Why PV?: I play a lot of tekkit and it would be nice to kick back and enjoy some good old fashion minecraft. Not to mention it's hosted by a group that runs a great server!
Why PV?: I love playing on pure vanilla servers. I have played on many but most of them shut down or really unactive. I could help out on the server ( Such as redstoneing, building, or really anything.)
Timezone: Mountain Time.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I'm hoping to see you all on the server.
IGN: DrumMaster4
Age: 16
Why PV?: It sounds like a great server to be a part of, and I haven't experienced a well-run Vanilla Server in a while, yet you guys seem to have that. I really have a liking to Vanilla Servers, and would love to be a part of this.
Timezone (Country if okay): EST (Eastern United States)
Really sorry for my absence guys... I sort of broke down and smashed my laptop, so I've been cut off from the internet until July. I can't promise I'll be very active come July, even. I have a lot of drama and stress in my life right now, so PV isn't the biggest worry of mine, but it might be a good way of relieving stress.
Hey guys i was whitelisted as omgapidgey and i now changed accounts to "jonerico" could you please whitelist me?
srry to hav taken so long I've been busy
Why PV?: I play a lot of tekkit and it would be nice to kick back and enjoy some good old fashion minecraft. Not to mention it's hosted by a group that runs a great server!
Why PV?: I love playing on pure vanilla servers. I have played on many but most of them shut down or really unactive. I could help out on the server ( Such as redstoneing, building, or really anything.)
Timezone: Mountain Time.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I'm hoping to see you all on the server.
This is the server for you then! We're all about community and helping one another. I'm sure you'll find plenty of jobs here. ^^
IGN: DrumMaster4
Age: 16
Why PV?: It sounds like a great server to be a part of, and I haven't experienced a well-run Vanilla Server in a while, yet you guys seem to have that. I really have a liking to Vanilla Servers, and would love to be a part of this.
Timezone (Country if okay): EST (Eastern United States)
Hey man! I can assure you that PV is nice and stable, not to mention our community is kickin'! Welcome!
Really sorry for my absence guys... I sort of broke down and smashed my laptop, so I've been cut off from the internet until July. I can't promise I'll be very active come July, even. I have a lot of drama and stress in my life right now, so PV isn't the biggest worry of mine, but it might be a good way of relieving stress.
Hey guys i was whitelisted as omgapidgey and i now changed accounts to "jonerico" could you please whitelist me?
srry to hav taken so long I've been busy
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
IGN: BandicootLava
Age: 13
Why: I've been bored with Minecraft, and I haven't been playing lately because I feel lonely in my worlds and I really want to play vanilla Minecraft with good people that have the same interests as me and make some friends along the way.
IGN: CanadianPride123 Age: 14 Why PV?: CanadianPride123 is my friend but for some reason he can't reply to this topic. I'm already whitelisted and he wants to be also. Timezone: West US
Hey bxb staff! Here the appliance for my girlfriend
ign: j_toti
age: 27
Why?: because She wants to play in this Beautiful community and with me and my friends
timezone germany
Why PV?: My previous whitelist/vinalla server shutdown and this one looks like a great replacement! Other users seem to love it so i think im going to give it a shot!
Timezone: Mountain Time.
Thank you for taking your time to read this. I'm hoping to see you all on the server.
Age: 16
Why PV?: It sounds like a great server to be a part of, and I haven't experienced a well-run Vanilla Server in a while, yet you guys seem to have that. I really have a liking to Vanilla Servers, and would love to be a part of this.
Timezone (Country if okay): EST (Eastern United States)
srry to hav taken so long I've been busy
and Tdragonslayer999 to join.
4 people.
jk glad to help out
Age: 15
Why PV?: It's very hard to find a pure vanilla server and I'm interested in this one.
Timezone: West US
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. And don't worry about greifers.
Hey Ginger! Glad to see you giving PV a go.
This is the server for you then! We're all about community and helping one another. I'm sure you'll find plenty of jobs here. ^^
Hey man! I can assure you that PV is nice and stable, not to mention our community is kickin'! Welcome!
Sorry to hear that Moon, hope things get better!
Sure thing! It's been taken care of!
Glad to see you're interested! Welcome!
All welcome, and I hope to see you all soon! Again, sorry for the late replies!
Age: 25
Why PV?: It's very hard to find a pure vanilla server and I'm interested in this one.
Timezone: EST US
Age: 13
Why: I've been bored with Minecraft, and I haven't been playing lately because I feel lonely in my worlds and I really want to play vanilla Minecraft with good people that have the same interests as me and make some friends along the way.
Time: PST
Age: 14
Why PV?: CanadianPride123 is my friend but for some reason he can't reply to this topic. I'm already whitelisted and he wants to be also.
Timezone: West US
ign: j_toti
age: 27
Why?: because She wants to play in this Beautiful community and with me and my friends
timezone germany
IGN: Nicholas54321
Age: 13
Why?: To play with me, of course
Timezone: EST, Canada
Age: 12
Why?: Same as above
Timezone: EST, Canada