Got a mic: Yes, ive got a corsair 1500 vengence headset.
Skype (required): xfuryfox
Why you wish to join: I wish to join because ive been looking for a server like this for days, i want to make friends and have a fun time playing with others.
Time zone: CET
Any added information: Ive played Minecraft since infdev, never been banned, i'm friendly and a helpfull person
IGN: Builderman65 (working on getting that changed) Age: 15 Skype: Bryce_9720 Mic: Built in computer mic, probably getting a better one soon Why i want to join: I love minecraft but the servers i play on are griefed or the people just aren't cool so I'm looking for a great community to build and play with. I want to work on my skills in minecraft but I cant do that with other people unless i have a good server. I love helping out and I would try to be as active as i can and help out all the time. Time Zone: US Central Added info: I have run 3 successful servers and am experienced when it comes to minecraft.
Why you wish to join? I'm looking for a vanilla server that has a friendly community, mature players and good admins(I dislike admins who spawn stuff in for themselves so that's why I'm trying here). This seems like a very good server so I'd love to get to know everyone and get building!
Time zone: GMT
Any added information: I love doing community build, events and other stuff. I'm from Ireland and I do a good bit of sports.
IGN: Builderman65 (working on getting that changed) Age: 15 Skype: Bryce_9720 Mic: Built in computer mic, probably getting a better one soon Why i want to join: I love minecraft but the servers i play on are griefed or the people just aren't cool so I'm looking for a great community to build and play with. I want to work on my skills in minecraft but I cant do that with other people unless i have a good server. I love helping out and I would try to be as active as i can and help out all the time. Time Zone: US Central Added info: I have run 3 successful servers and am experienced when it comes to minecraft.
Got a mic: Yes, ive got a corsair 1500 vengence headset.
Skype (required): xfuryfox
Why you wish to join: I wish to join because ive been looking for a server like this for days, i want to make friends and have a fun time playing with others.
Time zone: CET
Any added information: Ive played Minecraft since infdev, never been banned, i'm friendly and a helpfull person
Why you wish to join: I saw my friend CoalMiner107 play it and it seemed like a cool community, I am always looking for a cool vanilla server to play on, and might start my own YouTube channel to play minecraft on.
Time zone: EST
Any added information: Found this server from my friend CoalMiner107, i'm a mature dude, and I love to play minecraft. Might start a YouTube Channel.
Why you wish to join: I am looking for a dedicated Mindcrack-like server that I will enjoy playing on and I think this server is just the right one for me! I want to join to learn all the aspects of the snapshots,etc. with all the members of the server, go adventuring with them, and just have fun! I am looking for the best server I could play on and I think this server sounds great! I would love to meet all the members of the server and do many community projects on the server too!
Time zone: EST
Any added information: I LOVE playing sports and games. I play sports everyday like basketball, football, rugby, golf, swimming, tennis, badminton and more. I'm not like those extreme gamers out there that play Minecraft all day, I actually can control my gaming time and I schedule when I play so I can even out my schedule with sports and games. Sometimes, I don't feel like playing games at all and would rather go outside and do something like sledding, shovelling my driveway, etc. So basically what I'm saying is, I am an athlete and a gamer at the same time with a balanced playing schedule. I do many things like karate, going to to gym, etc. I weight lift a lot and exercise so I can keep in shape One of my favourite sports are basketball and swimming. Basketball is such an intense sport, it makes me want to play it more and I sometimes get goosebumps from playing because it's so intense :)Swimming I enjoy a lot because it calms me down a lot and I have been swimming a lot when I was a kid. I like many different types of gaming like FPS, Role Playing, etc. My favourite FPS game is obviously COD Black Ops 2. I KD ratio isn't that bad but I guess I'm a decent player
Why you wish to join: I saw my friend CoalMiner107 play it and it seemed like a cool community, I am always looking for a cool vanilla server to play on, and might start my own YouTube channel to play minecraft on.
Time zone: EST
Any added information: Found this server from my friend CoalMiner107, i'm a mature dude, and I love to play minecraft. Might start a YouTube Channel.
Why you wish to join: I want to find a great community that wants to play pure survival, how minecraft should be played. I found this server, and watched some videos on some of the channels that were listed, and I enjoyed them. The community seemed great, and I want to play a good survival game with some cool dudes. I am very mature and LOVE to play minecraft with Vanilla. I want to get accepted to be able to record a Lets Play series and have a good time while doing it because it is boring just playing by yourself.
Time zone: EST
Any added information: I am very mature for my age, as 20 year olds tell me that I am more mature than some people their own age. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, almost 4 in September. I have enjoyed all of the time i've played, and I want to find a fun server to play on and just enjoy myself.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: Z_Man_almighty
Age: 13 Years old!
Skype: MrZeoKi
Why you wish to join: I really enjoy Minecraft Servers that are equipped with mature people. I think that a whitelisted Minecraft server would be the place to go! I really like when servers have community too. I also really like Vanilla Minecraft. Sometimes, modifications to Minecraft can just get boring and it ends up that plain Minecraft is the original thing to do! So I really hope that you will accept this application.
IGN: nicku1230
Age: 18
Got a mic: yes
Skype (required): Nickolaus Menendez (in process of changing my Skype you can email me at [email protected])
Why you wish to join: I am an avid minecraft player, I like to think that I am a pretty good builder and team player, I have been looking for a close nit friendly minecraft server where I can play and make some friendships along the way. I play regularly and am a fan of the mindcrack server and since I ve started watching those guys I have been looking for a server where I can do stuff like them.
Time zone: est
Any added information: I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, and haven't really been able to do much IRL so I play a lot of computer games and minecraft now and I am really looking forward to making some online friends that enjoy the fun in smp minecraft
IGN: nicku1230
Age: 18
Got a mic: yes
Skype (required): Nickolaus Menendez
Why you wish to join: I am an avid minecraft player, I like to think that I am a pretty good builder and team player, I have been looking for a close nit friendly minecraft server where I can play and make some friendships along the way. I play regularly and am a fan of the mindcrack server and since I ve started watching those guys I have been looking for a server where I can do stuff like them.
Time zone: est
Any added information: I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, and haven't really been able to do much IRL so I play a lot of computer games and minecraft now and I am really looking forward to making some online friends that enjoy the fun in smp minecraft
IGN:xxmr_slapxx Age: 15 Got a mic: yea Skype (required): xxmr_slapxx Why you wish to join: Just cause i reaelly like the idea of bringing youtubers together. Time zone: pacific Any added information: I have good internet..
Why you wish to join: I want to find a great community that wants to play pure survival, how minecraft should be played. I found this server, and watched some videos on some of the channels that were listed, and I enjoyed them. The community seemed great, and I want to play a good survival game with some cool dudes. I am very mature and LOVE to play minecraft with Vanilla. I want to get accepted to be able to record a Lets Play series and have a good time while doing it because it is boring just playing by yourself.
Time zone: EST
Any added information: I am very mature for my age, as 20 year olds tell me that I am more mature than some people their own age. I have been playing Minecraft for 3 years, almost 4 in September. I have enjoyed all of the time i've played, and I want to find a fun server to play on and just enjoy myself.
Why you wish to join: I really enjoy Minecraft Servers that are equipped with mature people. I think that a whitelisted Minecraft server would be the place to go! I really like when servers have community too. I also really like Vanilla Minecraft. Sometimes, modifications to Minecraft can just get boring and it ends up that plain Minecraft is the original thing to do! So I really hope that you will accept this application.
IGN: nicku1230
Age: 18
Got a mic: yes
Skype (required): Nickolaus Menendez
Why you wish to join: I am an avid minecraft player, I like to think that I am a pretty good builder and team player, I have been looking for a close nit friendly minecraft server where I can play and make some friendships along the way. I play regularly and am a fan of the mindcrack server and since I ve started watching those guys I have been looking for a server where I can do stuff like them.
Time zone: est
Any added information: I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, and haven't really been able to do much IRL so I play a lot of computer games and minecraft now and I am really looking forward to making some online friends that enjoy the fun in smp minecraft
IGN:xxmr_slapxx Age: 15 Got a mic: yea Skype (required): xxmr_slapxx Why you wish to join: Just cause i reaelly like the idea of bringing youtubers together. Time zone: pacific Any added information: I have good internet..
Why you wish to join:I want to join a server that's fun and community based and not just a bunch of griefing 5 year olds and that people actual want to be near each other not hiding in a cave but out there building community projects with others
Time zone:USA,Mountain West
Any added information:during basketball season (november to january) and baseball season (april-june) i wont be on as much because of games and practice but on weekends i should be on quite a bit during those
Why you wish to join:I want to join a server that's fun and community based and not just a bunch of griefing 5 year olds and that people actual want to be near each other not hiding in a cave but out there building community projects with others
Time zone:USA,Mountain West
Any added information:during basketball season (november to january) and baseball season (april-june) i wont be on as much because of games and practice but on weekends i should be on quite a bit during those
Thanks for the application!
Yes via skype
Age: 15
Skype: Bryce_9720
Mic: Built in computer mic, probably getting a better one soon
Why i want to join: I love minecraft but the servers i play on are griefed or the people just aren't cool so I'm looking for a great community to build and play with. I want to work on my skills in minecraft but I cant do that with other people unless i have a good server. I love helping out and I would try to be as active as i can and help out all the time.
Time Zone: US Central
Added info: I have run 3 successful servers and am experienced when it comes to minecraft.
Thanks for the application!
Age: 13 Years old!
Skype: MrZeoKi
Why you wish to join: I really enjoy Minecraft Servers that are equipped with mature people. I think that a whitelisted Minecraft server would be the place to go! I really like when servers have community too. I also really like Vanilla Minecraft. Sometimes, modifications to Minecraft can just get boring and it ends up that plain Minecraft is the original thing to do! So I really hope that you will accept this application.
Time Zone: Central Standard Time. Go Missouri!
Any added information: Uh... I like trains!
IGN: nicku1230
Age: 18
Got a mic: yes
Skype (required): Nickolaus Menendez
Why you wish to join: I am an avid minecraft player, I like to think that I am a pretty good builder and team player, I have been looking for a close nit friendly minecraft server where I can play and make some friendships along the way. I play regularly and am a fan of the mindcrack server and since I ve started watching those guys I have been looking for a server where I can do stuff like them.
Time zone: est
Any added information: I was diagnosed with leukemia in 2012, and haven't really been able to do much IRL so I play a lot of computer games and minecraft now and I am really looking forward to making some online friends that enjoy the fun in smp minecraft
Age: 15
Got a mic: yea
Skype (required): xxmr_slapxx
Why you wish to join: Just cause i reaelly like the idea of bringing youtubers together.
Time zone: pacific
Any added information: I have good internet..
Age: 16
Got a mic: yes I do
Skype (required): ryandsettle
Why you wish to join: because I want to find a great community based server that will last and will not die out
Time zone:MTM
Any added information: I like to record and post on youtube
Can you message me if I didn't get in? I'd just like to know if I did or didn't get in
-Bruce Lee
Thanks for the application!
Thanks for the application!