Netherbane is a server of uniqe qualitys. some of these qualitys are that we use multiveres to creat a dinamic experiance
with up too two worlds and counting that users can explore and build in.
What worlds do you offer?
We offer two (and counting) massive worlds for the players to build and explore!The two worlds are
Survival and Role-Play
What plugins can I use?
players have access to the basics (home,spawn,warp,tpa,tell,report,etc.....)
tho we are always looking for experianced members in our role-play world to help with the events.
if you are chossen to be a staff member for role-play you will get new commands (this is gained with experiance and a inteview)
Why should i chose this server?
We are ever groing with new lore and members our survival world has many secrets hidin by the moderators.
Can we raid others stuff (grife and loot)
Yes and no yes there is looting on unlocked chests no grifeing is a big no no. if you feel a member is to close
ask them to move with a sign if they dont move you may destroy there stuff. if there is a locked chest we will
unlock it but you will have to prove that it has been a month. if the member is online and refuses to move an admin
can move the building for them.
I dont understand the Lore for Role-Play
there is a copy of lore in game much more to the point then the internet
do you want to be staff? there will be staff applacations soon!
dont understand how to get to role-play? /warp rp
info about rp. rp has custom items some of these not obtaniable by members do to damage values.
Lore of Rp
LORE THUS FAR (Last edited 3/19/2013)
Last edit By: Blademan729
writing by Blademan729
Chapter 1
The World TRETEL
The Year is 307 b.c. The world is created and the first settlements are built.
In 1673 the empire is established the empire will rule the world with an iron fist.
Chapter 2
The Royal Family
The Year is now 1919 a.d. Sir Hendrel the I is at the top of his throne when a great evil appears using a sword forged
in the nether.Sir Hendrel I defeats the great evil and names the blade "The Unbreakable Blade Netherbane" and hides
it for over a century's.
The Year is now 2619 Sir Hendrel I has died and his great great grandson has taken the throne his name is Sir Hendrel XII
and his wife Queen Alexdandrea I find the great blade.Not knowing what it is he gives it to Shildkrote man to use during
the great Shildkrote war. 2 years later the Shildkrote war is over with no traces of the Turtelsapions anywhere to be seen.
The Year is 2630 an assassin breaks into Panacalia castle and kills Sir Hendrel XII and Queen Alexandrea I.
Leaving Sir Blade I and Princess Alexandrea II alone at the age of 17.
Sir Blade I takes the throne as it is discovered that princess Alexandrea II is not of pure blood to the empire.
Princess Alexandra II gets fed up with no being able to make any decisions for the empire and rebels thus forming the
first Rebellion the empire has ever seen.
Chapter 3
The Unbreakable Blade
The Year is 2644 Sir Blade mounts Netherbane on a rack above his throne.
the blade can not be used by motels says the inscription on the blades hilt but it was not until 2639 that it
was readable.
Chapter 4
Rummer About The Royal Family And Netherbane.
The rebellion leader stated that the only reason she could not become the hair to the throne was not because she was
only not pure blooded but also was not an "angel" we are still no quite sure what she meant by "angel" all we know
is that if this is true we don't know how we would react.
These so called "angels" are apparently from heaven to protect the great blade from pure evil.
chapter 5
The Rebel war
"The Year is 2646 the rebel war has been going on for over a year it would seem that the rebels haven't moved an inch
since the war started"
says Cowin
Survival is the main server world.there are easter eggs around survival hinting at the rp world these easter eggs are
made by the moderators and some times admins.
Who is staff?
if you dont know who staff is you can look at the wall at spawn this will be updated as fast as we get new mods and admins.
Hello.And welcome to netherbane.
Netherbane is a server of uniqe qualitys. some of these qualitys are that we use multiveres to creat a dinamic experiance
with up too two worlds and counting that users can explore and build in.
What worlds do you offer?
We offer two (and counting) massive worlds for the players to build and explore!The two worlds are
Survival and Role-Play
What plugins can I use?
players have access to the basics (home,spawn,warp,tpa,tell,report,etc.....)
tho we are always looking for experianced members in our role-play world to help with the events.
if you are chossen to be a staff member for role-play you will get new commands (this is gained with experiance and a inteview)
Why should i chose this server?
We are ever groing with new lore and members our survival world has many secrets hidin by the moderators.
Can we raid others stuff (grife and loot)
Yes and no yes there is looting on unlocked chests no grifeing is a big no no. if you feel a member is to close
ask them to move with a sign if they dont move you may destroy there stuff. if there is a locked chest we will
unlock it but you will have to prove that it has been a month. if the member is online and refuses to move an admin
can move the building for them.
I dont understand the Lore for Role-Play
there is a copy of lore in game much more to the point then the internet
do you want to be staff? there will be staff applacations soon!
dont understand how to get to role-play? /warp rp
info about rp. rp has custom items some of these not obtaniable by members do to damage values.
Lore of Rp
LORE THUS FAR (Last edited 3/19/2013)
Last edit By: Blademan729
writing by Blademan729
Chapter 1
The World TRETEL
The Year is 307 b.c. The world is created and the first settlements are built.
In 1673 the empire is established the empire will rule the world with an iron fist.
Chapter 2
The Royal Family
The Year is now 1919 a.d. Sir Hendrel the I is at the top of his throne when a great evil appears using a sword forged
in the nether.Sir Hendrel I defeats the great evil and names the blade "The Unbreakable Blade Netherbane" and hides
it for over a century's.
The Year is now 2619 Sir Hendrel I has died and his great great grandson has taken the throne his name is Sir Hendrel XII
and his wife Queen Alexdandrea I find the great blade.Not knowing what it is he gives it to Shildkrote man to use during
the great Shildkrote war. 2 years later the Shildkrote war is over with no traces of the Turtelsapions anywhere to be seen.
The Year is 2630 an assassin breaks into Panacalia castle and kills Sir Hendrel XII and Queen Alexandrea I.
Leaving Sir Blade I and Princess Alexandrea II alone at the age of 17.
Sir Blade I takes the throne as it is discovered that princess Alexandrea II is not of pure blood to the empire.
Princess Alexandra II gets fed up with no being able to make any decisions for the empire and rebels thus forming the
first Rebellion the empire has ever seen.
Chapter 3
The Unbreakable Blade
The Year is 2644 Sir Blade mounts Netherbane on a rack above his throne.
the blade can not be used by motels says the inscription on the blades hilt but it was not until 2639 that it
was readable.
Chapter 4
Rummer About The Royal Family And Netherbane.
The rebellion leader stated that the only reason she could not become the hair to the throne was not because she was
only not pure blooded but also was not an "angel" we are still no quite sure what she meant by "angel" all we know
is that if this is true we don't know how we would react.
These so called "angels" are apparently from heaven to protect the great blade from pure evil.
chapter 5
The Rebel war
"The Year is 2646 the rebel war has been going on for over a year it would seem that the rebels haven't moved an inch
since the war started"
says Cowin
Survival is the main server world.there are easter eggs around survival hinting at the rp world these easter eggs are
made by the moderators and some times admins.
Who is staff?
if you dont know who staff is you can look at the wall at spawn this will be updated as fast as we get new mods and admins.
it is now off whitelist fell free to join