When I first set out to create a roleplaying server, I wanted to create the perfect place for roleplaying, where your imagination is your limitation, and anything would be possible. Realistically, perfection isn't possible. But while it wasn't perfect, its imperfections made it better. And it became more than just a roleplaying server. It became a family. Several people told me that my server, my insignificant server that meant nothing in the real world, had occupied and changed their lives. That is the reason it's coming back another time.
(And because dammit, we want to roleplay!)
The World Lore
(You want to read this.)
Not much is known about the past of Delenor--For the most part, it's a complete mystery. These lands are rather strange. There’s a curse that lets an assortment of evil monsters roam the land, and yet nobody seems to know where the curse came from, no matter how far back you trace civilization’s history. At some point, if you trace back the history that has been recorded, it abruptly stops. There is no bible, nothing that speaks of any sort of god, and yet there does not appear to be any evidence to suggest that you evolved from something before you. There are no animals that are remotely similar to any of the races within Delenor. The only evidence to suggest there was someone—SomeTHING—Before the civilization that exists today..Are ruins.
There are mysterious ruins scattered throughout the world of Delenor. Very few of them have been found, most people suspect that not many exist at all. They seem to be remnants of some sort of civilization that existed before, but the architecture is strangely advanced compared to our own. A single building was once found that was so tall, it would have reached the clouds, had it still been standing, and not found on its side sinking into the ground.
The most interesting part, however, is that there are books. Some of the books have a strange, ancient language that nobody has been capable of translating, or even close to understanding. But others are in the same language we speak today: English. Most of these are faded, worn and hard to read, but the people seem to have referred to themselves as ‘Generos’. The parts that have been read speak of them being able to harvest powerful magical energies and bend the world to their will, but never being able to create anything new. There are also bits and pieces of information about demons, and two gods: “Creation” and “Apocalypse”. But their entire civilization seems to have ended abruptly, and no books that have been found have said anything about why. At a certain point, their history stops. Perhaps, about the same time that ours began.
Today, magic exists, but not nearly on a scale that these Generos described. Our magic is weak, and those who use it have to train very hard to master it. Bandits roam the land and prey on the weak, raiding any towns that they find vulnerable. The location of their base has remained unknown for a very long time. But aside from that, there is no trace of these demons that the Generos spoke of. It seems to be, truthfully, an average medieval universe, aside from the strange ruins, and shrouded history of how you came to be.
Is it truly average? Why don’t you find out yourself?
The Factions and Their Lore
In Delenor, there is only one race: The Riercans. They are an empire that based themselves on the way of trade, expansion and mercantilism. They are lead by a council of three people that must all try to agree on decisions for their kingdom, and if they make bad decisions, they may regret it.
In fact, that has already happened.
About three hundred years ago, people were getting tired of the council making all the decisions for them (And they weren’t exactly happy with the decisions being made, either). A group of them decided to start a rebellion against the government. They called themselves The Iron Sigil. They waged war against the government for a few months, but that’s all it took for them to lose the fight. The Riercan army was much larger and more experienced than them, and slaughtered most of the insurgents. The survivors, however, were banished to live on their own out in the wild.
The Iron Sigil did more than that, though. They still exist today, three hundred years later. They built their own city, which today they call New Hope.
They are lead by a single man; a warlord, or a chieftain if you will. It is, however, a powerful democracy, and he will take suggestions and advice from his people. They base themselves on helping each other, and their city is fairly run-down and simple. They don’t need decoration; they build and use what they need to survive. They’re the most well-known military in the land, and have the easily best protected city, being positioned on a mountain with a large wall around the top. They are no longer at war with the government (Who call themselves “The Council”, but are commonly referred to by The Iron Sigil as ‘The Royals’), but that may change if there is a reason for war, although they aren’t a very violent faction.
During the war, however, there was also another group of people that weren’t exactly happy with the way things were going. They didn’t want to get involved with fighting, though, so they merely left on their own terms. They wanted to discover more about the Generos and perhaps focus on studying magic. They’re more of a science-type faction that goes by the name of “The Grand Scholars”. They, too, built their own capital city named “Southbay”, as it is positioned above a large, southern body of water. It is also the only city (That we know of) that has Genero Ruins in or near it.
They are lead by two people: A military advisor, and a scientific advisor. They’re the ones that make the majority of the decisions by themselves, but people can bring matters to their attention and discuss things. The final decision is always in their power, and they can veto anything. They aren’t mean, though, just more concerned with safety and getting things done.
All three of these factions still exist today. The Council still has the largest castle and city, but the others are definitely alive and thriving. Which faction will you be?
What Makes This Server Unique?
I’m not going to claim this is the best roleplaying server in existence, I will be rational enough to let you decide that for yourself, and try to make your stay in our server as enjoyable as possible. What I will tell you, is what makes us..Well, us.
The goal of this server is to create a roleplaying universe that can be affected by every individual player and their character(s). There is a story, but you will be the ones to decide what you do within it. There will be many roleplaying events that progress the story, but you choose how to go about them. We could give you the position of the bandit hideout, and absolutely nothing else. You could try to reason with them, or plan an attack strategically by uniting the world’s races against them and storming their hideout. What you do is up to you, and the consequences will be because of you. If you failed said attack, you’d only have that one chance. They would leave before you could come back, and they might even blow up half of your capital’s castle.
On top of this, you can be whatever kind of character you want, and you can stick to that character. If you’re on the guard force, I’m going to make sure guards interact with each other and actually patrol the city they’re supposed to be protecting. You could be a simple farmer that sells his crops to another player, who’s a merchant or tavern owner, and so on. The admins aren’t going to mess with your character, unless you try to make them something ridiculous or overpowered (as stated in the lore, magic is possible in roleplay, but not godly in power.)
The players will also be the ones that run the cities. You’ll elect your own leaders, and then the leaders decide whether to make peace with another race, faction, etc, or to go to war. They can direct the guard force, recruit citizens to expand the city, or the citizens could ask the leader themselves if they can expand the city. We’re setting up the basic cities (Which we’d prefer you don’t touch,) but if you want to expand, you can inform your leader, and then the leader can ask the admin to make sure it’s alright. This world is YOUR World. We only oversee it all.
We’ll try to make your experience as enjoyable as possible for you, and we hope everyone has fun roleplaying together.
The Rules
1. Griefing is fine against other players creations (Factions are on the server!). But try to do it for roleplay reasons (Being a bandit is fine, but I don't want to see everyone turning into a bandit just to grief, either. And not every bandit has to break down a wall to get the job done, realistically.)
2. Be serious. We don't mind having a bit of immaturity and jokes between us all, but in actual roleplay, be serious. Act according to the situation, and don't make a character who runs around like an idiot.
3. Know how to roleplay. Seriously. If you don't know how and WANT To know how, ask me IN YOUR APPLICATION. If you do not tell me beforehand and come onto the server and roleplay badly, you WILL Be banned.
4. Have good grammar in roleplay. I don't need periods at the end of every sentence, but I do want capital letters, capital I's, and preferably comas. All of us admins agree that bad grammar/spelling/punctuation is an eyesore for roleplay.
5. Don't godmode. This is the first of the real roleplay-related rules.
My Definition: Godmodeing is when you make your character better than everyone else. "I'm a god." Is the easiest example. Another would be *Dodges the first guards attack, flips over the second, stabbing him in the back, slides under anothers legs and escapes unharmed.*
That would be really, really stupid. You're an average person in this world, even if you have magic. Magic is weaker than in anime, and a mage can do some fireballs and stuff, but keep in mind that means he probably isn't that good with other weapons. Your character isn't perfect in everything, and he can't dodge everything. If you can't win a fight, don't start it in the first place. If you die, it's your fault.
6. Don't Powergame.
My Definition: Forcing an action onto another player.
Example: *Kicks him in the chest, sending him flying off a cliff.*
NO. Never.
Proper version: *Kicks AT His chest, with the intent to hit him off the cliff.*
This gives him the obvious opportunity to react in-character and dodge the kick. You can't force someone's death unless they're on the ground, unconscious, and they can't do anything about your actions.
7. Don't Metagame.
My Definition: Using information you've acquired out of character in character.
Example: Bob (OOC): Lol guys I just killed Greg in *Insert city name*
George (IC): *Is across the world in another city* Damn, guys, I heard that Greg died.
Don't use information that you heard out of character that your character can't POSSIBLY Know. You can't be psychic, that would be really overpowered.
8. Don't make a Mary Sue/John Doe Character.
My Definition: A character that is perfect.
Example: John was handsome, kind, caring, very strong, athletic, won all of his fights, is very popular, etc.
Do not ever make a character that is perfect in a roleplay. When you're developing your character, put thoughts into both his/her strengths AND Their flaws. Imperfections make your character amazing in roleplay, trust me. They make them INTERESTING. Someone who's good at everything is boring, and once again, overpowered. I'd much rather meet a character that has flaws in a roleplay.
9. Don't harass players in OOC (Out of Character). In character, harassment makes sense if your character dislikes the other one. Out of character, there's really no reason. If you have a problem with someone, please, PLEASE Don't start a flame war, just message me (Rakaesa) or any other admins that are online and we'll help you. If it's a minor argument rather than harassment, take it to private messages, or another sort of chatting program. We don't want to see arguing in global OOC chat, it ruins the experience.
10. No trolling. At all. You will be banned the instant we catch you trying to troll OOC. If you're a well known member and we know you're just joking (Like saying 'umad?' as a joke to one of your friends,) then we don't care that much. But any serious attempt at trolling our server, and you'll be gone.
11. Last, but not least, listen to the admins, and ask for them if you need help! We're very open to help you, but we need you to listen to us, too. If we tell you something, listen to us. If we say an argument is over, it's over. Private message us later if you have a problem, but don't argue with admins. It won't end well.
Roleplaying: What and How.
If you made it this far without knowing what roleplaying is, you're probably majorly confused. Not a problem, I've been roleplaying for over eight years and it's my job to help you out. If you know what roleplaying is and you're confident you know how to roleplay well enough to enter our server, you can skip over this section completely unless you're just bored. So continue on.
If you need answers to either question: "What?" Or "How?", then don't skip this part.
What roleplaying is: Roleplaying is quite frankly an art. It could be compared to acting, but in acting you have a script, and a story that you already know the end to. It's closer to improvisation.
Roleplaying is making up a unique character, and becoming that character. You need to figure out their personality, how they act, and also important: Their backstory. What makes your character who they are? How did they get to the present day? Etc.
It takes more practice than it sounds like, and you'll get better at it over time. Having proper spelling and punctuation in chat is a huge step in the right direction, people respect you a lot even if you can't roleplay very well if you have good grammar. A lot of people connect bad grammar with bad roleplay, and while that isn't necessarily always true, a lot of the time it is. The more you roleplay, the more you get used to using better grammar naturally.
Now onto the next question: How?
Well, that would be easier to show you in game. You put your character in as many situations as you can think of depending on his character (Is he a guard arresting a criminal? The criminal BEING Arrested? A blacksmith? Etc.) And think of how you would act in the situations you think of. It's a lot easier to do it with other people and not just making it up in your head, so I suggest putting it in your application, and as soon as you get on me and my fellow admins will get you into the roleplay and correct any mistakes you make. The admin team is composed of only people that I trust, and I know they're all absolutely amazing roleplayers. We can help.
A Guide to Making Your Character
Your character IS Your roleplay. Without a decent character, you won't fit in at all. You need to put thought into making your character (The more characters you make, the easier it will be.)
First, start with a name. Make it something unique. My main character from most roleplays is 'Rakaesa Demonheart'. If you google that name, you will find nothing but my accounts on games. Skype? Only one Rakaesa Demonheart, it's me. None of my other characters are that unique, and yours don't have to be either, but it should be something that you thought of yourself. If you really can't think of one (Some people have more trouble with names than others, don't worry, you'll get better,) just go to http://www.rinkworks.com/namegen/ or google any other similar fantasy name generators for your name. Try to change them up a bit, but you could get some ideas from sites like that.
The next most important thing is debatable: Personality or back story? Personally, I do both at the same time. I write the back story from whatever comes to my imagination, and while I'm writing or thinking of my characters unique story, I think about what I want their personality to be, or what their back story would make their personality. If I don't like what they sound like, I change it. Take your time and smooth out the details, make the character who you want them to be, and let them practically become a real person. You need to make them seem real.
The Application
As you may have guessed, this server will have a whitelist when it's open. The application will be as follows:
In Game Name:
Age (Optional):
Why You're Interested In The Server:
Do you know how to roleplay? (Say so if you don't!):
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? (And, optional, on what games?):
Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Personality:
Character Physical Description (Preferably your minecraft skin, describe if needed):
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.):
Why You're Interested In The Server:I love roleplay!
Do you know how to roleplay? (Say so if you don't!):Yes I do!
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? (And, optional, on what games?):Gmod, Skyrim, and terraria
Character Name:Jake garderin
Character Age:19
Character Personality:kind, funny but kinda neive to whos around him also very kind
Character Physical Description (Preferably your minecraft skin, describe if needed):LOL my minecraft skin is a zombie with red sunglasses ATM but i can change it
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.):Jake grew up with his grandparents due to his parents death in a minecart crash hes was always that kid who always stared out the window in class and never really knew what was happening he also was the school monster fighting captain but he never excelled in mining he loves to explore and he also apprinticed a blacksmith when he graduated.
BUT Jake didnt grow up in delanor he was found asleep in the woods out side a small village at age eighteen and he doesnt know how he got here all he know is that he feels something pulling him toward the ruins outside town
Why You're Interested In The Server: It looks like you really know what your doing and it also looks like a great server
Do you know how to roleplay? (Say so if you don't!):yes I do I might not be the best roleplayer though
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? (And, optional, on what games?):about 3 years I started with D&D played some minecraft roleplay and skyrim
Character Name: Nayo Ashin
Character Age:22
Character Personality: Kind to friends but mood can change in an instant shy but will try to make connections in a new town cunning and with a sence of duty he will do what must be done even if he doesn't like doing it
Character Physical Description (Preferably your minecraft skin, describe if needed):It is my minecraft skin still needs some work to make it perfect mostly the face. Face hidden in the shadow of a well worn cowl when seen its not too pale with sharp green eyes a thin mouth and ears that seem to be tapered towards the top but nobody can tell. His clothes are well worn and clean. They are clothes that were not made to help a person hide. Made of red and white wool they where ment to keep a hunter warm in the winter.
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.):
This may be a work in progress
I wasn't popular in my home town. I was a theif a trickster and most of all an outcast. From the beginning my parents thought I was trouble and put me out. I hadn't gotten a very good education by that time. I tried to learn a bit more. I soon made friends with some of the local theives. We started small pilfering just what we needed nothing more. Then we started trying to make a little cash on the side. Nobody noticed us we were still welcome in town. The little crimes we did didn't make anybody suspect that we where criminals. However as soon as we started going for profit things got worse. People noticed things where missing. Then the town watch stepped up at night making it harder to pull off night raids on peoples houses. We started learning patterns of people coming and going from their homes. We pulled off day raids. They where much smaller and faster. Then we got caught.
We learned how bad things could go. We went from innocent to the most wanted people in town. The town didn't have a jail with enough space to hold all of us the youngest got to stay in the towns jail the rest of us where exiled given just the bare bones to survive. We traveled together and found a cave deep in the forest we built a theives guild in the cave and continued to steal from people in the town or trade caravans that came to close to the guild. No Authorities came for us they just told tales of being robbed by people. People that vanished back into the forest as if they never existed. When bandits started to attack our home town we went back to fight them off. They never saw us coming. We had become lethal killing forces at close range. Throwing knives and daggers our favorite weapons. We dropped from the trees killing at close range. Then we pulled back to the forest. Attacking and vanishing like ghosts in the night. When they realized what had happend we were long gone. They could not retaliate. Then they found our guild. The bandits came in and destroyed everything. They killed everyone who couldn't get out of the way of the long curved blades they carried. I ran and ran. I never looked back. I tried to shut out the screams the horrible screams. I never went back I'll never know if any of my friends survived. I'm here now to try and start again even after what happend.
MooDuff, while you say you haven't roleplayed before, your backstory is great and I enjoyed reading it. Your grammar is also great, and I'm sure we could teach you to roleplay fairly easily. Accepted to the server, if you have any questions feel free to message me or post a message on here. (It would bump the forum if you posted on here )
pinecone199, your application wasn't perfect (A few spelling mistakes), and the backstory does indeed seem to need a bit of work. I like your character's personality, although I hope you play it well in-character. I'd ask that you see if you can improve the backstory, but I can see you're good enough to be in the server. Even if you aren't the best roleplayer, pay attention in-game and you'll learn from the experienced friends of mine (Admins) :).
jakeawesome1, I noticed quite a few spelling mistakes in your backstory, and while I would overlook some of them, some others were pretty hard to. The backstory doesn't seem very serious (Death to a minecart crash? Staring out a window in class? Classes wouldn't be common in this realm-) Anyway, over all I think your character and backstory both need some work. You've got time before the server opens, so think about your character carefully. Take your time! I can correct mistakes in the server, but your application needs to be good enough to be accepted. For now, denied.
I actually hadn't expected you to look back on apps so soon so ya I'm still working on it but I wanted to make sure you at least saw something if you did look. Also spellings not my best subject so I apologize for that.
We don`t have a date for the server to be up, when it`s closer to being done I`ll probably post a date, but as I said in the OP It probably won't be more than two weeks at the pace we're working at now. And I'll try to keep this forum updated on the progress.
In Game Name: Zamorak789
Age (Optional): 21
Why You're Interested In The Server: I usually host my own RP's.. As you can see from my topics, I've made many RP servers over my three years here on the forums.. But lately money has gotten tight and I can't afford to host another. Thus, I'm here applying for yours and hoping to maybe help you get it started.
Do you know how to roleplay? (Say so if you don't!): Yes.
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? (And, optional, on what games?): Over all, about ten years. I started around eleven when my girlfriend gave me the idea of acting out pretend people on notes and what not. Since then I've RPed on Terraria, Minecraft, The Dead Linger, DayZ, WoW, and EVE online.
Character Name: Zack Unisaki
Character Age: 26
Character Personality: Around those he does not know, dark.. Cold, and alone. But around those he knows well, bright happy and a team worker.
Character Physical Description (Preferably your minecraft skin, describe if needed): Black robs with red and gold trim, his blonde hair covers one eye.
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.)
The day had just begun. The sun shone down through the cracks of a run down shack belonging to Andaria Unisaki, who was now delivering her new son. The shack was obviously not a good environment for a child, but it didn't matter. In minutes Andarias new son, Zack, was born. His father was off on a trip searching for some kind of ruins at this time. Years passed and Zack grew, and was smart for his age. He learned to walk and talk earlier than the others (but only by about a month.)
At the age of seven, Zack started attending school.. It was recently that the town he lived in allowed poor people to attend a school house. His father spent all his time looking for fancy ruins and treasure, which of course didn't earn them much money. The teacher found he was exceptionally bright, but because of his wealth status no body wanted him to get ahead of the others. He was also experimenting with knives.. He widdled sometimes, course he didn't make anything great but it was a start.
At ten Zack had exceeded the brain power of his classmates, even the rich kids, who of course picked on him for being poor. Zack kept practicing with his knife, he had managed to carve out little sculptures and such with it. Around that time his father returned with enough money to last them through his next trip. His father took him outside and tried to teach him to use a sword, to defend his mother. Zack wasn't exactly up to par with a long bladed weapon. When his father gave up, he said he could do anything with a dagger. His dad of course thought it was funny, that anyone could choose a small dagger over a sword. Zack came outside, and threw the knife at the hay target his father had set up. The dagger landed in the arm of the target. His father laughed, and left the next day for another trip.
Zack was now thirteen.. Things had changed. He was now finally put into advanced class rooms instead of being stuck with the others. He was adept at science and math.. Of course in a time they lived in it wasn't very useful in the real world. He had spent three years practicing with that dagger.. He could now at least hit the chest every time. He had a girlfriend too, she isn't very important to our story though. One day a few rich kids from his old class cornered him against his house.. They were mad about his "skipping ahead" so they beat him up. He went to bed with four broken bones and several bruises, as he refused to fight back.
It had been four years.. Zack was now seventeen, and was on the brink of adult hood. He had now spent seven years of his life practicing with his dagger. He could hit a target dead between the eyes, at least standing still. He hunted and gathered food for him and his mother. His dad ventured home.. This time.. With no money. Nothing. They could not afford food.. And Zack was at his edge. He and his dad yelled and argued constantly.. When his dad brought up that he couldn't even fight, he threw his dagger. It landed.. and stuck in wood directly above his dads head. That night he left the house with the parting words "Your lucky I missed." He proposed to his girlfriend, and they were to be married in a year.
One year later, a day before his marriage.. Pain struck Zack at his heart. His wife had been found dead.. Stabbed. They said a thief had done it. Everything had no meaning now.. He had no family, and no love. He took every dagger he owned.. a total of three and set out. He vowed that he would find his wifes killer. And find him, he did.
It had taken over eight years of research, looting, killing, bargaining, and more to find out who killed his wife. When he found the man, he was just an old guy.. Starving slowly in a hut. Zack had no morality left however.. Nothing mattered other than vengeance And when he had it.. He hit the same rock all avengers do. Nothingness. He had nothing else to do with his life. He had betrayed his village. He had given up any education. He left his family. Nothing. That's when he set off to find meaning in his life..
Zamorak789, me and my fellow admin didn't have to read the whole application to know I'd have to defer you. I read your little message at the end (And I may add that it seemed rather rude,) And I don't think he's a Mary Sue character, I read the personality. He's a **** to people he doesn't know, instant flaw. What I do think is that he's overpowered beyond anything I've ever seen, even an evil warlock that signed up to my last server that had conquered the old place he'd been in.
You get upset at things, and they burst into flames, according to your application, even if it's large groups of people, or entire villages. If you did that in roleplay, not only would it be powergaming, it would also be godmoding, and you would get instant hate from absolutely everyone. I don't care if he 'practiced and honed' these skills, the point is that you're saying he had amazing sills at birth that, if you read the OP, can not possibly exist in this universe. Magic exists, but it's practically dead. This character will not work, and my friend and I are rather baffled as to how someone who wrote an application so WELL And has roleplayed for ten years managed to make a character that's so disproportional.
You said multiple times in your application that entire villages and all the people around him burned to death.
What the f..?
You say he won't use this power unless he needs to. Okay, what happens with absolutely any villain we have in the story?
Bandit hideout attacking the town he lives in? Burnt to a crisp in an instant.
Godlike being that you can't possibly fight with melee weapons? Wow, he just lit on fire and burned to death.
If a mercenary group wanted to take down someone, the only person they would need is you, because you've made your character capable of lighting anyone and ANYTHING On fire at any given moment, if they flip him off.
Zamorak789, me and my fellow admin didn't have to read the whole application to know I'd have to defer you. I read your little message at the end (And I may add that it seemed rather rude,) And I don't think he's a Mary Sue character, I read the personality. He's a **** to people he doesn't know, instant flaw. What I do think is that he's overpowered beyond anything I've ever seen, even an evil warlock that signed up to my last server that had conquered the old place he'd been in.
You get upset at things, and they burst into flames, according to your application, even if it's large groups of people, or entire villages. If you did that in roleplay, not only would it be powergaming, it would also be godmoding, and you would get instant hate from absolutely everyone. I don't care if he 'practiced and honed' these skills, the point is that you're saying he had amazing sills at birth that, if you read the OP, can not possibly exist in this universe. Magic exists, but it's practically dead This character will not work, and my friend and I are rather baffled as to how someone who wrote an application so WELL And has roleplayed for ten years managed to make a character that's so disproportional.
Didn't mean it to be rude, just wanted to point it out. Some things come out of my mind incorrectly and not displayed well for others (part of the reason why I'm studying creative writing..) And I did make a mistake, called it a kingdom. What I meant was a village. Anyway.. The thing is that that far nearly killed him. It doesn't pop up whenever he's mad, it did at first because he hadn't learned to use it. Later on it didn't happen unless he wanted it to. But yeah, I'm toning it down a bit lot, possibly scrapping the magic idea. The thought was ever using it again would be in small areas.. Lighting a quick fire on some logs for warmth, maybe a flaming sword. He'd be trying to hide his ability anyway.. The fear of hell scared it out of him. But anyway.. Back to MS word! I'll get back to you soon.
Oh, feel free to add me on skype: Zamorak789
Just realized something. First time I've been denied in forever. It feels so weird.
Very much enjoyed the new application. No grammatical errors that I noticed, was really interested when I was reading it, and I can tell you'll be great at roleplaying. Accepted!
Very much enjoyed the new application. No grammatical errors that I noticed, was really interested when I was reading it, and I can tell you'll be great at roleplaying. Accepted!
Kind of makes up for my big mistake at first, eh? xD
Why You're Interested In The Server: I haven't played many roleplaying servers and I would like to officially start here.
Do you know how to roleplay? :I have before, but never did go into battle or a fight. I can to an extent.
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? : Around 2 months and only on minecraft, I know no other games that have a a variety of roleplaying.
Character Name: Ichea Majere
Character Age: 27
Character Personality: Trustworthy, honest, subdued, self content
Character Physical Description : Brown hair, full beard with a white traveling cloak, and brown wool pants.
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.): Ichea was born into a simple family in the town of Solace. His father John was a traveling merchant who traversed thousands of miles selling to his goods from farmers to lords. Ichea rarely saw his father but when ever John returned he would tell Ichea of his sightings and the places he had gone. Until one day John did not return to tell his tales and Ichea was left to earn money to support his mother. He soon was working on a farm to earn enough money to pay for food for him and his mother. When winter came around Ichea would work for the blacksmith, Brock who would send Ichea to pick up ores from mines and deliver the tools the ores were made into. Ichea decided to then leave the farm and become an apprentice to the blacksmith. His mother later came down with the deadly disease known as the measles. Ichea's mother fought the disease for two months and one day he body could fight no more. Holly, Ichea's mother died after two months of fighting the fatal disease. Ichea excelled in the fine art of smithing faster than Brock had when he was an apprentice. He was an apprenticed to Brock for nearly eight years, in those eight years Ichea learned to smelt the ores into ingots. From there forge the ingots into tools armor and other items such as clocks and compasses. Ichea worked with all types of ores from iron to diamond, he proved his worth in the line of smithing. Ichea also forged swords that a knight would charge into battle with and pickaxes the miners would extract the ores with. Ichea had just turned twenty six and his apprenticeship had ended less than a month ago. He decided to set out to find another town where he could set up his own mine and blacksmith.
lordcheeze4, you say you have two months of roleplaying experience, but your grammar is great and your backstory, while simple, was well written. I'll be able to help you with combat roleplay pretty easily in the server. Accepted!
lordcheeze4, you say you have two months of roleplaying experience, but your grammar is great and your backstory, while simple, was well written. I'll be able to help you with combat roleplay pretty easily in the server. Accepted!
Thank you, I try to have good grammar mainly because that is where I am lacking in school. I am not a very detailed writer, I usually try to get to the point mainly, thank you for accepting me and helping me.
When I first set out to create a roleplaying server, I wanted to create the perfect place for roleplaying, where your imagination is your limitation, and anything would be possible. Realistically, perfection isn't possible. But while it wasn't perfect, its imperfections made it better. And it became more than just a roleplaying server. It became a family. Several people told me that my server, my insignificant server that meant nothing in the real world, had occupied and changed their lives. That is the reason it's coming back another time.
Not much is known about the past of Delenor--For the most part, it's a complete mystery. These lands are rather strange. There’s a curse that lets an assortment of evil monsters roam the land, and yet nobody seems to know where the curse came from, no matter how far back you trace civilization’s history. At some point, if you trace back the history that has been recorded, it abruptly stops. There is no bible, nothing that speaks of any sort of god, and yet there does not appear to be any evidence to suggest that you evolved from something before you. There are no animals that are remotely similar to any of the races within Delenor. The only evidence to suggest there was someone—SomeTHING—Before the civilization that exists today..Are ruins.
There are mysterious ruins scattered throughout the world of Delenor. Very few of them have been found, most people suspect that not many exist at all. They seem to be remnants of some sort of civilization that existed before, but the architecture is strangely advanced compared to our own. A single building was once found that was so tall, it would have reached the clouds, had it still been standing, and not found on its side sinking into the ground.
The most interesting part, however, is that there are books. Some of the books have a strange, ancient language that nobody has been capable of translating, or even close to understanding. But others are in the same language we speak today: English. Most of these are faded, worn and hard to read, but the people seem to have referred to themselves as ‘Generos’. The parts that have been read speak of them being able to harvest powerful magical energies and bend the world to their will, but never being able to create anything new. There are also bits and pieces of information about demons, and two gods: “Creation” and “Apocalypse”. But their entire civilization seems to have ended abruptly, and no books that have been found have said anything about why. At a certain point, their history stops. Perhaps, about the same time that ours began.
Today, magic exists, but not nearly on a scale that these Generos described. Our magic is weak, and those who use it have to train very hard to master it. Bandits roam the land and prey on the weak, raiding any towns that they find vulnerable. The location of their base has remained unknown for a very long time. But aside from that, there is no trace of these demons that the Generos spoke of. It seems to be, truthfully, an average medieval universe, aside from the strange ruins, and shrouded history of how you came to be.
Is it truly average? Why don’t you find out yourself?
The Factions and Their Lore
In Delenor, there is only one race: The Riercans. They are an empire that based themselves on the way of trade, expansion and mercantilism. They are lead by a council of three people that must all try to agree on decisions for their kingdom, and if they make bad decisions, they may regret it.
In fact, that has already happened.
About three hundred years ago, people were getting tired of the council making all the decisions for them (And they weren’t exactly happy with the decisions being made, either). A group of them decided to start a rebellion against the government. They called themselves The Iron Sigil. They waged war against the government for a few months, but that’s all it took for them to lose the fight. The Riercan army was much larger and more experienced than them, and slaughtered most of the insurgents. The survivors, however, were banished to live on their own out in the wild.
The Iron Sigil did more than that, though. They still exist today, three hundred years later. They built their own city, which today they call New Hope.
They are lead by a single man; a warlord, or a chieftain if you will. It is, however, a powerful democracy, and he will take suggestions and advice from his people. They base themselves on helping each other, and their city is fairly run-down and simple. They don’t need decoration; they build and use what they need to survive. They’re the most well-known military in the land, and have the easily best protected city, being positioned on a mountain with a large wall around the top. They are no longer at war with the government (Who call themselves “The Council”, but are commonly referred to by The Iron Sigil as ‘The Royals’), but that may change if there is a reason for war, although they aren’t a very violent faction.
During the war, however, there was also another group of people that weren’t exactly happy with the way things were going. They didn’t want to get involved with fighting, though, so they merely left on their own terms. They wanted to discover more about the Generos and perhaps focus on studying magic. They’re more of a science-type faction that goes by the name of “The Grand Scholars”. They, too, built their own capital city named “Southbay”, as it is positioned above a large, southern body of water. It is also the only city (That we know of) that has Genero Ruins in or near it.
They are lead by two people: A military advisor, and a scientific advisor. They’re the ones that make the majority of the decisions by themselves, but people can bring matters to their attention and discuss things. The final decision is always in their power, and they can veto anything. They aren’t mean, though, just more concerned with safety and getting things done.
All three of these factions still exist today. The Council still has the largest castle and city, but the others are definitely alive and thriving. Which faction will you be?
What Makes This Server Unique?
I’m not going to claim this is the best roleplaying server in existence, I will be rational enough to let you decide that for yourself, and try to make your stay in our server as enjoyable as possible. What I will tell you, is what makes us..Well, us.
The goal of this server is to create a roleplaying universe that can be affected by every individual player and their character(s). There is a story, but you will be the ones to decide what you do within it. There will be many roleplaying events that progress the story, but you choose how to go about them. We could give you the position of the bandit hideout, and absolutely nothing else. You could try to reason with them, or plan an attack strategically by uniting the world’s races against them and storming their hideout. What you do is up to you, and the consequences will be because of you. If you failed said attack, you’d only have that one chance. They would leave before you could come back, and they might even blow up half of your capital’s castle.
On top of this, you can be whatever kind of character you want, and you can stick to that character. If you’re on the guard force, I’m going to make sure guards interact with each other and actually patrol the city they’re supposed to be protecting. You could be a simple farmer that sells his crops to another player, who’s a merchant or tavern owner, and so on. The admins aren’t going to mess with your character, unless you try to make them something ridiculous or overpowered (as stated in the lore, magic is possible in roleplay, but not godly in power.)
The players will also be the ones that run the cities. You’ll elect your own leaders, and then the leaders decide whether to make peace with another race, faction, etc, or to go to war. They can direct the guard force, recruit citizens to expand the city, or the citizens could ask the leader themselves if they can expand the city. We’re setting up the basic cities (Which we’d prefer you don’t touch,) but if you want to expand, you can inform your leader, and then the leader can ask the admin to make sure it’s alright. This world is YOUR World. We only oversee it all.
We’ll try to make your experience as enjoyable as possible for you, and we hope everyone has fun roleplaying together.
The Rules
Roleplaying: What and How.
MooDuff, while you say you haven't roleplayed before, your backstory is great and I enjoyed reading it. Your grammar is also great, and I'm sure we could teach you to roleplay fairly easily. Accepted to the server, if you have any questions feel free to message me or post a message on here. (It would bump the forum if you posted on here
jakeawesome1, I noticed quite a few spelling mistakes in your backstory, and while I would overlook some of them, some others were pretty hard to. The backstory doesn't seem very serious (Death to a minecart crash? Staring out a window in class? Classes wouldn't be common in this realm-) Anyway, over all I think your character and backstory both need some work. You've got time before the server opens, so think about your character carefully. Take your time! I can correct mistakes in the server, but your application needs to be good enough to be accepted. For now, denied.
So, when will the server officially be up?
In Game Name: Zamorak789
Age (Optional): 21
Why You're Interested In The Server: I usually host my own RP's.. As you can see from my topics, I've made many RP servers over my three years here on the forums.. But lately money has gotten tight and I can't afford to host another. Thus, I'm here applying for yours and hoping to maybe help you get it started.
Do you know how to roleplay? (Say so if you don't!): Yes.
If yes, how long have you been roleplaying? (And, optional, on what games?): Over all, about ten years. I started around eleven when my girlfriend gave me the idea of acting out pretend people on notes and what not. Since then I've RPed on Terraria, Minecraft, The Dead Linger, DayZ, WoW, and EVE online.
Character Name: Zack Unisaki
Character Age: 26
Character Personality: Around those he does not know, dark.. Cold, and alone. But around those he knows well, bright happy and a team worker.
Character Physical Description (Preferably your minecraft skin, describe if needed): Black robs with red and gold trim, his blonde hair covers one eye.
Character Backstory(The more detailed the better, but I'll ask for quality over quantity. Make it interesting first, long afterwards. 2-3 paragraphs of decent length will do fine.)
The day had just begun. The sun shone down through the cracks of a run down shack belonging to Andaria Unisaki, who was now delivering her new son. The shack was obviously not a good environment for a child, but it didn't matter. In minutes Andarias new son, Zack, was born. His father was off on a trip searching for some kind of ruins at this time. Years passed and Zack grew, and was smart for his age. He learned to walk and talk earlier than the others (but only by about a month.)
At the age of seven, Zack started attending school.. It was recently that the town he lived in allowed poor people to attend a school house. His father spent all his time looking for fancy ruins and treasure, which of course didn't earn them much money. The teacher found he was exceptionally bright, but because of his wealth status no body wanted him to get ahead of the others. He was also experimenting with knives.. He widdled sometimes, course he didn't make anything great but it was a start.
At ten Zack had exceeded the brain power of his classmates, even the rich kids, who of course picked on him for being poor. Zack kept practicing with his knife, he had managed to carve out little sculptures and such with it. Around that time his father returned with enough money to last them through his next trip. His father took him outside and tried to teach him to use a sword, to defend his mother. Zack wasn't exactly up to par with a long bladed weapon. When his father gave up, he said he could do anything with a dagger. His dad of course thought it was funny, that anyone could choose a small dagger over a sword. Zack came outside, and threw the knife at the hay target his father had set up. The dagger landed in the arm of the target. His father laughed, and left the next day for another trip.
Zack was now thirteen.. Things had changed. He was now finally put into advanced class rooms instead of being stuck with the others. He was adept at science and math.. Of course in a time they lived in it wasn't very useful in the real world. He had spent three years practicing with that dagger.. He could now at least hit the chest every time. He had a girlfriend too, she isn't very important to our story though. One day a few rich kids from his old class cornered him against his house.. They were mad about his "skipping ahead" so they beat him up. He went to bed with four broken bones and several bruises, as he refused to fight back.
It had been four years.. Zack was now seventeen, and was on the brink of adult hood. He had now spent seven years of his life practicing with his dagger. He could hit a target dead between the eyes, at least standing still. He hunted and gathered food for him and his mother. His dad ventured home.. This time.. With no money. Nothing. They could not afford food.. And Zack was at his edge. He and his dad yelled and argued constantly.. When his dad brought up that he couldn't even fight, he threw his dagger. It landed.. and stuck in wood directly above his dads head. That night he left the house with the parting words "Your lucky I missed." He proposed to his girlfriend, and they were to be married in a year.
One year later, a day before his marriage.. Pain struck Zack at his heart. His wife had been found dead.. Stabbed. They said a thief had done it. Everything had no meaning now.. He had no family, and no love. He took every dagger he owned.. a total of three and set out. He vowed that he would find his wifes killer. And find him, he did.
It had taken over eight years of research, looting, killing, bargaining, and more to find out who killed his wife. When he found the man, he was just an old guy.. Starving slowly in a hut. Zack had no morality left however.. Nothing mattered other than vengeance And when he had it.. He hit the same rock all avengers do. Nothingness. He had nothing else to do with his life. He had betrayed his village. He had given up any education. He left his family. Nothing. That's when he set off to find meaning in his life..
You get upset at things, and they burst into flames, according to your application, even if it's large groups of people, or entire villages. If you did that in roleplay, not only would it be powergaming, it would also be godmoding, and you would get instant hate from absolutely everyone. I don't care if he 'practiced and honed' these skills, the point is that you're saying he had amazing sills at birth that, if you read the OP, can not possibly exist in this universe. Magic exists, but it's practically dead. This character will not work, and my friend and I are rather baffled as to how someone who wrote an application so WELL And has roleplayed for ten years managed to make a character that's so disproportional.
You said multiple times in your application that entire villages and all the people around him burned to death.
What the f..?
You say he won't use this power unless he needs to. Okay, what happens with absolutely any villain we have in the story?
Bandit hideout attacking the town he lives in? Burnt to a crisp in an instant.
Godlike being that you can't possibly fight with melee weapons? Wow, he just lit on fire and burned to death.
If a mercenary group wanted to take down someone, the only person they would need is you, because you've made your character capable of lighting anyone and ANYTHING On fire at any given moment, if they flip him off.
Why would you make a character like this?!
Didn't mean it to be rude, just wanted to point it out. Some things come out of my mind incorrectly and not displayed well for others (part of the reason why I'm studying creative writing..) And I did make a mistake, called it a kingdom. What I meant was a village. Anyway.. The thing is that that far nearly killed him. It doesn't pop up whenever he's mad, it did at first because he hadn't learned to use it. Later on it didn't happen unless he wanted it to. But yeah, I'm toning it down a
bitlot, possibly scrapping the magic idea. The thought was ever using it again would be in small areas.. Lighting a quick fire on some logs for warmth, maybe a flaming sword. He'd be trying to hide his ability anyway.. The fear of hell scared it out of him. But anyway.. Back to MS word! I'll get back to you soon.Oh, feel free to add me on skype: Zamorak789
Just realized something. First time I've been denied in forever. It feels so weird.
Kind of makes up for my big mistake at first, eh? xD
Thank you, I try to have good grammar mainly because that is where I am lacking in school. I am not a very detailed writer, I usually try to get to the point mainly, thank you for accepting me and helping me.