Thats right folks this server is a faction server.
Ultimate Arena
And anything that people may suggest!
We are currently in need of players, we run on a 3 to 5 player base, but the people that joined stayed.
Or Server actually offers Capture The Flag with custom built Arenas.
So come see yourself at:
*Insret Clever Name Here* Craft!
Ip: Ip:
We do run Walls 2 and Obsidian Defenders when there are atleast the amount of players. We don't want to advertise just Walls 2 and Obsidian Defenders becuase we wouldn't keep the standard up. Griefing and Raiding is OK and hacking Isn't. Hope you injoyed my post. And don't think since i am a new member to MC Forums that i don't know a good server when i see one!!!! Also Be of 14 years or older. We don't wan whining babies when they die.
Ultimate Arena
And anything that people may suggest!
We are currently in need of players, we run on a 3 to 5 player base, but the people that joined stayed.
Or Server actually offers Capture The Flag with custom built Arenas.
So come see yourself at:
*Insret Clever Name Here* Craft!
Ip: Ip:
We do run Walls 2 and Obsidian Defenders when there are atleast the amount of players.
We don't want to advertise just Walls 2 and Obsidian Defenders becuase we wouldn't keep the standard up.
Griefing and Raiding is OK and hacking Isn't.
Hope you injoyed my post. And don't think since i am a new member to MC Forums that i don't know a good server when i see one!!!! Also Be of 14 years or older. We don't wan whining babies when they die.