Hey guys, b4url82 here and I am bringing you a %100 Vanilla Whitelisted Server owned by MRC_A549!
Yes I know this is probably the thousandth server like this...So what makes this one different?
-We encourage players to work together instead of running off thousands of blocks away!
-Every once in a while we play some map, could be and adventure map, pvp map, or maybe just screw around in a creative world!
-We also do EVERYTHING in survival. The ops play in survival mode most of the time. The only time we are in creative is when we recruit new players like you
Now all we need to continue is an application!
IGN (Ingame name)- Why you want to join- Any bans? If so reasons listed here-
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food- Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Age- What super power would you want? Nationality- Something interesting about yourself-
Thanks for applying we will get back to you shortly
Note: MRC_A549, Shamrocker21 and myself will be accepting apps!
IGN (Ingame name)- OddNetNinD Why you want to join- This server sounds awesome Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope.
Favorite food- Ribs Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I do not Age- 14 What super power would you want? - Morphing Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- Me
IGN (Ingame name)- OddNetNinD Why you want to join- This server sounds awesome Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope.
Favorite food- Ribs Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I do not Age- 14 What super power would you want? - Morphing Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- Me
Your in! Come on in any time you want to!
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"I'm giving up on sabertooth moose lions, so I'll settle for wolfbats. They can be pretty vicious."
IGN (Ingame name)- hale543 Why you want to join-I like building and like playing on servers Any bans? If so reasons listed here-1 i don't know Favorite food-sushi Do you record videos for youtube? no Age- on this server?- 11 What super power would you want? flying Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- not a whole lotIGN (Ingame name)- hale543 Why you want to join- I like building and playing on servers Any bans? If so reasons listed here- No
Favorite food- crabs Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- no Age- 11 What super power would you want? - flying Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself-not much
IGN (Ingame name)- hale543 Why you want to join-I like building and like playing on servers Any bans? If so reasons listed here-1 i don't know Favorite food-sushi Do you record videos for youtube? no Age- on this server?- 11 What super power would you want? flying Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- not a whole lot
Congrats! You have been accepted! Come on the server whenever you want!
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"I'm giving up on sabertooth moose lions, so I'll settle for wolfbats. They can be pretty vicious."
IGN (Ingame name)- AmandaNicholle Why you want to join- I love vanilla servers. It's basically the only servers I really play on I like the concept of working together and doing custom maps sometimes to spice things up. Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Never been banned. Favorite food- Pizza Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I just recently started doing youtube videos. I might record when I have the time. Age- 15 What super power would you want? I know it's overrated, but flying just seems awesome. Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- Well i'm homeschooled, I love animals. I'm pretty shy but once I get to know someone I come out of my shell.
IGN (Ingame name)- Lbp2_Glitcher Why you want to join- Ive been looking for a cool chill vanilla server Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food- Probably pizza or sushi Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I dont, but if the server is what I hope it is I might! Age- 13 What super power would you want? A combination of spiderman and moses... Nationality- Mexican/American Something interesting about yourself- Im pretty good at xp farms and redstone. I also love helping people out!
IGN (Ingame name)- AmandaNicholle Why you want to join- I love vanilla servers. It's basically the only servers I really play on I like the concept of working together and doing custom maps sometimes to spice things up. Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Never been banned. Favorite food- Pizza Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I just recently started doing youtube videos. I might record when I have the time. Age- 15 What super power would you want? I know it's overrated, but flying just seems awesome. Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- Well i'm homeschooled, I love animals. I'm pretty shy but once I get to know someone I come out of my shell.
IGN (Ingame name)- Lbp2_Glitcher Why you want to join- Ive been looking for a cool chill vanilla server Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food- Probably pizza or sushi Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I dont, but if the server is what I hope it is I might! Age- 13 What super power would you want? A combination of spiderman and moses... Nationality- Mexican/American Something interesting about yourself- Im pretty good at xp farms and redstone. I also love helping people out!
You both are accepted! Remember to have fun once you get on!
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"I'm giving up on sabertooth moose lions, so I'll settle for wolfbats. They can be pretty vicious."
IGN (Ingame name)- pewisraines Why you want to join- i would like to start doing youtube videos again! Any bans? If so reasons listed here- yes 1 because admin pushed me into lava and i swore at him and got banned.
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food- garlic bread Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- yes 100% sure i will! Age- 15 What super power would you want? super strength Nationality- GMT Something interesting about yourself- i love making everyone laugh and make them happy so everyone can enjoy something! i also love skypeing
Well you'll have some competition on this server comedian-wise. Come on into the server whenever you like.
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"I'm giving up on sabertooth moose lions, so I'll settle for wolfbats. They can be pretty vicious."
IGN (Ingame name)- Asura_Kurogane Why you want to join- Because i love SMP, and really want to play on a vanilla survival server Any bans? If so reasons listed here- nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food-Pizza! :3 Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Age- 15 What super power would you want? Shift shapes Nationality- Something interesting about yourself- I really like draws paintings designer relactioned stuff, but i suck at Linearts and coloring
Oh and here i have some screenshots of building i made today, hope youu like it its just a cool little house nothing really big. http://imgur.com/3NJUYHx,i3RYyJK,cgAwkad,h6lk2j3,4MirXiP,0LSUkGn#0
IGN (Ingame name)- Asura_Kurogane Why you want to join- Because i love SMP, and really want to play on a vanilla survival server Any bans? If so reasons listed here- nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food-Pizza! :3 Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Age- 15 What super power would you want? Shift shapes Nationality- Something interesting about yourself- I really like draws paintings designer relactioned stuff, but i suck at Linearts and coloring
Oh and here i have some screenshots of building i made today, hope youu like it its just a cool little house nothing really big. http://imgur.com/3NJ...irXiP,0LSUkGn#0
Sorry for the delay but your in! Come join anytime you like
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"I'm giving up on sabertooth moose lions, so I'll settle for wolfbats. They can be pretty vicious."
IGN (Ingame name)- rusty_118 Why you want to join- I love vanilla servers, this looks like a fun server Any bans? If so reasons listed here- None Favorite food- Sushi Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- No, I do not record Age- 15 What super power would you want? Invisibility Nationality- Canadian Something interesting about yourself-Im very friendly and helpful!
IGN (Ingame name)- Taayz Why you want to join- Playing vanilla with alot of other players would be a really great expiernce Also getting to know some of the players and to make friends alot the way I also need a server to live stream and also upload
Favorite food- Pizza of course Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Yes I do And for sure! I will stream the server aswell! Age- 15 What super power would you want? Flight Nationality- Canadian Something interesting about yourself- I am a very good builder and miner I also graphic design!
IGN (Ingame name)- nandayorian Why you want to join- i want to play on a vanilla server, and i want to make more friends to have fun and play together Any bans? If so reasons listed here- nope
Favorite food-oxtail soup Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- i have a channel, but i dont know if i want to make an lp Age- 15 What super power would you want? combination of batman and superman (can fly, strong, smart, and rich) Nationality-indonesia (GMT+7) Something interesting about yourself- im friendly guy and want to help others
Thanks for reading my application and i hope i got whitelisted
IGN (Ingame name)- Ninjy Why you want to join- I want to actually work together to make some great things plus its just nice being able to trust the players your playing with and just have fun with friends. Also doing the custom maps sounds like a sweet idea! Any bans? If so reasons listed here-No Favorite food- Salad :3 Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Yes waiting for my desktop to get fixed up so I can start recording. Age- 16 What super power would you want?- Control of Time/Telekinesis. Or Peter's power to have any other persons power he comes in contact with from HEROS, trololo! Nationality- American Something interesting about yourself- I have all four of my canines it's like I'm a wolf plus I've been training in parkour for a couple months now :3.
IGN (Ingame name)-kokiboki123
Why you want to join-I want to join a new minecraft server where we will be a friendly community and I want to play on a server where there are no mods or plugins to change the game.Its like single player with people I know.
Any bans? If so reasons listed here-No,I have never been banned
Favorite food- Pigeons
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I do not
Age- 12
What super power would you want? - shapeshifter
Hey guys, b4url82 here and I am bringing you a %100 Vanilla Whitelisted Server owned by MRC_A549!
Yes I know this is probably the thousandth server like this...So what makes this one different?
-We encourage players to work together instead of running off thousands of blocks away!
-Every once in a while we play some map, could be and adventure map, pvp map, or maybe just screw around in a creative world!
-We also do EVERYTHING in survival. The ops play in survival mode most of the time. The only time we are in creative is when we recruit new players like you
Now all we need to continue is an application!
IGN (Ingame name)-
Why you want to join-
Any bans? If so reasons listed here-
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food-
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?-
What super power would you want?
Something interesting about yourself-
Thanks for applying we will get back to you shortly
Note: MRC_A549, Shamrocker21 and myself will be accepting apps!
Hope to see you on!
Why you want to join- This server sounds awesome
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope.
Favorite food- Ribs
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I do not
Age- 14
What super power would you want? - Morphing
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself- Me
Your in!
Why you want to join-I like building and like playing on servers
Any bans? If so reasons listed here-1 i don't know
Favorite food-sushi
Do you record videos for youtube? no
Age- on this server?- 11
What super power would you want? flying
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself- not a whole lotIGN (Ingame name)- hale543
Why you want to join- I like building and playing on servers
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- No
Favorite food- crabs
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- no
Age- 11
What super power would you want? - flying
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself-not much
Congrats! You have been accepted! Come on the server whenever you want!
Why you want to join- I love vanilla servers. It's basically the only servers I really play on
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Never been banned.
Favorite food- Pizza
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I just recently started doing youtube videos. I might record when I have the time.
Age- 15
What super power would you want? I know it's overrated, but flying just seems awesome.
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself- Well i'm homeschooled, I love animals. I'm pretty shy but once I get to know someone I come out of my shell.
Thanks for reading my application
Why you want to join- Ive been looking for a cool chill vanilla server
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food- Probably pizza or sushi
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I dont, but if the server is what I hope it is I might!
Age- 13
What super power would you want? A combination of spiderman and moses...
Nationality- Mexican/American
Something interesting about yourself- Im pretty good at xp farms and redstone. I also love helping people out!
You both are accepted! Remember to have fun once you get on!
Well you'll have some competition on this server comedian-wise. Come on into the server whenever you like.
Why you want to join- Because i love SMP, and really want to play on a vanilla survival server
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- nope
Ok so I have a few more questions in which are optional!
Favorite food-Pizza! :3
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?-
Age- 15
What super power would you want? Shift shapes
Something interesting about yourself- I really like draws paintings designer relactioned stuff, but i suck at Linearts and coloring
Oh and here i have some screenshots of building i made today, hope youu like it its just a cool little house nothing really big. http://imgur.com/3NJUYHx,i3RYyJK,cgAwkad,h6lk2j3,4MirXiP,0LSUkGn#0
Sorry for the delay but your in! Come join anytime you like
Why you want to join- Because I have loved being on whitelisted servers in the past, but they have closed down since, and this one looks pretty good.
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- Nope, never been banned
Favorite food- Cheeseburger
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Nope
Age- 13
What super power would you want? Teleportation
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself- I am usually very friendly and can be helpful with certain specific details that I have no idea why I remember.
Can't think of much else to say, that good?
Why you want to join- I love vanilla servers, this looks like a fun server
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- None
Favorite food- Sushi
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- No, I do not record
Age- 15
What super power would you want? Invisibility
Nationality- Canadian
Something interesting about yourself-Im very friendly and helpful!
Why you want to join- Playing vanilla with alot of other players would be a really great expiernce
Favorite food- Pizza of course
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Yes I do
Age- 15
What super power would you want? Flight
Nationality- Canadian
Something interesting about yourself- I am a very good builder and miner
Why you want to join- i want to play on a vanilla server, and i want to make more friends to have fun and play together
Any bans? If so reasons listed here- nope
Favorite food-oxtail soup
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- i have a channel, but i dont know if i want to make an lp
Age- 15
What super power would you want? combination of batman and superman (can fly, strong, smart, and rich)
Nationality-indonesia (GMT+7)
Something interesting about yourself- im friendly guy and want to help others
Thanks for reading my application and i hope i got whitelisted
Why you want to join- I want to actually work together to make some great things plus its just nice being able to trust the players your playing with and just have fun with friends. Also doing the custom maps sounds like a sweet idea!
Any bans? If so reasons listed here-No
Favorite food- Salad :3
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- Yes waiting for my desktop to get fixed up so I can start recording.
Age- 16
What super power would you want?- Control of Time/Telekinesis. Or Peter's power to have any other persons power he comes in contact with from HEROS, trololo!
Nationality- American
Something interesting about yourself- I have all four of my canines it's like I'm a wolf
IGN (Ingame name)-kokiboki123
Why you want to join-I want to join a new minecraft server where we will be a friendly community and I want to play on a server where there are no mods or plugins to change the game.Its like single player with people I know.
Any bans? If so reasons listed here-No,I have never been banned
Favorite food- Pigeons
Do you record videos for youtube? If so will you record on this server?- I do not
Age- 12
What super power would you want? - shapeshifter