Hi, I run a small, proffessionally hosted tekkit server called chipcraft. One of our main selling points is that we have no items disabled. We have a patched version of world edit to stop bad grief, but I wont give out the Ip address without an application for for obvious reasons. Entries should be 15+ but if I like what you have written exceptions may be made. use the following Form in applications please
Chips700 Application Ign: Age: reason for joining: Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested)
Application Ign:Andcast Age:15 reason for joining:Looking for a small friendly tekkit server Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested I Started mine craft about a year ago because of the yogscast. Recently I've become bored of old mine craft and more interested in Tekkit.
Age:23 reason for joining: Looking to start fresh, with more possibilities with tekkit. I have no experience with it, but i am very creative and i learn quickly. Have you ever been banned? No Sir
When i first started playing minecraft about a year ago i became immediately in love with the game. Have been a member of 2 servers hosted by friends since then but i have built too much on those servers, and i am tired of them. I am looking for a new society with more possibilitys, and a friendly attitude. I have studied art, and architrecture so i concider myself to be very creative. Let me build in your world and i'll make my part of your world look smashing
Ign: Scythk Age: 18 reason for joining: I enjoy playing on small servers Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Never Write a short biography of your Minecraft career: I started playing back in alpha 1.7.3. I have been playing vanilla for a long time until my friend introduced me to mods. Since then I have played with all the tekkit mods and mastered then with the exception of computercraft and railcraft.
Application Ign:djmonkeybutt1199 Age:13 reason for joining:all my old servers have been shutdown so im looking for a new one to join Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?no Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) I started minecraft a long time ago when I could first play. But I have become more interested in tekkit. Every server I have ever been on Iv'e got a higher rank then the default one the last one I was on I got admin so I am trustworthy well that's pretty much it in a short summary i hope you chose me thanks
Application Ign:xxAtimisKxx Age:20 reason for joining:need a good tekkit server Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? nope left a few for the people were quite annoying.
Application Ign:xxAtimisKxx Age:20 reason for joining:need a good tekkit server Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? nope left a few for the people were quite annoying.
Alrighty. I'm a college student, I work for c company in San Francisco handling their IT needs. I've been playing Minecraft since alpha I use to run my own private server and decided wanted to go public with my gameplay. So I started playing on public servers such as herocraft and there were quite a few others but it's been a year or two since.
reason for joining: i've been looking for a server to play on and this seems like it could become one of the best servers out here
have you ever been baned from a minecraft server:nope
Write a short bio of your minecraft career i started about a year ago my friend showed it to me and i've been playing it ever since then he showed me tekkit now ive come to like tekkit more im pretty good with keeping quarrys running,power and mining
Application Ign: BurningSoap Age: 17 reason for joining: Looking for a nice Tekkit Server for me and a friend to join, and play together on. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No, I have never been banned from a Minecraft server, I try to stay friendly and grief free.
IGN: Magic_Mustache
Age: 16
Reason: I want a good tekkit server to play with a friend on.
I have not been banned from a server and i dont plan on it.
I like playing with blocks and building.
Application Ign: BurningSoap Age: 17 reason for joining: Looking for a nice Tekkit Server for me and a friend to join, and play together on. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No, I have never been banned from a Minecraft server, I try to stay friendly and grief free.
And the Bio (sorry for forgetting) is I have had Minecraft for around 6 months and recently found out about Tekkit, so I thought I'd give it a go. Before Tekkit I tried to focus on red stone while a friend was the builder, we have decided for Tekkit though I should be in charge or machines and he is the builder. So I would like to try out your server
Ign: THEalexander1200 Age: 13 reason for joining: Most of the tekkit servers are down and I havent played in a long time so I wantto jpin a new server Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Yes cause i've been watching a lot of avo videos so I wanted to try it out but the owner found out so he banned me but now were friends and he unbanned a while ago Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) The first time i ever saw minecraft was in the video called minecraft earth (look it up) but i didnt know what it was at the time. so 6 years later nextgentactics came out with a reboot of their old show dumb and dumber after watching a couple vides of them I decided to get minecraft. But I had to wait a 2 months to get it cause my parents didnt want to get me it yet. So here I am a year after I bought it. I've played tekkit before and know how to start of, but I never reached the point where I can say that I finished
Ign: ncoonrod1414 Age: 16 reason for joining: Absolutely love the tekkit pack and my usual server is having technical difficulties so I thought I'd try my luck at finding one! Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Nope
um i was wondering if you could whitelist my friend his ign is blade1212 he is the friend that showed me minecraft and tekkit it would be awesome you could whitelist him
Application Ign:williammyers12 Age:16 reason for joining:i am looking for a nice friendly tekkit server to play on with my friends Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?no never Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) first i joined minecraft in late alpha then after some time i got bored with vanilla so i done what everyone else would do search the internet and found the wonder of mods. later i discovered tekkit and am very skilled i know alot.
Application Ign:obriendeclan04 Age:17 reason for joining: got boared of playing normal tekkit, so a server should spice things up a bit, Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no
i started minecraft a year ago after being introduced by my friend, "mafialeader" after playing vanilla for a while i tryed diferent modds to make things more interesting, then i found tekkit this summer and havnt played vanilla since
(also i always make my baces in mountains, if i can find anny)
Application Ign: Xielothan8 Age: 13, I am aware that the age requirement is 15, however i think that i am at least as or more mature than the average 15 year old. reason for joining: I have been searching for a decent small mature tekkit server for quite some time now, i was sick and tired of having my base constantly greifed, so i found your server Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no...not really, sometimes my friend an i have banning wars on his server; however i dont think that that really counts Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) I was introduced to minecraft by my close friend Rockretep (ill refer to him as his minecraft username) on a vacation that my family and his family went on together. I was instantly hooked. all i wanted to do was play minecraft (thats still all that i want to do) and when i found out about tekkit.......... I now that i have gotten over the initial shock of awsomeness that minecraft generates, i mostly like to play multiplayer tekkit, or mess around with redstone in a sp world. For a school project, i built a working digital 24 hour clock in minecraft. And that pretty much leads up to present day, when i am writing this application, hoping to be whitelisted on your server.
Application Ign: Dark_Lord_Typhor Age: 14 Reason for joining: I tell you no lie, every other tekkit server I have tried has horrid staff and absolutely insane amounts of lag. Hoping this server will be a step up from the rest. Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so, why? I have been banned in a few servers, pointless reasons really. One time I got banned for simply asking if I could build a house with someone else. Another was just for asking for help. I have never griefed in my life; I actually frown upon it, as it has happened to my server a few times. Quick Bio I Have been playing minecraft since Alpha, and I have had this character since Beta 1.6.6 (I believe). I am good at redstone and actually have a few videos up on youtube. Just search EpicIceh. Besides that, I am good at building, not as good as I am at redstone though. I am good with just about every tekkit mod, and I know sufficient ComputerCraft LUA code. I really hope to be accepted into the server!
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I'm not giving him cake, I'm assaulting him with cake!
reason for joining:
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested)
reason for joining:Looking for a small friendly tekkit server
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested I Started mine craft about a year ago because of the yogscast. Recently I've become bored of old mine craft and more interested in Tekkit.
reason for joining: Looking to start fresh, with more possibilities with tekkit. I have no experience with it, but i am very creative and i learn quickly.
Have you ever been banned? No Sir
When i first started playing minecraft about a year ago i became immediately in love with the game. Have been a member of 2 servers hosted by friends since then but i have built too much on those servers, and i am tired of them. I am looking for a new society with more possibilitys, and a friendly attitude. I have studied art, and architrecture so i concider myself to be very creative. Let me build in your world and i'll make my part of your world look smashing
Age: 18
reason for joining: I enjoy playing on small servers
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Never
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career: I started playing back in alpha 1.7.3. I have been playing vanilla for a long time until my friend introduced me to mods. Since then I have played with all the tekkit mods and mastered then with the exception of computercraft and railcraft.
reason for joining:all my old servers have been shutdown so im looking for a new one to join
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?no
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested)
I started minecraft a long time ago when I could first play. But I have become more interested in tekkit. Every server I have ever been on Iv'e got a higher rank then the default one the last one I was on I got admin so I am trustworthy well that's pretty much it in a short summary i hope you chose me thanks
reason for joining:need a good tekkit server
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? nope left a few for the people were quite annoying.
Tell me a bit about yourself please?
reason for joining: i've been looking for a server to play on and this seems like it could become one of the best servers out here
have you ever been baned from a minecraft server:nope
Write a short bio of your minecraft career i started about a year ago my friend showed it to me and i've been playing it ever since then he showed me tekkit now ive come to like tekkit more im pretty good with keeping quarrys running,power and mining
Ign: BurningSoap
Age: 17
reason for joining: Looking for a nice Tekkit Server for me and a friend to join, and play together on.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? No, I have never been banned from a Minecraft server, I try to stay friendly and grief free.
Age: 16
Reason: I want a good tekkit server to play with a friend on.
I have not been banned from a server and i dont plan on it.
I like playing with blocks and building.
And the Bio (sorry for forgetting) is I have had Minecraft for around 6 months and recently found out about Tekkit, so I thought I'd give it a go. Before Tekkit I tried to focus on red stone while a friend was the builder, we have decided for Tekkit though I should be in charge or machines and he is the builder. So I would like to try out your server
Age: 13
reason for joining: Most of the tekkit servers are down and I havent played in a long time so I wantto jpin a new server
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Yes cause i've been watching a lot of avo videos so I wanted to try it out but the owner found out so he banned me but now were friends and he unbanned a while ago
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) The first time i ever saw minecraft was in the video called minecraft earth (look it up) but i didnt know what it was at the time. so 6 years later nextgentactics came out with a reboot of their old show dumb and dumber after watching a couple vides of them I decided to get minecraft. But I had to wait a 2 months to get it cause my parents didnt want to get me it yet. So here I am a year after I bought it. I've played tekkit before and know how to start of, but I never reached the point where I can say that I finished
Loading Clever Signature...
Age: 16
reason for joining: Absolutely love the tekkit pack and my usual server is having technical difficulties so I thought I'd try my luck at finding one!
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? Nope
reason for joining:i am looking for a nice friendly tekkit server to play on with my friends
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why?no never
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested)
first i joined minecraft in late alpha then after some time i got bored with vanilla so i done what everyone else would do search the internet and found the wonder of mods. later i discovered tekkit and am very skilled i know alot.
reason for joining: got boared of playing normal tekkit, so a server should spice things up a bit,
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no
i started minecraft a year ago after being introduced by my friend, "mafialeader" after playing vanilla for a while i tryed diferent modds to make things more interesting, then i found tekkit this summer and havnt played vanilla since
(also i always make my baces in mountains, if i can find anny)
Ign: Xielothan8
Age: 13, I am aware that the age requirement is 15, however i think that i am at least as or more mature than the average 15 year old.
reason for joining: I have been searching for a decent small mature tekkit server for quite some time now, i was sick and tired of having my base constantly greifed, so i found your server
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so why? no...not really, sometimes my friend an i have banning wars on his server; however i dont think that that really counts
Write a short biography of your Minecraft career (mainly to prove you are literate but also because I'm interested) I was introduced to minecraft by my close friend Rockretep (ill refer to him as his minecraft username) on a vacation that my family and his family went on together. I was instantly hooked. all i wanted to do was play minecraft (thats still all that i want to do) and when i found out about tekkit.......... I now that i have gotten over the initial shock of awsomeness that minecraft generates, i mostly like to play multiplayer tekkit, or mess around with redstone in a sp world. For a school project, i built a working digital 24 hour clock in minecraft. And that pretty much leads up to present day, when i am writing this application, hoping to be whitelisted on your server.
Ign: Dark_Lord_Typhor
Age: 14
Reason for joining: I tell you no lie, every other tekkit server I have tried has horrid staff and absolutely insane amounts of lag. Hoping this server will be a step up from the rest.
Have you ever been banned from a server?, if so, why?
I have been banned in a few servers, pointless reasons really. One time I got banned for simply asking if I could build a house with someone else. Another was just for asking for help. I have never griefed in my life; I actually frown upon it, as it has happened to my server a few times.
Quick Bio
I Have been playing minecraft since Alpha, and I have had this character since Beta 1.6.6 (I believe). I am good at redstone and actually have a few videos up on youtube. Just search EpicIceh. Besides that, I am good at building, not as good as I am at redstone though. I am good with just about every tekkit mod, and I know sufficient ComputerCraft LUA code. I really hope to be accepted into the server!