In-Game Name: LordKelvin42 Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):24 Time Zone (if you don't know, put your location):EDT Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Once, for accidental griefing of a long-abandoned ruin on some server that I was playing on a long time ago. Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):A good friend of mine is playing here, and I figure that, with such a small, close-knit community, it might be easier to avoid unnecessary headache here. Why do you think we should accept you? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I like to think of myself as a creative and unobtrusive player. Undoubtedly, my work will serve to beautify the landscape, not detract from it. What do you aim to accomplish on the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): In the short - term, simply to have fun with my friend and help him with his projects. In the future, who knows? Tell us a bit about yourself (Interests? Hobbies?): Besides Minecraft, I am an avid FPS and RPG gamer, and spend most of my free time being a bum behind the computer. Yeah, that's about it. Any additional info? (optional): Any questions? (optional):
It's been a great run, guys.
However, all good things must come to an end, including this server. I no longer have the motivation, time, or funds to keep this near-dead server running. The server will shut down on June 14th. I want to thank my dedicated staff and players for their fantastic work. Before the 14th, I will put the current map up for download.
It's not necessarily the end, though. I will be gone for a good amount of the summer, but afterwards I wouldn't mind putting time into a new project. PM me your email if you want to be put on my email list, which I will use to keep folks updated on my next server. I'll also willingly share my Skype and Steam.
Thank you all so much for making this server great from its opening until its closing.
It's been a great run, guys.
However, all good things must come to an end, including this server. I no longer have the motivation, time, or funds to keep this near-dead server running. The server will shut down on June 14th. I want to thank my dedicated staff and players for their fantastic work. Before the 14th, I will put the current map up for download.
It's not necessarily the end, though. I will be gone for a good amount of the summer, but afterwards I wouldn't mind putting time into a new project. PM me your email if you want to be put on my email list, which I will use to keep folks updated on my next server. I'll also willingly share my Skype and Steam.
Thank you all so much for making this server great from its opening until its closing.
It's been a great run.
Your Admin,
well its a shame its cum to this, but i guess i'll just have to wait til september to play again
i got plenty of to do til' then i guess
Sad to see the server go,
The fun i'v had, in that so brief amount of time is crazy.
The day I joined, I thought I would leave the 2nd day.
but no, I stayed, and I loved it!
I'v met amazing people, talked to the Governor of North Dakota (xD),
Seen great builders, met a russian guy.
Even learned about nether travel.
Been stolen from (I received my stuff back, due to the tremendous staff)
and even killed my self, countless amounts of times!
-Sucks it had to go. I'd donate 10,000$ if I could
- MCFormater - Alex -
It's been a great run, guys.
However, all good things must come to an end, including this server. I no longer have the motivation, time, or funds to keep this near-dead server running. The server will shut down on June 14th. I want to thank my dedicated staff and players for their fantastic work. Before the 14th, I will put the current map up for download.
It's not necessarily the end, though. I will be gone for a good amount of the summer, but afterwards I wouldn't mind putting time into a new project. PM me your email if you want to be put on my email list, which I will use to keep folks updated on my next server. I'll also willingly share my Skype and Steam.
Thank you all so much for making this server great from its opening until its closing.
It's been a great run.
Your Admin,
We, the people of Rich, Creamy Vanilla Bean Craft (RCVBC), love Minecraft. While plugins and mods can be plenty fun, the core of Minecraft - the simple vanilla - is classic and enjoyable. On RCVBC, we run no game-changing plugins and teleportation is not available. We encourage building in towns for a sense of community and for protection. We stand out among the plugin-ridden and PVP servers dominating today’s SMP scene by offering a close-knit and friendly community alongside vanilla, town-based building.
Also, we pride ourselves in our excellent staff team. Just like regular players, all of our builds are done in survival and we will never spawn items for ourselves or anyone else. The admins have been working together on community servers for over a year, starting in December 2011 with Society Rising. We hope that you will enjoy this server as much as we do!
The server is based in Chicago, but our members come from all over the world!
Rules (follow dem):
1. Golden rule: don’t be a ****, asswipe, jerk, or generally unkind individual. Apply common sense, be mature, and respect others.
2. Don’t grief. Seriously, just… don’t.
3. No stealing. There's no Lockette or LWC, but that doesn't mean you can rob people. We can track this, guys. Also, don't "borrow" valuables without asking first, it will be treated as stealing.
4. Respect the staff and listen to what they say—they know what they’re doing! Tell an admin if you think a staff member is being abusive.
5. Cheats/hacks of any kind will get you banned.
6. Ask permission before using any outside mod that may give an unfair advantage. X-Ray, Smart Moving, and similar mods are forbidden. Rei's Minimap is okay; ask before using anything else please!
7. Try not to build ugly things (ex. cobble boxes, 1x1 towers) or destroy the landscape (ex. chopping down entire forests). Also, if you go logging, please cut down the whole tree; I don't care how big it is.
8. USE COMMON SENSE WITH PVP. If someone has not agreed to PvP you do not attack without a very good reason.
9. Have a sense of humor, but don't make excessively offensive jokes (AKA don’t be a ****).
10. Respect people's property and national parks. Don't kill people's personal livestock and follow posted signs (if they’re reasonable).
11. NO IRON GOLEM FARMS. They're cheaty and strain the small server. Other mob grinders are fine.
Have fun!
Staff: Administrators:
Kisume (AKA Jesus)
superdupernova (Probably a serial killer)
Blazerboy123 (Made of 99% REAL rainbows!)
Giffca (Actually the Governor of North Dakota)
Piemane (Pootin)
elite98tiger (Made of 98% REAL tigers!)
Current Towns: Hemlock Bay
Although it hosts the spawn building, Hemlock Bay has remained a quiet forest town. Named for the harbor that it borders, Hemlock Bay covers a fairly large area from the interior along the bay out to the edge of the open ocean. Residents here benefit from good amounts of land, some protection from mobs, and a calm life. Major attractions include the ice rink, a large windmill, and the small downtown district.
Built a short boat ride/nether trip away from spawn, the city of Icarus has quickly grown to be the largest town in population, size, and activity. In a sharp contrast from Hemlock Bay, Icarus is divided up into plots and is protected by a large wall. The city also closes at nighttime, so mobs are a rare sight. Most of the world’s smaller towns are built near Icarus, so it is a major center of travel, population, and business. Major attractions include the Spleef arena, Giffca’s manor, and numerous stores.
The server runs primarily on donations, so please donate! ALL proceeds go toward server upkeep; I make no profit from your donations. Donating will get you a colored name in-game, depending on how much you donated, so your greatness can be recognized. You also get a mention on a wall of donators in our spawn town, plus more benefits! Heck yeah!
Donating $5 or more gets you:
A teal name in-game! Finally, your name can be the color of the Sargasso Sea!
Two (2) heads (players or mobs) as items! You get to choose the heads! Exciting!
Donating $10 or more gets you:
A green name in-game! If you like limes, then this may be the tier for you!
Three (3) heads (players or mobs) as items! You can still choose the heads!
Donating $15 or more gets you:
A purple name in-game! Purple is my favorite color, so you know it's good.
Four (4) heads (players or mobs) as items! If you want to reenact Notch and Jeb kissing, you totally can, because you choose the heads!
Now, if you want to donate even more...
First, I love you.
For each additional $5 past $15, you will get another head of your choice! The name color is usually purple, like for the $15 folks, but if you want another color we can work it out.
Donations are non-refundable. Again, all the money goes towards the server, so we greatly appreciate your contributions!
Whitelist Applications: Instructions for filling out:
- If you're gonna make a mockery of the app, don't bother applying. Follow the guidelines.
- Fill out all sections not marked as optional. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT APPS WITH SECTIONS LEFT BLANK.
- Please try to use correct grammar and spelling; if English is your second language or something, just tack that info on in the Additional Info section.
- Put some thought into it. The app shouldn't take too long, but try to fill out the 3 sentences.
- Do not write up someone else's app. You can post someone else's app but they must fill it out themselves.
Actual Application:
In-Game Name:
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):
Time Zone (if you don't know, put your location):
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):
Why do you think we should accept you? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):
What do you aim to accomplish on the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):
Tell us a bit about yourself (Interests? Hobbies?):
Any additional info? (optional):
Any questions? (optional):
Special thanks:
BeastNode, for being an amazing server host!
superdupernova, for making the beautiful banner up there!
The server community, for your amazing support! Couldn't do it without you!
Sad to see the server go, The fun i'v had, in that so brief amount of time is crazy. The day I joined, I thought I would leave the 2nd day. but no, I stayed, and I loved it! I'v met amazing people, talked to the Governor of North Dakota (xD), Seen great builders, met a russian guy. Even learned about nether travel. Been stolen from (I received my stuff back, due to the tremendous staff) and even killed my self, countless amounts of times! -Sucks it had to go. I'd donate 10,000$ if I could - MCFormater - Alex -
I have had an amazing time playing with you guys! This was an awesome group to start playing minecraft with. Feel free to pm me to keep in touch. I am sure ill be looking for other servers to play on, but this will always be my first server that i will hold close to my heart.
If you're going to be hosting this map please let me know. my skype is "csevrence". I dont always have the app up as its not in my startup but I will see if you've invited me. so let me know... elite.. thx.. and well if not.. then thanks for letting me be a part of what ya'lls guys had goin. it was great fun. may fortune smile upon you all
Well folks... the map is up for download on the main post.
I guess this is the end... for now.
Everyone have a great summer! I hope we can all play together again some day soon!
Please forgive me... I dont see a download link. can you post the link... is it the 1.4 download because i checked the whitelist log for that map and i'm not in it.. thxaaah i figured it out.. .its on page one. i was looking at teh wrong thing.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Its been so long and hard working on this server day and night. i spent hours mining working making my town and lots of other stuff. i hope that everyone enjoyed their time on my favorite server i hope you all have a wonderful summer i had an amazing time on this server with all of you guys it was an amazing experience with all of you guys including cseverence and MCFormater and Kissume with all the other admins and mods-exept for pie i didnt see him at all- but the point is i love you all and to all goodnight
I'm quite upset (surprised, as well) that the server went down. I was a player myself for a while, and loved every bit of it. Shortly after that, I got ideas for a new server, which were soon put into action. We've recently noticed that some of the players from RCVBC (Most of them after June 14th) have been joining Cubeology (the server I had ideas for). As a result of that, I'd like to offer staff positions for ones who formerly moderated RCVBC, and any former players can come see us any time.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
i have beancraft still on my server list and its like kis sold the server or something like that i dunno but it has plugins and stuff nothings in it yet though i wonder what its going to be for... DA DA DA XD
I found you have been stealing from my chests, care to explain?
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):24
Time Zone (if you don't know, put your location):EDT
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Once, for accidental griefing of a long-abandoned ruin on some server that I was playing on a long time ago.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):A good friend of mine is playing here, and I figure that, with such a small, close-knit community, it might be easier to avoid unnecessary headache here.
Why do you think we should accept you? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I like to think of myself as a creative and unobtrusive player. Undoubtedly, my work will serve to beautify the landscape, not detract from it.
What do you aim to accomplish on the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): In the short - term, simply to have fun with my friend and help him with his projects. In the future, who knows?
Tell us a bit about yourself (Interests? Hobbies?): Besides Minecraft, I am an avid FPS and RPG gamer, and spend most of my free time being a bum behind the computer. Yeah, that's about it.
Any additional info? (optional):
Any questions? (optional):
I too had blaze rods taken from my chests, and it was under your name.
LordKelvin, you're accepted! Welcome!
EDIT: Nevermind, I'm on!
However, all good things must come to an end, including this server. I no longer have the motivation, time, or funds to keep this near-dead server running. The server will shut down on June 14th. I want to thank my dedicated staff and players for their fantastic work. Before the 14th, I will put the current map up for download.
It's not necessarily the end, though. I will be gone for a good amount of the summer, but afterwards I wouldn't mind putting time into a new project. PM me your email if you want to be put on my email list, which I will use to keep folks updated on my next server. I'll also willingly share my Skype and Steam.
Thank you all so much for making this server great from its opening until its closing.
It's been a great run.
Your Admin,
well its a shame its cum to this, but i guess i'll just have to wait til september to play again
i got plenty of to do til' then i guess
The fun i'v had, in that so brief amount of time is crazy.
The day I joined, I thought I would leave the 2nd day.
but no, I stayed, and I loved it!
I'v met amazing people, talked to the Governor of North Dakota (xD),
Seen great builders, met a russian guy.
Even learned about nether travel.
Been stolen from (I received my stuff back, due to the tremendous staff)
and even killed my self, countless amounts of times!
-Sucks it had to go. I'd donate 10,000$ if I could
- MCFormater - Alex -
Sad to see the server go,
The fun i'v had, in that so brief amount of time is crazy.
The day I joined, I thought I would leave the 2nd day.
but no, I stayed, and I loved it!
I'v met amazing people, talked to the Governor of North Dakota (xD),
Seen great builders, met a russian guy.
Even learned about nether travel.
Been stolen from (I received my stuff back, due to the tremendous staff)
and even killed my self, countless amounts of times!
-Sucks it had to go. I'd donate 10,000$ if I could
- MCFormater - Alex -
I've invested a lot of time playing on this server and interacting with the community.
It has been a good run though, guys!
I guess this is the end... for now.
Everyone have a great summer! I hope we can all play together again some day soon!
is great but its not the same