This server is truly amazing! the lag is non existing and there are no annoying mods that are constantly barraging your screen with messages. This is Survival to it's finest, minus the grief part of course! ^.^ The mods here are perfect for survival and playing with friends, without the constant disconnect and reconnect to fix lag issues. Not to mention the amazing staff! They're so friendly and they easily fix any problems I have! Good luck playing and have fun! ^ Má bhí mé tú ba mhaith liom triail a bhaint as an fhreastalaí a luaithe is féidir! Tá sé ar domhan foirfe do gach duine! Ádh mór agus tá spraoi!
Getting ready for the horse update? 1.6 is on its way Come Join EnvyMC and enjoy the fun. Real Jobs has been added and new jobs are being added all the time. We are offering incentives for voting and extra perks in some of the donor packages this week. We hope to see you soon!!
Thank you wolf We are glad to have you on the server.
Come join the fight today, PvP with your friends or search for hidden treasures Server maintenance will be conducted around 9pm eastern usa time 6/28/2013 EnvyMC is currently in the planning phase of the Hyrule Project. It is our intention to recreate the world of Hyrule and allow players to explore the world that Princess Zelda once used to inhabit. Some parts will be reimagined and slightly altered, but the main goal will be to make it as accurate as possible. Hope you all come and play!!
MC runs a custom version of Bukkit, and is not updated along with vanilla Minecraft updates. Bukkit will update shortly, and once updated, the server will be updated as soon as we have had the chance to test it with the plugins that we currently use.
Once testing is complete, we will announce it here and on our forum. If you want to continue playing in the world of Askeron, then DO NOT update your game client yet. Wait until we officially announce the update to the server. If you have already updated, then you will have to wait or downgrade your version. Please do not ask for help in doing this. lol.
Keep in mind that not every update is going to go smoothly, plugins break and might need updating. It is up to the plugin Developers to make these updates happen, something the EnvyMC staff has no control over, as we are not developers Although EMC does keep a low plugin count, there is no guarantee that the plugins won't break.
Testing is complete. Join the Server today and see all the new upgrades
Thanks to all for staying with us, we hope to see you online, and look forward to your feedback on our forum!
Updating bukkit today. This build fixes a small food bug that gives too much health.
Great thanks goes to the people over at Bukkit for keeping up a wonderful Minecraft mod.
This week giving away random prizes to people in game and people who register on our forum.
Visit our forum and become known today There is now a section where you can introduce yourself.
here is the link:
The upcoming week holds lots of surprises!
Congratulations to Alfaa For winning our contest !
Alfaa received 1 month of free Gold Donor perks.
Thank you to all of the people who entered the competition.
The 1.6.2 update has gone smoothly, and we have taken the
opportunity to install Votifier! Now when you vote for the server
on the link below you get ☆500 for free .
Hurry on in and play with us today. Claim your prize by voting now! Visit the link below.
Updating to the latest Bukkit version 2812 tonight. Upgrading plugins for security. Anticheat false positives, now reduced, and more accurate detections. Sorry for the hassle!
Get in the game come and play with us!
Copy the server address in my signature, and paste it in your multiplayer server address text box.
I absolutely agree, however it is still relatively new and we are slowly gaining more new followers. More people will come with time
Thanks for playing though, we enjoy having you on the server.
On another note, if you would like to help the server at all, you can visit any one of the following voting sites and vote for EnvyMC.
Each vote helps us a little bit. You can vote on each link one time a day for a grand total of 3 votes.
Can i get a 'HELL YEAH'?
EnvyMC is now bigger than ever!
With our great staff, and our wonderful players, you will be sure to have a great time with all of us! Regular updates means the server always functions properly, and never lags, because of our low plugin count.
Ever log onto a server and get overloaded with information?
NOT here! We aim to keep that information overload to a minimum.
All we ask is that you read the rules, and then play the game however you want!
Make sure to visit our new Website and register! You might be our next winner
Enjoy the update, and be sure to visit our website
Getting ready for the horse update? 1.6 is on its way
Thank you wolf
EnvyMC is currently in the planning phase of the Hyrule Project. It is our intention to recreate the world of Hyrule and allow players to explore the world that Princess Zelda once used to inhabit. Some parts will be reimagined and slightly altered, but the main goal will be to make it as accurate as possible. Hope you all come and play!!
Server IP:
-More new Jobs
-McMMO perks added to Emerald Package
-Earn money faster
-New Gold Donor perks
Come see what we are all about. Finally enjoy ZERO lag.
Forum Address:
Vote for us here:
MC runs a custom version of Bukkit, and is not updated along with vanilla Minecraft updates. Bukkit will update shortly, and once updated, the server will be updated as soon as we have had the chance to test it with the plugins that we currently use.
Once testing is complete, we will announce it here and on our forum. If you want to continue playing in the world of Askeron, then DO NOT update your game client yet. Wait until we officially announce the update to the server. If you have already updated, then you will have to wait or downgrade your version. Please do not ask for help in doing this. lol.
Keep in mind that not every update is going to go smoothly, plugins break and might need updating. It is up to the plugin Developers to make these updates happen, something the EnvyMC staff has no control over, as we are not developers
Visit EnvyMC's forum by clicking the link below.
Testing is complete. Join the Server today and see all the new upgrades
Thanks to all for staying with us, we hope to see you online, and look forward to your feedback on our forum!
Thanks - From the EnvyMC Staff!
Great thanks goes to the people over at Bukkit for keeping up a wonderful Minecraft mod.
This week giving away random prizes to people in game and people who register on our forum.
Visit our forum and become known today
here is the link:
Congratulations to Alfaa For winning our contest !
Alfaa received 1 month of free Gold Donor perks.
Thank you to all of the people who entered the competition.
The 1.6.2 update has gone smoothly, and we have taken the
opportunity to install Votifier! Now when you vote for the server
on the link below you get ☆500 for free
Hurry on in and play with us today.
Claim your prize by voting now! Visit the link below.
Get in the game come and play with us!
Copy the server address in my signature, and paste it in your multiplayer server address text box.
Thank you for being with us. We have enjoyed having you on the server ;D
The server was just updated again to the latest CraftBukkit Version 2815.
We appreciate everyone playing.
Have a question about the server? Visit our forum and tell us about it.
I absolutely agree, however it is still relatively new and we are slowly gaining more new followers. More people will come with time
Thanks for playing though, we enjoy having you on the server.
On another note, if you would like to help the server at all, you can visit any one of the following voting sites and vote for EnvyMC.
Each vote helps us a little bit. You can vote on each link one time a day for a grand total of 3 votes.
Minecraft Server List - Minestatus | Vote for EnvyMC
EnvyMC 1.6 Vote Page - Minecraft Server
EnvyMC MCServers Vote
Vote on the first links and get $500 in game currency!
Our Forum adress:
Our Enjin Website:
Please direct all posts (including ban appeals) to our forum.
Our new website has launched on Enjin servers!
EnvyMC is now bigger than ever!
With our great staff, and our wonderful players, you will be sure to have a great time with all of us! Regular updates means the server always functions properly, and never lags, because of our low plugin count.
Ever log onto a server and get overloaded with information?
NOT here! We aim to keep that information overload to a minimum.
All we ask is that you read the rules, and then play the game however you want!
Make sure to visit our new Website and register! You might be our next winner
Website link:
Forum link: