Hi my Name is Brendan and I just opened up a Minecraft server with the intent of having a server where everyone worked together. A good example of this would be the popular Mindcrack server. I would like to recruit 10 or so people to play with me.
I am a generally laid back kind of guy so the only reason your application wouldn't be accepted is if either you aren't 13 or older, I have reason to believe you lied in your application, you didn't fill out your application correctly or you misspelled and/or used bad punctuation and grammar.
I'll make occasional replies on this thread stating the amount of spots open and how picky I am going to be choosing applications.
Please fill out the application below and post it here.
Full Name:
How long have you played minecraft for?:
Tell me a bit about yourself:
Outline your goal on my server:
Why you want to join my server:
Skype Username (Mandatory):
Please be aware that I may ask a few more questions before deciding for certain whether or not to accept your application. The server will open up tommorow September 7th around 7 or 8 o'clock eastern time.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Full Name:Nick Age:15 IGN:Nickiscool11122 How long have you played minecraft for?: 2 and a half years Tell me a bit about yourself:i am a 9th greader who lives in australia. i have a good personality and have played games since i was 4 Outline your goal on my server: to gain relationships with people all over the world and make good friends Why you want to join my because i want a nice vannila server that has not much lag with a nice community. Skype Username (Mandatory):gow114277
I'm gonna apply for my friend to
Name Joe jake
I turn 13 in November and I am mature and jake turns 13 in march but we are really mature
IGN boolion2 rjake369
I have played on pc at about before 1.2 not sure about jake but he knows all the crafting recipes and stuff
We both love mining and building awsome things
Our goal is to have fun and make some new friends and maybe kill the ender dragon
We want to join because we are looking for a SMP to maybe be some videos on and to play vanilla minecraft
Skype (only tell people I know IRL but i will be Skyping whit jake
Hope you let us join
Application: Full Name:Adam Abely Age:14 IGN:EmeraldFilmz How long have you played minecraft for?:1 Year Tell me a bit about yourself:I love to play Survival Minecraft, work together with people, build awesome structures,(redstone included in some cases) Outline your goal on my server:I want to build a home base, add some stuff to the server spawn. Also make some neat redstone farms. Why you want to join my server:I love Singleplayer but the only thing missing. Other people. . I wish to record also. Skype Username (Mandatory):EmeraldFilmz
I also want to note that my youtube is: Youtube.com/EmeraldFilmz
Thats where I would post the videos.
Full Name: Age: 15 IGN: BuilderMan65 (My younger brother made that name, working on getting it changed.) How long have you played minecraft for?: 1 year and a half. Tell me a bit about yourself: Very creative imaginative person, who loves acting, music, and creating things. I'm a good builder and love to work with others on community projects. Outline your goal on my server: To find a good long lasting server with cool people and to beat the end dragon and make really cool community projects. Why you want to join my server:I hope to find a good community without greifing where everyone can work together to get things done in survival mode without cheating. Skype Username (Mandatory): BJay_9720 (my skype isn't working at the moment.
Full Name: EJ (I'd like to keep the rest private but E.J. is my nickname. Age:16 IGN:ejmaster7 How long have you played minecraft for?: I have had the game since alpha Tell me a bit about yourself: I'm a artist i guess, i'm very good at drawing and I like sports, and reading books, and playing multiplayer minecraft, i'm a good builder and i guess i'm kind of funny, but i'm interested in your server. Outline your goal on my server: I'd like to be part of a community in a server since i dislike single player but i love multiplayer. Why you want to join my server: I like communities and vanilla servers but it is always hard to find a good one as most servers either suck or die out or don't have nice communities, but this server seems nice and i'd like to join. Skype Username (Mandatory): ejmaster7
I am a generally laid back kind of guy so the only reason your application wouldn't be accepted is if either you aren't 13 or older, I have reason to believe you lied in your application, you didn't fill out your application correctly or you misspelled and/or used bad punctuation and grammar.
I'll make occasional replies on this thread stating the amount of spots open and how picky I am going to be choosing applications.
Please fill out the application below and post it here.
Full Name:
How long have you played minecraft for?:
Tell me a bit about yourself:
Outline your goal on my server:
Why you want to join my server:
Skype Username (Mandatory):
Please be aware that I may ask a few more questions before deciding for certain whether or not to accept your application. The server will open up tommorow September 7th around 7 or 8 o'clock eastern time.
I hope to see you on my server!
How long have you played minecraft for?: 2 and a half years
Tell me a bit about yourself:i am a 9th greader who lives in australia. i have a good personality and have played games since i was 4
Outline your goal on my server: to gain relationships with people all over the world and make good friends
Why you want to join my because i want a nice vannila server that has not much lag with a nice community.
Skype Username (Mandatory):gow114277
Name Joe jake
I turn 13 in November and I am mature and jake turns 13 in march but we are really mature
IGN boolion2 rjake369
I have played on pc at about before 1.2 not sure about jake but he knows all the crafting recipes and stuff
We both love mining and building awsome things
Our goal is to have fun and make some new friends and maybe kill the ender dragon
We want to join because we are looking for a SMP to maybe be some videos on and to play vanilla minecraft
Skype (only tell people I know IRL but i will be Skyping whit jake
Hope you let us join
Full Name:Adam Abely
How long have you played minecraft for?:1 Year
Tell me a bit about yourself:I love to play Survival Minecraft, work together with people, build awesome structures,(redstone included in some cases)
Outline your goal on my server:I want to build a home base, add some stuff to the server spawn. Also make some neat redstone farms.
Why you want to join my server:I love Singleplayer but the only thing missing. Other people.
Skype Username (Mandatory):EmeraldFilmz
I also want to note that my youtube is: Youtube.com/EmeraldFilmz
Thats where I would post the videos.
Age: 15
IGN: BuilderMan65 (My younger brother made that name, working on getting it changed.)
How long have you played minecraft for?: 1 year and a half.
Tell me a bit about yourself: Very creative imaginative person, who loves acting, music, and creating things. I'm a good builder and love to work with others on community projects.
Outline your goal on my server: To find a good long lasting server with cool people and to beat the end dragon and make really cool community projects.
Why you want to join my server:I hope to find a good community without greifing where everyone can work together to get things done in survival mode without cheating.
Skype Username (Mandatory): BJay_9720 (my skype isn't working at the moment.
How long have you played minecraft for?: I have had the game since alpha
Tell me a bit about yourself: I'm a artist i guess, i'm very good at drawing and I like sports, and reading books, and playing multiplayer minecraft, i'm a good builder and i guess i'm kind of funny, but i'm interested in your server.
Outline your goal on my server: I'd like to be part of a community in a server since i dislike single player but i love multiplayer.
Why you want to join my server: I like communities and vanilla servers but it is always hard to find a good one as most servers either suck or die out or don't have nice communities, but this server seems nice and i'd like to join.
Skype Username (Mandatory): ejmaster7