Sup everybody! I've been at Boy Scout camp all week and havent been able to have minecraft/ internet for a whole week! I'm so glad we are starting over again Im looking forward to it!
IGN: Flame_Hazard
Age: 15
Why PV?: Cause I love it.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'm making this for my friend since he doesn't have a minecraft forum account
IGN: jeffrygazelle
Age: 14
Why PV: He thought it looked like a great server when I showed him it and him and I have been searching for a good server to record a little series on
Timezone: Western USA
I'm making this for my friend since he doesn't have a minecraft forum account
IGN: jeffrygazelle
Age: 14
Why PV: He thought it looked like a great server when I showed him it and him and I have been searching for a good server to record a little series on
Timezone: Western USA
Welcome Jeff to the server! Enjoy your time!
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IGN: LoiselleBeast17
Age: 14
Why PV?: Because im tired of laggy servers with many annoying people on them. Ive been looking for one like this for a while..Some server where i can relax and have fun peacefully:)
IGN: gabe42
Age: 14
Why PV?: ZeChickenWing suggested this server to me and I wanted to get back into Minecraft. I also wanted a nice whitelisted server to join.
Welcome to the server!
Lot of progress being made, some really nice houses, and really nice people! ^^
What started with Silver and I gathering up food for everyone as the server started, i knew i'd have tons of fun with all this teamwork.
Then i started on Ivory Ranch, a small village full of farms for the community
Thanks to Silver and Darth, we already have an expansive public mine!
And Andre and I got a nether portal built at spawn, and a hub soon to come, where we can all connect our houses to with minecarts!
Teamwork on these projects is so much fan man XD
Im sure ill go on more tonight, so it hasnt stopped yet!
IGN: Flame_Hazard
Age: 15
Why PV?: Cause I love it.
Timezone/ country: EST/ eastern U.S.A.
He doesnt have a mcforums account so i'm appling for him
Age: 15
Timezone / Country: EST / eastern U.S.A.
why pv: because PV IS BOSS!
timezone: est
IGN: jeffrygazelle
Age: 14
Why PV: He thought it looked like a great server when I showed him it and him and I have been searching for a good server to record a little series on
Timezone: Western USA
Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your time here!
Thanks for the compliment! Glad you enjoy it! Welcome back.
Welcome Jeff to the server! Enjoy your time!
Age: 36
Why PV: Looking for a new vanilla server to help build, and this one was recommended.
Timezone: CST
Welcome back!
Wrong IGN.
Accepted in PM.
Welcome back! Hope you have as much if not more fun this time.
Age: 14
Why PV?: Because im tired of laggy servers with many annoying people on them. Ive been looking for one like this for a while..Some server where i can relax and have fun peacefully:)
Timezone: Canada (gmt)
Age: 14
Why PV?: ZeChickenWing suggested this server to me and I wanted to get back into Minecraft. I also wanted a nice whitelisted server to join.
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time (MST -7:00)