IGN: GrandKiwi Age: 18 Why PV?: Chose PV because I was there during the launch of the First one (under a different name 'Xeul', felt like a change ), and I really enjoyed it even though I was not around for very long due to my degree not leaving me much free time. I recently came back to playing Minecraft again and I couldn't find the original PV server so I searched it up and found this thread and would like to join again. ^^ Good ol' vanilla goodness.
Timezone (Country if okay): GMT+12 (or +13, idk it changes :\)New Zealand
Hey, I remember you! Welcome back!
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The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
IGN: QueenOfSorrow
Why PV: I started playing a lot of modded servers and zombie survival and stuff of that sort and I feel like it would be nice to revert back to pure vanilla, specially if there will be a nice community like this server seems to have.
IGN: grizzerly
AGE: 19
Why?: well this is my first time with minecraft, and I know nothing but the very basics of how it works. That's why I'd like to try a vanilla server, where there's no pressure xD
Why PV?: Looking for a great vanilla server to roam around and build detailed builds and maybe even start up an amazing town with my friend Starr_Spectre who is also applying!
Why PV?: I'm looking for a MP server with a good community that works well together. I feel like this server is promising and would like to see it in action. Hoping to join/create a town/village on the server!
95% of teens would scream if Justin Beiber was about to jump of the top of the Empire State Building. If you are in the 5% that would grab a seat and some popcorn and yell JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! post this into your sig.You know you want too
IGN: royalewitcheesee Age:29 Why PV?:because I want an active community because I like to play a lot!!
You are not alone with that haha, darn real life slowing me down .. plenty of other people that are on all the time too. Wish I could pull that off (me and a few others play on a few BXB servers somehow )
Why PV?: I'm looking for a MP server with a good community that works well together. I feel like this server is promising and would like to see it in action. Hoping to join/create a town/village on the server!
Timezone (Country if okay): EST (EDT)
Cool, we are a great community. Actually no problem building your own town with friends. People are encouraged to build at spawn also, it's a nice little town getting started.
Why PV?: just looking for a server thats has ppl on it all the timeand thats vanilla
Timezone (Country if okay): Mountain USA,AZ
Ok we will see you out there - only things we have are some plugins to control griefing and a plugin that can lock your chests and personal items. very vanilla experience with no tp or /home or any /kit, nothing. at this point people are still getting the first mob grinders up haha. still a very fresh map.
Hey, I remember you! Welcome back!
AGE: 19
Why?: well this is my first time with minecraft, and I know nothing but the very basics of how it works. That's why I'd like to try a vanilla server, where there's no pressure xD
- Eastern USA-
IGN: tmiller735
Age: 14
Why PV: Refferd by a friend >trewqa12
Time zone Central USA
XBLA: Frogs114
T154 Computer: frogs114 Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/thesupapizza
tmiller735 - added! I talked to trew and threw you on the WL right away buddy
RI_Nova - You found an amazing server for sure!.. Got him now
Frogs - Go for it, just added you to the whitelist!
Why PV?:was referred by a friend and i wish to enjoy the server
Timezone:Central Mountain Time
Why PV?:because I want an active community because I like to play a lot!!
Haha, I was talking to Ze and he couldn't remember your user name exactly. Got it now thanks! added have fun man.
95% of teens would scream if Justin Beiber was about to jump of the top of the Empire State Building. If you are in the 5% that would grab a seat and some popcorn and yell JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! post this into your sig.You know you want too
We would love to have you! there are a few Canadians in the server already that I know of
You are not alone with that haha, darn real life slowing me down
See you two out there eh?
Cool, we are a great community. Actually no problem building your own town with friends. People are encouraged to build at spawn also, it's a nice little town getting started.
Ok we will see you out there - only things we have are some plugins to control griefing and a plugin that can lock your chests and personal items. very vanilla experience with no tp or /home or any /kit, nothing. at this point people are still getting the first mob grinders up haha. still a very fresh map.
Guys let's see some more in-depth resposes here!
Alright! xP
age - 10
why pv? - because i love servers w/ no mods and friends play on and said it was awesome and now i want to join!