Hi there, my name is Eagle and I’m the owner of the Provenance server! This is the second server I’ve owned, and I have quite a bit of experience administrating many other servers.
Provenance is mainly a Semi-Vanilla server. If you prefer not to PvP you can set up your home in the standard vanilla realm, but if you'd rather drink the blood of your enemies we offer a fully PvP world as well! These two worlds can be switched between at any time. We also support Arena-style PvP and minigames!
The server has a spawn area (Which you see below) that's right in the middle of the normal Semi-Vanilla experience. You then have a choice of either adventuring out into the wilderness or going into our Hardcore PvP portal for a more cutthroat experience. If neither of these suits your fancy we also offer a portal to our Arena world, where all of our Arena-style PvP and Minigame content is located!
What you see here is our spawn area, inside that castle are the portals to our other worlds! The plots surrounding the central building are available to players to build on once they've attained the rank of Citizen or higher. Each plot is 24x24 and players are welcome to build whatever they'd like (as long as it's within the rules you silly goobers) on them! This area also includes a Nether Hub. Outside of spawn the experience is exactly as you would think, Semi-Vanilla with PvP turned off.
Hardcore PvP
Our PvP area is, unlike our Default area, completely and totally Vanilla. All commands are disabled aside from /pvp rank, and the only way to enter or leave is via the portal entrance (or dying!). We still have not decided whether or not we would like to reset the PvP map every so often to keep it fresh, let us know what you think!
PvP Arenas and Minigames
What you see above is a picture of one of our arenas, Haven. This is a recreation of the well-known Halo 4 map edited for MineCraft use! Our arena area has two different designations for the content. Our Vanilla content, such as this arena here and others, tends to be extremely minimal on Redstone and does not utilize our PvPArena plugin. Our Premium content, on the other hand, will utilize Redstone traps, much more exotic map creation, and will include game modes such as Sabotage (Light enemy TNT to win), Capture the Flag, Liberation (Upon death you go to jail but teammates can rescue you), and many more!
This server is hosted by MCProHosting. Uptime is essentially 100%, so feel free to log on whenever you’d like!
There is NOT a whitelist.
Grief Prevention is implemented on the server, but not in a way that is overly inconveniencing to our players.
We welcome players to participate in MindCrack-style Prank Wars, as long as it’s mutually agreed. There is a thread on our website where players can sign a “trust document” if you will that allows every player on the list to place blocks on every other player on the list’s land. This facilitates pranking, but if anyone uses it to grief they will be removed from the list and likely the server.
Donators do NOT get imbalancing perks such as teleportation and fly mode. The only perks donators can receive are access to special donator-only areas and cosmetics such as /nick and /hat..
This server runs GroupManager, and as such there are 15 ranks ranging from Visitor to HolyOne (Requires 700 Hours of gameplay!). Good luck!
The rules are fairly standard, play like a nice person and we’ll treat you as such.
Griefing, Raiding, and Trolling are instant bans (UNLESS you're either in HCPvP or interested in Pranking, which there's a thread for in Official Events).
Hacking or otherwise cheating is also an instant ban.
Asking for or demanding staff ranks will get you kicked.
No Spamming or Advertising for other servers.
No unnecessary clutter or offensive structures are allowed in the spawn plots or nether slots (and preferably the world at large as well).
Do not build within 200 blocks of spawn or within Far Render sight of the plots.
Nether - Do not destroy spawners unless you absolutely have to.
Nether - Do not leave pillars and other random clutter around. This includes stairs up to glowstone and other floating structures. The nether is a much more close-quarters area than the overworld and clutter gets overwhelming.
Owner: Owns the server. Pretty simple. Advisor: Helps the Owner manage the server, is an OP. Administrator: Works with server files, is an OP. Moderator: Makes sure chat flows smoothly and deals with players' concerns Aide: Essentially a Moderator-In-Training, cannot ban.
Number one: Never, never EVER give donators Creative Mode. Even in a creative world only. It will ruin your day, other peoples days, and the server.
I'm not entirely sure what problems could be caused by this. 1) Donators are immediately switched back to Survival Mode upon reentering the spawn area. 2) The Creative Mode area will be watched just like other areas and potentially offensive/cluttery things can easily be removed with two clicks.
Number two: Don't give the players Full freedom with the plots. Some people will use build potentially offensive things there. I would reccomend to change it to "build whatever you want, Exept thisOrThat"
The rules are more clear on the server. Would you like me to add the full compliment of rules and ranks on the thread here? Players don't quite have *full* freedom on the plots; anything that's just unnecessary clutter or offensive will be removed.
I appreciate the application, but we aren't really looking for staff at the moment. You're welcome to join the server and meet the members though if you'd like.
its quite nice, but it's in a bit of a beta right now, with stuff in progress. personally, I would like a couple things added:
1) skyblock
2) creative plots
3) a shop that uses in-game currency for in-game items
still, it's new and the land is relatively unspoiled, so I would give it a try.
one last thing to note, it uses a rank system I haven't seen before, and I find it works rather well.
its quite nice, but it's in a bit of a beta right now, with stuff in progress. personally, I would like a couple things added:
1) skyblock
2) creative plots
3) a shop that uses in-game currency for in-game items
Thanks for the feedback!
1) We're planning on adding new features as they're requested, though with the fact the server's very new adding yet anther realm would be a bit unnecessary. Without players to fill all the different realms there's very little reason to implement new ones.
2) We do currently have a Donator-Only creative world, and if there's enough demand for it I'd be happy to allow players to request plots or alternatively claim their own plots.
3) In general I'm somewhat opposed to the concept of having an artificial economy, but if players would like they can create trading shops in their plots in the main spawn city.
In general I'd like to keep the staff to player ratio reasonably high, in the ballpark of 10:1. Thusly in the event of 20 or more players being on we'd start accepting new staff.
This server has a good mix of options without having too many, and without having the options get in the way of each other. If you wish to pvp, you can, but you aren't forced to if you just want vanilla survival. The grief protection mod is one of the best I've seen without getting in the way of playing. The donator perks aren't op, as they are on some servers, with only cosmetic benefits and access to some of the alternate worlds, rather than /fly or /tp, or the like. I would suggest giving it a try if you want to have some fun.
Hii 'm numnut12 and I would like to apply for Aide/mod/Admin
IGN: numnut12
AGE: 13
SKYPE: yes numnut1231
TIME YOU CAN DEDICATE: 4 hours in each weekday and 8 hours weekend
EXPIRIENCE?: been admin on my small mates server a built some really cool stuff
Thanks for the comment nigel! One of our biggest goals is to make sure donators have ZERO overpowered perks. It's ludicrous for that to happen in my personal opinion.
Hi there, my name is Eagle and I’m the owner of the Provenance server! This is the second server I’ve owned, and I have quite a bit of experience administrating many other servers.
Provenance is mainly a Semi-Vanilla server. If you prefer not to PvP you can set up your home in the standard vanilla realm, but if you'd rather drink the blood of your enemies we offer a fully PvP world as well! These two worlds can be switched between at any time. We also support Arena-style PvP and minigames!
The server has a spawn area (Which you see below) that's right in the middle of the normal Semi-Vanilla experience. You then have a choice of either adventuring out into the wilderness or going into our Hardcore PvP portal for a more cutthroat experience. If neither of these suits your fancy we also offer a portal to our Arena world, where all of our Arena-style PvP and Minigame content is located!
PvP Arenas and Minigames
The rules are fairly standard, play like a nice person and we’ll treat you as such.
There are Five staff ranks on this server:
Owner: Owns the server. Pretty simple.
Advisor: Helps the Owner manage the server, is an OP.
Administrator: Works with server files, is an OP.
Moderator: Makes sure chat flows smoothly and deals with players' concerns
Aide: Essentially a Moderator-In-Training, cannot ban.
Current staff:
Owner: Haunted_Eagle
Advisor: drummersmith
There are Fifteen Player Ranks on the Server:
- Eagle
I'm not entirely sure what problems could be caused by this. 1) Donators are immediately switched back to Survival Mode upon reentering the spawn area. 2) The Creative Mode area will be watched just like other areas and potentially offensive/cluttery things can easily be removed with two clicks.
The rules are more clear on the server. Would you like me to add the full compliment of rules and ranks on the thread here? Players don't quite have *full* freedom on the plots; anything that's just unnecessary clutter or offensive will be removed.
1) skyblock
2) creative plots
3) a shop that uses in-game currency for in-game items
still, it's new and the land is relatively unspoiled, so I would give it a try.
one last thing to note, it uses a rank system I haven't seen before, and I find it works rather well.
Thanks for the feedback!
1) We're planning on adding new features as they're requested, though with the fact the server's very new adding yet anther realm would be a bit unnecessary. Without players to fill all the different realms there's very little reason to implement new ones.
2) We do currently have a Donator-Only creative world, and if there's enough demand for it I'd be happy to allow players to request plots or alternatively claim their own plots.
3) In general I'm somewhat opposed to the concept of having an artificial economy, but if players would like they can create trading shops in their plots in the main spawn city.
Hope that clears things up!
- Eagle
wait a tick, what that suppose to mean?
IGN: numnut12
AGE: 13
SKYPE: yes numnut1231
TIME YOU CAN DEDICATE: 4 hours in each weekday and 8 hours weekend
EXPIRIENCE?: been admin on my small mates server a built some really cool stuff
Glad you're enjoying the server!