The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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NoobCraft 2.0 [Beta] Is Out!
Do You Need A Server To Play On?
Are Other Servers Too Crowded?
Do You Want A Responsible Staff?
No OverPowered Donation Ranks?
Want to have a say in the server Changes?
If So, This Server Is For YOU!
We Now Have A New Website!
-----> <-----
Key Features:
- There Aren't Too Many Players On Right Now, So this moment is the BEST Time To Join The Server!- This Server Is In BETA, So Features Are Regularly Being Added!- We Have A Friendly Staff!- Towny!- Multiple Gamemodes!- Join Now!
Story Of The Server:
- NoobCraft was released last year, but also ended last year due to some trouble that we had on the server.- We Are back, and would like to invite you to the server once again- The server is in desperate need of players, it usually only has 1 player a day, which is me .
What Does BETA Mean?:
- Beta means that features are regularly being added onto the server, I am thinking about big changes later on.- You will be enjoying new features on the server- The server will be rarely buggy, as I have fixed most of the bugs during the ALPHA stage of the server.
Owner - Me(Bobloiy), I run/manage the server.
Admin- Currently nobody, I'll choose the admins myself, no need to apply for ranks. The Admin maintains the server and makes sure everything is running smoothly. The admin has all of the commands.
NoobMin - Nobody as of now, it's kind of like a trial admin, except it lasts much longer. NoobMins have only the essential permissions to help people.
Mod - Makes sure everybody is under control, obeying rules, etc. They maintain the balance of the server.
NoobMod - Trial Moderator. Has some commands to moderate, including kick, mute, etc.
Lagger - This rank is one above the average rank, it gets more perks.
Noob - The rank that defines that you are a player.
Guest - The rank everybody gets when they first join the server.
Version Server released in alpha state!Version Should be allowed to enter portals now.Version New players now spawn correctly (I think).- Town/nation upkeep removed until there's a way to make money.- Promotion finally works correctly...Version Shop released!- Nether Works!- Flint/Steel Works!- Spawn is better!- Much moreVersion Player Shops opened! Ask me to buy a plot.- Economy plugin changed.Server Updated!Version Earn money from killing mobs!- Towny tax enabled again.- Currency changed to bits.- Starting money 10000 bits.- Town creation costs 10000 bits.- Chat is Cleaner- Nether works 100%- Permissions fixed.- New players now spawn in the right area.- Creeperheal turned off.Version First Beta Release!- Spawn looks a lot better.- Lots And Lots O Bugs Fixed.Version Motd Looks Cleaner And Better!Version Replaced Mineconomy with another economy plugin.- Shops work correctly.- Towny works correctly.- Nocheatplus works correctly.- No more random lag.- Added a few plugins.Version Revamped tablist! Version Tablist returned to original for some additional work.- PVP disabled!- Server is now PVE (Player vs. Envvionment)!Version Added TreeAssist for Laggers(Trusted)!- Added announcements!- Added lottery!- Added fun death messages! Version Clearlag removed.- Bukkit updated. Version Towny removed- Residence added!- Herochat Added!- Server banner for voting sites added! Version Revamping Shop!- Residence setup complete!- 1.6.4! Changelog:- Updated bukkit to the latest dev. Build.- Updated/fixed plugins.- ServerShop has more items.- Starting money is now 3000 instead of 10000.Upcoming Features:- Books for help!- Casino!- Jobs!- More items for shop!- More permissions for Lagger rank.- More, More, MORE!!!
I will join and play frequently and make my friends play, but could i please get admin, noobmin, mod, or noobmod! i have some experience on 1 little server run by my friend(which did have more than on player on at a time ). I want to have a bigger, more important role on a server and make the servers community a better place to be. please consider this application. IGN: wafflezhouse
I will join and play frequently and make my friends play, but could i please get admin, noobmin, mod, or noobmod! i have some experience on 1 little server run by my friend(which did have more than on player on at a time ). I want to have a bigger, more important role on a server and make the servers community a better place to be. please consider this application. IGN: wafflezhouse
If you show me that you are capable and responsible by playing on the server, then I will think about promoting you. But as of now, no.
with your stupid enter a password on enter most wont bother to play. its to confusing and spamms your chat then boots you.
till you drop that plugin you will have no one playing.
with your stupid enter a password on enter most wont bother to play. its to confusing and spamms your chat then boots you.
till you drop that plugin you will have no one playing.
Um.. It is a cracked server. If you do not like that, then simply don't join the server. It's just typing one line of words. It's not that hard.
But, thank you for that suggestion.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
- Replaced Mineconomy with another conomy plugin.
- Shops work correctly
- Towny works correctly
- nocheatplus works correctly
- no more random lags
- Added a few plugins.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Server will be getting the following features in the future:
- TreeAssist
- War or MobArena
- lottery
- Casino.
Watch out for these new features coming soon!
Right now it is 1.6.2.
If you show me that you are capable and responsible by playing on the server, then I will think about promoting you. But as of now, no.
till you drop that plugin you will have no one playing.
Um.. It is a cracked server. If you do not like that, then simply don't join the server. It's just typing one line of words. It's not that hard.
But, thank you for that suggestion.
Ok. Thanks for giving the thread a look!
- Replaced Mineconomy with another conomy plugin.
- Shops work correctly
- Towny works correctly
- nocheatplus works correctly
- no more random lags
- Added a few plugins.
- Revamped tablist!
- Tablist returned to original for some additional work.
- PVP disabled!
- Server is now PVE (Player vs. Envvionment)!
Thanks for the feedback!
Website is also changed to:
- TreeAssist
- War or MobArena
- lottery
- Casino.
Watch out for these new features coming soon!
- Added TreeAssist for Laggers(Trusted)!
- Added announcements!
- Added lottery!
- Added fun death messages!
- Clearlag removed.
- Bukkit updated.