Welcome to Eternity! This is a server dedicated to making survival fun and entertaining for more time than it takes to build your house, we provide a lag free server with six supernatural classes for you to join and play.
The server is not white listed so anyone can join at any time, this allows people to have free reign with their creativity and let's you to invite all your friends so they can help you with your builds! We have 40 slots for people who are committed to play and want to join a friendly and fun environment.
If you decide to join we would prefer you not build within 50 blocks of spawn because it creates problems if we decide to expand or add to spawn.
No Griefing!
Minimal Caps
Minimal swearing (Pg-13 server)
PVP is allowed (includes taking pvp drops)
No sky-bases or 1x1 towers
Be polite to members and staff
No Spamming
No Advertising
No Trolling or flaming
No Racist or sexist remarks
TNT Is allowed But use responsibly
Vampire - These blood sucking creatures are relentless they will hunt you down during the night and plan during the day, If a player chooses this class they'll be frustrated at the constant thought of starving to death, vampires are always searching for food, will you be it's next meal?
Werewolf - This is one of the favorite classes because you don't really have to work to become infected, you are the outcast of the classes, you weren't born the way you are, you never earned your right to become one of the most powerful classes, which makes others extremely jealous.
Priest - The priest is one of the most aggressive of the classes because they have so much power, If you're another class think twice before approaching this one because he will do his utmost to destroy, banish or exile you from this world!
Demon - The demon is one of the most liked classes because all he does is destroy, everything he comes across, being a demon also gives you certain advantages like being able to survive and even regain health while standing in lava and fire, the demon is at his weakest outside the nether world.
Human - This is the default class, everyone who first joins the server starts as a human, some people prefer to stay as this class because they just want to build, others because they start their own vampire hunting business. Humans are the biggest threat to the vampires existence.
Angel - This is probably the most OP class out of all them therefore respectfully we only allow mods and admins to become angels when they are playing survival, this gives the mods power to heal and spawn animals without breaking any moderator rules.
Witch Hunter - The witch hunter is the "bounty hunter" of the game, they receive awards for killing players, most classes would fear this class because they are always being hunted.
Ghouls - This is the most mysterious of the supernatural classes
Undead - You will be able to become an undead creature
Classes thanks to mmsupernaturals plugin
All of our staff are only for numerous hours per day, they're fully trained and are able to help you with any problem, including grief.
Our current staff are:
Whiskersmania - European Owner
SoulJunk - European Admin
RasberryRose - European MOD
TeaMRisk - International MOD
We will be recruiting more international staff, however we only accept 18 year old + members because of maturity issues, however there may be exceptions. There are only 4 staff at the moment because of the size of the server and the number of people currently playing daily.
On the server we do use Essentials economy for our town shop, the shop is available for everyone however, we don't provide everything you need, we only sell rare and basic items, such as gold, diamonds, iron and ruby, aswell as horse saddles, name tags and enchantment potions.
All players get access to trade signs, which allows them to make their own shops if they wish to do so, this is a really cool feature that we love and hope you would love too!
We do consider all requests as long as they are posted on our website forum, repeatedly spamming us (which is against the rules: see above) wont get you anywhere, writing a nice thread on our forums might get you noticed more.
Here are some of the most important plugins we use to protect you and allow everyone to have a fun and enjoyable time:
well this server is a mess. They used edit to chop out a area in a hilly biome and did it in the worst way possible. Then they got people who constantly pvp to steal drops so new guys cant realy play. best to avoid this mess of a server.
well this server is a mess. They used edit to chop out a area in a hilly biome and did it in the worst way possible. Then they got people who constantly pvp to steal drops so new guys cant realy play. best to avoid this mess of a server.
If you actually stayed on the server long enough, you would understand there is a clear "No spawn killing" rule, which applies for 50 blocks around the outside of spawn too. It says this on the notice board, 2 blocks from where you spawned which you obviously didn't read, secondly I didn't include that rule into this thread because I could of included 100's of small petty rules which most are explained at spawn. Finally I cannot argue with your opinion about the spawn, however I disagree with it, the entire area of spawn looks very natural and it feels very welcoming to new members.
Hey it is bbhero22 and i really want to be a mod!
I saw what happend to orange and cute and i like them both but I HATE GREIFERS!!!!!
I think this server is awesome a and i want to be mod so i can help the awesome server and keep it running!!!!!
PLz make me mod whisk
PS:i know about 16 people who would want to join the server
Thx and LOVE ya
-bbhero22 the allmost mod
I pledge not to be abusibe!
Love Choerry Motion
If you actually stayed on the server long enough, you would understand there is a clear "No spawn killing" rule, which applies for 50 blocks around the outside of spawn too. It says this on the notice board, 2 blocks from where you spawned which you obviously didn't read, secondly I didn't include that rule into this thread because I could of included 100's of small petty rules which most are explained at spawn. Finally I cannot argue with your opinion about the spawn, however I disagree with it, the entire area of spawn looks very natural and it feels very welcoming to new members.
I saw what happend to orange and cute and i like them both but I HATE GREIFERS!!!!!
I think this server is awesome a and i want to be mod so i can help the awesome server and keep it running!!!!!
PLz make me mod whisk
PS:i know about 16 people who would want to join the server
Thx and LOVE ya
-bbhero22 the allmost mod
I pledge not to be abusibe!