yo chain here. my other friend wants to join our wonderful server so many people joining! is great!
In-Game Name:1jragoo
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):13
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):EST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):only one because the owner is an idiot and banned me for chopping a tree down on someone's land.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): my friends play on it (chain and cyclefish) i've been looking for a good server for some time now as my old one got boring because the owner became too busy.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): i am good at building and pretty funny i am not immature like other kids my age. i have also been playing minecraft since the summer of 2009
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):myself. jk xD i like to build and help out with people and also adventure with my friends, as well as mine and craft the strongest armor possible. i am also funny like i stated earlier. i also like to gather xp and get good tools so i can build things faster.
Tell us a bit about yourself: i play the guitar and obviously minecraft. (http://youtube.com/user/1montang/)
Any additional info? (optional):nope
Any questions? (optional):not at the moment
In-Game Name: bigcman12 Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15 Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): CST Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Sadly, yes but I was working with the macro key bind mod and I was using the text editor mod and I forgot 4 important symbols so the macro messed up and spammed the chat. So It was a big accident, but because it kind of looked like code they thought I was potentially hacking which I wasn't. Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I have always wanted to join a small community server to enjoy a game like minecraft or sometimes even a different game. I can never find a real good server, like they have tons of greifers but don't do anything about them or something like that. This server pops out to me because I notice you have separate towns which I've seen before but it's completely vanilla so you don't have towny or other plugins. This server looks like a great server so I'm putting it in to your hands to show me that it's a server I can enjoy and make friends on. What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Well nothing really... I'm pretty "Plain Jain" ... Well I do enjoy making music with the note blocks in minecraft. I also like the redstone in minecraft and so does half of the other minecrafters do so..... nothing really important. What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):Well I am pretty creative and if I have the motive I can create some pretty fun and creative structures/ contraptions. I hear pretty funny so if anyone ever needs cheering up I could tell them a joke. Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm from Texas and I love games in general. I don't just play games but I play sports such as basketball which is my favorite and baseball is my second sport. I don't like cats but I love dogs, but sadly I'm allergic to them so I don't have a pet. I'm also really interested in computer science and that is on of the fields I want to major in.
And then lying about it to an admin with a ridiculous story, then calling your friend in to back up the same stupid story the next day. I highly doubt that the community would be welcoming you with open arms now.
On a considerably lighter note, Del0uche is added, welcome
In-Game Name:Docowart
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15, but please note that I am very mature for my age
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):Est
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):Yes, due to a Logblock error
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I want to join the server because from studying the forum thread a little I can see that this server is ran professionally. Also this server is ran by mature people. Finally this server has lots of potential and I want to watch the potential grow and possibly contribute to the potential.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I just to be admin on many servers so I can deal with tough situations (if you guys need help looks like you have it under control). Also I like to communicate with people and make their days happier. Finally, I like helping people by doing good deads.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): First of all, I love building, it is my drug. I am mostly into building cottages and Sandstone buildings. I also like to build the occasional modern house. But on the other hand Redstone...I suck at it!
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am a very experienced when it comes to Minecraft
Any additional info? (optional):I will normally get on during the weekends but I can play about a hour a day on the weekdays.
Any questions? (optional):
In-Game Name:Simeyun
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):20
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):PST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):Nope not at all
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):To be part of a town building community. To work together with different types of individuals to make a project even better. To make my own town!
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Well i wont be able to be 100% dedicated to minecraft because my job takes me away sometimes but usually when i am behind a computer minecraft is running. To be honest im probably like alot of the other applicants, just want to play on a good town building server.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I want to work on a multi-person project, i think what i can bring is holding up my own weight on a project. Id like to say i alwyas want to add-on to a project as if it were never finished. I think i would help alot on "themed" projects as well.
Tell us a bit about yourself:I like to socialize and admire other people builds on servers like this.
Any additional info? (optional):
Any questions? (optional):
Just want to throw out there that Epileptic_Cow also stole from chests.
Sorry for those who just applied, your apps will be checked as soon as possible, I don't have the time to do so at the moment, though...
I wanted to clear up that issue a tad.
In-Game Name: ultralord_rulz
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 18
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): I don't believe I have ever been banned.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I like small communities because huge ones are just too much to handle. I like playing Minecraft on multiplayer as single player can get old. I also like vanilla servers as too many plugins make it too complex.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am a computer programmer and have made some plugins, which I have not publicly released at this point in time. I have been a moderator on 2 servers, one of which shut down a while ago... I can also be funny at times.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am pretty good at designing good looking stuff in Minecraft, which is funny because I am not good at art in real life. I am good at organizing groups and towns. I am also not mean and obnoxious on servers, I always greet people when they log on and ask how they are doing.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am Ultra, not gonna say my real name sorry. I get all As except for a B or 2 in school. I am good at Math and stuff.
Any additional info? (optional): I am not always on during the week but am usually free on weekends.
Any questions? (optional): Not really..
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 16
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): EST, -6 GMT I think.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Only on hardcore deathban servers. I have not been banned for rule breaking.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Single player, while fun, can get very lonely. I've tried playing on a few PvP servers, but I think that the PvP and intense competition ruins it for me. Having to constantly hide and protect your stuff is very frustrating when you would rather build aesthetically pleasing structures.
What sets you apart from other applicants? I'm a freestyle unicyclist. Once I learned to unicycle, riding around on flat ground wasn't really enough for me. I've become decent and spins, riding backwards, and climbing up and down stairs. I once hopped the steps of the art museum in Philadelphia. I think that sets me apart from others, although I'm not sure if that's exactly what you were looking for.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I can bring someone who is dedicated to making this server a more fun, enjoyable place. I will do my best to provide assistance for those who need it, whether it be materials, building assistance, or just someone to run around with. I want to be someone who adds to the greatness of this server, not subtracts from it.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm in highschool and I've got a busy schedule, but I always try to find time for a little Minecraft. My favorite part of Minecraft is automation and redstone. I'm very excited for the next update when automation will be one step closer to reality.
Any additional info? (optional): Any questions? (optional): What timezones are the players in and at what time(s) does the player count peak on the server?
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):EST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Nope
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am a mature and helpful player looking for a good community to record videos on! I have found other servers but none of them seem to compare.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Same as above, also, I have played MC for a while and I know alot about the game! I am mature and wanting to have fun with some cool guys.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):Same as above, also, I will record videos and make cool bases. I will help and possibly donate
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am at a boarding highschool and I love to play MC.
Any additional info? (optional): My youtube is TheOnlyJakefire ---> Im gonna make videos and my skype is: jakefire88
In-Game Name:who885 Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):16 Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):eastern Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):iv recently gotten ban on another vanilla server for a unknown reason...he never told me. Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):i was on this server and i love it:D its amazing What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I was accepted but due to school i was unable to be on allot..i was on earlier today.I'm hopeing to be re-accepted to this amazing server What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Hopefully redstone contraptions and later a enderman farm .Iv looked up some builds and iv chosen one that i like.however its not a small project...so it might take some time to finish. Tell us a bit about yourself:I'm shy i tend to live alone in the wild and i love to finish project and i love minecraft, recently iv been playing with redstone and cant wait for the redstone update and i miss this server...T.T.did i mention i love this server? any additional info? (optional):my keyboard is still broken... Any questions? (optional):was i removed from the whitelist?
In-Game Name: Alekite Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 18 Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): US central time Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Yes, for using x-ray. I used it to get diamonds. I know the temptation got to me and I really regret it. Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I want to join so I can make awesome buildings and so I don't have dying to some random player or have days where i'm not really paranoid about it. I can see myself having a single player like experience here with some peeps. What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I can build things that actually look nice and not to plain. Also, i'm pretty decent with redstone. What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Some dedication and some fun. Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm currently a student first year of college and i want to major in physics. Any additional info? (optional):I'm a big Nintendo fan. Any questions? (optional):A'm I approved?
this app is from my one friend, he had trouble submitting
In-Game Name: Kevinthepistol Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):17 Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): - Eastern Standard Time Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):no i dont think so Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):well a couple of my friends are on this server and they said its cool. i also want to join a server where i dont get griefed while i build my stuff, i want to trust that when i login again, my diamonds will still be there. also this server looks really cool, i hope that people will like my stuff. What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): well I am a boy scout, i have been one for a while. i have leader skills that some might not have, and i've been told im a cool kid (quote from mom). I am a friend to all who are friendly to me. What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): i can bring humor and fun times to this server and i hope to do so. i like to be apart of communities and i heard there are towns on this server, hope to join one. i'm a hard worker so if some one asks me to help i will Tell us a bit about yourself: well my name is kevin, my favorite color is blue, i go to a tech school, i have llots of friends. i love my life! Any additional info? (optional): I live in usa, PA. shout out to my friends in PA Any questions? (optional): are there starter kits?
In-Game Name:1jragoo
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):13
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):EST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):only one because the owner is an idiot and banned me for chopping a tree down on someone's land.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): my friends play on it (chain and cyclefish) i've been looking for a good server for some time now as my old one got boring because the owner became too busy.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): i am good at building and pretty funny
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):myself. jk xD i like to build and help out with people and also adventure with my friends, as well as mine and craft the strongest armor possible. i am also funny like i stated earlier.
Tell us a bit about yourself: i play the guitar and obviously minecraft. (http://youtube.com/user/1montang/)
Any additional info? (optional):nope
Any questions? (optional):not at the moment
also, that account was made when i was younger.
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): CST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Sadly, yes but I was working with the macro key bind mod and I was using the text editor mod and I forgot 4 important symbols so the macro messed up and spammed the chat. So It was a big accident, but because it kind of looked like code they thought I was potentially hacking which I wasn't.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I have always wanted to join a small community server to enjoy a game like minecraft or sometimes even a different game. I can never find a real good server, like they have tons of greifers but don't do anything about them or something like that. This server pops out to me because I notice you have separate towns which I've seen before but it's completely vanilla so you don't have towny or other plugins. This server looks like a great server so I'm putting it in to your hands to show me that it's a server I can enjoy and make friends on.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Well nothing really... I'm pretty "Plain Jain" ... Well I do enjoy making music with the note blocks in minecraft. I also like the redstone in minecraft and so does half of the other minecrafters do so..... nothing really important.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):Well I am pretty creative and if I have the motive I can create some pretty fun and creative structures/ contraptions. I hear pretty funny so if anyone ever needs cheering up I could tell them a joke.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm from Texas and I love games in general. I don't just play games but I play sports such as basketball which is my favorite and baseball is my second sport. I don't like cats but I love dogs, but sadly I'm allergic to them so I don't have a pet. I'm also really interested in computer science and that is on of the fields I want to major in.
Could you tell me why epileptic was banned? It seems like an interesting topic.
And then lying about it to an admin with a ridiculous story, then calling your friend in to back up the same stupid story the next day. I highly doubt that the community would be welcoming you with open arms now.
On a considerably lighter note, Del0uche is added, welcome
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15, but please note that I am very mature for my age
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):Est
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):Yes, due to a Logblock error
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I want to join the server because from studying the forum thread a little I can see that this server is ran professionally. Also this server is ran by mature people. Finally this server has lots of potential and I want to watch the potential grow and possibly contribute to the potential.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I just to be admin on many servers so I can deal with tough situations (if you guys need help looks like you have it under control). Also I like to communicate with people and make their days happier. Finally, I like helping people by doing good deads.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): First of all, I love building, it is my drug. I am mostly into building cottages and Sandstone buildings. I also like to build the occasional modern house. But on the other hand Redstone...I suck at it!
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am a very experienced when it comes to Minecraft
Any additional info? (optional):I will normally get on during the weekends but I can play about a hour a day on the weekdays.
Any questions? (optional):
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):20
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):PST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):Nope not at all
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):To be part of a town building community. To work together with different types of individuals to make a project even better. To make my own town!
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Well i wont be able to be 100% dedicated to minecraft because my job takes me away sometimes but usually when i am behind a computer minecraft is running. To be honest im probably like alot of the other applicants, just want to play on a good town building server.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I want to work on a multi-person project, i think what i can bring is holding up my own weight on a project. Id like to say i alwyas want to add-on to a project as if it were never finished. I think i would help alot on "themed" projects as well.
Tell us a bit about yourself:I like to socialize and admire other people builds on servers like this.
Any additional info? (optional):
Any questions? (optional):
Sorry for those who just applied, your apps will be checked as soon as possible, I don't have the time to do so at the moment, though...
I wanted to clear up that issue a tad.
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 18
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): I don't believe I have ever been banned.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I like small communities because huge ones are just too much to handle. I like playing Minecraft on multiplayer as single player can get old. I also like vanilla servers as too many plugins make it too complex.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am a computer programmer and have made some plugins, which I have not publicly released at this point in time. I have been a moderator on 2 servers, one of which shut down a while ago... I can also be funny at times.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am pretty good at designing good looking stuff in Minecraft, which is funny because I am not good at art in real life. I am good at organizing groups and towns. I am also not mean and obnoxious on servers, I always greet people when they log on and ask how they are doing.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am Ultra, not gonna say my real name sorry. I get all As except for a B or 2 in school. I am good at Math and stuff.
Any additional info? (optional): I am not always on during the week but am usually free on weekends.
Any questions? (optional): Not really..
Developer, gamer, and a mediocre pixel artist.
You should really check out Dokucraft: TSC.
Hey guys, Spoon here. I tried uninstalling and re-installing minecraft, but now when I try to join it says bad login.
Could reinstalling have messed up my whitelist?
Nvm, apparently closing minecraft and reopening it fixed it.
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 16
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): EST, -6 GMT I think.
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Only on hardcore deathban servers. I have not been banned for rule breaking.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Single player, while fun, can get very lonely. I've tried playing on a few PvP servers, but I think that the PvP and intense competition ruins it for me. Having to constantly hide and protect your stuff is very frustrating when you would rather build aesthetically pleasing structures.
What sets you apart from other applicants? I'm a freestyle unicyclist. Once I learned to unicycle, riding around on flat ground wasn't really enough for me. I've become decent and spins, riding backwards, and climbing up and down stairs. I once hopped the steps of the art museum in Philadelphia. I think that sets me apart from others, although I'm not sure if that's exactly what you were looking for.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I can bring someone who is dedicated to making this server a more fun, enjoyable place. I will do my best to provide assistance for those who need it, whether it be materials, building assistance, or just someone to run around with. I want to be someone who adds to the greatness of this server, not subtracts from it.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm in highschool and I've got a busy schedule, but I always try to find time for a little Minecraft. My favorite part of Minecraft is automation and redstone. I'm very excited for the next update when automation will be one step closer to reality.
Any additional info? (optional):
Any questions? (optional): What timezones are the players in and at what time(s) does the player count peak on the server?
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):15
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):EST
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Nope
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I am a mature and helpful player
looking for a good community to record videos on! I have found other servers but none of them seem to compare.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Same as above, also, I have played MC for a while and I know alot about the game! I am mature and wanting to have fun with some cool guys.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):Same as above, also, I will record videos and make cool bases. I will help and possibly donate
Tell us a bit about yourself: I am at a boarding highschool and I love to play MC.
Any additional info? (optional): My youtube is TheOnlyJakefire ---> Im gonna make videos and my skype is: jakefire88
Any questions? (optional): Nope
EDIT: formatting
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):16
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know):eastern
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):iv recently gotten ban on another vanilla server for a unknown reason...he never told me.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):i was on this server and i love it:D its amazing
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I was accepted but due to school i was unable to be on allot..i was on earlier today.I'm hopeing to be re-accepted to this amazing server
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Hopefully redstone contraptions and later a enderman farm
Tell us a bit about yourself:I'm shy i tend to live alone in the wild and i love to finish project
any additional info? (optional):my keyboard is still broken...
Any questions? (optional):was i removed from the whitelist?
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity): 18
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): US central time
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!): Yes, for using x-ray. I used it to get diamonds. I know the temptation got to me and I really regret it.
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):I want to join so I can make awesome buildings and so I don't have dying to some random player or have days where i'm not really paranoid about it. I can see myself having a single player like experience here with some peeps.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): I can build things that actually look nice and not to plain. Also, i'm pretty decent with redstone.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): Some dedication and some fun.
Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm currently a student first year of college and i want to major in physics.
Any additional info? (optional):I'm a big Nintendo fan.
Any questions? (optional):A'm I approved?
In-Game Name: Kevinthepistol
Age (We don't discriminate based on age, only on maturity):17
Time Zone (look it up if you don't know): - Eastern Standard Time
Have you ever been banned? If so, why? (honesty is key, we do background checks!):no i dont think so
Why do you want to join this server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences):well a couple of my friends are on this server and they said its cool. i also want to join a server where i dont get griefed while i build my stuff, i want to trust that when i login again, my diamonds will still be there. also this server looks really cool, i hope that people will like my stuff.
What sets you apart from other applicants? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): well I am a boy scout, i have been one for a while. i have leader skills that some might not have, and i've been told im a cool kid (quote from mom). I am a friend to all who are friendly to me.
What can you bring to the server? (Aim for at least 3 sentences): i can bring humor and fun times to this server and i hope to do so. i like to be apart of communities and i heard there are towns on this server, hope to join one. i'm a hard worker so if some one asks me to help i will
Tell us a bit about yourself: well my name is kevin, my favorite color is blue, i go to a tech school, i have llots of friends. i love my life!
Any additional info? (optional): I live in usa, PA. shout out to my friends in PA
Any questions? (optional): are there starter kits?
Who is already a member, I'm not sure why he's reapplying because he wasn't taken off the whitelist.