It is with utmost grief and despair that we announce the official closing of Year 2075. We, the Admins, believe that this server was intended for greatness, we still hold that philosophy close to our hearts, but with an inconsistent player base, limited new players, and a less than desirable launch date we've decided that closing this server was for the best. As most of you know, Year 2065 is close to our hearts. With Year 2075 we tried to incorporate that atmosphere as much as we could. It is evident that we have failed. That is on us, but again, it was a mixture of timing, player times, and the small amount of new players that brought the server to it's grave. We apologize to anyone who still has a love for RP and this server, closing this server was a hard decision, but we thought it was for the best. Luzsombra, you have JoeShmoy/Flee's utmost apologies as you did not have a chance to experience this server. If you still want to be involved in any other servers that our little group might make, please PM your Skype name so, by chance, if we do decide to make another server, you will be the first to know. We thank you for your support through this process and the server. Thank you, and remember. This will always be delicious.
-QuinnHatrik, Beluga123, JoeShmoy/Flee784, and Eyedeaus
Hopefully you remember me from RW, but the same thing happened to AJ and I when we tried to start a post-apoc RP server. It just seems there isn't a large enough fan base to keep any of them going. If you want I could see if any of the people from my server would like to get together with people from yours and maybe we could get a good server running.
Thanks for the offer. I remember hearing from AJ when you were working on your server, sad to hear it didn't work out.
Like I said we had the same problems. The player base was never high and the people online was never over 10. Just let me know if you wanna do something.
OOC Information
Minecraft IGN or UN: Motuz
What does roleplaying mean to you? Roleplaying means playing and acting as you were the character you play for. You play in real time, talk as you were real man, you are using common sense, and you know just what you are able to know.
Do you have any experience with RP servers in the past, positive or negative? Yeah, specifically: Year 2065 (remember me, right?), Crafthammer, Iriliath, Vilkaya, Fallout: Echoes of Mankind, Assassin´s Creep 3.0 and Crossroads of the Worlds. They´re all positive, although there were servers with really just few people on so it was quite boring most of the time.
What was your reason for applying to this server? I like Minecraft (nothing to do with the fact that it´s the only game what my PC can run ), and I like post-apocalyptic topic, I´ve written few books for this topic, so this server is perfect for me.
In the past have you ever been banned or removed from a server permanently, and what for? Do I count bans where my sister was admin and ban was for family issues? Nah, now really...yeah, I had one ban exactly, right in Year 2065 server (guess you remember this too...). I broke few blocks in RP and I wasn´t supposed to, my fault, but I was there with two more guys and they then explained everything to admins so I was back up.
Do you find the server rules to be fair, and agree to follow them completely once accepted? Yeah, sure thing.
Define both powergaming and metagaming in your own words, do you agree that they should be prohibited?
metagaming – means using information you know OOC in roleplaying, in IC. For example, you know coordinates of something in OOC, you use it in roleplaying to get there, that´s not good.
powergaming – means doing things your character can´t do! climbing walls, killing with one hit, powergaming also means forcing the situation at your goal, don´t give your opponents time to react.
they should be prohibited because it destroys the RP IC Information
Character name, last names are not required: Nathan
What race is your character? Enhanced human – enhanced human looks just like a normal human, except for bright blue eyes, which always come with this kind of race. The difference of this kind is in them, they are affected by the radiation, by wastelands, by the new world. They have better smell, they hear better and see in darkness. Physically, they´re just a bit stronger than regular people. They can run for longer distances, although they can´t run fast. Few of enhanced humas have so called “differentiation marks“, which are marks on their bodies, mostly heads and arms, which look like tattoos.
Explain your character’s backstory, early years, etc.:
The name´s Nathan. I forgot my surname. Don´t know if I ever had one. know those little abandoned towns and villages in middle of wastelands, Well, you think, you really hope they´re abandoned. Most of the time, they are. But sometimes...there´s life in them. You, foolish people, call them mutants, creatures, you kill them. We call ourselves enhanced! Because we are. We are the children of your kind, children of mankind, you made us. With your nuclear weapons, fear, and anger. We are phoenixes of this world. Nah, that sounds too good...we´re more or less just homeless people with better senses.
I was born in one of these villages, but I never knew my mother. This was our curse – 90% of enhanced women died when they got a kid. My father was trying to make me the best childhood he could. We moved verey summer – from one town to another, so peple won´t find us. I had...well, normal childhood. No toys, but in this time, who does, eh? I was taught how to hunt, how to track...I have no idea about shooting, we don´t use ranged weapons. When I was 17, I learned basics of fist-fighting. Every year, I was getting better at, and two years later, I won the championship (if I can call it so) of our village. We lives. And that´s something great in these times...
When I was 25 years old, I decided to leave my...let´s call it tribe, eh? I left my tribe, my father, everything. I left it in past. I wanted to live with the wastelands, I wanted to hunt, and to show normal people that we don´t want to hurt them. This was basically my life goal. WAS my life goal, for few years. Then I found this other tribe, burned down, everyone killed. I realized I just can´t show people we´re not that different. It´s coded in their minds, in their dumb heads. So, my next goal? Kill their dumb heads. This...anger, and inner pain lead my steps for few next months. I was killing bandits, but also travelers, I got myself an oxygen mask and a cloak, so noone would see my marks. After few months, I found a little farm – onehouse, one little field. Three people – parents with a kid. Little...Daisy, I think. It opened my eyes – not everyone has to be strictly bad, this was coded in my head. This became motto, or something. I...I kept my distance now. I haven´t encountered a human for many, I found my animal self. It kinda took control of me.
Any close friends or family your character knew or presently knows? Nah, nobody.
How old is your character, does their age reflect their behavior? Nathan is 31, he had though past, that made him often silent, with marks of strong aggresion.
Thoroughly describe your character’s appearance, do they have any distinctive marks or features? To hide his marks, Nathan always wears a black coat and a cloak, dark boots, leather gloves and heavy black working trousers. He wears a grey oxygen mask, it doesn´t work for a long time, he keeps it for memories. Under his cape, he has dark brown skin and bright blue eyes, typical sign of enhanced people.
How does your character act, if poorly is there a reason for this? Nathan doesn´t talk much. there are few reasons for it – he forgot many words, since he hasn´t been talking for a long time, next reason is that he doesn´t like company, he likes quiet and silence. He´s calm most of the time, but he can get angry easily and then he shows he true, animal self. when angry, or emotionally touched, he´s aggresive.
Does your character excel in a certain area, special skills, etc.: Nathan can track good, and he´s good at fist-fighting. He doesn´t know anything about ranged weapons, and he can run, well, more like walk, for really long distances.
Does your character have a fear or hatred of something, why? He fears open fire, from the time he found one of his kind´s tribes burned down. He has also fear of heighs, and he really can´t stand talky people. I don´t count bandits, because when he sees some, their destiny is..sealed.
Please write a long and specific piece of your character in great danger or pain, this is the backbone of your application, make it good.:
I yelled and looked at the knife, coming out of my stomach. the whole blade was in, one blood stream was coming out of the wound. This...this has to go out, I thought. I grabbed the handle of knife and slowly pulled it away from my body. I felt horrible pain, going through my whole body, I felt thousands of burning needles being sticked into my skin, as the blood stream was gettign bigger. Alright, few more body was burning, I was sweating and growling, but the knife had to go out! My sight started to be darker, as though dark mist was eating me. One last pull...I yelled again and pulled the knife back. It came out, and an imaginary hammer hit my head. I fell on ground, holding the knife in my hand. The other hand was on the wound, pushing a piece of cloth on in.
„Here we go...“ I smiled at the knife, then looked down at steel shreds, coming out of my leg. „Now, let´s do this..“
Please insert an image of the skin your character will be using, direct links or inserted images please.: (This IS required.)
Anything else to add? Yeah...This is delicious!
sorry to break this to you but this is closed the server is down and they have no plans currently to open it again
Alright everyone it's my pleasure to announce that tonight and likely tomorrow will be up and running. The server is currently NOT white-listed, so come on with or without an application. Can't wait to see everyone on.
Server is gone. We closed it.
Hopefully you remember me from RW, but the same thing happened to AJ and I when we tried to start a post-apoc RP server. It just seems there isn't a large enough fan base to keep any of them going. If you want I could see if any of the people from my server would like to get together with people from yours and maybe we could get a good server running.
Also here's the link to mine. (It's been dead for a while)
Thanks for the offer. I remember hearing from AJ when you were working on your server, sad to hear it didn't work out.
Like I said we had the same problems. The player base was never high and the people online was never over 10. Just let me know if you wanna do something.