Hello everybody! New Server open with 100% Vanilla and no griefing! But first lets have some rules!
Rules: 1: Stay Cool, Don't rage quit or rage grief. 2: No strong swearing (f*** or b****) Things like that. 3: No griefing, don't destroy other peoples stuff, its not cool. 4: No stealing, don't take other peoples stuff, Get it yourself. 5: Be friendly, we will be a community. Put RR if you read these rules.
Ok so now that we have that taken care of here is the application! Good luck everybody!!!
IGN: How long have you been on minecraft: Age: How mature are you: Skills: Things to work on: What do you like to build: Do you like to build with others: Are you good in a community: Do you like to help in group projects: Why you want to join this server: Other info:
I will read all applications, don't message me if not picked.
How long have you been on minecraft: Since May 2011
Age: 13
How mature are you: Above average for my age, I chill with a lot of older kids and am pretty cool. I **** around a good amount, sometimes I get a kick out of immature jokes, but who doesn't? I know when to stop talking and be serious, however.
Skills: Pretty good at PvP, my building skills are O.K., I prefer to build interior based houses so I build in underground caves or into mountains.
Things to work on: I'm getting at building every day ^-^
What do you like to build: Cave houses, mountain houses, grottos, houses with a lot of plant life incorporated, cramped houses.
Do you like to build with others: I do fine if they are my friends, I don't typically like working in groups otherwise.
Are you good in a community: I've played on a lot of servers, I like vanilla survival ones the most because they have the best community and encourage being friendly.
Do you like to help in group projects: It depends on what the projects are, I usually do if the idea interests me or it benefits me.
Why you want to join this server: My favorite survival server shut down about a month ago and I've been trying to preoccupy myself with PvP games, but its not the same, looking for a new server to call home.
IGN: Buildbuild12 How long have you been on minecraft: Since 2011 which is 2 years. Age: 15 How mature are you?: I'm a definite serious player in stuff like playing but I like to have fun too. Skills: Underground buildings, surviving and gathering resources. Things to work on: Surface Buildings and redstone What do you like to build: Anything I can I will definetely build it. It includes farms, villages, rooms for stuff like storage and brewing, etc. Do you like to build with others: Depends on what we will build. If its a community build I do but if I'm putting my complete style to it I like to make it alone. Are you good in a community: Yeah! Sometimes I don't talk because I'm focused but I love SMP cause i'm not alone, like... it feels different. Do you like to help in group projects: Of course! I love playing as groups. Why you want to join this server: I love smp servers and the last one I was closed so i'm searching for a new good one. I'm planning to do some stuff like with horses and hardened clay cause the last time I played the update wasn't up yet and they didn't play with snapshots. Hope I can join this cool server. Other info us: I have lot of time for the server and I would like to help the server grow too.
IGN: cardshark222
how long have you been playing: i have been playing since february 2012
how mature are you: i am very mature for my age. One of the reasons im actually applying is because i want to play with mature people
skills: on a scale of one to 10 in pvp my freinds rated me a 9 and i am also pretty good at redstone
things to work on: I love working with other people and i love to help with stuff so server wise i could do nether hub, ender pearl farm etc.
what do you like to build?: i love building redstone things, underground bases, big mansions, and any other ideas that i may get
do you like to build with others: yes. I love building with others and helping them out when they need the extra help
are you good in a community: yes as i said i really like working with other people
do you like to help in group projects?: yes i like working with other people and learning from them.
why do you want to join this server?: i want to join this server because i want to play with mature people and get away from rude people out there and all in all just have fun
You can contact me my skype name is cploughren loughren
IGN: Vallior5 How long have you been on minecraft: about 1 year Age:20 How mature are you: I am fairly mature Skills: I am always up for helping people build or working on community buildings. I have decent knowledge of the game mechanics so if people have questions I can usually answer them. Things to work on: I would like to work on my building skills, I am an average builder. I should work on my redstone skills but I have zero knowledge of that and have no interest in it. What do you like to build: Smaller houses and terra-forming the land if needed. Although as stated before I would help with any build if asked Do you like to build with others: Absolutely! Are you good in a community: I believe so, as long as the community is respectful and welcoming. Do you like to help in group projects: Definitely, I find Group projects are the best part of Minecraft servers Why you want to join this server: It is new, mature, and relaxed. Also vanilla servers are my favorite Other info: I will be on when I can usually at night and early morning because of work.
RR, That you for taking the time to review my application!
How long have you been on Minecraft: Since the middle of 2009 Age: 26 How mature are you: I'm mature in that I don't screw people over or do stupid or mean things because I don't think first, but I'm still fun and playful. Skills: I'm very skilled at building, but also have very strong people skills Things to work on: I'm not as good at redstone as I'd like to be, but it's something I've been playing around with a bit. What do you like to build: Mostly I like building bases, as well as useful things for people to use, like farms (crops and animals, not XP). Do you like to build with others: I've usually built mostly alone, but what building with other people I've done has been enjoyable. Are you good in a community: I am very good in a community setting, mostly because I'm very friendly and agreeable. Do you like to help in group projects: I like helping with group projects when I'm able. I don't get a lot of free time to play video games because of my job and other real life things, and often when I do get online on a Minecraft server most people are not there because it is late at night, but I love helping on group stuff. Why you want to join this server: I've been looking for a good smaller sized vanilla 1.6 server, and I'm hoping this is the one for me! Other info: Just throwing it out there that I've done a lot of moderator work and co-owned a few servers, so if you need help with anything in the "running the server" department, I'm available to answer questions and whatnot. Also, RR.
IGN:DolphinDiamond How long have you been on minecraft:3 years Age:15 How mature are you:very Skills:building,gathering and farming Things to work on:redstone What do you like to build:big,creative,things and i love to learn new things to build Do you like to build with others:yes Are you good in a community: yes Do you like to help in group projects:yes Why you want to join this server:to find somewhere to have fun and build and be with others and help and explore Other info:i really want to find a good fun server to play with others.
IGN: Kurpus How long have you been on minecraft: Since Alpha Age: 14 How mature are you: pretty damn mature Skills: im a miner and i can build almost anything im the guy with all diamond armor and tool set Things to work on: my skills at design What do you like to build: Huge mid-evil castles Do you like to build with others: yes very much i hate sing;e player its to boring Are you good in a community: i am indeed i would like to make this server happier Do you like to help in group projects: i would love to help others in projects as long as they do the same favor for me Why you want to join this server: I've been looking for a good white list vanilla server for quite some time now and the last one i was on closed down and i was very sad about that and i'm hoping i can play on this server for a while Other info: i'm a male i live in Texas i love mine craft i don't stop till its done my skype name is Kurpus1 (RR)
and no griefing!
But first lets have some rules!
1: Stay Cool, Don't rage quit or rage grief.
2: No strong swearing (f*** or b****) Things like that.
3: No griefing, don't destroy other peoples stuff, its not cool.
4: No stealing, don't take other peoples stuff, Get it yourself.
5: Be friendly, we will be a community.
Put RR if you read these rules.
Ok so now that we have that taken care of here is the application!
Good luck everybody!!!
How long have you been on minecraft:
How mature are you:
Things to work on:
What do you like to build:
Do you like to build with others:
Are you good in a community:
Do you like to help in group projects:
Why you want to join this server:
Other info:
How long have you been on minecraft: Since May 2011
Age: 13
How mature are you: Above average for my age, I chill with a lot of older kids and am pretty cool. I **** around a good amount, sometimes I get a kick out of immature jokes, but who doesn't? I know when to stop talking and be serious, however.
Skills: Pretty good at PvP, my building skills are O.K., I prefer to build interior based houses so I build in underground caves or into mountains.
Things to work on: I'm getting at building every day ^-^
What do you like to build: Cave houses, mountain houses, grottos, houses with a lot of plant life incorporated, cramped houses.
Do you like to build with others: I do fine if they are my friends, I don't typically like working in groups otherwise.
Are you good in a community: I've played on a lot of servers, I like vanilla survival ones the most because they have the best community and encourage being friendly.
Do you like to help in group projects: It depends on what the projects are, I usually do if the idea interests me or it benefits me.
Why you want to join this server: My favorite survival server shut down about a month ago and I've been trying to preoccupy myself with PvP games, but its not the same, looking for a new server to call home.
Other info: I have skype, teamspeak, and mumble.
How long have you been on minecraft: Since 2011 which is 2 years.
Age: 15
How mature are you?: I'm a definite serious player in stuff like playing but I like to have fun too.
Skills: Underground buildings, surviving and gathering resources.
Things to work on: Surface Buildings and redstone
What do you like to build: Anything I can I will definetely build it. It includes farms, villages, rooms for stuff like storage and brewing, etc.
Do you like to build with others: Depends on what we will build. If its a community build I do but if I'm putting my complete style to it I like to make it alone.
Are you good in a community: Yeah! Sometimes I don't talk because I'm focused but I love SMP cause i'm not alone, like... it feels different.
Do you like to help in group projects: Of course! I love playing as groups.
Why you want to join this server: I love smp servers and the last one I was closed so i'm searching for a new good one. I'm planning to do some stuff like with horses and hardened clay cause the last time I played the update wasn't up yet and they didn't play with snapshots. Hope I can join this cool server.
Other info us: I have lot of time for the server and I would like to help the server grow too.
how long have you been playing: i have been playing since february 2012
how mature are you: i am very mature for my age. One of the reasons im actually applying is because i want to play with mature people
skills: on a scale of one to 10 in pvp my freinds rated me a 9 and i am also pretty good at redstone
things to work on: I love working with other people and i love to help with stuff so server wise i could do nether hub, ender pearl farm etc.
what do you like to build?: i love building redstone things, underground bases, big mansions, and any other ideas that i may get
do you like to build with others: yes. I love building with others and helping them out when they need the extra help
are you good in a community: yes as i said i really like working with other people
do you like to help in group projects?: yes i like working with other people and learning from them.
why do you want to join this server?: i want to join this server because i want to play with mature people and get away from rude people out there and all in all just have fun
You can contact me my skype name is cploughren loughren
How long have you been on minecraft: about 1 year
How mature are you: I am fairly mature
Skills: I am always up for helping people build or working on community buildings. I have decent knowledge of the game mechanics so if people have questions I can usually answer them.
Things to work on: I would like to work on my building skills, I am an average builder. I should work on my redstone skills but I have zero knowledge of that and have no interest in it.
What do you like to build: Smaller houses and terra-forming the land if needed. Although as stated before I would help with any build if asked
Do you like to build with others: Absolutely!
Are you good in a community: I believe so, as long as the community is respectful and welcoming.
Do you like to help in group projects: Definitely, I find Group projects are the best part of Minecraft servers
Why you want to join this server: It is new, mature, and relaxed. Also vanilla servers are my favorite
Other info: I will be on when I can usually at night and early morning because of work.
RR, That you for taking the time to review my application!
Age: 26
How mature are you: I'm mature in that I don't screw people over or do stupid or mean things because I don't think first, but I'm still fun and playful.
Skills: I'm very skilled at building, but also have very strong people skills
Things to work on: I'm not as good at redstone as I'd like to be, but it's something I've been playing around with a bit.
What do you like to build: Mostly I like building bases, as well as useful things for people to use, like farms (crops and animals, not XP).
Do you like to build with others: I've usually built mostly alone, but what building with other people I've done has been enjoyable.
Are you good in a community: I am very good in a community setting, mostly because I'm very friendly and agreeable.
Do you like to help in group projects: I like helping with group projects when I'm able. I don't get a lot of free time to play video games because of my job and other real life things, and often when I do get online on a Minecraft server most people are not there because it is late at night, but I love helping on group stuff.
Why you want to join this server: I've been looking for a good smaller sized vanilla 1.6 server, and I'm hoping this is the one for me!
Other info: Just throwing it out there that I've done a lot of moderator work and co-owned a few servers, so if you need help with anything in the "running the server" department, I'm available to answer questions and whatnot. Also, RR.
Thanks and hope you chose me to join this server!
How long have you been on minecraft:3 years
How mature are you:very
Skills:building,gathering and farming
Things to work on:redstone
What do you like to build:big,creative,things and i love to learn new things to build
Do you like to build with others:yes
Are you good in a community: yes
Do you like to help in group projects:yes
Why you want to join this server:to find somewhere to have fun and build and be with others and help and explore
Other info:i really want to find a good fun server to play with others.
How long have you been on minecraft: Since Alpha
Age: 14
How mature are you: pretty damn mature
Skills: im a miner and i can build almost anything im the guy with all diamond armor and tool set
Things to work on: my skills at design
What do you like to build: Huge mid-evil castles
Do you like to build with others: yes very much i hate sing;e player its to boring
Are you good in a community: i am indeed i would like to make this server happier
Do you like to help in group projects: i would love to help others in projects as long as they do the same favor for me
Why you want to join this server: I've been looking for a good white list vanilla server for quite some time now and the last one i was on closed down and i was very sad about that and i'm hoping i can play on this server for a while
Other info: i'm a male i live in Texas i love mine craft i don't stop till its done my skype name is Kurpus1 (RR)