a relatively average gamer, and I probably play a bit (a lot) too much Minecraft for my own good. I'm currently going to college to major in graphic design, and I also co-maintain the recently released mod, Minestrappolation (clicking my signature will take you to the forum page for it). I just got off for my month-long winter break, and the survival server I was playing on just shut down, so I need to find a solid vanilla survival server soon or I'll have to settle for some jenk Bukkit server full of five-year-olds. Those servers are gross. I was on one for seven minutes once. The caps. So many caps...
How long have you been playing Minecraft: Since around Beta 1.2. Not long enough to be considered an Alpha-age Minecraft war vet, but long enough ago that I feel old whenever I realize that it was back in 2010. O_o
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it: Yes, unfortunately. Back in Beta I was playing on this really nice survival server. It used Bukkit, but only for world guard, and the community was massive and fantastic. Unfortunately, the server's one downfall was its moderators. They pretty much constantly acted like power-mongering deushes, and would ban people for so much as breaking on piece of grass on another person's property. At one point on the server, I decided to go exploring through the desert behind my base. While walking, I happened to run across a dirt crap-shack with a chest in it. The place appeared to be heavily griefed already, and there weren't any signs that anyone had been anywhere nearby recently, so I took a look inside. The dirt hole was empty, and all that was in the chest was like 45 dirt. Being low on dirt myself, I decided to take it, figuring that, even if someone lived in the sad hobo-shelter, they probably wouldn't even care. Apparently I was wrong. The next day, I logged onto the server, only to find that I was banned for "Stealing items out of another person's chest". Whoever lived in the sad excuse for a building apparently coveted that dirt like a child, and cried to one of the admins about it, who, taking their duties as a moderator more seriously than the motherf*cking FBI, permabanned me for taking some dirt out of a chest that I could easily have just given back.
Anyways, my apologies for the rant. The TLDR here is that yes, I was banned, but no, it was not for anything legitimate, unless you consider taking dirt from an abandoned-looking house a hate crime.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop: Yes, I've played on quite a lot of servers, but unfortunately, none of them have stayed open long enough. The first major server I joined banned me (see above) and then went dead later on, my friend's private server has been down since he moved out to WMU, all but one of the countless anarchy servers that I've played on have gone dead, and the one remaining has so much block lag that it's unplayable. XGen studios' small survival server has been dead since 1.3, the numerous survival servers started by other people I know have all gone down, I've found dozens of small survival servers , but all but one is dead, and the one remaining one now runs Bukkit with a billion terrible rpg pluggins. The only truly good survival server I've played on recently was Insomnia, and, as you may have heard from other applicants, it just went down a few weeks ago, so I need to find a decent survival server soon or I'll go into withdrawal. O_o
Why would you like to join the server: As mentioned before, I, like several of the recent applicants, am an Insomnia vet. That server was by far one of the best organized and run that I've ever seen, and I cannot seem to find any other servers that come close to replacing it. However, this one seems very promising, and from the looks of it, a lot of the ex-Insomnia community seems to think so too, so I'd love to be able to play on a server with the same tight-knit community and well-organized feel that Insomnia had before it went offline.
What is your forte in Minecraft: I build things. I may not be an expert at Redstone or mob grinders or automation, and I may not do ridiculous megabuilds like some people, but whatever I do build is guaranteed to look super classy. Being a graphic designer, I have a ludicrous attention to detail, to the extent of borderline OCD. So if I build a house, no detail of interior design will be spared. If I build a garden, every dirt block has been thoughtfully arranged. And if I build a city, it will take hours, it will take days, and I will probably waste hours of my life on it, but god DAMN will it look nice. Not to sound egotistical or anything though.
How often will you be online: Fairly often. My schedule fluctuates quite a lot when I'm in school, but given that I have a month-long winter break ahead of me, I'll probably be spending a ludicrous amount of time on the server until the break ends.
Any questions: Not really. The server seems pretty nice, and I'm definitely looking forward to possibly joining you guys on it!
Additional info: Between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed 436 people in India. Now you know.
Age - 18
Gender - Male
Skype - Reelzerz
Country - USA
Tell a bit about yourself - Hi I'm Reelzerz and I try to increase encouragement and stop the bulling. I used to be a server owner myself and i do understand the difficulty. I Stopped because its now a private server with my personal friends and family. I'm a lazy bum some people tell me but i try not to be. I'm also really nice and friendly.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since midway through alpha.
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No. And plan to never be banned
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - yes but they weren't good so i left
Why would you like to join the server? - To meet other new people. And like the title says its mature.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Mining, farming, just the stuff no one else likes to do like grind for cobble. I never liked the aspect of redstone, building, pvp battles, but PVE is exceptionable because its not fighting other people but AI. If i have to i will PVP otherwise no.
How often will you be online? - Depends if this is a good server.
Any questions? - Nope.
Additional info - Do not Prank me please but if you do don't make it complicated to pick up
It's been fourteen days now since ive been stranded on the cold mountain known only as Stand By Mountain. Unbeknowing to me, i would be stranded far longer than i ever could have imagined. With the temperatures dropping, it's a mystery as to how much longer i will have to wait. All i can do now is lie low and hope that a savior will appear to free me of this prison. My fingers are numb with the cold and i may be unable to scrawl again in my journal. I bid thee farewell -Aries
This was a metaphor
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Age - 16
Gender - M
Skype - (not for public)
Country - Australia
Tell a bit about yourself - I used to be part of a community server known as latenightcraft which was shutdown then later I joined growthisserver which was comprised of old members of LNC. That sever also went down and now I've not really had a server to stick to. Ever since then I've been playing survival games mainly and hardcore survival by myself.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - Since Beta 1.0
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - Hardcore servers because of dying lol.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - I play on survival game servers sometimes when I'm bored but the only real servers I was playing a lot on was LNC, GTS and Shadowraze which I played PVP with my friends for a while, but it has been a year since. I've stopped playing because of server shutdowns and basically shadowraze changed into a buy-to-win, voting type server and became very crap.
Why would you like to join the server? - Looking for a community with UHC events. Survival games is the closest I get to it but that isn't what I'm looking for. I like the vanilla experience of MC.
What is your forte in minecraft? - I can do just about anything like redstone, building and pvp.
How often will you be online? - I tend to log on daily but not do too much nowadays. I've been looking for a reason to play MC more often and well, I'm hoping this may be it.
Any questions? - None at all.
Additional info - I like a good community. That's about it.
Age - 17
Gender - Male
Skype - the51stDoctor
Country - United States of Murica
Tell a bit about yourself - I'm a genuine Alaskan, and a Youtuber, and would like to be on a more age appropriate server, where the admin won't yell at me for cussing and things of that nature. I am 17, and a freshman in college, and would like something to fill up my spare time.
How long have you been playing minecraft? - 5-6 years
Have you ever been banned? If so, justify it - No, I have never been banned from a server.
Have you played on any other servers and why did you stop? - Yes, and i stopped because they were not age appropriate, and the admin weren't to my liking.
Why would you like to join the server? - I would like to have something to fill up some time while working.
What is your forte in minecraft? - Mining mostly, and i can be a good builder if i have inspiration. I helped build castle Harrenhal, The Eyrie, and numerous other small castles.
How often will you be online? - 5-7 days a week, 5-9 hours a day
Any questions? - Nope, not that i can think of.
Additional info- ....