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Quote from audsonrulesall My IGN: audsonrulesall Could you also add my freind? IGN: drocktheewok
Quote from Pilot_Death I'd like to be a member. IGN: Pilot_Death
Quote from redsku1l can I join please redsku1l
Quote from gold1locks hey I am new to this servis thing and my ingame name is neptune1988
Quote from rand92 ign- rand92 age - 20 i agree to the rules I do not have team speak
Could you also add my freind? IGN: drocktheewok
Done. Welcome!
IGN: Pilot_Death
welcome to the server
'Tis moderated by gentlemen and sirs and possibly honorable ladyfolk.
So far I have yet to encounter any griefin'.
Join up and see if you can even find my yet-undiscovered ultra-secret megaindustrial complex!!
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_,__,,_,.\,| |_./-_,,_,
age - 20
i agree to the rules
I do not have team speak
Age: 28
I agree to the rules
I do not have team speak