The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Member Details
While MineVenture is a new server, just now getting it's feet wet in the business, but we believe that you will like the direction we are taking our server. After playing with multiplayer servers for a while, the server owner decided he wanted a place that could appeal to multiple people, by allowing them to make decisions for the server through proposing features/mods/etc and voting on them. The server is hosted by BeastNode and uses the Multicraft Panel. If you want to freebuild, while being able to participate in a diverse storyline, complete with quests, join MineVenture today!
- A beautiful map
- Fun and exciting plug-ins to enhance your experience
- A helpful and knowledgeable Staff
- A Democratic Server
- Ability to rise in rank
- Events every week
- A Board of Peers to appeal bans
- Smaller Server with plenty of room to expand
Guest- This is the very basic rank of the server. You will get it as soon as you log in. With this rank, you will be unable to build, chat, or leave the tutorial area
Citizens- This is the second rank. You will get this after completely the tutorial area. With this rank, you will be allowed to build, chat, roam the map, and participate in most server activities.
Beta Testers- This is a group of people who will have access to new areas of the server in order to test new minigames, mods, etc. They areve ry similar to the member rank with a few perks.
Distinguished Citizens- These are trusted members of the community who have distinguished themselves from the common server goers by being active and a positive force on the server. Administrators will promote members to this at anytime.
*Asking for any rank, besides applying for Beta Tester, will earn you an automatic ban*
The Staff of the Server are knowledgeable, helpful people who strive to make sure you get the best experience possible out of a server. They work 'round the clock to keep everything fun. safe, and in proper working order.
Board of Appeals Member- This is special member entrusted to review the appeals of banned players.
Moderators- People here are entrusted to be watch dogs of the Server on a daily basis. They deal with member disputes and rule breakers,
Administrators- These people take care of the server on a technical basis, and have a very strong knowledge of commands and plug-ins configuration/debugging. They deal with implementing plug-ins, fixing bugs, and major member management.
BOSS MAN- This guy is responsible for the Staff, communication with BeastNode, the website, and paying the bills so the power doesn't go out.
Beta Testing
Because we are such a new server, we will require some initial Beta Testing to make sure all of our plug-ins are good and ready for an open server. Please be aware that this first world will be completely experimental and the will be deleted at the end of the testing period! Beta Testers will also get some extras at the end of the testing period. If you are interested in testing, stay tuned for more information
Stay tuned for website domain with more information
I'm DoctorShrinker, aged 12.
I probably know what you're thinking, and it's that I'm some fag griefer.
But I'd like to say, I'm almost the exact opposite.
I would love to apply for any rank.
I'm not too good with computers, but I could definetly moderate the server to make sure no-body's trying any funny buissness
So, yeah, I'd really appreciate it
I'd also be happy to beta test of course.
Thank you, and have a very wonderful day.
Could you get some pictures out of this "Beautiful map"? Just so we know what we are getting into.
Can we get a list of the PlugIns you are using? Just a question, if you wish to keep your PlugIns secret, that is fine.
I would be willing to apply for Beta Tester (Or any rank, for that matter
Can you keep this post updated? Just so we know what is happening.
Keep on working!
To take a culture, send a Chapter.
I'm DoctorShrinker, aged 12.
I probably know what you're thinking, and it's that I'm some fag griefer.
But I'd like to say, I'm almost the exact opposite.
I would love to apply for any rank.
I'm not too good with computers, but I could definetly moderate the server to make sure no-body's trying any funny buissness
So, yeah, I'd really appreciate it
I'd also be happy to beta test of course.
Thank you, and have a very wonderful day.