Just to notify you guys, the owner says that he has chosen enough people to be on the server for now. If the community grows, he will continue to add more people. Thank you guys fr applying!
Age: 13
Location: Renton, WA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: No
Minecraft IGN: shmoeKILLER
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play?: Maybe 2-3 times a week and maybe every weekend
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: Wow, I really hope I get into this server.....
Age: 15
Location: Norway (GMT+1)
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:
Minecraft IGN: SamiReindeer
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 8-9
How often do/can you play? I play at least once a day.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. I do!!
Notes: I may be offline for some weekends, because I play soccer.
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:]ill only give if im accepted
Minecraft IGN:rooterpro1
Redstone Skill (1-10):3
Building Skill (1-10):7
How often do/can you play?weekends and some weeknights
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes:i have been looking for a vanilla server for a while. hope i get added
Location:USA Vt
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: zapper990
Minecraft IGN: zapper990
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 7
How often do/can you play? almost every day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. yeah this is based on hermit craft after all
Notes: i am Russian so sorry for my bad spelling
Location:Ohio, USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: N but can make one
Minecraft IGN: Threeface
Redstone Skill (1-10): 8
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? ErrDay
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. Yup
Notes: I need a good SMP to play on and i hope this is promising
Location: Texas
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: TheFrostedTexan
Minecraft IGN: TheFrostedTexan
Redstone Skill (1-10): 1
Building Skill (1-10): 5
How often do/can you play? Everyday!
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I am told I am mature for my age. I have been in groups and there would be 19 year olds and all. I only got banned off of a Skype group because someone thought I blocked them on Skype when I really didn't.. I usually do little emojis like :3 when I talk to people. If you find that annoying, I'll try my best to slow it down with the emojis. I will not greif or blow anything up unless I have permission to. Thank you!
Age:12 (turning 13 on june 10)
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:Jessecortes2
Minecraft IGN:Jesse_c02
Redstone Skill (1-10):4
Building Skill (1-10):8
How often do/can you play? When i get home from school
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes:I would never grief. I hope i get accepted!
Age: 14
Location: NewFoundLand, Canada
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, My skype name is WoodenAxe_
Minecraft IGN: _WoodenAxe
Redstone Skill (1-10):5
Building Skill (1-10):7
How often do/can you play?: Alot, Most days
I understand that this is a non-griefing server: Yes, I do
Notes: I have never been banned from any server, and i would like to join this server so i could be part of a small community that i know everybody in and i can trust everybody. Plus, Minecraft is always better with friends.
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: riley.scott31 when you search me up it will say rileyman321
Minecraft IGN:rileyman321
Redstone Skill (1-10): 6
Building Skill (1-10): 5
How often do/can you play? probs 2 to 3 hours a day or more
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. yes i do(:
Notes: yes i do understand i would not like it if others did it to me so i will not do(:
Age:13 Location:Oslo, Norway Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:i can say it to you private Minecraft IGN: Falkye Redstone Skill (1-10):7 Building Skill (1-10): 10 How often do/can you play? everyday! I understand that this is a non-griefing server. Notes: I buyed minecraft when it comed out so yeah...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will message you with any extra information if interested.
How often do/can you play? Everyday about 3 hours in school days and 6 Hours in weekends.
Notes: I am very trustable, Don't use skype too often ( I like my privacy ), I am very excited about a server with business for example like Cube Smp's, Trading and roleplaying.
Age: 14
Location: NYC, USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: ImSquidy
Minecraft IGN: ImSquidy
Redstone Skill (1-10): 7
Building Skill (1-10):9
How often do/can you play? Every Day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: If i get accept can you send me the ip?
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:y / kyle.parker36
Minecraft IGN: trcarr
Redstone Skill (1-10):6
Building Skill (1-10):9
How often do/can you play? everynight
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. its the only kinda server i play
Notes: i s.w.e.d
The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Join Date:
Member Details
Age: 15
Location: Canada
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes. I can message my skype name to you if needed.
Minecraft IGN: GamingFlygon
Redstone Skill (1-10): 6
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? Varies depending on server quality.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I enjoy servers with world border and who reset annually.
Age: 15
Location: United States of America
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, Official_Swagner_
Minecraft IGN: Offical_Swagner
Redstone Skill (1-10): I guess a 3 because, I think I know the basics and I can build little machines but that's it. :/
Building Skill (1-10): I will go with a 7 because, I can build really good interior that if you have an ugly wood house, I would make seem different and beautiful
How often do/can you play? I play actually often, 1 -5 hours a day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. Yes, I understand.
Notes: That I`m mature, nice, social and that I can actually build.
Age: 13, Almost 14
Location: U.S
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, Walkdog501
Minecraft IGN: walkdog501
Redstone Skill (1-10): 8
Building Skill (1-10): 9 or 10
How often do/can you play? I can play on the weekends during school. On the weekends, I can play at least 3 or 4 hours a day.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I promise, I do not grief. I really do not like when people grief on a server. I am glad this server does not allow griefing!
Age:13 almost 14
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: No, but I will get one soon
Minecraft IGN: allensaysbye
Redstone Skill (1-10): 5
Building Skill (1-10): 9 to 10
How often do/can you play? usually 3 to 4 hours a day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I like to play with other people and learn new ways to do things too.
Age: 15 1/2
Location: Pacific North West WA state USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Message you if you add me. Mic is broken but getting new one
Minecraft IGN: RandomShananzer
Redstone Skill (1-10): 7
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? I play most days of the week but most days ill be on later in the day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server
Notes: I have been looking for a minecraft vanilla survival server for about 6 months and all the servers i have been on the owner either cheats in stuff for survival to be "easy" for everyone or just doesnt respond to my posts. Thanks for your time reading this
Location: Renton, WA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: No
Minecraft IGN: shmoeKILLER
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play?: Maybe 2-3 times a week and maybe every weekend
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: Wow, I really hope I get into this server.....
Location: Norway (GMT+1)
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:
Minecraft IGN: SamiReindeer
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 8-9
How often do/can you play? I play at least once a day.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. I do!!
Notes: I may be offline for some weekends, because I play soccer.
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:]ill only give if im accepted
Minecraft IGN:rooterpro1
Redstone Skill (1-10):3
Building Skill (1-10):7
How often do/can you play?weekends and some weeknights
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes:i have been looking for a vanilla server for a while. hope i get added
Location:USA Vt
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: zapper990
Minecraft IGN: zapper990
Redstone Skill (1-10): 4
Building Skill (1-10): 7
How often do/can you play? almost every day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. yeah this is based on hermit craft after all
Notes: i am Russian so sorry for my bad spelling
Location:Ohio, USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: N but can make one
Minecraft IGN: Threeface
Redstone Skill (1-10): 8
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? ErrDay
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. Yup
Notes: I need a good SMP to play on and i hope this is promising
Location: Texas
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: TheFrostedTexan
Minecraft IGN: TheFrostedTexan
Redstone Skill (1-10): 1
Building Skill (1-10): 5
How often do/can you play? Everyday!
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I am told I am mature for my age. I have been in groups and there would be 19 year olds and all. I only got banned off of a Skype group because someone thought I blocked them on Skype when I really didn't.. I usually do little emojis like :3 when I talk to people. If you find that annoying, I'll try my best to slow it down with the emojis. I will not greif or blow anything up unless I have permission to. Thank you!
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:Jessecortes2
Minecraft IGN:Jesse_c02
Redstone Skill (1-10):4
Building Skill (1-10):8
How often do/can you play? When i get home from school
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes:I would never grief. I hope i get accepted!
Location: NewFoundLand, Canada
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, My skype name is WoodenAxe_
Minecraft IGN: _WoodenAxe
Redstone Skill (1-10):5
Building Skill (1-10):7
How often do/can you play?: Alot, Most days
I understand that this is a non-griefing server: Yes, I do
Notes: I have never been banned from any server, and i would like to join this server so i could be part of a small community that i know everybody in and i can trust everybody. Plus, Minecraft is always better with friends.
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: riley.scott31 when you search me up it will say rileyman321
Minecraft IGN:rileyman321
Redstone Skill (1-10): 6
Building Skill (1-10): 5
How often do/can you play? probs 2 to 3 hours a day or more
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. yes i do(:
Notes: yes i do understand i would not like it if others did it to me so i will not do(:
Location: New Zealand
Skype? Y/N - Yes Skype name: Bajancanadian117
Minecraft IGN: InGeniusX
Redstone skill (1-10):6
Building Skills (1-10):5
How often do/can you play? Everyday about 3 hours in school days and 6 Hours in weekends.
Notes: I am very trustable, Don't use skype too often ( I like my privacy ), I am very excited about a server with business for example like Cube Smp's, Trading and roleplaying.
Age: 14
Location: NYC, USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: ImSquidy
Minecraft IGN: ImSquidy
Redstone Skill (1-10): 7
Building Skill (1-10):9
How often do/can you play? Every Day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: If i get accept can you send me the ip?
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name:y / kyle.parker36
Minecraft IGN: trcarr
Redstone Skill (1-10):6
Building Skill (1-10):9
How often do/can you play? everynight
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. its the only kinda server i play
Notes: i s.w.e.d
Location: Canada
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes. I can message my skype name to you if needed.
Minecraft IGN: GamingFlygon
Redstone Skill (1-10): 6
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? Varies depending on server quality.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I enjoy servers with world border and who reset annually.
Age: 15
Location: United States of America
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, Official_Swagner_
Minecraft IGN: Offical_Swagner
Redstone Skill (1-10): I guess a 3 because, I think I know the basics and I can build little machines but that's it. :/
Building Skill (1-10): I will go with a 7 because, I can build really good interior that if you have an ugly wood house, I would make seem different and beautiful
How often do/can you play? I play actually often, 1 -5 hours a day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server. Yes, I understand.
Notes: That I`m mature, nice, social and that I can actually build.
Age: 13, Almost 14
Location: U.S
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Yes, Walkdog501
Minecraft IGN: walkdog501
Redstone Skill (1-10): 8
Building Skill (1-10): 9 or 10
How often do/can you play? I can play on the weekends during school. On the weekends, I can play at least 3 or 4 hours a day.
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I promise, I do not grief. I really do not like when people grief on a server. I am glad this server does not allow griefing!
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: No, but I will get one soon
Minecraft IGN: allensaysbye
Redstone Skill (1-10): 5
Building Skill (1-10): 9 to 10
How often do/can you play? usually 3 to 4 hours a day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server.
Notes: I like to play with other people and learn new ways to do things too.
Age: 15 1/2
Location: Pacific North West WA state USA
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype name: Message you if you add me. Mic is broken but getting new one
Minecraft IGN: RandomShananzer
Redstone Skill (1-10): 7
Building Skill (1-10): 8
How often do/can you play? I play most days of the week but most days ill be on later in the day
I understand that this is a non-griefing server
Notes: I have been looking for a minecraft vanilla survival server for about 6 months and all the servers i have been on the owner either cheats in stuff for survival to be "easy" for everyone or just doesnt respond to my posts. Thanks for your time reading this
Location: Texas
Skype? Y/N - If Yes, Skype Name: Keaton Hineline Cant skype frequently
Redstone Skill (1-10): 5
Building Skill (1-10): 9
How oftten do/can you play: Almost everyday
I understand this is a non- grief and non- steal server.