Be sure to follow some of the clearly typed out instructions in this thread if you want an invite. If you don't, I WILL ignore you. To get invited, PM me over the Minecraft forums, stating your MC username, how old you are (warning, we are a pretty "mature" server. In our VOIP, expect to see lots of vulgarity), and why you are interested in joining us (Please, put some effort into it. And for Christ sake, use good I hate txt speek), and I will give you the relevant info needed to join, as well as whitelist you.
Server Rules
General rules are quite simple. Most of them are common sense.
Don't be a ****. It isn't hard. Really. Just show some common decency, and you can easily hit this requirement.
Try to protect the land. Don't just flat out destroy everything you see. Don't make "noob pillars" without taking them down. Stuff like that.
No thievery/griefing. If I catch you doing either, I will ban you. Pranking is acceptable, so long as it creates no long term damage to the player's build. Example: One time on the server one of our players pranked another by filling his house with a good 50+ scarecrow entities. Was an easy mess to clean up, and quite hilarious for the server. Another case was we had a server member who was paranoid about TNT, so we placed a few TNT panels in his base (Forge Multi part thing, lets you cut some blocks into 100% worthless parts) that while freaking him out when he saw it, did absolutely nothing. Examples of NOT acceptable"pranking" is pretty much anything that can cause lasting damage to the player or his build. Placing lava in their base, blowing it up, or just breaking blocks in general is not acceptable.
Thaumaturgy - As a player, you are limited to taking two nodes out of the environment to have within your base (Building your base around the node counts as this, unless it was just natural 2+ nodes in that spot). A pair of people living together can have 3 nodes. Towns, which are groups of 3+ people get to have up to 4 nodes. Do not destroy any nodes within a pretty large radius of spawn. Anyway, you should be building your nodes to have effective ones.
Server's VOIP (Voice chat)
The VOIP used by the server is called Dolby Axon. It is a high quality VOIP that is free of charge, and is simple to use. To get an invite to our chat, you have to friend me (Steelflame) on Dolby, and I'll add you to the server's chat room. Messaging me in this chatroom is by far the most reliable/fastest way to contact me, as I almost always leave Dolby up. The use of this chat room is in NO way required, and is purely optional.
Mods Used on the Server/Modpack (Up to date)
A listing of mods used by the server, their authors, as well as all permissions to use these mods, and links to their main pages if applicable, as well as a status of the mod as far as either adding it or using it in the pack.
If I do not have a mod listed up here and it is on the server, MC forums probably derped up and removed the edit, please tell me if you notice this so I can fix it.
Not a part of the mod-pack, but on the server
Morphius - Changes it from 100% of players needing to be in bed to trigger night to day, to 66%. Makes it a bit easier to trigger it for server convenience.
Recommended additional mods
If you want to add any client side mods, feel free, but be warned, Optifine (B4 or A4 works decently well, can't remember which) tends to bug out somewhat with a few of the mods in the pack, and if I catch you using any X-ray mods/texture packs, I will ban you in a heartbeat. There are plenty of methods in our modpack to make mining easier, I won't stand for any cheating like this though.
Server Website Down for now, may be back at a later date if Patreon donations are high enough for me to maintain the cost for one.
Important Notices - 3/09/15
*A covenant formed of many magical disciplines gathers in an ancient tomb, to perform one of the darkest arts*
Witch - "Are you sure we should do this? Some things should stay dead, you know." Thaumaturge - "Some things should, but this one shouldn't. This was one of the few places we could escape our persecution for the "black magic" we practiced according to the rest of the world." Witch - "Yes, but in this act what we are doing is in fact very very black magic. Necromancy is nothing to joke about." Necromancer - "It is nothing to joke about. But the art of reanimating the dead in and of itself isn't evil, only those who fall to it's darkness, letting the desire for more power consume them..." Archmage - "And in and of itself, is not our search for freedom from the technological caste an effort for us to become more powerful though, Necro?" Necromancer - "No. What we do with that freedom would decide that. Some of us just want to be free of the risk of some all powerful machina "god" deciding we are the scum and villainy of the world." Druid - "Yes. A wish for life isn't evil. Only the purpose behind that life can potentially be called it. But lets make sure we do this right, and not fall to the evils of this magic." Chronomancer - "Yes. Anyway, this will require all of our power to perform this. This isn't just resurrection of a mere human, what we seek to do is bring back a lost god, who can stabilize the energies of the void to keep the world alive. Are we all willing to risk our lives to potentially give the rest of our kind a chance of freedom and a real life?"
*A unanimous agreement rings out among all present individuals*
Thaumaturge - "Then that settles it. I'll focus on tearing open a void between worlds for this new plane, OUR new plane, to exist within." Archmage - "I'll help form the world for us. For as nice as having a plane of existence to go to is, it is worthless if we have no actual world to exist within it." Druid - "And that world would be worthless if it was barren of all life. I'll cover that for us." Chronomancer - "I'll open a seam in time, to make it more reasonable for our Necromancer to actually reach Aria's essence. Not that I doubt his abilities, but even the best necromancer would find it impossible to perform a resurrection on this ancient and powerful of a being. So lets make it, at least to him, as if he is resurrecting the freshly dead. Any power I have left will go into starting the flow of time on this new world." Witch - "I'll enter the spirit plane, and pull both the Necromancer and Chronomancer into it with me. Being a touch more in tune with the spirits will further aid his cause." Necromancer - "Well, we all know what I am doing. But a final warning. Resurrecting such a powerful being will almost without a doubt leave massive tears in the veil between life and death as she comes through. This could potentially utterly destroy the nature of death in this world we are building. Who knows what form it will take after this is finished. It may very well be that the spirits of the lost never leave our world, reanimating the bodies of the fallen freely. Then again, this could help the very people we are trying to bring with us to this better world. A world where you get an infinite quantity of lives in which to try and better yourself... It would be a dream for many of the people who feel bound by our one life. No, not a dream... A reality!"
All present - "Then let us begin."*
A chant begins. It is impossible to understand to any not present, as they speak in the language of the goddess, and yet it manages to form in the air between them as a runic script.*
The Resurrectionist - "We seek to bind existence, to hold it to our whim. Together we call on the lost goddess Aria, and bind her back to life, to hold a world we create in existence, a world in which we are free and able to live without worry! Aria, Arise!"
*A massive blast of power surges through them all, shattering their minds and bodies. All of them fall, but in the space between them, a form made of light shines.*
Form of Light - "I felt your wishes, and you all have paid the ultimate price. A place between worlds has formed, filled with life and power, wild and unbound. I shall gather up the souls of those who would want to be in such a world, and bring them there for you. May you all find true peace... And perhaps a chance in this world you have created."
Anyway, free from our little "lore" post, I am proud to give the good news that I am back. I am going to be rebuilding the server over the next few days (most likely I will be fully opening up the server at 12 PM central time this Wednesday. I'll post further if it gets delayed, but 2.5 days should be enough time for me to get things fine-tuned.) I fully intend to stream my progress on the server this time around, and perhaps a few of the other regulars might as well (Looking at you Dolby chat regulars).Anyway, a rough changelog of what will be happening with this reset... 1. Full restart of the server. I am removing some mods, adding others. A more accurate log will be announced on Wednesday as I open the server back up, but if you want, you can try and figure out which "core" mods are in with my selection of "our world's creators." 2. I am taking full control back over of the server, and will be hosting it on Creeperhost myself. I will have a fixed budget I will allot to server expenses from me, and the rest will be covered by your donations to a Patreon account I am creating for this purpose. I will not be giving any added rights to donaters, you are just helping max out the quality of the server we are playing on. I might be slightly more forgiving of any issues that arise with donaters, but I hate the idea of "bought" power. I may decide to, depending on how stable the money you guys provide is, give us other things like a new website and such to hold for server purposes. 3. I will be attempting to have a fixed schedule for reboots and patches for the server, but I cannot say for sure that it will happen. 4. There will be, as usual, a basic starting area try and ensure everyone has a safezone to start out in and not get instantly murdered. May decide to create a statue to "our" goddess at this starting area.
Anyway, I am sorry for the break I had to take from Minecraft and existence in general, but I had some issues to cover IRL with a bad boss at my old job. Note the old. Think you can guess what happened and what I had to do.Anyways guys, let the hype begin! Also, for now, PM me on the forums to get access to the server, I'll be putting out the download link in PMs then.
Dynmap link is As I just recently put it on, it might take some time for it to fully render up the world, but it will after a while.
Installation Instructions
Currently, until/unless we get a launcher working, we will be installing mods using a pretty easy system (I go out of my way to make it easier, unlike some modpack/server owners).
Step 1. Download the pack from the link provided in the PM, and place it upon your desktop. Step 2. If you have not already, run Minecraft 1.7.10 to have the files on your computer for Forge's sake. Step 3. Open the pack, and open the Forge Installer with Java. Install Forge to the default location it provides for the Client option. You only have to do this once, unless we update Forge versions, which we may do occasionally as mods demand it. You don't have to do this for every single pack update. Step 4. Drag the Config and Mods folders into your .minecraft (if having problems with this part, PM me or message me on Dolby Axon). I usually modify the file names in such a way to have it overwrite old versions, but sometimes it may fail. Step 5. Open the vanilla launcher, and click the Forge profile (should be the default selected one). Step 6. Play.
Donate to help out. Throw a few bucks into my Patreon account, and I'll channel it right off into the server to keep it going at a higher quality. There are even a few (non-major) mini-boost to donating even one time, of me giving you a shoutout on the server, and a statue of you in the Hall of the Goddess (Spawn safezone).
- Thanks to Lord Albatross, Dep_, and Stangle Khan for their 20 dollar monthly donations. You guys rock!
Adding the Magipunk Banner to Your Signature
Pretty simple, just go to your options screen (located in the options at the top right corner of the Forums), and go to My Settings. From here, select the Signature section on the left hand side. Copy paste one of the banners below, and you're done.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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I'm also interested. Also, I think the addition of ic2 an applied energistics might be a could idea. Ic2 for processing and AE for item storage. We wouldn't have to add GraviSuit though. I'd also like to see rp2, mainly because of its redstone improvements and sorting system capabilities. As for magic type mods, ever think about dimensional doors? Xycraft and Soul shards are cool and useful mods too, same for ee3. (Srry if I'm being rude, I just think their are a number of nice tech related mods that are at least good for processing material if nothing else. Though, Techies vs Mages might be a cool angle to take. Just an idea)
Tinker's construct and Natura look like they'd be awesome mods to add. Tinker's is kind of techie, but in a low tech style. It'd fit right in with Thaumcraft and Ars Magica I think. Natura is evidently a companion mod for it, but if extabiomes is installed, there might be too much plant terrain gen., up to you.
Ah, hey Caleb. Yea, Still waiting on FTB guys..... Sorry for this taking so long. I did take the time though to fully make a full max sized map of the region around our spawn, and a nice little tower just to give everyone a place to run to for the first night in case they join in the middle of the night.
Also for those of you interested in the Ars Magica side of things, I DID find the Archmage tower during my mapping process... but I won't say where.
And no, The server is nowhere near full. I don't have a hard cap in mind as far as total server population, only the cap at one time of 15.
I'm also interested. Also, I think the addition of ic2 an applied energistics might be a could idea. Ic2 for processing and AE for item storage. We wouldn't have to add GraviSuit though. I'd also like to see rp2, mainly because of its redstone improvements and sorting system capabilities. As for magic type mods, ever think about dimensional doors? Xycraft and Soul shards are cool and useful mods too, same for ee3. (Srry if I'm being rude, I just think their are a number of nice tech related mods that are at least good for processing material if nothing else. Though, Techies vs Mages might be a cool angle to take. Just an idea)
About RP2.... I originally had it. Then I remembered the nightmare of the 1.2.5-1.3.2(Really meaning 1.4.2) update. As much as I love redpower, I don't want the server to never update to 1.5.1 because of it. Also I heard things on the FTB forums about.... how something might have happened, and RP2 might be removed from the FTB lineup. If things are that serious, then I really don't want to lock the server down with it. I intend to add in immibis's Microblocks so we will have microblock functionality for builds.
Ic2 is just too far into the tech world for me for this server. I am not opinionated on Dimensional Doors, although I have never used it. Xycraft's official modpack stance is flat out no if not one of the official FTB packs (no private packs period) so no way to add him to the lineup. Having played Soul Shards... I personally feel it just makes xp farming way to easy. And with how dependent Ars Magica is on xp (You convert player xp levels into Ars Magica levels) too easy an XP farm takes the value out of high levels of Magica. EE3 is considered, but he just doesn't have any real functionality to it yet, so I am not going to add it as of this time. He doesn't add any world gen at all, so not like it really matters when it is added. We do have other means to gather rare blocks than condensing them (Forestry's bees can be used to gather just about every resource possible via Extra Bees and Thaumic Bees, but takes a great deal of effort to get set up. If you overly care to take a stab at bee keeping, I can show ya the ropes so you can do it yourself).
Also, just doing a small player count so I can know just how many people I have currently wanting to join... 11. Looks like we currently have 12 people who want to play on the server then (counting me). So not even full at peak hours yet (not that this is a problem).
Also, for any of you who like teamspeak/vent/ect, I could open up a Dolby Axon room for us (free of cost to me) to chat on.
Well, with all the asking for Tinker's, Ill look into it. Remember that if I can't get permissions, I wont add it regardless of how popular it is though.
EDIT: Look at the OP, I am going to give up on waiting on FTB for now. I will start PMing links to the Mediafire download thoughout the day. I have opted to add Tinker's. Hope to see you all thoughout the day.
Well, with all the asking for Tinker's, Ill look into it. Remember that if I can't get permissions, I wont add it regardless of how popular it is though.
EDIT: Look at the OP, I am going to give up on waiting on FTB for now. I will start PMing links to the Mediafire download thoughout the day. I have opted to add Tinker's. Hope to see you all thoughout the day.
Its 9pm here so ill have to check it out tomorrow.
Could you send me the IP aswell?
Its 9pm here so ill have to check it out tomorrow.
Could you send me the IP aswell?
I am sending the IP and the download link in the same PM. Still setting up the download (Since I am resorting to this method of distribution, I am full out updating every mod to the latest possible 1.4.7 release).
EDIT: Mmmm..... Running into a very odd error. Everything is set up, once I resolve it I will mass post the info to get on the server. The error I am getting is related to getting the server up and running. Running the exact same mod setup, my SSP world works perfectly, but it is catching on attempting to start up the SMP world. I'll figure it out, don't worry.
EDIT2: Derp.... just derp. Figured out what I was screwing up, accidentally left Rei's Minimap in the mods folder of the server, derp. Server is up now, about to PM links out.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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So, do you think you will look into DimDoors? And since we're not using ftb packs, wht about Xycraft. Although I know it had id conflicts with xycraft. And wht did you about m whole techies vs mages idea?
Edit: oh an I'd like to see the necromancy mod too. It'd be a nice play to the dark side of magic and might even constitute wantings for large scale minion wars in an Age. ( if different minions even attack wag other that is). But at this point, I'm just throw out mods for consideration.
Well, with all the asking for Tinker's, Ill look into it. Remember that if I can't get permissions, I wont add it regardless of how popular it is though.
EDIT: Look at the OP, I am going to give up on waiting on FTB for now. I will start PMing links to the Mediafire download thoughout the day. I have opted to add Tinker's. Hope to see you all thoughout the day.
Ok. so you were saying that Soryan (sorry if i botched the name) has stated that he does not want Xycraft outside of the offical Modpacks for FTB?
So, do you think you will look into DimDoors? And since we're not using ftb packs, wht about Xycraft. Although I know it had id conflicts with xycraft. And wht did you about m whole techies vs mages idea?
Edit: oh an I'd like to see the necromancy mod too. It'd be a nice play to the dark side of magic and might even constitute wantings for large scale minion wars in an Age. ( if different minions even attack wag other that is). But at this point, I'm just throw out mods for consideration.
I might grab DimDoors, but no Xycraft. I honor a modder's choices on whether or not they allow the mod in the mod pack. I might hunt down Necromancy, but no promises.
Hey i was wondering how do i become able to join the server i would love to play on a ftb server and make some videos on youtube if posible.
Send me a PM. Also.... while I will accept you making videos, remember that this pack will not be available for public distribution. So if you do happen to get viewers, they will have to go though the application process if they care to join in on the fun.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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We should get a server teamspeak too. (Oh and how about adding elemental tinkerer? Seems cool too)
Edit: I think we should keep the server smaller uńil we get off the ground. I think it'd be cool for everyone to get to know each other like of forgecraft.
Edit2: I was just reason over the OP, seeing wht I had to work with in the way of making a wither skelly farm, and I notice thermal expansion isn't listed. Are you not including it? If not, then I think factorization would be the only way to process/double our ores.
Big, Bolded, Bright Damn
Red Sign of READ ME.
Be sure to follow some of the clearly typed out instructions in this thread if you want an invite. If you don't, I WILL ignore you. To get invited, PM me over the Minecraft forums, stating your MC username, how old you are (warning, we are a pretty "mature" server. In our VOIP, expect to see lots of vulgarity), and why you are interested in joining us (Please, put some effort into it. And for Christ sake, use good I hate txt speek), and I will give you the relevant info needed to join, as well as whitelist you.
Server Rules
General rules are quite simple. Most of them are common sense.
Server's VOIP (Voice chat)
The VOIP used by the server is called Dolby Axon. It is a high quality VOIP that is free of charge, and is simple to use. To get an invite to our chat, you have to friend me (Steelflame) on Dolby, and I'll add you to the server's chat room. Messaging me in this chatroom is by far the most reliable/fastest way to contact me, as I almost always leave Dolby up. The use of this chat room is in NO way required, and is purely optional.
Mods Used on the Server/Modpack (Up to date)
A listing of mods used by the server, their authors, as well as all permissions to use these mods, and links to their main pages if applicable, as well as a status of the mod as far as either adding it or using it in the pack.
If I do not have a mod listed up here and it is on the server, MC forums probably derped up and removed the edit, please tell me if you notice this so I can fix it.
Not a part of the mod-pack, but on the server
Morphius - Changes it from 100% of players needing to be in bed to trigger night to day, to 66%. Makes it a bit easier to trigger it for server convenience.
Recommended additional mods
If you want to add any client side mods, feel free, but be warned, Optifine (B4 or A4 works decently well, can't remember which) tends to bug out somewhat with a few of the mods in the pack, and if I catch you using any X-ray mods/texture packs, I will ban you in a heartbeat. There are plenty of methods in our modpack to make mining easier, I won't stand for any cheating like this though.
Server Website Down for now, may be back at a later date if Patreon donations are high enough for me to maintain the cost for one.
Important Notices - 3/09/15
*A covenant formed of many magical disciplines gathers in an ancient tomb, to perform one of the darkest arts*
Witch - "Are you sure we should do this? Some things should stay dead, you know." Thaumaturge - "Some things should, but this one shouldn't. This was one of the few places we could escape our persecution for the "black magic" we practiced according to the rest of the world." Witch - "Yes, but in this act what we are doing is in fact very very black magic. Necromancy is nothing to joke about." Necromancer - "It is nothing to joke about. But the art of reanimating the dead in and of itself isn't evil, only those who fall to it's darkness, letting the desire for more power consume them..." Archmage - "And in and of itself, is not our search for freedom from the technological caste an effort for us to become more powerful though, Necro?" Necromancer - "No. What we do with that freedom would decide that. Some of us just want to be free of the risk of some all powerful machina "god" deciding we are the scum and villainy of the world." Druid - "Yes. A wish for life isn't evil. Only the purpose behind that life can potentially be called it. But lets make sure we do this right, and not fall to the evils of this magic." Chronomancer - "Yes. Anyway, this will require all of our power to perform this. This isn't just resurrection of a mere human, what we seek to do is bring back a lost god, who can stabilize the energies of the void to keep the world alive. Are we all willing to risk our lives to potentially give the rest of our kind a chance of freedom and a real life?"
*A unanimous agreement rings out among all present individuals*
Thaumaturge - "Then that settles it. I'll focus on tearing open a void between worlds for this new plane, OUR new plane, to exist within." Archmage - "I'll help form the world for us. For as nice as having a plane of existence to go to is, it is worthless if we have no actual world to exist within it." Druid - "And that world would be worthless if it was barren of all life. I'll cover that for us." Chronomancer - "I'll open a seam in time, to make it more reasonable for our Necromancer to actually reach Aria's essence. Not that I doubt his abilities, but even the best necromancer would find it impossible to perform a resurrection on this ancient and powerful of a being. So lets make it, at least to him, as if he is resurrecting the freshly dead. Any power I have left will go into starting the flow of time on this new world." Witch - "I'll enter the spirit plane, and pull both the Necromancer and Chronomancer into it with me. Being a touch more in tune with the spirits will further aid his cause." Necromancer - "Well, we all know what I am doing. But a final warning. Resurrecting such a powerful being will almost without a doubt leave massive tears in the veil between life and death as she comes through. This could potentially utterly destroy the nature of death in this world we are building. Who knows what form it will take after this is finished. It may very well be that the spirits of the lost never leave our world, reanimating the bodies of the fallen freely. Then again, this could help the very people we are trying to bring with us to this better world. A world where you get an infinite quantity of lives in which to try and better yourself... It would be a dream for many of the people who feel bound by our one life. No, not a dream... A reality!"
All present - "Then let us begin."*
A chant begins. It is impossible to understand to any not present, as they speak in the language of the goddess, and yet it manages to form in the air between them as a runic script.*
The Resurrectionist - "We seek to bind existence, to hold it to our whim. Together we call on the lost goddess Aria, and bind her back to life, to hold a world we create in existence, a world in which we are free and able to live without worry! Aria, Arise!"
*A massive blast of power surges through them all, shattering their minds and bodies. All of them fall, but in the space between them, a form made of light shines.*
Form of Light - "I felt your wishes, and you all have paid the ultimate price. A place between worlds has formed, filled with life and power, wild and unbound. I shall gather up the souls of those who would want to be in such a world, and bring them there for you. May you all find true peace... And perhaps a chance in this world you have created."
Anyway, free from our little "lore" post, I am proud to give the good news that I am back. I am going to be rebuilding the server over the next few days (most likely I will be fully opening up the server at 12 PM central time this Wednesday. I'll post further if it gets delayed, but 2.5 days should be enough time for me to get things fine-tuned.) I fully intend to stream my progress on the server this time around, and perhaps a few of the other regulars might as well (Looking at you Dolby chat regulars).Anyway, a rough changelog of what will be happening with this reset... 1. Full restart of the server. I am removing some mods, adding others. A more accurate log will be announced on Wednesday as I open the server back up, but if you want, you can try and figure out which "core" mods are in with my selection of "our world's creators." 2. I am taking full control back over of the server, and will be hosting it on Creeperhost myself. I will have a fixed budget I will allot to server expenses from me, and the rest will be covered by your donations to a Patreon account I am creating for this purpose. I will not be giving any added rights to donaters, you are just helping max out the quality of the server we are playing on. I might be slightly more forgiving of any issues that arise with donaters, but I hate the idea of "bought" power. I may decide to, depending on how stable the money you guys provide is, give us other things like a new website and such to hold for server purposes. 3. I will be attempting to have a fixed schedule for reboots and patches for the server, but I cannot say for sure that it will happen. 4. There will be, as usual, a basic starting area try and ensure everyone has a safezone to start out in and not get instantly murdered. May decide to create a statue to "our" goddess at this starting area.
Anyway, I am sorry for the break I had to take from Minecraft and existence in general, but I had some issues to cover IRL with a bad boss at my old job. Note the old. Think you can guess what happened and what I had to do.Anyways guys, let the hype begin! Also, for now, PM me on the forums to get access to the server, I'll be putting out the download link in PMs then.
Dynamic Map Rendering of Our World
Dynmap link is As I just recently put it on, it might take some time for it to fully render up the world, but it will after a while.
Installation Instructions
Currently, until/unless we get a launcher working, we will be installing mods using a pretty easy system (I go out of my way to make it easier, unlike some modpack/server owners).
Step 1. Download the pack from the link provided in the PM, and place it upon your desktop. Step 2. If you have not already, run Minecraft 1.7.10 to have the files on your computer for Forge's sake. Step 3. Open the pack, and open the Forge Installer with Java. Install Forge to the default location it provides for the Client option. You only have to do this once, unless we update Forge versions, which we may do occasionally as mods demand it. You don't have to do this for every single pack update. Step 4. Drag the Config and Mods folders into your .minecraft (if having problems with this part, PM me or message me on Dolby Axon). I usually modify the file names in such a way to have it overwrite old versions, but sometimes it may fail. Step 5. Open the vanilla launcher, and click the Forge profile (should be the default selected one). Step 6. Play.
Donate to help out. Throw a few bucks into my Patreon account, and I'll channel it right off into the server to keep it going at a higher quality. There are even a few (non-major) mini-boost to donating even one time, of me giving you a shoutout on the server, and a statue of you in the Hall of the Goddess (Spawn safezone).
- Thanks to Lord Albatross, Dep_, and Stangle Khan for their 20 dollar monthly donations. You guys rock!
Adding the Magipunk Banner to Your Signature
Pretty simple, just go to your options screen (located in the options at the top right corner of the Forums), and go to My Settings. From here, select the Signature section on the left hand side. Copy paste one of the banners below, and you're done.
Also for those of you interested in the Ars Magica side of things, I DID find the Archmage tower during my mapping process... but I won't say where.
And no, The server is nowhere near full. I don't have a hard cap in mind as far as total server population, only the cap at one time of 15.
About RP2.... I originally had it. Then I remembered the nightmare of the 1.2.5-1.3.2(Really meaning 1.4.2) update. As much as I love redpower, I don't want the server to never update to 1.5.1 because of it. Also I heard things on the FTB forums about.... how something might have happened, and RP2 might be removed from the FTB lineup. If things are that serious, then I really don't want to lock the server down with it. I intend to add in immibis's Microblocks so we will have microblock functionality for builds.
Ic2 is just too far into the tech world for me for this server. I am not opinionated on Dimensional Doors, although I have never used it. Xycraft's official modpack stance is flat out no if not one of the official FTB packs (no private packs period) so no way to add him to the lineup. Having played Soul Shards... I personally feel it just makes xp farming way to easy. And with how dependent Ars Magica is on xp (You convert player xp levels into Ars Magica levels) too easy an XP farm takes the value out of high levels of Magica. EE3 is considered, but he just doesn't have any real functionality to it yet, so I am not going to add it as of this time. He doesn't add any world gen at all, so not like it really matters when it is added. We do have other means to gather rare blocks than condensing them (Forestry's bees can be used to gather just about every resource possible via Extra Bees and Thaumic Bees, but takes a great deal of effort to get set up. If you overly care to take a stab at bee keeping, I can show ya the ropes so you can do it yourself).
Also, just doing a small player count so I can know just how many people I have currently wanting to join... 11. Looks like we currently have 12 people who want to play on the server then (counting me). So not even full at peak hours yet (not that this is a problem).
Also, for any of you who like teamspeak/vent/ect, I could open up a Dolby Axon room for us (free of cost to me) to chat on.
Hey there.
Just checked it out, it looks like a great mod.
I cant believe I haven't seen it before.
Although it isn't very magic-like, it would definitely play nice together with other magical mods without being too techy.
EDIT: Look at the OP, I am going to give up on waiting on FTB for now. I will start PMing links to the Mediafire download thoughout the day. I have opted to add Tinker's. Hope to see you all thoughout the day.
Its 9pm here so ill have to check it out tomorrow.
Could you send me the IP aswell?
EDIT: Mmmm..... Running into a very odd error. Everything is set up, once I resolve it I will mass post the info to get on the server. The error I am getting is related to getting the server up and running. Running the exact same mod setup, my SSP world works perfectly, but it is catching on attempting to start up the SMP world. I'll figure it out, don't worry.
EDIT2: Derp.... just derp. Figured out what I was screwing up, accidentally left Rei's Minimap in the mods folder of the server, derp. Server is up now, about to PM links out.
Edit: oh an I'd like to see the necromancy mod too. It'd be a nice play to the dark side of magic and might even constitute wantings for large scale minion wars in an Age. ( if different minions even attack wag other that is). But at this point, I'm just throw out mods for consideration.
Ok. so you were saying that Soryan (sorry if i botched the name) has stated that he does not want Xycraft outside of the offical Modpacks for FTB?
Yes. He says this will change at a later date, but he doesn't want his mod as is in mod packs.
I might grab DimDoors, but no Xycraft. I honor a modder's choices on whether or not they allow the mod in the mod pack. I might hunt down Necromancy, but no promises.
Send me a PM. Also.... while I will accept you making videos, remember that this pack will not be available for public distribution. So if you do happen to get viewers, they will have to go though the application process if they care to join in on the fun.
Edit: I think we should keep the server smaller uńil we get off the ground. I think it'd be cool for everyone to get to know each other like of forgecraft.
Edit2: I was just reason over the OP, seeing wht I had to work with in the way of making a wither skelly farm, and I notice thermal expansion isn't listed. Are you not including it? If not, then I think factorization would be the only way to process/double our ores.