Resurrected craft is a server paid for by me, with around space for 15 people. This server is inspired by MindCrack and HermitCraft, so watching people on those servers will give you a general idea of what the community is like and what is generally going on. So, this server is a server with currently two people on, myself and an in real life friend. This server is for YouTubers, apart from a few exceptions. If you'd like to get onto the server, fill out these questions, and the first four people to reply will automatically get onto the server, given they fill out the questions half-decently. Good Luck!
2:Age (Must be 12+):
3:Specialities in Minecraft:
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits?:
5:Have you ever played on a server like this?:
6:How much would you play on the server?:
7:Do you have any friends to refer to this private server, referring someone will increase your chances of getting on.:
8:Were you referred by anyone?:
10:Lastly, why should you get on the server, what makes you stand out?:
Good Luck to all, I hope to see some of you on the server.Thanks.
Name/Nickname: masterliam11 (Thats my IGN (In game name) if thats what you meant.)
2:Age (Must be 12+): 14
3:YouTube channel (Link): Is this requried? Because im not going to record.
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits? Yeah! All the Mindcrackers and Xisumavoid-In fact, I have a genirikb video playing in another tab!
5:What are your specialities in Minecraft, e.g Redstone, building?:I don't really have a speciallty. I suck at redstone. I like building, im pretty good at it. I mostly just like to fool around testing things.
6:Why do you want to be on the server?: The server I used to play on is shut down So, im looking for a new one. Yours sounds pretty good to me!
7:How much will you play?: A couple hours everyday. Of course, im still in school.
3:Specialities in Minecraft: Building houses and forts, exploring and fighting, just not good with redstone
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits?: VintageBeef and GenerikB
5:Have you ever played on a server like this?: Yes, ive played on two and owned a server of my own
6:How much would you play on the server?: As much as i could which is usually a few hours a day
7:Do you have any friends to refer to this private server, referring someone will increase your chances of getting on.: No
8:Were you referred by anyone?: No
9:IGN: BuilderMan65
10:Lastly, why should you get on the server, what makes you stand out?: My creative and exiting personality, and also my inquisitive and perceptive traits. I am cunning and smart and always thinking on my feet. I think usually people like me stand out.
2:Age (Must be 12+):
3:Specialities in Minecraft:
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits?:
5:Have you ever played on a server like this?:
6:How much would you play on the server?:
7:Do you have any friends to refer to this private server, referring someone will increase your chances of getting on.:
8:Were you referred by anyone?:
10:Lastly, why should you get on the server, what makes you stand out?:
Good Luck to all, I hope to see some of you on the server.Thanks.
2:Age (Must be 12+): 14
3:YouTube channel (Link): Is this requried? Because im not going to record.
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits? Yeah! All the Mindcrackers and Xisumavoid-In fact, I have a genirikb video playing in another tab!
5:What are your specialities in Minecraft, e.g Redstone, building?:I don't really have a speciallty. I suck at redstone. I like building, im pretty good at it. I mostly just like to fool around testing things.
6:Why do you want to be on the server?: The server I used to play on is shut down So, im looking for a new one. Yours sounds pretty good to me!
7:How much will you play?: A couple hours everyday. Of course, im still in school.
Thanks for reading! I hope you consider me!
1: Name/Nickname: werty122443 or call me Werty.
2:Age (Must be 12+): I'm 12 but I'm mature.
3:YouTube channel (Link): werty12244 currently not active
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits? A lot of them mainly GennyB, psj, pyro, etc.
5:What are your specialities in Minecraft, e.g Redstone, building?: umm building having fun and a little redstone here and there
6:Why do you want to be on the server?: I'm looking to be in an environment that is awesome and I get to express my love of survival.
7:How much will you play?: ummm. Probably 1-2 hors a day on weekday and a lot on the weekends
Good Luck all,
2:Age (Must be 12+): 15
3:Specialities in Minecraft: Building houses and forts, exploring and fighting, just not good with redstone
4:Do you watch any MindCrackers/Hermits?: VintageBeef and GenerikB
5:Have you ever played on a server like this?: Yes, ive played on two and owned a server of my own
6:How much would you play on the server?: As much as i could which is usually a few hours a day
7:Do you have any friends to refer to this private server, referring someone will increase your chances of getting on.: No
8:Were you referred by anyone?: No
9:IGN: BuilderMan65
10:Lastly, why should you get on the server, what makes you stand out?: My creative and exiting personality, and also my inquisitive and perceptive traits. I am cunning and smart and always thinking on my feet. I think usually people like me stand out.