Ign: KingRemlap
Age: 17
reason for joining: Just looking for a good tekkit server that isnt ridiculously overpopulated.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Nope! Short MC Bio: Been playing for a few years now, really enjoying the tekkit mod as of recently, and my eyes were blessed with this thread! I cant really say that I am very gifted at fancy buildings, but it all works without being them terribly ugly.
Application Ign:builderguy91334 Age:9 reason for joining:i have been looking for a private tekkit server for ages! Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?i was banned once for greifing but i have learned my lesson and will never greif again
Ive been playing minecraft for about 10 months now i think it is a very fun game and play it all the time!i love modding my minecraft so i tryed out tekkit about a month ago and loved it! I Very much like using the EE2 mod and the IC2 mod
Application Ign: N/A Age: 45 reason for joining: Looking for a mature place to play, tired of playing with a bunch of kids. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? nope.
I've built a 150 redstone powerplant to power numerous quarries, I've experimented with the filler machine. I even built a full city/town with wiring and nice lighting included. It's just somethingI do when I'm not driving (Truck driver)
Age: 14 reason for joining: ive been looking for a small tekkit server that has a friendly comunity for a while as all the other servers i have been on ive been greifed
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no i have never been banned from a server except when my friend banned me from his server for fun... Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) i started minecraft about 3 years ago from a friend that gave me acount cause he was sick of it. But after finding out how much fun it was i got my own account and frm there i was very interested in redstone and kept finind out new ways to use it. Between now and about a year ago ive started getting into the tekkit side of things as minecraft started to get a bit boring and i was also looking for something new. From there ive got very familier with a lot of things in tekkit. so i would very much apreciate it if you could expand my tekkit ride and let me on your server as i would love to join it.
Age: 13, but a bit more mature than the average thirteen year old.
Reason for joining: I would like to play tekkit with a mature and co-operative bunch of people, rather then the usual nastiness you can find on other servers because really,as in other things, it`s usually better together.
Have you ever been banned on a server? No, I haven`t been banned, and hopefully won`t be banned, from any server
Short minecraft summary: I started playing minecraft in the late beta, around 1.8 and then I heard about the yogscast from a friend, in particular duncan`s tekkit series which got me interested in tekkit.
Ign: Jimmy33663 Age: 14 reason for joining: Need a challenge Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Never Write a short biography of your Minecraft career My brother first told me about minecraft when it was still in infinite development or infdev. I bought it as soon as it came to beta. I've played a lot of mc since then and have dreamed of getting the technic pack but never did. As soon as it went to tekkit, i quickly went on servers but they all failed. hopefully yours doesn't since it is small.
Age: 15
Reason for joining: I have never tried a tekkit server before and think its about time, also i would like a friendly mature environment where i can play without the fear of griefers and unfirendly and mean people.
Have you ever been banned before? Unfortunatley i have been banned for supposed "griefing" but the claims were illegitament. Also i am currently from my buddies server and that was only because i made him mad in school
Biography/ minecraft career: I first started minecraft in beta 1.2 or so, not completely sure about that and i have only been banned once for all i can remember and the claims were illegitament like i said before, i am Not a griefer and nor do i ever plan on griefing, I have also never done a tekkit server before and i would love to give it a shot. If you ever need a builder for the server i am willing because i am a good builder and i have plenty of references that could prove that. I am a friendly person who is mature and does not make crude remarks or is nasty to other players whom i would disagree with. I also have a love for building and even exploring! I hope you can look past the one ban so i can show you i am not a griefer and i am friendly and is willing to show that i can help build or create or anything! I also hope to meet new friends to play with all of the time!
Ign:Caatik Age:19 reason for joining:Really want a server to ply on that's not huge. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? I''ve never been banned from a server I started minecraft about two years a go and soon discovered tekkit. I'm pretty good with magic and equivalent exchange, I love buildcraft and IC2. Tekkit is my favorite computer game as of now.
Ign: Zeifly Age: 14 reason for joining: I wan't to play on a tekkit server, but i don't want to play on one with a massive amount of people. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No
I began Minecraft around Beta 1.6. I was ok at it and really enjoyed playing. i played mostly on survival unless i wanted to build something massive. there was one time that i built a castle in survival. i still have that world and the castle's not quite done yet but i think it looks pretty cool. after i got into high school i got a laptop and imediately put minecraft on it. I had wanted to put tekkit on but was having some difficulties. after i got it to work i hit the ground running. i built machines and stuff like there was no tomorrow and i had a blast. i hated my spawn points though because they were the crappiest ever. now ive decide that its time to play with some other tekkiteers. that's my minecraft bio. i hope you enjoyed it and accept my application.
Application Ign:Justinc789 Age:15 reason for joining:I wanna find a good server and help build manythings. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?Yes i made a town but one of the admin said he made it but then he blew it up so i started cussing at him then he banned me. My name is Justin and ive been playing minecraft since Alpha and i always loved playing minecraft i only have been banned in 1 server and im very good at helping.
Ign:KevinSousa Age:17 reason for joining: Trying to find a nice, small Tekkit server. Also, with respectful people who don't judge a book by it's cover :/. No I've never been banned. My name is Kevin, I've been playing Minecraft for about a year mostly on Xbox 360 Version. Regular Minecraft was getting boring so I looked into Tekkit. I've only played around with it a little, but I can learn off WIKI.
IGN: JonathanBrisby
Age: 16
Reason for joining: My old tekkit server banned me for "Overmining with the Destruction Catalyst and Quarries"
Have you ever been banned?: See above.
Minecraft Career: I started playing a little over 6 months ago, and quickly discovered the Technic Pack. I played that for 2 months, learning from the various Yogscast videos on it. I finally started playing Tekkit when I got fed up with Thaumcraft. I've been in 3 servers, two of them closed down, and the latest one banned me for the aforementioned reason a few weeks ago. On the first server, I built a roughly 40X20 factory that only made muskets and coal coke before it closed down. In the other one that closed down, I dug a 64X64 quarry down to bedrock, filled it in with obsidian(thank you, Mercurial Eye!), built a 64X64 factory over it, and only got the lights done before it closed down too. In the latest one, I got a house, a quarry, a few machines, and a Destruction Catalyst.
What I plan on doing: I plan on building a factory that makes Balkin's Weapon Mod stuff, 2 working battleships, a wooden sailing one with Weapon Mod cannons(stationary), and a Bismarck class battleship with my special working guns(it'll move!), and just having fun.
Application Ign: proxyscar Age:20 reason for joining: looking for a good server with a small but active player base Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? never Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) well I was a mod starting out on my first mc server I played back in 2012 then I got admin after a couple of months, I've built spawns portals castles and such for servers, but what I really like to do is just play some tekkit quarrys and nuclear power for me .
Ign: KingRemlap
Age: 17
reason for joining: Just looking for a good tekkit server that isnt ridiculously overpopulated.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Nope!
Short MC Bio: Been playing for a few years now, really enjoying the tekkit mod as of recently, and my eyes were blessed with this thread! I cant really say that I am very gifted at fancy buildings, but it all works without being them terribly ugly.
reason for joining:i have been looking for a private tekkit server for ages!
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?i was banned once for greifing but i have learned my lesson and will never greif again
Ive been playing minecraft for about 10 months now i think it is a very fun game and play it all the time!i love modding my minecraft so i tryed out tekkit about a month ago and loved it! I Very much like using the EE2 mod and the IC2 mod
Ign: N/A
Age: 45
reason for joining: Looking for a mature place to play, tired of playing with a bunch of kids.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? nope.
I've built a 150 redstone powerplant to power numerous quarries, I've experimented with the filler machine. I even built a full city/town with wiring and nice lighting included. It's just somethingI do when I'm not driving (Truck driver)
Age: 14
reason for joining: ive been looking for a small tekkit server that has a friendly comunity for a while as all the other servers i have been on ive been greifed
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no i have never been banned from a server except when my friend banned me from his server for fun...
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested)
i started minecraft about 3 years ago from a friend that gave me acount cause he was sick of it.
But after finding out how much fun it was i got my own account and frm there i was very interested in redstone and kept finind out new ways to use it.
Between now and about a year ago ive started getting into the tekkit side of things as minecraft started to get a bit boring and i was also looking for something new.
From there ive got very familier with a lot of things in tekkit.
so i would very much apreciate it if you could expand my tekkit ride and let me on your server as i would love to join it.
Age: 13, but a bit more mature than the average thirteen year old.
Reason for joining: I would like to play tekkit with a mature and co-operative bunch of people, rather then the usual nastiness you can find on other servers because really,as in other things, it`s usually better together.
Have you ever been banned on a server? No, I haven`t been banned, and hopefully won`t be banned, from any server
Short minecraft summary: I started playing minecraft in the late beta, around 1.8 and then I heard about the yogscast from a friend, in particular duncan`s tekkit series which got me interested in tekkit.
Age: 14
reason for joining: Need a challenge
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Never
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career
My brother first told me about minecraft when it was still in infinite development or infdev. I bought it as soon as it came to beta. I've played a lot of mc since then and have dreamed of getting the technic pack but never did. As soon as it went to tekkit, i quickly went on servers but they all failed. hopefully yours doesn't since it is small.
Age: 15
Reason for joining: I have never tried a tekkit server before and think its about time, also i would like a friendly mature environment where i can play without the fear of griefers and unfirendly and mean people.
Have you ever been banned before? Unfortunatley i have been banned for supposed "griefing" but the claims were illegitament. Also i am currently from my buddies server and that was only because i made him mad in school
Biography/ minecraft career: I first started minecraft in beta 1.2 or so, not completely sure about that and i have only been banned once for all i can remember and the claims were illegitament like i said before, i am Not a griefer and nor do i ever plan on griefing, I have also never done a tekkit server before and i would love to give it a shot. If you ever need a builder for the server i am willing because i am a good builder and i have plenty of references that could prove that. I am a friendly person who is mature and does not make crude remarks or is nasty to other players whom i would disagree with. I also have a love for building and even exploring! I hope you can look past the one ban so i can show you i am not a griefer and i am friendly and is willing to show that i can help build or create or anything! I also hope to meet new friends to play with all of the time!
reason for joining:Really want a server to ply on that's not huge.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? I''ve never been banned from a server
I started minecraft about two years a go and soon discovered tekkit. I'm pretty good with magic and equivalent exchange, I love buildcraft and IC2. Tekkit is my favorite computer game as of now.
Age: 14
reason for joining: I wan't to play on a tekkit server, but i don't want to play on one with a massive amount of people.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No
I began Minecraft around Beta 1.6. I was ok at it and really enjoyed playing. i played mostly on survival unless i wanted to build something massive. there was one time that i built a castle in survival. i still have that world and the castle's not quite done yet but i think it looks pretty cool. after i got into high school i got a laptop and imediately put minecraft on it. I had wanted to put tekkit on but was having some difficulties. after i got it to work i hit the ground running. i built machines and stuff like there was no tomorrow and i had a blast. i hated my spawn points though because they were the crappiest ever. now ive decide that its time to play with some other tekkiteers. that's my minecraft bio. i hope you enjoyed it and accept my application.
reason for joining:I wanna find a good server and help build manythings.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?Yes i made a town but one of the admin said he made it but then he blew it up so i started cussing at him then he banned me.
My name is Justin and ive been playing minecraft since Alpha and i always loved playing minecraft i only have been banned in 1 server and im very good at helping.
reason for joining: Trying to find a nice, small Tekkit server. Also, with respectful people who don't judge a book by it's cover :/.
No I've never been banned.
My name is Kevin, I've been playing Minecraft for about a year mostly on Xbox 360 Version. Regular Minecraft was getting boring so I looked into Tekkit. I've only played around with it a little, but I can learn off WIKI.
Age: 16
Reason for joining: My old tekkit server banned me for "Overmining with the Destruction Catalyst and Quarries"
Have you ever been banned?: See above.
Minecraft Career: I started playing a little over 6 months ago, and quickly discovered the Technic Pack. I played that for 2 months, learning from the various Yogscast videos on it. I finally started playing Tekkit when I got fed up with Thaumcraft. I've been in 3 servers, two of them closed down, and the latest one banned me for the aforementioned reason a few weeks ago. On the first server, I built a roughly 40X20 factory that only made muskets and coal coke before it closed down. In the other one that closed down, I dug a 64X64 quarry down to bedrock, filled it in with obsidian(thank you, Mercurial Eye!), built a 64X64 factory over it, and only got the lights done before it closed down too. In the latest one, I got a house, a quarry, a few machines, and a Destruction Catalyst.
What I plan on doing: I plan on building a factory that makes Balkin's Weapon Mod stuff, 2 working battleships, a wooden sailing one with Weapon Mod cannons(stationary), and a Bismarck class battleship with my special working guns(it'll move!), and just having fun.
Ign: proxyscar
reason for joining: looking for a good server with a small but active player base
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? never
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) well I was a mod starting out on my first mc server I played back in 2012 then I got admin after a couple of months, I've built spawns portals castles and such for servers, but what I really like to do is just play some tekkit quarrys and nuclear power for me .