Anything we can do to speed up the process / become a part of the development?
At the moment we're fairly close to launch. Our progress has been steady and at this point I'd say at the earliest the server will be launched in a week.
Hello! So, in interest of giving anyone from the old server time to make an awesome application, we're opening up an early application process. Look at the lore and application I've posted, make an app, post on this thread, and we'll accept or deny, the same old shtick. I look forward to seeing you guys on the 1st!
2013: Greece, with all options exhausted, defaults on its debt and is forcibly removed from the EU. Due to the major spending the EU spent on Greece to keep the nation afloat, European countries are unwilling to maintain their membership within an organization perceived as largely inefficient. The EU breaks up and more local pacts are formed within Europe. This plunges the world into a global depression.
2014: The US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan causes an almost immediate collapse of the Karzai Presidency. Islamic militants from Afghanistan cross the border to Pakistan, and a religious VS. state war begins for control over a nuclear country.
2015: President of the United States resigns after failing to reach a deal to keep critical social programs funded. The 6th American Party system fails and political confusion ensues.
2016: Africa broils into a civil war after a lot of finger pointing over nationalist terrorists capturing a head of state. UN Peacekeepers are brutally murdered and the UN removes support.
2017: The first major war begins in Europe in decades as Spain refuses to allow Barcelona to secede during 30% unemployment. Barcelonians take to the streets in protest and Spain uses authoritarian measures to suppress the populace. Intel develops the first computer with more processing power than the human brain.
2018: Pakistan falls under control of an Islamic Junta and proclaims Israel as “the enemy of all states.”
2019: After a heated argument in the UN General Assembly on the global depression, the United States and other western countries remove their spending on the UN on the basis that all money was going to developing nations. The UN dissolves without the backing of semi-prosperous countries.
2020: The global depression officially becomes the longest on record. As if an explanation point on this, a nuclear bomb is detonated in Tel Aviv by Pakistani militants.
2021: India and Pakistan engage in a nuclear war over Kashmir. Following several nuclear explosions in the region, the world is plunged into a nuclear winter. At the same time, fossil fuel becomes consolidated in the United States and the Middle East.
2022: With nations facing massive debt and budget cuts, many opt to sell out public functions such as public transportation and public infrastructure to private companies. For the first time in history, collective corporations hold more monetary assets than world countries.
2023: A new war is started in the middle east, as envious oil deprived countries attack Saudi Arabia and Iraq, both oil regimes. At the same time, the population of Palestinians in Israel outnumbers Jewish citizens and a religious war starts in the streets. Riots start in Europe over extreme unemployment.
2024: At a high tech lab in the Ural Mountains, scientists have developed functional peacekeeper robots. Armed with a variety of weapons from crowd control to mass riots, these models are rented to various countries but mostly to corporations to keep disgruntled workers in line.
2025: Most of Africa is now either in chaos or crushing depressions. During this time, a coalition of corporations essentially “buy” an African country by purchasing its debt.
2026: Mass Riots erupt across Europe and North Africa as food shortages and grid failures result from the lack of electric power. In desperation, people sell their body parts to the “body bank” (held by a trust of biomedical corporations) to pay for daily living expenses. These corporations would give the people cheap mechanical replacements, which would break down frequently.
2027: Buyouts of countries continue and production of peacekeeper robots are expanded to perform common activities, such as bus drivers and power plant workers, however are still capable of “peacekeeping mode”. The major corporations of the world combine into giant international mega-corporation, called IntraCorp. With resources and operations consolidated, corporate takeovers of countries continue at an alarming rate.
2029: To counteract rising energy supply and rising pollution on Earth, IntraCorp funds and builds micro fission power plants on the moon. A great power conduit built in the structure of a space elevator links the plant to Intra Corp's headquarters in Antarctica. From there, power is routed to the world for ever increasing prices.
2030: Due to the heavy cost of manual labor, the TITAN system is installed an all management operations at the micro fusion plant. Production is increased 120%. To guarantee the safety of the facility, a fail safe is installed at Intra Corp’s HQ.
2031: During this time of Intra Corp’s expansion and its ever increasing monopoly on Earth, a religious rebirth is happening. Ancient religions turn into vocal and political opposition against technology but more specifically technology being used by IntraCorp. Due to religion not being centralized or regulated by governments, religious societies can easily assemble willing members to carry out terrorism against IntraCorp. Peacekeeper robots are increasingly being vandalized by angry protesters.
2032: An strategic peacekeeper robot is developed by Orbital Industries, a subdivision of IntraCorp. These advanced bots are designed to lead robotic corps into battles with large riots which are now occurring across the world.
2033: In an attempt to destroy IntraCorp by an economical mean, remaining nations and societies begin to start a non-consumption movement to drive IntraCorp out of business. However, the general dependence of the populace on Intra Corp’s products cause this movement to be very uneven. Protesters start attempting to hack satellites and large proportions of commercial robots to give power back to the people.
2034: A giant “tank” is built in Antarctica. The aging corporate hierarchy of IntraCorp elects to enact an retirement age for senior corporate officers. However, instead of officers retiring to an increasing volatile world, they accept Intra Corp’s unique proposition. Their minds are copied into bio-electricity signals. They then feed these circuits into the giant tank, which consists of a swirling mass of electricity. In reality, hundreds of the brightest minds in the world swim and converse within this “globe”. They then print out mass orders to the living at Intra Corp’s HQ.
2035: Rebels and protesters start using a technology that was all but extinct; radio. Because of the technology relative inactivity beforehand, it is one of the few things that is not regulated. Radio is used across the globe as it helps to coordinate and support opposition to IntraCorp.
2036: Due to unrest and warfare becoming rampant, IntraCorp starts pressing many more models of robots into service. Many domesticated animals are remade into eerie robot duplicates, such as sheep and chicken. Also, in an attempt to scare the general populace, deadly robotic spiders and walking bombs are pressed into service.
2037: After a large battalion of peacekeepers are compromised by malignant code, IntraCorp decides that the models should not be so robotic. They secretly train tactical geniuses and then surgically remove the brains of these “candidates”. Then they are put into a cryo-suspension tank within an AI peacekeeper. If the robotic brain was ever destroyed or damaged, the suspension tank would activate and the human brain would activate. However, the people these brains were taken from were often very cruel and sadistic. The brain would be activated for as short as possible.
2038: Protests and riots turn into mass scale warfare. It seems that every faction is fighting against corporate domination. Terrorism runs rampant and civilian casualties are at an unsustainable rate. The first nukes seen in decades are used against the militant, which furthers the spiraling health of the planet.
2039: Arronance, one of the biggest rebel groups at the time, attacks an Orbital Industries R&D facility. They find an experimental space fighter there, and successfully hack the interface and download a suicidal protocol. The fighter lifts off and in space smashes into the electric space elevator, severing the link. Before the fail-safe is activated, millions of terawatts are released into Space and Earth’s upper atmosphere. However, with a huge source of electricity removed power is soon lost across the globe. IntraCorp is unable to shut off all plants on the Moon in time, and TITAN’s system was secretly sabotaged by rebels. Most robots are powered by a miniature micro-fusion cell, so they continue to operate. Head peacekeeper robots shut off... but quickly reactivate with the human brain.
2040s: It doesn't take very long for the micro-fusion plant to explode. The resulting explosion splits the moon into a debris field. Large asteroids rain down on Earth for months, and almost all man-made objects in orbit are destroyed. Due to the great amount of electricity that was released into the upper atmosphere, Earth’s magnetic field starts to falter. Other than magnets no longer working, radio and other forms of communication are impossible to use. Extreme amounts of radiation come in from space, and coupled with the radiation from the micro-fusion plant, Earth becomes a dead, wretched hell. All organizations collapse, and no one can even reach Antarctica, as huge ice sheets have formed, freezing large oceans around the south and north poles.
2050s: Massive radiation amounts begin to take its toll. Humans massively die of of radiation poisoning, and mutations are often worse than death. Land begins to be prowled by terrible things at night, restricting survivors to only day. Land begins to be prowled by terrible things at night, restricting survivors to only day. With no more tides from the Moon, the oceans become stagnant and mass die offs of marine species.
2060s: As things look very bleak for the human population, a blessing arrives; radio. Interference has cleared and every year radio signals get stronger and stronger. Like back in Intra Corp’s days, radio is used by survivors to coordinate and support each other, but this time it’s against death. For the first time in decades, communities of people start springing up around the world, comprised of not only humans but also other people who call the wastes home.
Foreword ((Re-read the previous lore!))
So you've just been presented a standard description of the the years starting with the downward spiralization of society into an anarchistic wasteland, and among the few scholars that survive to this day, the version you've been presented is the most accurate rendition. What made it fairly straightforward was the fact that up until the year 2065, it is known that humanity was solely fighting to survive. Conflictions of race, gender, sexual preference, and religion were not fought because of the simple fact that any internal conflicts within mankind would have utterly wrecked it beyond belief. Thus, issues we humans have always obsessed over were tabled for a time, in the uncertain apocalyptic age. The world after the year 2065, however, presented complications. After that year, humanity fought itself; wars were fought for power, trade, food, wealth, population. It is often said that the victors write history, and concerning that, the next ten years in history are disputed from opposing sides. I myself cannot fully guarantee the validity of the document about to be presented. I have listened extensively, discretely, to as many factions, and have attempted to make a neutral “timeline”, of sorts.
My father often told me that his father was a criminal prosecutor, which was quite odd to me as a child growing up in a hell upon Earth, to be honest. However, I can see now that my ancestor and I both share an affinity for the truth.
2065: Starting with a lowly ranch owned by a single woman, a settlement arose in the area known as the “Cradle”. Something about the land attracted people there, as very soon this initial small settlement grew to a couple thousands. It soon became apparent that this region showed a natural affinity to progress.The area became to be the springboard for settlers to other regions. What made Jericho not only populous and thus prosperous was a recently discovered alternate dimension. In all truth, no one really knows how it works. A whole set of IntraCorp teleporters were discovered, and upon entering them the first group of scavengers noted that the land was pocketed with strange rock and lakes of lava. Not only that, but unexplainable phenomenon such as semi-sentient machines bearing IntraCorp’s markings, and seemingly conscious fire. The most popular theory is that this realm was an alternate reality created to be a paradise for heads of IntraCorp. However, they apparently failed in their tampering with reality, creating a hellish landscape. This theory would explain the materials found here, which disregard most natural laws. The “rift” would become the ultimate challenge for the enterprising scavenger.
2066: Surprisingly, the first attempt to destroy Jericho failed. A secret cult of mutants, who were human in appearance but contained superhuman strength and intelligence, nearly toppled Jericho. However, the last minute discovery of their weakness to the sun allowed the inhabitant to rally a counterattack. The infiltrators were cornered and killed.** This event, however, convinced some residents that Jericho was not well defended -- a large group of residents ventured out and founded two rival settlements, Blackwater and Roanoke. **This is a hotly debated topic between chroniclers. There are various accounts of the event, one being these mutants came to the town asking to be killed, two that they prematurely set off a bomb outside the gates, killing them, and three, the more heroic version presented here. It's up to you which one to believe in.
2067: Even with this defection, Jericho still held innumerable power by the possession of the only transporters to the rift. This realization started a technological race of sorts among the other major communities; to gain notoriety and thus population, Blackwater, Jericho, and Roanoke committed expansive funding to their R&D portions of their respective factions. At this time, little did they know, but the respective races for technology would ultimately shape the path of these cities.
2068: The first challenge to Jericho’s overreaching grasp came soon enough, when a series of abandoned subway lines were discovered by the denizens of Blackwater. At first, the general consensus was to demolish the decrepit lines; they were unstable and at any point could collapse, creating a fairly dangerous sinkhole on the surface. However, the town researchers convinced the mayor to forestall demolition, as they wanted to see if the lines had any potential usefulness. Understandably, it was a mostly idealistic venture. It was not widely believed that the lines could be restored to their former glory. The reconstructors realized that with their limited resources, they would not be able to restore, let alone maintain a large scale transport line. Thus, they decided to convert the old rail line to a smaller gauge, specifically for a single person transport. When the engineers initially opened a small line, from Blackwater to a small forward base, the mayor himself took the maiden ride. He made incredible time, and on that gave the newly formed Transit Restoration a blank check to start working on other lines. Thus, as a result the growing sprawl of Blackwater grew through the restored metro lines. Blackwater turned out to be in a very fortunate position, as the original settlers chose to found the city on the ruins of a former metropolis. Thus, the underground rails naturally sprawled out from the city. With this discovery, Blackwater gained it’s “trump card”, so to speak.
2069: While Blackwater claimed what the past left, Roanoke was struggling. The land around Roanoke turned to be unfit for most hydroponics, the climate too acidic for most mechanical livestock, and the ground too radioactive for most biological items. Because of these mentioned factors, the citizens of the settlement realized that only from support from the other towns (at least in the beginning), would they survive to make a long-lasting community. A struck of good luck, however, allowed Roanoke to not present itself begging to Blackwater and Jericho. In a eventually futile attempt for to discover possible metro lines, Roanoke engineers stumbled upon a cache buried deep within the crust. Lo and behold, it was stored with a ridiculous quantity of high grade fission cells. And not only that, but the cells were completely new; a lengthy and costly restoration process was thankfully skipped. The power longevity of the cells was calculated at centuries with proper use. This discovery allowed rapid construction of new weaponry, and with high demand in the Cradle and abroad, Roanoke quickly became established as an arms dealer and became associated with a highly trained army with munition in plentiful supply.
2070: The tentative trading alliance that had been established, with Jericho reaping the benefits of the rift, Roanoke producing armament at an astonishing rate, and with Blackwater being the conduit between the cities with it’s impressive metro, brought about a truly dependent community.. As Blackwater held the role of middleman, it quickly became diversified in a number of fields. These including livestock (mechanical and biological), large scale nutrient farms, alcohol beverages(a necessity in depressing situations), you name it, they got it. Thus, Blackwater became the most independent, and thus well prepared, for the downturn that would come. In terms of events, this year was quiet. Roanoke sent out a highly prepared militarized expedition out into the surrounding wastes to catalogue the area, only to lose contact a few months into the one year journey. Jericho had begun to hire specifically “individuals with combative capabilities” to be employed within the rift, which raised eyebrows in Blackwater and Roanoke. But no evidence of foul play was found, and thus it was brushed off as it is widely known that the rift is a dangerous place.
2071: This relatively peaceful period, of course, could not last. However, it was Earth’s nature that deemed it fit to interrupt, not the nature of man itself. There were signs of a storm coming; to the north more and more interference were coming over the radio airways. But no one was prepared for the size and scope of the coming winter. The Long Freeze, as some would style it, or the Long Winter, or just plainly the Winter of 2071, lasted for almost 4 years. Climatologists, the very few who would have the crazed passion to pursue it as a career, characterized it as a nuclear winter caused by, not surprisingly, a nuclear explosion. It was nowhere near the Cradle, yet this unidentified detonation easily changed the climatic patterns of the planet with the fragile state of the atmosphere. For the tribunal society in the Cradle, this changed the stakes dramatically. With supply for basic necessities raising exponentially, Blackwater was forced to stop trading with Roanoke and Jericho, which not only drove these two cities to extremely measures, but damaged Blackwater’s burgeoning metro trade system.
2072: Now, for quite some time, unknownst to the other settlements, Jericho had always had a contingency plan in place, if the time arose where it’s existence was being threatened directly or even indirectly by other cities. Jericho had put into place a “back door” of a fashion into Blackwater and Roanoke through some dormant teleporters to the rift; a covert force would hop into the rift through Jericho, traverse it, and then link up with another teleporter to jump into one of the cities. For first time subterfuge, however, the plan Jericho constructed was far too complex. Originally, the operation was to have agents jump into Roanoke, steal from a local armory, and then use these weapons to do a hit and run on Blackwater by again using the rift as a throughpoint. Up to this point, not only was the condition of the dormant teleporters in doubt, but also a group of this size, around fifty combatants, have never used these devices all at once.** This was the spark to set off the powder keg. **As a reader, I plead you to recognize the coming conflict as a battle of survival; Jericho and Roanoke were literally starving to death. The guard of Roanoke had been preparing to provide an ultimatum to Blackwater for their precious food supplies. And Blackwater itself was planning to give tainted food away to appease the other cities. No one settlement was to blame. Survival is survival; it can collaborative, or it can be ugly.
2073: Early in the year, operatives from Jericho launched the mission, and was able to score a few caches of weaponry before the town properly reorganized and counterattacked. The task force beat a hasty retreat into the teleporter, but to the displeasure of the invaders, Roanoke followed fast enough to not let the attackers close the gate. However, the assailants, knowing well the geography of the route to the Jericho teleporter, quickly lost the pursuing party. While the town guard did lose the location of the assaulting force, the town was able to find another gate, the one linking to Blackwater. Sensing a golden opportunity, the Roanoke guard launched a preemptive attack on Blackwater; the regional guard of the city was caught completely unaware. More than half of the winter’s survival stockpile was stolen from the warehouses. By the time the Roanoke guard left through the portal, the mayor was dead and most of Blackwater was ablaze. The town, cursing the teleporter, immediately destroyed it. The stolen food, however, could not alleviate the Roanoke population immediatelty. The shifting tectonics of the rift had moved the Roanoke teleporter to places unknown. With the Blackwater gate closed as well, the only hope the Roanoke guard had was to find the Jericho portal.
2074: Blackwater, after a disastrous attack, was crippled. People had to accept very meagre rations (Keep in mind, any food at all was still a much better proposition than the other settlements), and a special emergency order appointed a mayor. Fearing for another sneak attack on its food supply, the newly sworn in mayor of Blackwater enforced a lockdown: no one leaves, no one enters. Blackwater’s opting to sit out on the sides had farther reaching consequences; the cache of food, in the rift, was now the only chance to make it or break it for Roanoke or Jericho. If the cache was not received soon, both towns would starve. Jericho, with its extensive operations in the rift, purposely led the Roanoke guard through the rift to the Jericho gate to ambush them and steal their food. However, the operation failed miserably. The estranged Roanoke guard suspected a trap. When they found themselves purposely surrounded, they charged the gate with all their might, broke through the line and beat a hasty advance through the teleporter into central Jericho.
Now, I want to clarify here. The following is the my description of a “fuzzy event”. I have interviewed several witnesses to the event and each reported strange circumstances. I can only infer a few things, which I rewrote to the best of my abilities. Now let the narrative resume.
The Roanoke guard did not take the necessary precautions first prescribed by the original researchers of the rift, cursory as they were. By nature, the rift was unstable, which was vastly clear to the average person. What was not commonly known, however, is that transporting from one realm to another is extremely damaging to the dimensional integrity. Usually, when one person enters one at a time, the dimensions retain their respective differentials from each other. Transporting a large group of people in a short amount of time is dangerous; moving through interdimensional passages destabilizes the entry/output point as it basically forces the respective dimensions to materialize the object, be it a person or equipment. This weakens the natural laws of said dimensions, which could potentially have catastrophic consequences. Jericho knew it was taking a risk with the earlier planned raid, but was willing to make a sacrifice for the survival of the town.
The Roanoke guard, in their equal determination, equal frenzy, rushed through the portal all at once. The huge influx of soldiers overwhelmed the constitution of the dimensions. Simply put, a rip in reality occurred. Rather than there being a predictable flash of light, the region around Jericho was simply completely dark, apparently that the light was being sucked into the tear. When the vorpal event ended, Jericho was simply gone. Nothing remained, not a single brick, of the once great city. It seems that the entire settlement was sucked into a interdimensional no man’s land. Later on, when venturers had finally made it’s way back to the rift, not a single trace of the Jericho gate within that dimension could be found. However, it is possible that the plates of the rift shifted, concealing the location. The fabled cache the Roanoke guard was protecting with it’s life was lost in the destruction.
Without it, Roanoke starved itself to destruction. The residents made one last plea to Blackwater, but were not even received by the town. Disheartened, many residents left the city, but almost all of them died out on their own. The residents who stayed, malnourished and reduced to skeletons, were wiped out quite easily by an epidemic virus.
2075: And so, Blackwater is the only true settlement left in the Cradle. When the drama between the three cities had finished, the nuclear winter had ended. This once proud region had turned on itself, and as a result two great communities had been wiped out. Jericho was literally gone… not a trace remained in the world you and I call Earth. However, no one really knew the extent of the city’s operations in the rift; and survivors still carry a bitter hate within them around the land. The same goes for Roanoke. The site of the town has become a graveyard, with a very real fear of scavengers that the town was deserted. But the survivors who lived on still roam the area out for blood. And there is always a rumor that the lost Roanoke expedition could come back, and wipe Blackwater off the map…
Nonetheless, the “wild” beckons. People have a love of putting themselves in danger for a variety of reasons. In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, glory and loot abounds. The rift technology that Jericho had had a stranglehold upon has been become public knowledge; and now the average scavenger can undertake a dangerous, yet highly rewarding romp through the rift. A whole field of “teleporter constructionists” have arisen, building these gates for the average person. While the Cradle is a shell of its former self, many people still regard this as a great time of opportunity, and the land as the hope for the future. As Blackwater attempts to regain the trading prowess it had before, the metro has opened, hoping to lead the way to a stronger city. People carry burdens from the past ten years… but still look forward to the future, hoping that’ll it be a better place than the present. It’s by no means a safe place… but the chances of surviving to 30 are still marginally better than the rest of the world.
*Player Application
OOC Information
Minecraft IGN or UN:
What does roleplaying mean to you? Do you have any experience with RP servers in the past, positive or negative?
What was your reason for applying to this server?
In the past have you ever been banned or removed from a server permanently, and what for? Please be honest.
Do you find the server rules to be fair, and agree to follow them completely once accepted?
Define both powergaming and metagaming in your own words, do you agree that they should be prohibited?
IC Information
Character name, last names are not required:
Explain your character’s backstory, early years, etc.: (Please have at least 3 paragraphs of information here, make it as specific as possible.)
Any close friends or family your character knew or presently knows? (Can be actual players on the server.)
How old is your character, does their age reflect their behavior?
Thoroughly describe your character’s appearance, do they have any distinctive marks or features?
How does your character act, if poorly is their a reason for this?
Does your character excel in a certain area, special skills, etc.: (Nothing OP, please.)
Does your character have a fear or hatred of something, why?
Please write a long and specific piece of your character in great danger or pain, this is the backbone of your applications, make it good.:
Please insert an image of the skin your character will be using, direct links or inserted images please.: (This IS required.)
Almost forgot this part. What race is your character? (Can be a human, or you can be creative and come up with your own race. Make sure that you give them a weakness and a strength. Also describe what they look like in great detail, feel free to write a separate post explaining your race fully.)
To players.
We're having quite the mix-up right now.
Please disregard any posts until a clear thread is announced where you can apply.
A message will be made
I must... survive this.
The Peacekeeper lay collapsed, half of his body torn away. His one remaining arm was useless, his legs naught but warped metal and circuitry. Fuel oozed from a breached cell, glowing a faint cyan in the darkness of the cave. Cracked and charred, his visor was all but useless. Somewhere in the dark, a power drill whined, slowly decreasing in pitch as the battery died. Losing fuel. How long will my brain stay active?
After leaving the comfort of his walled estate after several near-fatal incidents, he had traveled to find the perfect spot to live in safety - to rebuild Deep Sierra. Mining out a space for the bunker had proved fortuitously easy, and rewarding in various minerals - until his power drill bit through and into a subterranean bubble of flammable gas. Ignited by the spark of drill against rock, a fireball blasted through the now-thin dividing wall, lifting the sentient robot up and slamming him against the far end of the cave, disabling him. I can't have much time left. I need to think of something. I refuse to die!
His remaining arm shifted, slightly, making a jarring sound when two broken parts met. Concentrating, he slowly manipulated his fingers, searching the floor around himself. Searching for what seemed like hours, the metallic appendage finally chanced across the comforting nylon weave of his knapsack. With a pace that would drive most humans insane, the human robot slowly opened the backpack, slipping a finger inside. Immediately, there was a tiny 'tink!' as the durasteel fingertip found what it was looking for. If I could grin, I would.
Diverting some of his remaining power (and trusting the tiny backup battery to keep his brain running), he activated the speakers on the front side of his face plate, expelling some dust with the sound.
"Activation code 417A!"
Immediately, the knapsack seemed to hum to life, levitating a few inches off of the cave floor and kicking up dust - but only for a moment. At about the size of a baseball and just as circular, with tiny scanning eyes and manipulation arms, half a dozen probes burst forth, leaving the knapsack in the dust. With his vision dimming, the peacekeeper mentally relaxed. Levitating over his twisted body, the probes scanned him, and immediately set off to work, harvesting minerals from the cave walls. Calculations put repair time at nearly a decade. Doesn't matter.
Zooming about the subterranean room, the probes slowly process iron into a sturdier compound, bringing the pieces to the damaged robot and welding them in place, one tiny piece at a time. My name is Cyrus, and I will not die today.
Vision dimming completely, the robotic shell redirects all of its remaining power to keep the brain alive, preparing for a long sleep as the autonomous probes do their work.
(I'm not dead. Count me in on this server once you get it up and running. IGN is Lenxecan.)
Hello. It's been long enough for me to make an appeal, right? I've gotten really better at RP. Not that I'm going to Apply anytime soon, but still. Wanna know.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Miley Cyrus entered my room. She approached slowly, with a grin on her face...
At the moment we're fairly close to launch. Our progress has been steady and at this point I'd say at the earliest the server will be launched in a week.
Oh and the server is called
Quinnhatrik's©Year 2075: Decade of the Lost.2014: The US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan causes an almost immediate collapse of the Karzai Presidency. Islamic militants from Afghanistan cross the border to Pakistan, and a religious VS. state war begins for control over a nuclear country.
2015: President of the United States resigns after failing to reach a deal to keep critical social programs funded. The 6th American Party system fails and political confusion ensues.
2016: Africa broils into a civil war after a lot of finger pointing over nationalist terrorists capturing a head of state. UN Peacekeepers are brutally murdered and the UN removes support.
2017: The first major war begins in Europe in decades as Spain refuses to allow Barcelona to secede during 30% unemployment. Barcelonians take to the streets in protest and Spain uses authoritarian measures to suppress the populace. Intel develops the first computer with more processing power than the human brain.
2018: Pakistan falls under control of an Islamic Junta and proclaims Israel as “the enemy of all states.”
2019: After a heated argument in the UN General Assembly on the global depression, the United States and other western countries remove their spending on the UN on the basis that all money was going to developing nations. The UN dissolves without the backing of semi-prosperous countries.
2020: The global depression officially becomes the longest on record. As if an explanation point on this, a nuclear bomb is detonated in Tel Aviv by Pakistani militants.
2021: India and Pakistan engage in a nuclear war over Kashmir. Following several nuclear explosions in the region, the world is plunged into a nuclear winter. At the same time, fossil fuel becomes consolidated in the United States and the Middle East.
2022: With nations facing massive debt and budget cuts, many opt to sell out public functions such as public transportation and public infrastructure to private companies. For the first time in history, collective corporations hold more monetary assets than world countries.
2023: A new war is started in the middle east, as envious oil deprived countries attack Saudi Arabia and Iraq, both oil regimes. At the same time, the population of Palestinians in Israel outnumbers Jewish citizens and a religious war starts in the streets. Riots start in Europe over extreme unemployment.
2024: At a high tech lab in the Ural Mountains, scientists have developed functional peacekeeper robots. Armed with a variety of weapons from crowd control to mass riots, these models are rented to various countries but mostly to corporations to keep disgruntled workers in line.
2025: Most of Africa is now either in chaos or crushing depressions. During this time, a coalition of corporations essentially “buy” an African country by purchasing its debt.
2026: Mass Riots erupt across Europe and North Africa as food shortages and grid failures result from the lack of electric power. In desperation, people sell their body parts to the “body bank” (held by a trust of biomedical corporations) to pay for daily living expenses. These corporations would give the people cheap mechanical replacements, which would break down frequently.
2027: Buyouts of countries continue and production of peacekeeper robots are expanded to perform common activities, such as bus drivers and power plant workers, however are still capable of “peacekeeping mode”. The major corporations of the world combine into giant international mega-corporation, called IntraCorp. With resources and operations consolidated, corporate takeovers of countries continue at an alarming rate.
2029: To counteract rising energy supply and rising pollution on Earth, IntraCorp funds and builds micro fission power plants on the moon. A great power conduit built in the structure of a space elevator links the plant to Intra Corp's headquarters in Antarctica. From there, power is routed to the world for ever increasing prices.
2030: Due to the heavy cost of manual labor, the TITAN system is installed an all management operations at the micro fusion plant. Production is increased 120%. To guarantee the safety of the facility, a fail safe is installed at Intra Corp’s HQ.
2031: During this time of Intra Corp’s expansion and its ever increasing monopoly on Earth, a religious rebirth is happening. Ancient religions turn into vocal and political opposition against technology but more specifically technology being used by IntraCorp. Due to religion not being centralized or regulated by governments, religious societies can easily assemble willing members to carry out terrorism against IntraCorp. Peacekeeper robots are increasingly being vandalized by angry protesters.
2032: An strategic peacekeeper robot is developed by Orbital Industries, a subdivision of IntraCorp. These advanced bots are designed to lead robotic corps into battles with large riots which are now occurring across the world.
2033: In an attempt to destroy IntraCorp by an economical mean, remaining nations and societies begin to start a non-consumption movement to drive IntraCorp out of business. However, the general dependence of the populace on Intra Corp’s products cause this movement to be very uneven. Protesters start attempting to hack satellites and large proportions of commercial robots to give power back to the people.
2034: A giant “tank” is built in Antarctica. The aging corporate hierarchy of IntraCorp elects to enact an retirement age for senior corporate officers. However, instead of officers retiring to an increasing volatile world, they accept Intra Corp’s unique proposition. Their minds are copied into bio-electricity signals. They then feed these circuits into the giant tank, which consists of a swirling mass of electricity. In reality, hundreds of the brightest minds in the world swim and converse within this “globe”. They then print out mass orders to the living at Intra Corp’s HQ.
2035: Rebels and protesters start using a technology that was all but extinct; radio. Because of the technology relative inactivity beforehand, it is one of the few things that is not regulated. Radio is used across the globe as it helps to coordinate and support opposition to IntraCorp.
2036: Due to unrest and warfare becoming rampant, IntraCorp starts pressing many more models of robots into service. Many domesticated animals are remade into eerie robot duplicates, such as sheep and chicken. Also, in an attempt to scare the general populace, deadly robotic spiders and walking bombs are pressed into service.
2037: After a large battalion of peacekeepers are compromised by malignant code, IntraCorp decides that the models should not be so robotic. They secretly train tactical geniuses and then surgically remove the brains of these “candidates”. Then they are put into a cryo-suspension tank within an AI peacekeeper. If the robotic brain was ever destroyed or damaged, the suspension tank would activate and the human brain would activate. However, the people these brains were taken from were often very cruel and sadistic. The brain would be activated for as short as possible.
2038: Protests and riots turn into mass scale warfare. It seems that every faction is fighting against corporate domination. Terrorism runs rampant and civilian casualties are at an unsustainable rate. The first nukes seen in decades are used against the militant, which furthers the spiraling health of the planet.
2039: Arronance, one of the biggest rebel groups at the time, attacks an Orbital Industries R&D facility. They find an experimental space fighter there, and successfully hack the interface and download a suicidal protocol. The fighter lifts off and in space smashes into the electric space elevator, severing the link. Before the fail-safe is activated, millions of terawatts are released into Space and Earth’s upper atmosphere. However, with a huge source of electricity removed power is soon lost across the globe. IntraCorp is unable to shut off all plants on the Moon in time, and TITAN’s system was secretly sabotaged by rebels. Most robots are powered by a miniature micro-fusion cell, so they continue to operate. Head peacekeeper robots shut off... but quickly reactivate with the human brain.
2040s: It doesn't take very long for the micro-fusion plant to explode. The resulting explosion splits the moon into a debris field. Large asteroids rain down on Earth for months, and almost all man-made objects in orbit are destroyed. Due to the great amount of electricity that was released into the upper atmosphere, Earth’s magnetic field starts to falter. Other than magnets no longer working, radio and other forms of communication are impossible to use. Extreme amounts of radiation come in from space, and coupled with the radiation from the micro-fusion plant, Earth becomes a dead, wretched hell. All organizations collapse, and no one can even reach Antarctica, as huge ice sheets have formed, freezing large oceans around the south and north poles.
2050s: Massive radiation amounts begin to take its toll. Humans massively die of of radiation poisoning, and mutations are often worse than death. Land begins to be prowled by terrible things at night, restricting survivors to only day. Land begins to be prowled by terrible things at night, restricting survivors to only day. With no more tides from the Moon, the oceans become stagnant and mass die offs of marine species.
2060s: As things look very bleak for the human population, a blessing arrives; radio. Interference has cleared and every year radio signals get stronger and stronger. Like back in Intra Corp’s days, radio is used by survivors to coordinate and support each other, but this time it’s against death. For the first time in decades, communities of people start springing up around the world, comprised of not only humans but also other people who call the wastes home.
So you've just been presented a standard description of the the years starting with the downward spiralization of society into an anarchistic wasteland, and among the few scholars that survive to this day, the version you've been presented is the most accurate rendition. What made it fairly straightforward was the fact that up until the year 2065, it is known that humanity was solely fighting to survive. Conflictions of race, gender, sexual preference, and religion were not fought because of the simple fact that any internal conflicts within mankind would have utterly wrecked it beyond belief. Thus, issues we humans have always obsessed over were tabled for a time, in the uncertain apocalyptic age. The world after the year 2065, however, presented complications. After that year, humanity fought itself; wars were fought for power, trade, food, wealth, population. It is often said that the victors write history, and concerning that, the next ten years in history are disputed from opposing sides. I myself cannot fully guarantee the validity of the document about to be presented. I have listened extensively, discretely, to as many factions, and have attempted to make a neutral “timeline”, of sorts.
My father often told me that his father was a criminal prosecutor, which was quite odd to me as a child growing up in a hell upon Earth, to be honest. However, I can see now that my ancestor and I both share an affinity for the truth.
2065: Starting with a lowly ranch owned by a single woman, a settlement arose in the area known as the “Cradle”. Something about the land attracted people there, as very soon this initial small settlement grew to a couple thousands. It soon became apparent that this region showed a natural affinity to progress.The area became to be the springboard for settlers to other regions. What made Jericho not only populous and thus prosperous was a recently discovered alternate dimension. In all truth, no one really knows how it works. A whole set of IntraCorp teleporters were discovered, and upon entering them the first group of scavengers noted that the land was pocketed with strange rock and lakes of lava. Not only that, but unexplainable phenomenon such as semi-sentient machines bearing IntraCorp’s markings, and seemingly conscious fire. The most popular theory is that this realm was an alternate reality created to be a paradise for heads of IntraCorp. However, they apparently failed in their tampering with reality, creating a hellish landscape. This theory would explain the materials found here, which disregard most natural laws. The “rift” would become the ultimate challenge for the enterprising scavenger.
2066: Surprisingly, the first attempt to destroy Jericho failed. A secret cult of mutants, who were human in appearance but contained superhuman strength and intelligence, nearly toppled Jericho. However, the last minute discovery of their weakness to the sun allowed the inhabitant to rally a counterattack. The infiltrators were cornered and killed.** This event, however, convinced some residents that Jericho was not well defended -- a large group of residents ventured out and founded two rival settlements, Blackwater and Roanoke.
**This is a hotly debated topic between chroniclers. There are various accounts of the event, one being these mutants came to the town asking to be killed, two that they prematurely set off a bomb outside the gates, killing them, and three, the more heroic version presented here. It's up to you which one to believe in.
2067: Even with this defection, Jericho still held innumerable power by the possession of the only transporters to the rift. This realization started a technological race of sorts among the other major communities; to gain notoriety and thus population, Blackwater, Jericho, and Roanoke committed expansive funding to their R&D portions of their respective factions. At this time, little did they know, but the respective races for technology would ultimately shape the path of these cities.
2068: The first challenge to Jericho’s overreaching grasp came soon enough, when a series of abandoned subway lines were discovered by the denizens of Blackwater. At first, the general consensus was to demolish the decrepit lines; they were unstable and at any point could collapse, creating a fairly dangerous sinkhole on the surface. However, the town researchers convinced the mayor to forestall demolition, as they wanted to see if the lines had any potential usefulness. Understandably, it was a mostly idealistic venture. It was not widely believed that the lines could be restored to their former glory. The reconstructors realized that with their limited resources, they would not be able to restore, let alone maintain a large scale transport line. Thus, they decided to convert the old rail line to a smaller gauge, specifically for a single person transport. When the engineers initially opened a small line, from Blackwater to a small forward base, the mayor himself took the maiden ride. He made incredible time, and on that gave the newly formed Transit Restoration a blank check to start working on other lines. Thus, as a result the growing sprawl of Blackwater grew through the restored metro lines. Blackwater turned out to be in a very fortunate position, as the original settlers chose to found the city on the ruins of a former metropolis. Thus, the underground rails naturally sprawled out from the city. With this discovery, Blackwater gained it’s “trump card”, so to speak.
2069: While Blackwater claimed what the past left, Roanoke was struggling. The land around Roanoke turned to be unfit for most hydroponics, the climate too acidic for most mechanical livestock, and the ground too radioactive for most biological items. Because of these mentioned factors, the citizens of the settlement realized that only from support from the other towns (at least in the beginning), would they survive to make a long-lasting community. A struck of good luck, however, allowed Roanoke to not present itself begging to Blackwater and Jericho. In a eventually futile attempt for to discover possible metro lines, Roanoke engineers stumbled upon a cache buried deep within the crust. Lo and behold, it was stored with a ridiculous quantity of high grade fission cells. And not only that, but the cells were completely new; a lengthy and costly restoration process was thankfully skipped. The power longevity of the cells was calculated at centuries with proper use. This discovery allowed rapid construction of new weaponry, and with high demand in the Cradle and abroad, Roanoke quickly became established as an arms dealer and became associated with a highly trained army with munition in plentiful supply.
2070: The tentative trading alliance that had been established, with Jericho reaping the benefits of the rift, Roanoke producing armament at an astonishing rate, and with Blackwater being the conduit between the cities with it’s impressive metro, brought about a truly dependent community.. As Blackwater held the role of middleman, it quickly became diversified in a number of fields. These including livestock (mechanical and biological), large scale nutrient farms, alcohol beverages(a necessity in depressing situations), you name it, they got it. Thus, Blackwater became the most independent, and thus well prepared, for the downturn that would come. In terms of events, this year was quiet. Roanoke sent out a highly prepared militarized expedition out into the surrounding wastes to catalogue the area, only to lose contact a few months into the one year journey. Jericho had begun to hire specifically “individuals with combative capabilities” to be employed within the rift, which raised eyebrows in Blackwater and Roanoke. But no evidence of foul play was found, and thus it was brushed off as it is widely known that the rift is a dangerous place.
2071: This relatively peaceful period, of course, could not last. However, it was Earth’s nature that deemed it fit to interrupt, not the nature of man itself. There were signs of a storm coming; to the north more and more interference were coming over the radio airways. But no one was prepared for the size and scope of the coming winter. The Long Freeze, as some would style it, or the Long Winter, or just plainly the Winter of 2071, lasted for almost 4 years. Climatologists, the very few who would have the crazed passion to pursue it as a career, characterized it as a nuclear winter caused by, not surprisingly, a nuclear explosion. It was nowhere near the Cradle, yet this unidentified detonation easily changed the climatic patterns of the planet with the fragile state of the atmosphere. For the tribunal society in the Cradle, this changed the stakes dramatically. With supply for basic necessities raising exponentially, Blackwater was forced to stop trading with Roanoke and Jericho, which not only drove these two cities to extremely measures, but damaged Blackwater’s burgeoning metro trade system.
2072: Now, for quite some time, unknownst to the other settlements, Jericho had always had a contingency plan in place, if the time arose where it’s existence was being threatened directly or even indirectly by other cities. Jericho had put into place a “back door” of a fashion into Blackwater and Roanoke through some dormant teleporters to the rift; a covert force would hop into the rift through Jericho, traverse it, and then link up with another teleporter to jump into one of the cities. For first time subterfuge, however, the plan Jericho constructed was far too complex. Originally, the operation was to have agents jump into Roanoke, steal from a local armory, and then use these weapons to do a hit and run on Blackwater by again using the rift as a throughpoint. Up to this point, not only was the condition of the dormant teleporters in doubt, but also a group of this size, around fifty combatants, have never used these devices all at once.** This was the spark to set off the powder keg.
**As a reader, I plead you to recognize the coming conflict as a battle of survival; Jericho and Roanoke were literally starving to death. The guard of Roanoke had been preparing to provide an ultimatum to Blackwater for their precious food supplies. And Blackwater itself was planning to give tainted food away to appease the other cities. No one settlement was to blame. Survival is survival; it can collaborative, or it can be ugly.
2073: Early in the year, operatives from Jericho launched the mission, and was able to score a few caches of weaponry before the town properly reorganized and counterattacked. The task force beat a hasty retreat into the teleporter, but to the displeasure of the invaders, Roanoke followed fast enough to not let the attackers close the gate. However, the assailants, knowing well the geography of the route to the Jericho teleporter, quickly lost the pursuing party. While the town guard did lose the location of the assaulting force, the town was able to find another gate, the one linking to Blackwater. Sensing a golden opportunity, the Roanoke guard launched a preemptive attack on Blackwater; the regional guard of the city was caught completely unaware. More than half of the winter’s survival stockpile was stolen from the warehouses. By the time the Roanoke guard left through the portal, the mayor was dead and most of Blackwater was ablaze. The town, cursing the teleporter, immediately destroyed it. The stolen food, however, could not alleviate the Roanoke population immediatelty. The shifting tectonics of the rift had moved the Roanoke teleporter to places unknown. With the Blackwater gate closed as well, the only hope the Roanoke guard had was to find the Jericho portal.
2074: Blackwater, after a disastrous attack, was crippled. People had to accept very meagre rations (Keep in mind, any food at all was still a much better proposition than the other settlements), and a special emergency order appointed a mayor. Fearing for another sneak attack on its food supply, the newly sworn in mayor of Blackwater enforced a lockdown: no one leaves, no one enters. Blackwater’s opting to sit out on the sides had farther reaching consequences; the cache of food, in the rift, was now the only chance to make it or break it for Roanoke or Jericho. If the cache was not received soon, both towns would starve. Jericho, with its extensive operations in the rift, purposely led the Roanoke guard through the rift to the Jericho gate to ambush them and steal their food. However, the operation failed miserably. The estranged Roanoke guard suspected a trap. When they found themselves purposely surrounded, they charged the gate with all their might, broke through the line and beat a hasty advance through the teleporter into central Jericho.
Now, I want to clarify here. The following is the my description of a “fuzzy event”. I have interviewed several witnesses to the event and each reported strange circumstances. I can only infer a few things, which I rewrote to the best of my abilities. Now let the narrative resume.
The Roanoke guard did not take the necessary precautions first prescribed by the original researchers of the rift, cursory as they were. By nature, the rift was unstable, which was vastly clear to the average person. What was not commonly known, however, is that transporting from one realm to another is extremely damaging to the dimensional integrity. Usually, when one person enters one at a time, the dimensions retain their respective differentials from each other. Transporting a large group of people in a short amount of time is dangerous; moving through interdimensional passages destabilizes the entry/output point as it basically forces the respective dimensions to materialize the object, be it a person or equipment. This weakens the natural laws of said dimensions, which could potentially have catastrophic consequences. Jericho knew it was taking a risk with the earlier planned raid, but was willing to make a sacrifice for the survival of the town.
The Roanoke guard, in their equal determination, equal frenzy, rushed through the portal all at once. The huge influx of soldiers overwhelmed the constitution of the dimensions. Simply put, a rip in reality occurred. Rather than there being a predictable flash of light, the region around Jericho was simply completely dark, apparently that the light was being sucked into the tear. When the vorpal event ended, Jericho was simply gone. Nothing remained, not a single brick, of the once great city. It seems that the entire settlement was sucked into a interdimensional no man’s land. Later on, when venturers had finally made it’s way back to the rift, not a single trace of the Jericho gate within that dimension could be found. However, it is possible that the plates of the rift shifted, concealing the location. The fabled cache the Roanoke guard was protecting with it’s life was lost in the destruction.
Without it, Roanoke starved itself to destruction. The residents made one last plea to Blackwater, but were not even received by the town. Disheartened, many residents left the city, but almost all of them died out on their own. The residents who stayed, malnourished and reduced to skeletons, were wiped out quite easily by an epidemic virus.
2075: And so, Blackwater is the only true settlement left in the Cradle. When the drama between the three cities had finished, the nuclear winter had ended. This once proud region had turned on itself, and as a result two great communities had been wiped out. Jericho was literally gone… not a trace remained in the world you and I call Earth. However, no one really knew the extent of the city’s operations in the rift; and survivors still carry a bitter hate within them around the land. The same goes for Roanoke. The site of the town has become a graveyard, with a very real fear of scavengers that the town was deserted. But the survivors who lived on still roam the area out for blood. And there is always a rumor that the lost Roanoke expedition could come back, and wipe Blackwater off the map…
Nonetheless, the “wild” beckons. People have a love of putting themselves in danger for a variety of reasons. In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, glory and loot abounds. The rift technology that Jericho had had a stranglehold upon has been become public knowledge; and now the average scavenger can undertake a dangerous, yet highly rewarding romp through the rift. A whole field of “teleporter constructionists” have arisen, building these gates for the average person. While the Cradle is a shell of its former self, many people still regard this as a great time of opportunity, and the land as the hope for the future. As Blackwater attempts to regain the trading prowess it had before, the metro has opened, hoping to lead the way to a stronger city. People carry burdens from the past ten years… but still look forward to the future, hoping that’ll it be a better place than the present. It’s by no means a safe place… but the chances of surviving to 30 are still marginally better than the rest of the world.
*Player Application
Almost forgot this part.
What race is your character? (Can be a human, or you can be creative and come up with your own race. Make sure that you give them a weakness and a strength. Also describe what they look like in great detail, feel free to write a separate post explaining your race fully.)
We are allowing players to use living character from 2065 as long as they explain what happened to them in the past 10 years.
We're having quite the mix-up right now.
Please disregard any posts until a clear thread is announced where you can apply.
A message will be made
The wait is over.
I must... survive this.
The Peacekeeper lay collapsed, half of his body torn away. His one remaining arm was useless, his legs naught but warped metal and circuitry. Fuel oozed from a breached cell, glowing a faint cyan in the darkness of the cave. Cracked and charred, his visor was all but useless. Somewhere in the dark, a power drill whined, slowly decreasing in pitch as the battery died.
Losing fuel. How long will my brain stay active?
After leaving the comfort of his walled estate after several near-fatal incidents, he had traveled to find the perfect spot to live in safety - to rebuild Deep Sierra. Mining out a space for the bunker had proved fortuitously easy, and rewarding in various minerals - until his power drill bit through and into a subterranean bubble of flammable gas. Ignited by the spark of drill against rock, a fireball blasted through the now-thin dividing wall, lifting the sentient robot up and slamming him against the far end of the cave, disabling him.
I can't have much time left. I need to think of something. I refuse to die!
His remaining arm shifted, slightly, making a jarring sound when two broken parts met. Concentrating, he slowly manipulated his fingers, searching the floor around himself. Searching for what seemed like hours, the metallic appendage finally chanced across the comforting nylon weave of his knapsack. With a pace that would drive most humans insane, the human robot slowly opened the backpack, slipping a finger inside. Immediately, there was a tiny 'tink!' as the durasteel fingertip found what it was looking for.
If I could grin, I would.
Diverting some of his remaining power (and trusting the tiny backup battery to keep his brain running), he activated the speakers on the front side of his face plate, expelling some dust with the sound.
"Activation code 417A!"
Immediately, the knapsack seemed to hum to life, levitating a few inches off of the cave floor and kicking up dust - but only for a moment. At about the size of a baseball and just as circular, with tiny scanning eyes and manipulation arms, half a dozen probes burst forth, leaving the knapsack in the dust. With his vision dimming, the peacekeeper mentally relaxed. Levitating over his twisted body, the probes scanned him, and immediately set off to work, harvesting minerals from the cave walls.
Calculations put repair time at nearly a decade. Doesn't matter.
Zooming about the subterranean room, the probes slowly process iron into a sturdier compound, bringing the pieces to the damaged robot and welding them in place, one tiny piece at a time.
My name is Cyrus, and I will not die today.
Vision dimming completely, the robotic shell redirects all of its remaining power to keep the brain alive, preparing for a long sleep as the autonomous probes do their work.
(I'm not dead. Count me in on this server once you get it up and running. IGN is Lenxecan.)
GENERATION 21: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.