Every Sunday the leader of the mcMMO leader boards will receive a prize of $500!
Comment on the post with your name for $200 upon joining.
Please tell JayPasztor upon joining.
[1] Respect all players; no obsessive cussing.
[2] Griefing/stealing is allowed.
[3] No crying when your stuff is stolen.
[4] Do not ask for any ranks or commands.
[5] No using any types of mods.
[6] Do not spam or advertise.
[7] Give new players a chance.
[8] No spawn killing.
[9] Respect your higher ranks.
[10] Use common sense.
[11] No spawn bases, do not build outside of spawn, it will be removed along with all items.
[12] Enjoy your time on ScrossCraft!
^^Not the reason he was banned. *Was tempbanned for a year by accident by a Moderator and was pardoned by the Owner. Tempbanned for calling the server a "Not good PvP server" because he couldn't take things out of enemy chests in their Faction Territory.
He was pardoned seconds after tempbanned.
[2] Griefing/stealing is allowed.
[3] No crying when your stuff is stolen.
[4] Do not ask for any ranks or commands.
[5] No using any types of mods.
[6] Do not spam or advertise.
[7] Give new players a chance.
[8] No spawn killing.
[9] Respect your higher ranks.
[10] Use common sense.
[11] No spawn bases, do not build outside of spawn, it will be removed along with all items.
[12] Enjoy your time on ScrossCraft!
He was pardoned seconds after tempbanned.
My boyfriend's is ChocolatexPanda (He'd comment himself, but he doesn't have an MCforum. ^.^)