Warning: If you are in any way a normal, rational or sane person, then leave now. The same also applies for any sensitive tomatoes that may be reading this...
Long, long ago,
Before the invention of Cable TV
Mighty beast roamed the earth,
With brains the size of peas,
Such terrible creatures
Ruled their world
With mighty deeds and brave brave acts,
Under a leader named Cuthbert.
Cuthbert the dinosaur
Was a gigantic beast.
He could have ruled the world,
If he wasn't a vegetarian.
Veggies are kind and caring creatures,
Concerned with the welfare of our planet.
Sadly they gained a rather poor reputation,
When their leader was a T-Rex.
Cuthbert tried his very best
To make others see the error of their ways.
They should not eat other for fun,
But live together in harmony.
Poor old Cuthbert,
A visionary in the wrong age.
For when he tried to turn his friends veggie,
They pelted him with squashed tomatoes.
All characters in the poem are entirely fictitious and any
relation to any tomato, living or dead is purely coincidental.
Made by dreamscatcher
LONG AGO, in the ancient land of [-->YOUR CHOICE GOES HERE!<--] the seven races lived in peace.
Then began the Evil War of the Plugins.
These dastardly creatures brought forth pain and misery to our land. The productive ways of our people slowed, and finally stopped. Many of our people simply did nothing... and waited.
Years after the Plugins took control, the races grew tired of their imprisonment, and sook to escape from their bonds. Each race agreed to hold a massive contest, including all of the people from each race. That day, each race chose their greatest warrior to seek the defeat of the plugins.
Almost all of the races chose their best warriors smoothly... except for the Gnomes. The Gnomes were a peaceful race, content to simply farm, and watch the years go by. Instead of choosing the strongest warrior among them, they chose the smartest, most resourceful- the young Toastiness.
Toasty, as many called him, was only twenty years old, newly spawned, and in a race where the people live forever, his age was virtually nothing. But he showed wisdom far beyond his years, and he could puzzle his way out of any situation. The gnomes killed some cattle, made him leather armor, and gave him a small wooden dagger... then sent him on his way to Al'Kabah- the area chosen for the heroes to meet.
As the finger pointed down at Toasty, he felt fear at first- how was he to do war with the Plugins with just some clothes and a wooden knife? But then he knew that you could do anything... and so he set out.
LONG AGO, in the ancient land of Los Chicken Brothers the seven races lived in peace.
Then began the Evil War of the Plugins.
These dastardly creatures brought forth pain and misery to our land. The productive ways of our people slowed, and finally stopped. Many of our people simply did nothing... and waited.
Years after the Plugins took control, the races grew tired of their imprisonment, and sook to escape from their bonds. Each race agreed to hold a massive contest, including all of the people from each race. That day, each race chose their greatest warrior to seek the defeat of the plugins.
Almost all of the races chose their best warriors smoothly... except for the Gnomes. The Gnomes were a peaceful race, content to simply farm, and watch the years go by. Instead of choosing the strongest warrior among them, they chose the smartest, most resourceful- the young Toastiness.
Toasty, as many called him, was only twenty years old, newly spawned, and in a race where the people live forever, his age was virtually nothing. But he showed wisdom far beyond his years, and he could puzzle his way out of any situation. The gnomes killed some cattle, made him leather armor, and gave him a small wooden dagger... then sent him on his way to Al'Kabah- the area chosen for the heroes to meet.
As the finger pointed down at Toasty, he felt fear at first- how was he to do war with the Plugins with just some clothes and a wooden knife? But then he knew that you could do anything... and so he set out and said with his last breath... chickeeeeennn....
The day passed quickly, and he found himself in the wilderness. Blindly following what he hoped was the road, he blundered into the deep forests of Du' Weldenvarden, the forest of the Elves. As he finally thought to check the map Rei, the village's Elder, gave him, he was deep within and with no way out... yet, he forged on into the darkness.
Dreadful things dwell in the Elves' woods, but none of them found the young hero. Several days passed, and he trudged on. It was like eternal twilight in the woods, just a bit of light, but the canopy blocked out the rest. And he trudged on.
And on.
And on...
Until he came to a small town.
Deep within the forest lay the town of Grimdeliea, where the people banished by the Plugins spent their days. They were stuck; for them, there was no way out of the forbidding forest...
Toasty whirled about, raising his dagger, only to see an old Elf standing in the shadows of one of the decrepit buildings.
"Young child. It's not often we find one like you here," said the old Elf, "Most are old enough to fight, and then fight, and then end up stuck here..."
"Aye, I am on my way to fight," said Toasty. "The Seven Races have chosen a champion from each, and I am the Gnomes' champion. I go to fight against the Plugins, and defeat them, so we may live in peace."
"Your path will be long, and hard, young one," said the elf, "But I see that you... you can overcome anything. Stay the night here, then continue on your path- we will give you food and water, and you can save us from this forest."
Suddenly exhausted, Toasty trudged into one of the unoccupied houses, threw down his backpack, and slept for a long time...
BTW, I'm 13- don't expect this to be a stellar job.
IGN: pocket_cubkitty Age: 14 Ever been banned, if so why? nope Experience with Minecraft? since 1.8 Experience with Minecraft Servers? yes i played over 100sever's and i hosted my own for a few days (just for my friends and me) What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? GNOME!!!!!!! backup: GNOME!!! Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? ummm i like gnome's umm i like pie, hate chickens they bug me nothing else Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? i all readdy started making a skin for a gnome
- i read the rules see ---> ~@~
~@~ IGN: Fatalpower Age: 17 Ever been banned, if so why? Nope Experience with Minecraft? Since Alpha Experience with Minecraft Servers? Tons of servers ^^ What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Orcs and Humans as backup Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Fun' lovin Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?Yes
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I didnt see that I was accepted or declined so here is my application again
Ever been banned, if so why?yes Because I said the admins were abusing their power
Experience with Minecraft? I started during beginning of beta and have done around 40days(in hours) of gameplay
Experience with Minecraft Servers?YES a lot of it
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?1Elf,2 Dwarf, 3Human
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? If I like this server I might play it for around 8 hours a day
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?if I am dedicated to this server enough i will change my skin~@~
Accepted as a dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: ninjabizkit Age:15 Ever been banned, if so why?: from vindi, wonkee banned me and my faction due to raiding admins Experience with Minecraft?:been playing for a long time Experience with Minecraft Servers?: ALOT of em What race would you like to be (And a backup race)?: orc, backup race: yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? ive been around for awhile, i have been mod on a few servers , never admin though Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)?: sure
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: redheadfreak (HI TOAST) Age: 20 Ever been banned, if so why? By you all the time b/c you were bored Experience with Minecraft? You know lol Experience with Minecraft Servers? Too many to count What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Dwarf or Yeti Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I was leader of the most feared race: the elves! I made it the strongest faction on the server when it was once before the weakest! Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? dam right son ~@~
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: Franciscodd
Age: 14
Ever been banned, if so why?: Nope dope it.
Experience with Minecraft? CTF, Hunger Games, PVP, Factions, Hardcore, Raids.
Experience with Minecraft Servers? Administring local servers, bukkit plugins, bukkit.
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? I would like to be Elf, and for backup, Human
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? Well I'm friendly and I hope everyone will be.
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? Sure. I'm waiting for something to change my skin, and this is an opportunity.
Accepted as a human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
IGN: devray165312 Age: 15 Ever been banned, if so why? No Experience with Minecraft servers? been on a lot of servers and have had admin/mod on almost all of them. Experience with Minecraft? Have played alone while on the road a lot and know how to play and craft anything. What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? Elf/Human with kman25 (have played with him) Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? I am very helpful and will help anyone with the same race or ally race. Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? It depends on what it looks like. ~@~
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
LONG AGO, in the ancient land of [-->YOUR CHOICE GOES HERE!<--] the seven races lived in peace.
Then began the Evil War of the Plugins.
These dastardly creatures brought forth pain and misery to our land. The productive ways of our people slowed, and finally stopped. Many of our people simply did nothing... and waited.
Years after the Plugins took control, the races grew tired of their imprisonment, and sook to escape from their bonds. Each race agreed to hold a massive contest, including all of the people from each race. That day, each race chose their greatest warrior to seek the defeat of the plugins.
Almost all of the races chose their best warriors smoothly... except for the Gnomes. The Gnomes were a peaceful race, content to simply farm, and watch the years go by. Instead of choosing the strongest warrior among them, they chose the smartest, most resourceful- the young Toastiness.
Toasty, as many called him, was only twenty years old, newly spawned, and in a race where the people live forever, his age was virtually nothing. But he showed wisdom far beyond his years, and he could puzzle his way out of any situation. The gnomes killed some cattle, made him leather armor, and gave him a small wooden dagger... then sent him on his way to Al'Kabah- the area chosen for the heroes to meet.
As the finger pointed down at Toasty, he felt fear at first- how was he to do war with the Plugins with just some clothes and a wooden knife? But then he knew that you could do anything... and so he set out.
I think you should right a book. That would be cool!
Sure, might kill some time
Ceci n'est pas une signature
leave now. The same also applies for any sensitive tomatoes that may be
reading this...
Long, long ago,
Before the invention of Cable TV
Mighty beast roamed the earth,
With brains the size of peas,
Such terrible creatures
Ruled their world
With mighty deeds and brave brave acts,
Under a leader named Cuthbert.
Cuthbert the dinosaur
Was a gigantic beast.
He could have ruled the world,
If he wasn't a vegetarian.
Veggies are kind and caring creatures,
Concerned with the welfare of our planet.
Sadly they gained a rather poor reputation,
When their leader was a T-Rex.
Cuthbert tried his very best
To make others see the error of their ways.
They should not eat other for fun,
But live together in harmony.
Poor old Cuthbert,
A visionary in the wrong age.
For when he tried to turn his friends veggie,
They pelted him with squashed tomatoes.
All characters in the poem are entirely fictitious and any
relation to any tomato, living or dead is purely coincidental.
Made by dreamscatcher
Travel to a friendly's city maybe. It might be a waste of iron though, depending on how much is found
a) Minecraftia
c) Aliernae
The chicken brothers? What kind of name for a continent is that?
Ceci n'est pas une signature
Then began the Evil War of the Plugins.
These dastardly creatures brought forth pain and misery to our land. The productive ways of our people slowed, and finally stopped. Many of our people simply did nothing... and waited.
Years after the Plugins took control, the races grew tired of their imprisonment, and sook to escape from their bonds. Each race agreed to hold a massive contest, including all of the people from each race. That day, each race chose their greatest warrior to seek the defeat of the plugins.
Almost all of the races chose their best warriors smoothly... except for the Gnomes. The Gnomes were a peaceful race, content to simply farm, and watch the years go by. Instead of choosing the strongest warrior among them, they chose the smartest, most resourceful- the young Toastiness.
Toasty, as many called him, was only twenty years old, newly spawned, and in a race where the people live forever, his age was virtually nothing. But he showed wisdom far beyond his years, and he could puzzle his way out of any situation. The gnomes killed some cattle, made him leather armor, and gave him a small wooden dagger... then sent him on his way to Al'Kabah- the area chosen for the heroes to meet.
As the finger pointed down at Toasty, he felt fear at first- how was he to do war with the Plugins with just some clothes and a wooden knife? But then he knew that you could do anything... and so he set out.
Ceci n'est pas une signature
Then began the Evil War of the Plugins.
These dastardly creatures brought forth pain and misery to our land. The productive ways of our people slowed, and finally stopped. Many of our people simply did nothing... and waited.
Years after the Plugins took control, the races grew tired of their imprisonment, and sook to escape from their bonds. Each race agreed to hold a massive contest, including all of the people from each race. That day, each race chose their greatest warrior to seek the defeat of the plugins.
Almost all of the races chose their best warriors smoothly... except for the Gnomes. The Gnomes were a peaceful race, content to simply farm, and watch the years go by. Instead of choosing the strongest warrior among them, they chose the smartest, most resourceful- the young Toastiness.
Toasty, as many called him, was only twenty years old, newly spawned, and in a race where the people live forever, his age was virtually nothing. But he showed wisdom far beyond his years, and he could puzzle his way out of any situation. The gnomes killed some cattle, made him leather armor, and gave him a small wooden dagger... then sent him on his way to Al'Kabah- the area chosen for the heroes to meet.
As the finger pointed down at Toasty, he felt fear at first- how was he to do war with the Plugins with just some clothes and a wooden knife? But then he knew that you could do anything... and so he set out and said with his last breath... chickeeeeennn....
I told you guys, great name.
Dreadful things dwell in the Elves' woods, but none of them found the young hero. Several days passed, and he trudged on. It was like eternal twilight in the woods, just a bit of light, but the canopy blocked out the rest. And he trudged on.
And on.
And on...
Until he came to a small town.
Deep within the forest lay the town of Grimdeliea, where the people banished by the Plugins spent their days. They were stuck; for them, there was no way out of the forbidding forest...
Toasty whirled about, raising his dagger, only to see an old Elf standing in the shadows of one of the decrepit buildings.
"Young child. It's not often we find one like you here," said the old Elf, "Most are old enough to fight, and then fight, and then end up stuck here..."
"Aye, I am on my way to fight," said Toasty. "The Seven Races have chosen a champion from each, and I am the Gnomes' champion. I go to fight against the Plugins, and defeat them, so we may live in peace."
"Your path will be long, and hard, young one," said the elf, "But I see that you... you can overcome anything. Stay the night here, then continue on your path- we will give you food and water, and you can save us from this forest."
Suddenly exhausted, Toasty trudged into one of the unoccupied houses, threw down his backpack, and slept for a long time...
BTW, I'm 13- don't expect this to be a stellar job.
The end
Age: 14
Ever been banned, if so why? nope
Experience with Minecraft? since 1.8
Experience with Minecraft Servers? yes i played over 100sever's and i hosted my own for a few days (just for my friends and me)
What race would you like to be (And a backup race)? GNOME!!!!!!! backup: GNOME!!!
Extra info, want to tell me anything about you? ummm i like gnome's umm i like pie, hate chickens they bug me nothing else
Are you willing to change you skin to match your race(Not Mandatory)? i all readdy started making a skin for a gnome
- i read the rules see ---> ~@~
Accepted as a Human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Yeti, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Gnome, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Elf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a human, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
Accepted as a Dwarf, you will be able to log in once the server in finished.
I think you should right a book. That would be cool!